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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DAVEFAN95" data-cite="DAVEFAN95" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41392" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Personally, I don't do it out of logical reason that don't effect TEW. Its basically if they can see your World champ wrestle 4 times a month for free, why pay for the ppv to see him wrestle? Sure the world title is on the line, but thats not really the draw. I can see how putting them on commentary can work, but I usually just put them in angles, let them talk about their opponent or something like that, though I do let the champ wrestle on tv now and then. </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's part of my struggle, because I hate just booking someone on the show for just an angle, especially if I'm using a lot of PPAs and I'm trying to balance costs vs. demand. </p><p> </p><p> I was typically stuck between wanting the champion and his title to cast a shadow over everything else in the promotion and wanting to use him sparingly and create an allure.</p><p> </p><p> Now I usually (in Cults) using him as a double commentator-road agent, so that he's both the locker-room leader (of sorts) to the boys in the back and also to the fans on stage.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41392" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That's part of my struggle, because I hate just booking someone on the show for just an angle, especially if I'm using a lot of PPAs and I'm trying to balance costs vs. demand. <p> </p><p> I was typically stuck between wanting the champion and his title to cast a shadow over everything else in the promotion and wanting to use him sparingly and create an allure.</p><p> </p><p> Now I usually (in Cults) using him as a double commentator-road agent, so that he's both the locker-room leader (of sorts) to the boys in the back and also to the fans on stage.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> When you're champion is Jack Decolt at age 38+, using him sparingly makes loads of sense and I was sticking to 1 singles match and maybe a tag of some sort a month on TV just to remind people of how much they want to see him. I think having him wrestle never on TV at all doesn't make much sense because why would people buy the PPV if they haven't ever seen what the main attraction has to offer.</p><p> </p><p> But if the title switches over to someone like Ricky or Christian Price who is 31 years old, I definitely want them to have more regular work for skill purposes and to establish their importance during the first few months of their title reign.</p>
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When you're champion is Jack Decolt at age 38+, using him sparingly makes loads of sense and I was sticking to 1 singles match and maybe a tag of some sort a month on TV just to remind people of how much they want to see him. I think having him wrestle never on TV at all doesn't make much sense because why would people buy the PPV if they haven't ever seen what the main attraction has to offer.


But if the title switches over to someone like Ricky or Christian Price who is 31 years old, I definitely want them to have more regular work for skill purposes and to establish their importance during the first few months of their title reign.


Sure, you ought to take into account who the champion is and personalize the booking to them. But I almost never go with monster heel champions so that's out for me, while someone like Ricky would be a fun addition on commentary.


That's not to say that I wouldn't do free matches on TV, but more likely than not they'd be multi-man matches, or the rare free title defense against a big outside name with a boxing style presentation.

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Sure, you ought to take into account who the champion is and personalize the booking to them. But I almost never go with monster heel champions so that's out for me, while someone like Ricky would be a fun addition on commentary.


That's not to say that I wouldn't do free matches on TV, but more likely than not they'd be multi-man matches, or the rare free title defense against a big outside name with a boxing style presentation.


It's to each their own really, any approach will work, it's just a matter of who the champ is and what you are trying to achieve with them. Like if they won the belt but aren't that established (This is how I would book Christian Price as champ), maybe they they take on all comers, anybody who asks for a title shot, gets one on TV until the big bad comes at the PPV.


Jack on the other hand doesn't need to take on all comers (unless he wants some of them and with Jack's almost canon anger issues, I'm sure he'd be easy to goad). I think its about who they face aswell, who have you got for the champion to beat or who have you to beat the champ.

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In the past, I've always been a fan of having the champion/top few guys only wrestle on PPV. Especially when if fits their talent. Television being Angry Jack DeColt doing angles with whoever kidnapped his wife. Gargantuan being a genetically engineered Brock Lesnar. Almighty Zeus presiding over some godly trials his mortal challengers must undertake. It works for a big fight feel at the PPV.


However, I look at WWE nowadays, and the PPV model sure seems out-dated. PPV's are Network Specials. Television deals raking in billions. It shifts the balance and I like that idea for CGC in particular. I like them as a TV soap opera (with vampires and magic wishes) where the stories matter more than the big fights and the television is as/more important than the PPV. My recent games drop a number of PPV's, treat them a little more like gimmick shows than the culmination of stories, and tries to make every episode of Title Bout Wrestling feel like the main point.


