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Yeah I know but I don't want to have to do that every time I book would be tedious for me personally, Maybe in the roster and booking screens if it said the company record and match history obviously for specifics.


But the records aren't used explicitly by any other company the way they are by AEW, so it would literally be changing around the roster and booking screens for booking like AEW does.

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Something I just thought about



If Pushes are now totally gone and only perception matters, are there still overuse penalties and those huge penalties for using “two jobbers on the show” because that wouldn’t make any sense if the push system is removed.


Any artificial penalties related to push almost have to be removed entirely now.

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Something I just thought about



If Pushes are now totally gone and only perception matters, are there still overuse penalties and those huge penalties for using “two jobbers on the show” because that wouldn’t make any sense if the push system is removed.


Any artificial penalties related to push almost have to be removed entirely now.


Two people perceived as unknowns relative to your company are still jobbers in the eyes of your fans, and if you throw them out there for a 60 minute Iron Man match you are still going to suffer horribly because of it. :p The actual amounts of time may be different and the pereception isn't quite as simple as the push system was, but there will still be penalties for overusing people.

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That’s pretty rank.


It basically invalidates things like the Sheamus push.


I don’t even get why Push system was removed. A workers perception to the public has absolutely nothing to do with their perception in the company.


All this does is make the process of pushing workers you want over way slower and technically arduous for no reason.

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That’s pretty rank.


It basically invalidates things like the Sheamus push.


I don’t even get why Push system was removed. A workers perception to the public has absolutely nothing to do with their perception in the company.


All this does is make the process of pushing workers you want over way slower and technically arduous for no reason.


It doesn't do any of those things. The new perception seems like it will actually open up your booking more. You will know who the audience sees as a major star, etc..(even if that's not how you see them), you'll get the idea of where they fall naturally. There is nothing stopping you from hotshoting a guy to the top. When WWE gave Sheamus the monster push when they brought him over from ECW to RAW, it still took the fans time to accept him as a top guy (if they ever really did). This makes it a little more realistic. You can use them however you want and the perception will change based off of that -- but it doesn't prevent or invalidate any other kinds of booking.

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I love the idea of the new system. I'm ready to give it a shot. With that being said, how much of a complete sidetrack would it be to just add an option to play the game with in ring pushes? Say before you start a game. The game will ask would you prefer pushes to be presented in the new style or classic version. That way you don't have people complaining about a change. I get if that's not something really possible now that they have gone in & ripped some stuff apart. I'm not a programmer so I don't know how that works.
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Honestly I just want the old pushes to available as tags to organize my roster. I'm fine with the game using fan perception to evaluate the results of my booking.


Example I want to be able to set Terry Gibbs as a jobber so that I can easily find him when I need someone to lose on TV. If I have Gibbs lose every week then my push of the guy will likely match the fans perception. If for so.e reason I have Gibbs beat Hulk Hogan clean every week maybe they won't see him the same way...

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But the records aren't used explicitly by any other company the way they are by AEW, so it would literally be changing around the roster and booking screens for booking like AEW does.


Not really it would just be another visual aid like age or momentum something like that and you could just ignore it if you aren't booking that kind of company.

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It doesn't do any of those things. The new perception seems like it will actually open up your booking more. You will know who the audience sees as a major star, etc..(even if that's not how you see them), you'll get the idea of where they fall naturally. There is nothing stopping you from hotshoting a guy to the top. When WWE gave Sheamus the monster push when they brought him over from ECW to RAW, it still took the fans time to accept him as a top guy (if they ever really did). This makes it a little more realistic. You can use them however you want and the perception will change based off of that -- but it doesn't prevent or invalidate any other kinds of booking.


If it works like TEW2016 and you get like 5-6 point deductions on show rating for a single worker being overused it absolutely does not open up your booking.



I literally constantly use the push system in 2016 solely to avoid these penalties, because I literally can’t book a guy like Ali for example in a 15 minute match with a top guy if he’s on a lower midcard or opener push. Or I can’t use a guy in a stable beatdown angle and also wrestle a match just because he’s an opener or enhancement talent.


Now we have no way of getting around this and are forced to use over acts to keep the show ratings afloat.

