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Got a strange graduate situation...I'm a couple year or so into a real world mod save (SouthSideHitman, I think) and my 2 newest dojo graduates have both refused to sign developmental deals with me as my company is too small for them.

Thing is, my company is currently no1 in the world! I tried signing them on written deals then sending them down to dev to work on overall skills but both were unhappy with this as they both thought they were unlikely to improve much.

I have had other graduates before these guys with no issues at all, anyone have any idea what's happening here?


It's not you that's too small, but the development company. It took me a long time to realise there's a huge difference signing someone to developmental in my local dev fed, or a regional one.

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Well, I've promoted to national, which is wonderful! I'm the only company in national, no competition, they're all stuck in cult. So I figured I was gonna be raking in cash, swimming in money... alas...


My income has tripled, that's great! My expenditure has also increased greatly, so much so that my profit in my first month as national was barely $200k!!!


I checked my finances:

- My marketing has increased to just under a million (900+k) from 300/400k

- Misc. expenditure... from 165k to 1.2 million!!!!!!


Marketing I can understand, but what is this misc. expenditure consist of that it has increased so much??


Misc has a base cost relative to the size of your company representing all the random stuff involved in running a company. It goes up huge at bigger levels because those are massive jumps in infrastructure you have to maintain. Marketing goes into its own character because...it has a category to go into.

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What is menace and why do people love it so much?


Think of any big real world wrestler - the likes of Vader, Undertaker, Andre etc.


Menace is TEW's way of showing how effective & valuable their sheer size and strength are. Menace angles are great ratings generators, consistent use creates can create overness.


Even guys with high Menace who "can't" wrestle (think of Ryback, Snitsky etc) can use Menace to create their own overness. You can then create new stars by beating these monsters who are over. You can rinse and repeat this process.


That's a pretty basic explanation

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Im running an American promotion and have a few Japanese talent that have pretty much no popularity in USA but are over in Japan.


If i run a PPV from Japan will the show grade be based off of the shows live performance in Japan?


Therefore I could mainevent my Japanese talent that would bomb in the USA?

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Yes, ratings are worked out based on the popularity of the workers in the area the show is held. But you will probably need to change their push, as I assume they are pushing low so your fans would complain that your enhancement talent (no matter how popular locally) are spending too much time on air. :p


I'm so glad TEW20 addresses this weird issue. :)

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Yes, ratings are worked out based on the popularity of the workers in the area the show is held. But you will probably need to change their push, as I assume they are pushing low so your fans would complain that your enhancement talent (no matter how popular locally) are spending too much time on air. :p


I'm so glad TEW20 addresses this weird issue. :)


Brilliant, thanks

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So I'm playing around with products and when I double click on the 'Will make hardcore skill less effective' it comes up 'will make the hardcore skill penalised slightly when calculating the in ring performance'


Now I always thought the less effective means meant that it mattered less. So say I'm a technical no thrills promotion and have this in my product it means the hardcore stat make up a smaller percentage of how my in ring rating is scored? So it's essentially a good thing assuming most my roster don't have good hardcore stats. However the penalised comment when you double click it makes me think it's not this way, that the hardcore stat is still just as relevant, only that it gives a negative to each persons one, so somebody who is good at hardcore gets a worse score. But this then implies that having a bunch of these notes hurts your in ring score by penalising a bunch of things but not compensating by making those stats make up proportionally less than others.


So for example I've seen products that take the hardcore,puroresu,aerial and matt wrestling skills less effective. I always thought this just meant say brawling makes up a big percentage of your in ring stat but now I'm thinking what it is really doing is hurting my total in ring score by penalising a bunch of things?


Hopefully somebody gets what I mean and can confirm/clarify stuff!?

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So I'm playing around with products and when I double click on the 'Will make hardcore skill less effective' it comes up 'will make the hardcore skill penalised slightly when calculating the in ring performance'


Now I always thought the less effective means meant that it mattered less. So say I'm a technical no thrills promotion and have this in my product it means the hardcore stat make up a smaller percentage of how my in ring rating is scored? So it's essentially a good thing assuming most my roster don't have good hardcore stats. However the penalised comment when you double click it makes me think it's not this way, that the hardcore stat is still just as relevant, only that it gives a negative to each persons one, so somebody who is good at hardcore gets a worse score. But this then implies that having a bunch of these notes hurts your in ring score by penalising a bunch of things but not compensating by making those stats make up proportionally less than others.


So for example I've seen products that take the hardcore,puroresu,aerial and matt wrestling skills less effective. I always thought this just meant say brawling makes up a big percentage of your in ring stat but now I'm thinking what it is really doing is hurting my total in ring score by penalising a bunch of things?


Hopefully somebody gets what I mean and can confirm/clarify stuff!?


It just means that when calculating a match rating, the worker's score for whatever is penalised and will be docked accordingly. I don't know the exact numbers so this is a rough example, but if a worker's hardcore score is a 70 it will be docked 20 points (not an exact number) so the skill is only worth 50 points in that company. Matches tend to be worked based on the worker's best top row skills so..... If hardcore is their only good skill then this can be a huge penalty, but if a worker has other skills at a similar level then those will make up for that instead. :)

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Yes, ratings are worked out based on the popularity of the workers in the area the show is held. But you will probably need to change their push, as I assume they are pushing low so your fans would complain that your enhancement talent (no matter how popular locally) are spending too much time on air. :p


I'm so glad TEW20 addresses this weird issue. :)


How is TEW 20 addressing this issue?

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How is TEW 20 addressing this issue?


With the way pushes are handled by being Major Star, Star etc..... if a worker is more well known in an area they will be higher up the chain in the local area so fans automatically accept them more as a result. Means you can really bring in local stars to do exactly what they should be doing and is less fiddly/gamey for the player too. :)

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<p>Any one tried this:</p><p> </p><p>

Playing a multiplayer game, player 1 creates a network (say WWE Network-esque), and player 2 then has his show air on that network. Does Player 1 receive revenue?</p><p> </p><p>

Also still curious: I feel like I know this answer, but is it possible to make an existing belt an alliance title? Or if I create a new alliance do I need to create a belt for said alliance.</p>

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I feel like I knew this answer, but is it possible to make an exist belt an alliance title? Or if I create a new alliance do I need to create a belt for said alliance.



No, in TEW2016 you can't make an existing title an alliance title. You would need to create a belt for said alliance if you want said alliance to have belts.

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<p>How could I run a cult promotion with 1 event per month and no tv show? I'm thinking the only way would be have wrestlers signed to PPA and outbid everyone who tries to sign them on written. I wouldn't make it exclusive so they could go work and improve on other shows. The improvement thing is what I'm concerned most about. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Luchador Canadiense" data-cite="Luchador Canadiense" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This is going to sound odd coming from someone who owned this game from Day One, but... how do you meddle? I've never used this feature, but now that I am tempted to... I can't even find where to do it.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> What is meddle?</p>
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