So my champion, Blockbuster, does wrestle on every other show. His big matches appear on TV as much as PPV. Minor title changes and big feud matches headline television, rather than waiting for the end of the month. Jack DeColt is still a rarer in-ring figure, but he's in his 40's in my game.


Granted, TEW finances, and particularly how CGC runs, doesn't lend itself to this idea. I just like it. Especially when I don't have the owner goal of making money in the first year.

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In the past, I've always been a fan of having the champion/top few guys only wrestle on PPV. Especially when if fits their talent. Television being Angry Jack DeColt doing angles with whoever kidnapped his wife. Gargantuan being a genetically engineered Brock Lesnar. Almighty Zeus presiding over some godly trials his mortal challengers must undertake. It works for a big fight feel at the PPV.


However, I look at WWE nowadays, and the PPV model sure seems out-dated. PPV's are Network Specials. Television deals raking in billions. It shifts the balance and I like that idea for CGC in particular. I like them as a TV soap opera (with vampires and magic wishes) where the stories matter more than the big fights and the television is as/more important than the PPV. My recent games drop a number of PPV's, treat them a little more like gimmick shows than the culmination of stories, and tries to make every episode of Title Bout Wrestling feel like the main point.


So my champion, Blockbuster, does wrestle on every other show. His big matches appear on TV as much as PPV. Minor title changes and big feud matches headline television, rather than waiting for the end of the month. Jack DeColt is still a rarer in-ring figure, but he's in his 40's in my game.


Granted, TEW finances, and particularly how CGC runs, doesn't lend itself to this idea. I just like it. Especially when I don't have the owner goal of making money in the first year.


Blockbuster as champion, interesting. How has he developed?

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However, I look at WWE nowadays, and the PPV model sure seems out-dated. PPV's are Network Specials. Television deals raking in billions. It shifts the balance and I like that idea for CGC in particular. I like them as a TV soap opera (with vampires and magic wishes) where the stories matter more than the big fights and the television is as/more important than the PPV. My recent games drop a number of PPV's, treat them a little more like gimmick shows than the culmination of stories, and tries to make every episode of Title Bout Wrestling feel like the main point.


That's certainly an interesting tack to take with CGC. And I suppose the obvious fact is that the show itself is called Title Bout Wrestling, meaning that there's a certain expectation of title matches on a frequent basis. :o


Considering that Jack is the only guy who starts out on a written, I am bloody well going to have him wrestle every show if he's physically capable of doing so. ;)


I mean, he's still working dark matches post show to send the crowd home happy that they got their DeColt fill. I'm not totally crazy. :p

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Blockbuster as champion, interesting. How has he developed?


Bland top row, but a solid enough promo and really strong performance skills. B psychology. He needs a strong babyface opponent to get a quality main event out of him, but that's probably because his popularity is still C-.

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Bland top row, but a solid enough promo and really strong performance skills. B psychology. He needs a strong babyface opponent to get a quality main event out of him, but that's probably because his popularity is still C-.


B psycgology is nothing to shake a fist at in CGC and C- isn't terrible either for pop.


He's been a bit of back seat player for me. I brought in a lot of guys from other promotions in my game (Joe Sexy, The New Wave, Marc DuBois, Freddie Datsun, Jumbo Jackson) and he just isn't at the top of my priorities. Price and ADV are far more important (C+ and C pop respectively) and I've been using these new guys to heg them over as well as Ricky and guys to have good matches with Jack. After Warren Technique beat Blockbuster for.the Canadian belt he's been absent, that was almost four months ago and I haven't found a program for him since.

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Almost 7 months into the game and I have done a fair amount of tinkering between pre-shows and house shows trying to find tag teams. I've apparently rolled a game with almost no chemistry notes whatsoever.


I have about 3 or 4 negative notes (most of which wren't pairings I was considering anyway) and exactly 1 positive chemistry note, which was for Sayeed Ali with Connor Threepwood, who has a high experience tag paring already so I'm not likely to use that as a team any time soon (got it when they were the only two left after I'd put in a bunch of house show notes.

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Well I have only played roughly 7 months. I had created a new show and had done basically 9 shows a month which is what 63 shows. In that time, Christian Price has taken over the world and is sitting at 98pop thanks to him hitting the gym. Ricky Decolt is his main adversary and yes Ricky's the heel. I had him run roughshod over Jack & Alex effectively giving Jack his vacation while I build the rest of my roster a bit more.