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Moreover, the MAIN away I enjoy playing TEW at least in most years is taking new guys that aren’t the same boring cookie cutter prospects or wrestlers and making stars out of them.



In my PSW game I’ve posfed screenshots of multiple times in the past, I made Cult and one my biggest stars in the company was the organically pushed Anders Thunder, who through some insane steroid aided RNG improved his star quality from the 70s to 84, and then an additional 10 (i believe the max) on a weight gain, which meant I had an awesome game with a 94 SQ 90 overness Anders Thunder, a guy so obscure that his only usage in any diary on site is the intentional joke promotion Oddworld which intentionally uses crappy workers for narrative purposes.


Anders of course starts with almost no popularity, I gave him a monster push after about 4-5 months of jobbing in a tag team to get his skills acceptable, once I did that, I have him both the World title and a Main event push when his National overness was 55 and he was still autopished as a Midcarder? Why? So I could use him in angles 2-3 times an event with a match so I could shoot his overnesss up. In less than a year he was 90 across the US.


Now I can’t do that because I will get gimped for overuse because his popularity is too low to be seen as a major star.




Also notable, the only reason this even worked was because Anders himself had the skills to be rated on Entertainment to receive maximum popularity gains through A rated angles with other big stars, because of the bonuses he recovers due to his massive star quality and average-ish entertainment skills. It’s not like I could’ve given the same push to The Minor Annoyance or Riley McMannus and it would’ve worked.

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I'd argue that the WWE has always only had one figurehead at a time, despite having multiple brands.


But could you argue that today? Seth is the man on Raw and I don't know who smackdown is, Brock or Roman. But there is more than 1. Plus you have to account for Becky.

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If it works like TEW2016 and you get like 5-6 point deductions on show rating for a single worker being overused it absolutely does not open up your booking.



I literally constantly use the push system in 2016 solely to avoid these penalties, because I literally can’t book a guy like Ali for example in a 15 minute match with a top guy if he’s on a lower midcard or opener push. Or I can’t use a guy in a stable beatdown angle and also wrestle a match just because he’s an opener or enhancement talent.


Now we have no way of getting around this and are forced to use over acts to keep the show ratings afloat.


But this is more or less exactly how real life works. Fans don't want to see complete unknowns in 15 minute WWE matches until they have at least become somewhat familiar with them. And that's why there are more than 2 levels of Perception... it's not just Major Star and Unknown.... there are many levels in the middle, and it's not all about pure overness. Momentum is taken into account so if you do what the WWE usually does by giving a newcomer a few hype vignettes and a few squash wins you'll soon find them moving up from the lowest levels and the fans will be happier to see more of them.


I encourage you to re-read the entry about it with fresh eyes, as you seem to be projecting your views on the flaws of the old system onto the new one. The old system was broken in that you could tell the fans they accepted someone as a main event, rather than the fans ACTUALLY accepting it. It was a flaw that could only be used by human players, and the new system has so much more depth in not only how it works for your own shows, but also works for all the company battles, attendances and so much more. A re-read of the feature might help you to see that more, and also explain why the old way will not be making any direct comeback in any way. :)

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I don’t believe the WWE has had a figurehead since Cena.




Honestly, right now? Becky.


In my TEW professional opinion, the WWE tried to make Roman their figurehead but fans didn't accept it. The comnbination of the brand split and not having anyone good enough for the role would mean that in TEW terms they don't have one just now. They've tried pushing some people but there is no one anywhere near a figurehead level right now in terms of push or any real benefit to the company. Which isn't a bad thing. It's better to have no figurehead than a bad one who is overshadowed by others. :)

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That’s pretty rank.


It basically invalidates things like the Sheamus push.


I don’t even get why Push system was removed. A workers perception to the public has absolutely nothing to do with their perception in the company.


All this does is make the process of pushing workers you want over way slower and technically arduous for no reason.


i think the new system could be better than the old if


1. There are ways to promise push via contract negotiations and morale control. (this was somewhat in the game before with giving workers an idea of how they would be used but if could be expanded if it's still in TEW 2020; When talking to players you could promise them a title shot, main event or be featured higher up the card.)


