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Small Questions Thread & "Living FAQ"

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Yeah I've been using 6 min. I double checked everyone's improvement last night and see that I have 4-5 wrestlers with 2-3 points of charisma improvement. That's my most. Meanwhile I have about the same amount with 10 points of improvement across the board in wrestling skills. Just seems odd. Maybe '16 was meant to make it harder to increase performance skills or I just have guys that are weirdly capped lower than I would have thought.


2nd question - What do you guys do if your top guy is being extremely negative, destroying backstage morale, etc? Hogan is doing that for me. Luckily I already took him off being the "face" of the company at the beginning of the game b/c I didnt want a face. I worked Dusty & Savage up to where they've had the title and Hogan is staying away from it. When is enough enough? He's almost single handedly taken my backstage rating from high 80s to low 60s in 8 months (with me throwing cash at people to make them happy). Every time I upset him (almost daily), I also upset Beefcake, Miss Elizabeth and Jimmy Hart.


I have enough star power with Savage/Rhodes/Piper/Andre/Jake the Snake/Steamboat that I'd be fine without him, but I also don't want AWA or JCP to snatch him and start beating me in the ratings.


Is there hope? Can I improve his behavior? Fines upset him, even stern warnings do.

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Yeah I've been using 6 min. I double checked everyone's improvement last night and see that I have 4-5 wrestlers with 2-3 points of charisma improvement. That's my most. Meanwhile I have about the same amount with 10 points of improvement across the board in wrestling skills. Just seems odd. Maybe '16 was meant to make it harder to increase performance skills or I just have guys that are weirdly capped lower than I would have thought.


2nd question - What do you guys do if your top guy is being extremely negative, destroying backstage morale, etc? Hogan is doing that for me. Luckily I already took him off being the "face" of the company at the beginning of the game b/c I didnt want a face. I worked Dusty & Savage up to where they've had the title and Hogan is staying away from it. When is enough enough? He's almost single handedly taken my backstage rating from high 80s to low 60s in 8 months (with me throwing cash at people to make them happy). Every time I upset him (almost daily), I also upset Beefcake, Miss Elizabeth and Jimmy Hart.


I have enough star power with Savage/Rhodes/Piper/Andre/Jake the Snake/Steamboat that I'd be fine without him, but I also don't want AWA or JCP to snatch him and start beating me in the ratings.


Is there hope? Can I improve his behavior? Fines upset him, even stern warnings do.


You could send him on an extended vacation....that would get him out of your hair and keep him away from competitors.

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How much would a 0% backstage morale make a hit on the overall grade of a show?


I'm down to 50% with 3 incidents happening every show. Only 4 negative influences. All the boxes ticked to increase morale (except no drinking or drugs backstage, those are ticked).


What happens if I un tick the alcohol/drugs? Will wrestlers be more likely to wrestler drunk/high? Will there be more incidents?


I'm seriously contemplating un ticking everything and letting my locker room be chaotic bc it's going down thsy path as it is AND I'm paying money for travel costs, chiropractor, etc which seem like they're not doing much to begin with.


The amount of wrestlers I have suspended and sent to rehab is ridiculous. I'd say I'm up to 15-20 in 9 months of gameplay in my 1985(now 86) WWF game. Note that the vast majority have improved their behavior as a result and been happy with my decision (my skill level is 8 when dealing with incidents).


Help me please.

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Suspension vs rehab for drug/alcohol question:


Is rehab worth the time? Say a wrestler gets sent to rehab for 6 months are they 6 times more likely to improve their behavior (at the same rate) than the same wrestler who is suspended for a month?


IE Kerry Von Erich is in a match where he is high on drugs. His drug use rate is 50 let's say. Suspension would help for 5 points (for argument sake), would 6 months of rehab help with 30 points? (5*6)?


Hopefully my question makes sense. Maybe that's not how it works at all, but if anyone has an idea I'd love their input.

