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TEW2020 Discussion Thread

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1. From an AI standpoint, for ongoing round-robin tournaments like the G-1, is there any way to automatically have the winner of these types of tournaments be slotted by CPU promotions into title matches at future shows as a result of winning?


No, that is not possible.


2. If a Japanese fed signs an international TV deal in areas made up of non-Japanese speakers (i.e. NJPW airing broadcasts on AXS TV in the states), would there be a requirement to assign an English-speaking announce team, since the regular Japanese announce team clearly wouldn't be effective with American audiences?


No, there isn't, it was decided that this would be too much of a tedious slog for players if they were playing a large company. It is simply assumed that you have region-specific commentators if they're needed.

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Guest Asaemon
There isn't a Northern Europe. The very next entry mentions that it was a typo and should have read "Western Europe".




France is in Western Europe. Italy is in the Southern Med?




They could have, but then other countries would have either been left out or required a whole new region to be added.




It is just Russia.


Will the Player's Handbook include more details on which countries is part of the different regions? Or will there be any maps included of the regions?


So if I understand this correctly Scandinavia is the Nordic Countries? That could also be called the Northern Europe.


Western Europe is France and the BeNeLux countries.


Central Europe is Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland?


Southern Mediterranean is Italy and Greece?


Southern Europe was named South East Europe in TEW2016 and is the Balkan?

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I have a question that maybe was already answered, if that is the case, sorry.


¿What about women matches? Are they going to be graded as the men matches or will they remain a little less effective?


Taking into account that womens wrestling grew up so much the past years, even main eventing wrestlemania, something that in the game would be very harmful to the final rating.



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I have a question that maybe was already answered, if that is the case, sorry.


¿What about women matches? Are they going to be graded as the men matches or will they remain a little less effective?


Taking into account that womens wrestling grew up so much the past years, even main eventing wrestlemania, something that in the game would be very harmful to the final rating.





EVen in TEW16 all matches are calculated the same way, there are (and have never been) any differences based on gender for that.


EDIT: In response to your own edit, that's just stats. In terms of changes to the Cornellverse, Adam has said he won't talk about that ahead of time. In terms of other mods, it's up to whoever makes the mods on how they choose to set stats and product settings. TEW20 has made many product changes, some of which weight show ratings differently than TEW16 does too. I'd definitely give it another read as it explains it better than I can in a short reply. :)

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The thing with women's matches is that, in the C-Verse at least, the women, on average have slightly less pop and skills than men, so the grades are going to be lower until you get those up. And failing that, there are ways around it- I've added a women's division to SWF a few times, and a properly booked Eye Candy match some times would get better grades than the main event!
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Guest Asaemon
#28: Broadcasters


The old product settings for each broadcaster have been removed and replaced with a broadcaster style, which can be No Focus, Mainstream, Pure Sports, All Sports, Kids, Adults, or Sci-Fi. (The difference between Pure and All Sports being that the latter are more willing to allow entertainment-related wrestling). These styles do pretty much exactly the same thing as the old product settings, but the advantage is that it's significantly easier for database makers (one setting rather than twelve to achieve the same thing) and it's far more intuitive for the player.


Is it possible to set a broadcaster using a preset broadcaster style to have a pro/very pro wrestling stance towards traditional, mainstream and realism while still being very against lucha libre?


Don't the mainstream broadcaster style include both mainstream and lucha libre?


Is the maximum limits for deals for TV shows?. Or is it for both TV shows and events?

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Is it possible to set a broadcaster using a preset broadcaster style to have a pro/very pro wrestling stance towards traditional, mainstream and realism while still being very against lucha libre?Don't the mainstream broadcaster style include both mainstream and lucha libre?


There's no such thing as traditional / mainstream / realism / etc in TEW2020, as already discussed in the entry of products.


Is the maximum limits for deals for TV shows?. Or is it for both TV shows and events?


It is broadcast slots.

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Is the game still scheduled for release around Christmas this year?


Has anyone played this game on a newer Surface Pro and if yes, how well does it work?


The game is supposed to drop, I think, between April-June of next year.


I play the game on a Surface Pro 6 -- it works great. Plays perfectly.

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I just realized something with the change to the push system(no longer manually setting pushes). How is that going to affect force pushing non-wrestlers as wrestlers? I always liked Force Pushing Emma Chase as a wrestler. She has high charisma so she can dominate jobbers to gain pop AND she can do eye candy matches...
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Obviously in previous versions of TEW it hasn't been possible to accurately recreate the Monday Night Wars ratings battle due to the rating being a total of all of its coverage across game areas. Will it possible in 2020 to get ratings by game area? Or will all the areas where it's shown still be factored into the ratings calculation?
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Summer 2020, or Christmas 2019? Which will it be?


For those who've been following the progress. Which will it be? Christmas 2019, Summer 2020, or somewhere in the middle?


The original quote


When is the game coming out?


The original aim was to release the game in the summer of 2020. However, things have been progressing so well that I suspect we may now be looking a little earlier than that, possibly even Christmas 2019. You'll be reading about the progress in the upcoming developer's journal, and so the release date will be clearer as we move through the next year.


Is it any clearer? I haven't been able to figure it out.

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It was spoken about a few entries ago.


At the moment things in general are going really well - early testing has been very positive and large parts of the game are now in a finalised state and just need playtesting. Unless there's any major issues thrown up by testing or the database work takes significantly longer than I anticipate, I'm pretty confident that we'll be looking at hitting the estimated release date of April without too many problems.
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In the meantime, I've also been busy upgrading the editor based on what parts of the database work have been challenging or not user friendly enough, and I've also been fixing whatever the testers have found.

Oh, this makes me so happy. As a person who fiddles with the editor more than actually plays the game, I'm very excited, haha. Thanks, Adam.

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I hope the Campy Fun product is for British camp show style wrestling. Really want to run that type of promotion, with half term tours and 2pm holiday camp shows. With 3 matches. I've just struggled to come up with the product in TEW16. It doesn't rely on names or work rate, more charisma and boy slam matches.
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