On Jack's return he will go toe to toe with Ricky for the world title. Hell My mainevent is actually so stacked that I don't even know what road to take so it's taking a lot to keep the road I've chosen straight and narrow.

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<p>I don't think there's an established canon, but CGC seem like exactly the type of company that would usually have one talk-show-esque segment running fairly regularly. In my 1997 games George DeColt would host an in-ring showdown between the fighters in that night's main event, or Headmaster Eric Tyler would sit someone down in the School of Tradition classroom. </p><p> </p><p>

The possibilities are endless, so long as you can think of a gimmicky setting. The Dirty White Boys in a fake bar. Playmate's Grotto. In terms of skills, and needing the exposure, Drake Young is a good choice, and would really lend himself to the classic late-night talk show setting, complete with shortened monologue/interview format. CGC Tonight with Drake Young. There's something you can probably do with Ian Identity... Identity Politics... Who Are You? with Ian Identity. The pieces are there. I'm just kinda generally stuck with that guy.</p><p> </p><p>

Swinging the other way, to older guys with worse entertainment skills but solid popularity, Whippy the Clown could invite lower end guys to The Big Top. In my canon Whippy in pretty much mute, communicating through mime, so... That could be fun. Zeus Maxmillion's Money Pit/Mount Olympus. Business Talk with Bob Thomas. A Slice of Life in Antonio Del Veccio's mother's kitchen. Lots of options, but I figure few would stick around for more than 6 months.</p>

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Anybody think it's worth moving title bout wrestling from Maple Leaf (Med coverage across Canada) to Channel Six (Small across Canada and Very Small across UK)? I would expect an income loss in the short term but I could see the pop gains in Britain making a big difference in the long term.
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I've gone with The Drake Report and changed Drake Young to Drake Drama (with Troublemaker gimmick) because I think that's fun.


Is there any C-verse cannon to Survival of the Fittest? The AI instructions say hold a battle royal, but I'm wondering if there's a standard.

  • Giant Royal Rumble style thing?
  • Is it for a title shot?
  • Is it for nothing in particular?

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I thought Last Man Standing was the battle royal ppv. With that one I just rip off the Royal Rumble, only without the random entry order. It's decided via fan voting (popularity) and a handful of matches to move up and down the list. Also heavy emphasis on teamwork and alliances. I treat winning it as a feat in and of itself. The winner doesn't 'get' anything but the glory, honor and prestige of victory. Closer to King of the Ring, without the gimmicks.


Actually, maybe the gimmicks.


My Survival of the Fittest is a goofy fitness competition as a backdrop for a fairly regular PPV. A series of events ripped off from Gladiators. Typically begins a big push for a young healthy midcarder who I can picture running up a travelator.

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I thought Last Man Standing was the battle royal ppv. With that one I just rip off the Royal Rumble, only without the random entry order. It's decided via fan voting (popularity) and a handful of matches to move up and down the list. Also heavy emphasis on teamwork and alliances. I treat winning it as a feat in and of itself. The winner doesn't 'get' anything but the glory, honor and prestige of victory. Closer to King of the Ring, without the gimmicks.


Actually, maybe the gimmicks.


My Survival of the Fittest is a goofy fitness competition as a backdrop for a fairly regular PPV. A series of events ripped off from Gladiators. Typically begins a big push for a young healthy midcarder who I can picture running up a travelator.


My bad, it is Last Man Standing. I figured since people in this thread have played C-verse for years I might try to preserve whatever it was generally considered to be. Left to my own devices it would probably be a 15 or 20 man traditional battle royal. Although I'm struggling to book the Canadian title so was thinking about putting it on the line.


Do you make a tournament title for it or just let it be a match?

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What are everyone's favorite tag teams to bring in? I need a couple of lower level teams to use mostly as stepping stones, with room to build if they get hot.


Looking at maybe using The Latino Kings, but they don't have a lot of popularity in Canada...


Fighting Irish are great although they start with as much or more popularity as any team in CGC. I didn't really find any ready made teams fit to be middling in the division, which I thought was all well and good since the teams CGC starts with are fairly unsepctacular already.


I brought Jamie Atherton and Mimic in as a new team to bring some flashiness to the division. They don't have amazing chemistry, but their skill sets were what I wanted.


I tried the Good Ol' Boys for a bit and wasn't a fan. I'v got Going Coastal right now, but they start with no pop in Canada. Demarcus & Gray are kind of fun also, but also no pop in Canada to start with.

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