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I had Jake Roberts wrestle high on painkillers. I send him to rehab for 6 months. His first show back, he was high again. I sent him to rehab again. This time he lasted about a month after his return before he was high again, so I sent him to rehab for the third and last time. Ever since he came back, he's been clean (18 months so far).
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In the CVERSE who do you guys consider your version of Samoa Joe? A good worker who's could be world champion if pushed right and and ethnicity. (any islander) Just basically anyone that comes close in terms of skills and looks


Bulldozer Brandon Smith isn’t an islander but I’ve always pictured him as the Samoa Joe of the cverse

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Ok, this is probably a really simple thing to do, but I can't figure it out:


I'm trying to un-retire Mario Heroic in the editor for a game scenario I'm working on, but can't figure out how to do it at all. I can take him off hiatus, but I can't figure out the whole retirement thing.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="codey_v2" data-cite="codey_v2" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ok, this is probably a really simple thing to do, but I can't figure it out:<p> </p><p> I'm trying to un-retire Mario Heroic in the editor for a game scenario I'm working on, but can't figure out how to do it at all. I can take him off hiatus, but I can't figure out the whole retirement thing.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Somewhere in the editor worker's page, there's a dropdown listbox with his status (RETIRED in your case), just open it and choose the status you wish him to be, save and exit the editor :-)</p>
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Dynamite Kid has a hatred relationship with me after fining him for selfish behavior backstage for the 4th time. He improved his behavior and was happy with my decision...and now hates me. Does this make sense? Will he re-sign with me if we have a hatred relationship?


No, he won't re-sign with you. The only way for that to happen would be for the owner to have a positive relationship with him so that the owner re-signs him personally, or editing the relationship between you two to be positive from the editor.


How do you prepare for the move from regional to cult? Do you focus on two specific regions then wish for a national tv deal or spread the popularity? How much money do you need for the upgrade for regional to cult and how much do expenses go up?


First, get your home region to like C+ pop. Then start building an appropriate second region (high importance, preferably a spillover region). Remember to lock yourself to regional if you don't have much money. The thing is basically to run the two regions (home + 2ndary) till you get enough pop to rise to cult. You'll want to have at least 2M-5M in the bank or so. I can't remember how much the expenses went up off the top of my head, but even if you sign your entire roster on writtens (depends on the roster size obviously) and hire a bunch of new talent you'll likely still end up making money once you get TV + PPV and only run your home region. Once you make enough money you can basically start doing whatever (run any region from your home area, try to expand internationally).

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Yeah I've been using 6 min. I double checked everyone's improvement last night and see that I have 4-5 wrestlers with 2-3 points of charisma improvement. That's my most. Meanwhile I have about the same amount with 10 points of improvement across the board in wrestling skills. Just seems odd. Maybe '16 was meant to make it harder to increase performance skills or I just have guys that are weirdly capped lower than I would have thought.


2nd question - What do you guys do if your top guy is being extremely negative, destroying backstage morale, etc? Hogan is doing that for me. Luckily I already took him off being the "face" of the company at the beginning of the game b/c I didnt want a face. I worked Dusty & Savage up to where they've had the title and Hogan is staying away from it. When is enough enough? He's almost single handedly taken my backstage rating from high 80s to low 60s in 8 months (with me throwing cash at people to make them happy). Every time I upset him (almost daily), I also upset Beefcake, Miss Elizabeth and Jimmy Hart.


I have enough star power with Savage/Rhodes/Piper/Andre/Jake the Snake/Steamboat that I'd be fine without him, but I also don't want AWA or JCP to snatch him and start beating me in the ratings.


Is there hope? Can I improve his behavior? Fines upset him, even stern warnings do.



Job Hogan out. Let the AWA or NWA Sign him. Competition is good.

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How often will workers ask for a pay raise? Is there a certain amount of time that will pass before they ask for a raise again?


I don't know if there is a set frequency, but I know it correlates to popularity. If they rise in popularity by a heavy amount, they're going to ask for a corresponding pay increase. It is the double edged sword of really pushing someone from the bottom. Sure, at first they are cheap and it pays off, but eventually they're going to want to be compensated at the level they deserve.