2. A way for the user to sort roster by card position. A sort of filter or tag.


With the way it is now, you may only use a worker who is perceived as a star in the company and only use him as a midcard for the moment because you either don’t have anything for him, he’s hit with a bad gimmick or one of those temp attributes got a hold of him...This would naturally upset fans and you’re pretty much using a star as a midcarder. True in a vice versa situation.

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i think the new system could be better than the old if


1. There are ways to promise push via contract negotiations and morale control. (this was somewhat in the game before with giving workers an idea of how they would be used but if could be expanded if it's still in TEW 2020; When talking to players you could promise them a title shot, main event or be featured higher up the card.)


There definitely needs to be some worker morale/guarantee involving where people are on the card still. But even in 2016 and before there was an issue with top stars being totally fine with opening every show, when they should be getting incredibly frustrated or refusing to re-sign, especially if it's going to be more realistic this year.


And promising a title shot in a worked sport is kinda silly, you should promise them winning a top title or nothing. Assuming you don't cheese the game and create one just for them I guess.

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But this is more or less exactly how real life works. Fans don't want to see complete unknowns in 15 minute WWE matches until they have at least become somewhat familiar with them. And that's why there are more than 2 levels of Perception... it's not just Major Star and Unknown.... there are many levels in the middle, and it's not all about pure overness. Momentum is taken into account so if you do what the WWE usually does by giving a newcomer a few hype vignettes and a few squash wins you'll soon find them moving up from the lowest levels and the fans will be happier to see more of them.


I encourage you to re-read the entry about it with fresh eyes, as you seem to be projecting your views on the flaws of the old system onto the new one. The old system was broken in that you could tell the fans they accepted someone as a main event, rather than the fans ACTUALLY accepting it. It was a flaw that could only be used by human players, and the new system has so much more depth in not only how it works for your own shows, but also works for all the company battles, attendances and so much more. A re-read of the feature might help you to see that more, and also explain why the old way will not be making any direct comeback in any way. :)




First of all TEW has never been an accurate simulation of real life in almost any facet and it never will be because doing is impossible, especially in a world like wrestling. SI has failed to acccurately portray reality in Football Manager for over a decade despite having a huge budget compared to most. I play it quite often and the lack of realism makes a better gaming experience


Second, it isn’t at all how real life works, as in real life, workers generally gain popularity much faster than they do in TEW with a big enough push.


Brock would’ve been likely no better than a midcarder with exact mirror booking of his run up until SummerSlam with The Rock, especially given his win over Hulk Hogan on TV like 4 months into his WWE was on Smackdown which probably gains you like 2 overness because it’s on TV and not a prestigious annual event.




Thirdly, the fans “accepting” anything is irrelevant, the game has nothing to do with fans, it’s rated in grades. Grades are earned through a combination of skills and popularity relative to popularity. Ergo, if you had a star worker capable of grading better than his popularity would suggest, it made sense to give him a higher push.


Now the game arbitrarily tells you this guy isn’t popular enough and your show sucks despite getting good grades.

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First of all TEW has never been an accurate simulation of real life in almost any facet and it never will be because doing is impossible, especially in a world like wrestling. SI has failed to acccurately portray reality in Football Manager for over a decade despite having a huge budget compared to most. I play it quite often and the lack of realism makes a better gaming experience


Second, it isn’t at all how real life works, as in real life, workers generally gain popularity much faster than they do in TEW with a big enough push.


Brock would’ve been likely no better than a midcarder with exact mirror booking of his run up until SummerSlam with The Rock, especially given his win over Hulk Hogan on TV like 4 months into his WWE was on Smackdown which probably gains you like 2 overness because it’s on TV and not a prestigious annual event.


Honestly, I think Brock would and should have auto-pushed to a midcarder at that point. He'd picked up some wins, and developed great momentum, but true popularity takes time. Lucky for him, WWE weren't using the auto-push. They wanted him as a main eventer, with no usage limits, and paired him with big megastars to make sure his matches got over despite his lack of popularity. Plus Heyman was there to lend his popularity to things too.


This is part of why I'm glad things are changing. The Auto-Push is so misleading, especially when putting things into categories that don't mean anything. Who actually opens their shows with Openers?


I do think popularity gains on TV is too slow though. It has always felt backwards to me that someone winning in front of a million viewers on TV makes less of an impact than doing it in front of 50,000 on PPV.

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