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1 hour ago, Dalton said:

Hurt my feelings? What in the world?

You can't just say "more people have TVs now" and call that verifiable statistics lmao. That's not a statistic. I gave you verifiable data and statistics when I said TV ratings were down over 10% in 2022 alone, continuing the trend of huge drops year over year. That's straight from Nielsen. WarnerMedia networks are actually down more than 10% in the past year. More people have TVs and they're not using them to watch cable. Those are verifiable statistics and prove what you said to be incorrect and false. 

And no, it is absolutely not stupid of Tony Khan to start a wrestling promotion and put it on national television right now. In fact, this is the best time in the history of the universe to start a wrestling company since TV rights fees have never been higher. WWE gets half of the viewers they did just a few years ago but are pulling in hundreds of millions of dollars in broadcast deals. Their current deals with Comcast and FOX dwarf their previous deals. AEW's upcoming renewals with WarnerMedia will likely include huge bumps in rights fees. There has never been a better time to put a show, especially sports, on television. 

You did ignore the fact that WWE has higher ratings over the last year and that other broadcasts such as the Super Bowl isn’t decreasing in viewership. If they put on a show people wanted to see people would watch. 

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2 minutes ago, James The Animator said:

Difference here is the NFL isn’t streaming the Super Bowl. WWE puts nearly all the content they own on the Network. That cuts into their live numbers, because people can just watch binge-watch the last few weeks of Raw on the network if they can’t watch live.

That’s a valid statement at the same time WWE has increased viewership over the last year regardless of that. Both WWE and AEW just need to put on better shows and people would watch. They’re not doing so though.

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Just thought I'd chip in with one point: if Shad Khan takes away Tony's funding, it'll be because his stocks took a massive tumble, not because AEW is a money pit. Dude owns the freaking Jaguars, the team with some of the worst attendance figures in the NFL, and he still keeps breaking free agency by overpaying mid-tier players. Both Khans spend like there's no tomorrow.

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Why would Anna feud with Tay? That makes no sense given what we've seen onscreen. If they had established a rift previously, fine, but right now? It would be more abrupt and nonsensical than when Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet suddenly decided they didn't like Jade anymore (admittedly, not that them hanging out with Jade in the first place made more sense).

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2 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Why would Anna feud with Tay? That makes no sense given what we've seen onscreen. If they had established a rift previously, fine, but right now? It would be more abrupt and nonsensical than when Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet suddenly decided they didn't like Jade anymore (admittedly, not that them hanging out with Jade in the first place made more sense).

It would be a slow thing in my mind. She’s conflicted that Tay is helping Sammy against her boo.

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AEW need to get a move on in christening Darby Allin as the #1 Contender for the title belt so I can start getting excited for Double or Nothing. You just know that dude is gonna market the life out of his first ever PPV main event. Fully deserved too. Got his head down, did the work, never complained and worked the programmes. Ethan Page? It was great. Brody King? It was great. Cinematic stuff? Awesome. Everything with Sting has been gold. He was Samoa Joe’s best opponent in years. Yes, absolutely the top contender. Get that marquee up already Tony! 

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2 minutes ago, Mootinie said:

AEW need to get a move on in christening Darby Allin as the #1 Contender for the title belt so I can start getting excited for Double or Nothing. You just know that dude is gonna market the life out of his first ever PPV main event. Fully deserved too. Got his head down, did the work, never complained and worked the programmes. Ethan Page? It was great. Brody King? It was great. Cinematic stuff? Awesome. Everything with Sting has been gold. He was Samoa Joe’s best opponent in years. Yes, absolutely the top contender. Get that marquee up already Tony! 

Of the pillars Darby has the coolest gimmick (D.M.D. is a great one too) and he is electric in ring. Still he doesn't get the spot he deserves. Sammy lacks a real gimmick besides being Jericho's heir, which was a great start but he had to evolve IMO. MJF has mic skills but his gimmick is just a modern Million Dollar Man and Jungle Boy was comickish, but Jungle Boy Jack Perry is laughable.

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- Pillars promos were a bit awkward.
- Soho & Storm vs Hayter & DMD was good. 1st ever opening match spot on Dynamite for the women unless my memory is bad.
- Arn!
- Serious Kenny is a good promo. BCC with the smart ambush. Takeshita! This has to be leading to Stadium Stampede or Anarchy in the Arena and an Ibushi debut.
- Wardlow vs Hobbs (c) was good. Disappointed Hobbs didn't get a longer run.
- Kommander vs White was good. Ricky! Spears babyface turn or joining BCG soon?
- Everyone loves the... Mark Briscoe.
- Britt & the Outcasts crossing over into Jericho/Cole was the best part of the segment. Britt written off TV perhaps. Kendo stick but no Shida :(
- JAS vs Acclaimed was solid.
- Sammy vs Jungle Boy was my MOTN. Lots of dangerous spots. Too many dodgy finishes in AEW but I liked this one.

Crowd sounded quiet most of the show on FITE.

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1 hour ago, Jaysin said:

I'm nervous about Jeff being on the road again, but I hope he's able to end his career on the high note he wants. I'm a sucker for a redemption arc. 

Jeff should not end things "high". But yes, he deserves to have a nice last dance.

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Will TK finish the story and let Darby win the title at DoN? Or will he fail like WWE did? Face winning the title at DoN is a must IMO taking into account what happened in Wrestlemania. Not that you should book depending on what WWE does all the time, but this could lead to positive comparison and you should definitely take the opportunity.

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13 minutes ago, newbiezness said:

Will TK finish the story and let Darby win the title at DoN? Or will he fail like WWE did? Face winning the title at DoN is a must IMO taking into account what happened in Wrestlemania. Not that you should book depending on what WWE does all the time, but this could lead to positive comparison and you should definitely take the opportunity.

the opening promo on last weeks Dynamite proved that none of the 4 foot pillars should hold the "world title" heading into Wembley. Maybe put it on someone who can sell tickets and draw viewers instead?

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9 minutes ago, DrawingDimes said:

the opening promo on last weeks Dynamite proved that none of the 4 foot pillars should hold the "world title" heading into Wembley. Maybe put it on someone who can sell tickets and draw viewers instead?

I don't understand why. Where was Sting in that promo? He wasn't there. We already knew Darby's mic isn't his best skill, we don't need a promo to show it. Sting can be by Darby's side in Wembley to get more reaction. Plus Wembley is in August 27, there's time for Darby to win the title at DoN and lose it before that.

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3 minutes ago, newbiezness said:

Sting can be by Darby's side in Wembley to get more reaction

this is a great idea tbf. Sting is still incredibly over here in the UK. I just don't think Darby is ready to be in the world title picture yet (although he's way ahead of Jungle Boy and Sammy)

Also why do they keep calling it the "world heavyweight title" in promos? that's not the name of the belt and none of the 4 people feuding over it are even heavyweights

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1 hour ago, newbiezness said:

Will TK finish the story and let Darby win the title at DoN? Or will he fail like WWE did? Face winning the title at DoN is a must IMO taking into account what happened in Wrestlemania. Not that you should book depending on what WWE does all the time, but this could lead to positive comparison and you should definitely take the opportunity.

It's way too early for MJF to lose. I doubt he'll lose it this year. He'll run through the pillars and probably Kenny. Next Champion will probably be either Starks or Cole.

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