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How do you prepare for the move from regional to cult? Do you focus on two specific regions then wish for a national tv deal or spread the popularity? How much money do you need for the upgrade for regional to cult and how much do expenses go up?


A lot of it depends on where specifically you're located and what TV options, if any, are available. For instance, when playing QAW or CZCW, I usually try to just plow ahead to Cult as fast as possible, since you can then get on Canal Dos with no other requirements. For a company like AAA, I just stay at Regional and grind away until I've got enough money to start a network.

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Does anyone know what stats determine how high a workers match rating is?


That depends on your company's product:

  • Much more popularity-based: ~70% pop, 30% performance
  • More pop-based: ~60% pop, 40% perf
  • Rated equally: ~50% pop, 50% perf
  • More perf-based: ~40% pop, 60% perf
  • Much more perf-based: 30% pop, 70% perf


Performance is calculated as:

  • If your worker's psychology is higher than their highest top-row stat (Brawling, Hardcore, Puroresu, Mat Work, Chain Wrestling, Submissions, Aerial, and Flashiness
    • Performance = highest top row stat

    [*] If your worker's psychology is lower than their highest top-row-stat

    • Performance = Highest-Top-Row-Stat - 10 - [(Highest-Top-Row-Stat - Psychology) * 0.7]



Jeremy Beremy is a worker with the following stats:

  • Brawling 50
  • Hardcore 40
  • Puroresu 12
  • Mat Work 65
  • Chain Wrestling 55
  • Submissions 34
  • Aerial 32
  • Flashiness 45
  • Psychology 60
  • Popularity A


His match rating at a company that is rated equally on performance and popularity would be:

Worker Match Rating = Popularity * 0.5 + Performance * 0.5


Popularity = (A) * 0.5

A = 90

Popularity = (90) * 0.5

Popularity = 45


Psychology is lower than their highest top-row-stat, therefore

Performance = {Highest-Top-Row-Stat - 10 - [(Highest-Top-Row-Stat - Psychology) * 0.7]} * 0.5

Highest-Top-Row-Stat = Mat Work = 65

Psychology = 60

Performance = {65 - 10 - [(65 - 60) * 0.7]} * 0.5

Performance = {51.5} * 0.5

Performance = 25.75


Worker Match Rating = 45 + 25.75 = 70.75


Assuming he has no more than a 50 SQ and Charisma, that would be around a C+.



Other things to keep in mind:

  • Workers also get a boost for having Charisma and Star Quality above 50.
  • The match rating can be penalized if there isn't someone with a high selling or psychology in the match.
  • Workers can get a boost from having a good gimmick.
  • Workers can get a boost from having good momentum.
  • Worker chemistry can affect the worker rating (the game will tell you when someone has good or bad chemistry).
  • Consistency acts as a sort of chaos for the calculation, potentially making the worker's performance worse.
  • The match rating can benefit or be penalized by the announce team if they're much better or worse than the match rating.
  • The match rating can benefit or be penalized by the heat of the crowd.
  • The match rating can benefit from a hot storyline.


A lot of this information can be found on this post: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1900948&postcount=6

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I just got access to negotiating with a Huge-size PPV broadcaster who will offer me a late-night slot (83+ rating). My current broadcaster is Big-size and I am Prime Time (77+ rating). Not sure if I can get a better buyrate at late-night, even on a Huge broadcaster. I am playing as UPJ in the T-Verse if that matters.


What's better for me to take here? I can hit the rating every time no issue, I just want to maximize the buyrate.


-Huge coverage, Late-Night slot, 83 rating (medium patience, neutral stance, high risk)

-Big coverage, Prime-Time slot, 77 rating (medium patience, neutral stance, medium risk)

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Is there any way to get rid of my current owner so that I automatically become it during the game? I'm trying to edit and sabotage him but if there's a way to just remove him and put me in that place that'd be a lot easier.


Add New Player on Options Screen. Select random avatar.

Leave game as Player 1.

Add New Player as Original Avatar. Select to be Owner of Company.

Leave game as Player 2.

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