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4 minutes ago, DrawingDimes said:

Warning for being critical of AEW in an AEW discussion thread? Lmao

Interestingly I was also critical of last nights RAW in the WWE discussion thread but no warning for that one

How strange

Most AEW fans are the type of obsessed cultists with nothing else going on in their lives that were refreshing Ticketmaster within 5 minutes of the pre-sale. I honestly think the bulk of the tickets they will sell have already been sold. I'm so confident about this that I will delete my account if they sell over 60,000 


Do you personally work for AEW? Who is "we"? This is the exact type of cultism I am talking about. I have never in my life seen a WWE fan refer to thar company as "we" but it's a daily occurance with AEWtists

Genuinely strange behaviour

Dude you need to calm yourself. I bolded the sections of just your last post that atleast come across as personal attacks to me. There’s a difference between being critical of a wrestling promotion and being rude and nasty to other humans. Treat others the way you’d want to be treated. 

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45 minutes ago, DrawingDimes said:

Warning for being critical of AEW in an AEW discussion thread? Lmao

Interestingly I was also critical of last nights RAW in the WWE discussion thread but no warning for that one

How strange

Most AEW fans are the type of obsessed cultists with nothing else going on in their lives that were refreshing Ticketmaster within 5 minutes of the pre-sale. I honestly think the bulk of the tickets they will sell have already been sold. I'm so confident about this that I will delete my account if they sell over 60,000 


Do you personally work for AEW? Who is "we"? This is the exact type of cultism I am talking about. I have never in my life seen a WWE fan refer to thar company as "we" but it's a daily occurance with AEWtists

Genuinely strange behaviour

Believe it or not, I nor the rest of the mods check every thread on this board. Your post that I said knock it off about got sent my way. Again, knock it off with the talk of cultism or attacking fans - it's not conductive to any sort of discussion.

I'm not saying you can't be critical but when you're just taking random potshots at people and trying to cover it as criticism, that's when the mods will step in. If that's not to your liking, you are welcome to find another space on the internet to post in.

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3 hours ago, DrawingDimes said:


5 hours ago, newbiezness said:

You don't think they'll sell out the arena? They will. We will fill Wembley even if the booking is not great. I´m sure of that. Europe, Europe!!! ✌️

Do you personally work for AEW? Who is "we"? This is the exact type of cultism I am talking about. I have never in my life seen a WWE fan refer to thar company as "we" but it's a daily occurance with AEWtists

Genuinely strange behaviour

"We" is because I'm european and I'm planning to be at Wembley. Do I have now your permission to say"we will fill Wembley"?


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16 hours ago, newbiezness said:

If WB were not interested in ROH is basically because they don't have a clue about wrestling industry.

*Looks at the history of Turner Broadcasting and the previous wrestling company affiliated with them.* Well.... DUH.

Edited by Matt_Black
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18 hours ago, milamber said:

Looks like Dark & Elevation have been silently cancelled. I expect to see more squash matches on Rampage going forward. It will be interesting to see if it can sustain high enough ratings for WB to keep airing it.

I can see Dark coming back when the new deal with WBD is announced. Even though I haven't watched Dark since the first month, it is very cheap content and could be put on the MAX platform.

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  • The Blonde Bomber changed the title to Would You Stop Watching AEW if The Elite and or CM Punk left?
4 hours ago, aXminster said:

I can see Dark coming back when the new deal with WBD is announced. Even though I haven't watched Dark since the first month, it is very cheap content and could be put on the MAX platform.

This affects US viewing only (including youtube) but not international deals like FITE.

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Last night's battle royal was the third men's battle royal THIS YEAR. Meanwhile, we can't get more than one women's single match per show. Hopefully, without Dark and Elevation to rely on as a crutch, we might see more women's matches on actual television.

I did like the swerve with Shida, as it was a refreshing departure from "Outcasts cheat, Outcasts win, Outcasts beatdown loser, Outcasts run away to avoid a confrontation with Britt and Hayter." Though, the swerve would have been even more effective if we had any reason to believe that Shida would actually join up with them. As it was, I was, "What?!? NO! This doesn't make any sense! What's happening and OHHHH."

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On 5/3/2023 at 2:38 PM, The Blonde Bomber said:

Both of these entities have their fans but would either leaving have an effect on your viewing habit of AEW? Would you not watch if one of them left? Would you only watch clips? Would you keep watching regardless?

I've largely stopped since CM Punk got fired. Partly because I can't stand the Bucks, but partly because I haven't enjoyed the show. 

Dynamite doesn't build storylines or stars or matches, has too much sports entertainment and way too much Jericho. 

I enjoy watching guys like Sammy Guevara and Rush and Andrade but the Young Bucks (and the Elite and Jericho) take things way too far. For one, they seem unable to have a straight wrestling match -- every match has like fifteen wrestling spots. AEW has the look and feel of WCW Thunder in 1999, but not the star quality. 

To summarize: If Vince Russo booked a PG-Era wresting show, it would look a lot like AEW Dynamite. At this point, I have expect to find Russo back there writing if I ever wandered backstage at an AEW taping. 


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9 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Last night's battle royal was the third men's battle royal THIS YEAR. Meanwhile, we can't get more than one women's single match per show. Hopefully, without Dark and Elevation to rely on as a crutch, we might see more women's matches on actual television.

I did like the swerve with Shida, as it was a refreshing departure from "Outcasts cheat, Outcasts win, Outcasts beatdown loser, Outcasts run away to avoid a confrontation with Britt and Hayter." Though, the swerve would have been even more effective if we had any reason to believe that Shida would actually join up with them. As it was, I was, "What?!? NO! This doesn't make any sense! What's happening and OHHHH."

AEW doesn't build stars well. They don't feature talent consistently or push talent reliably. In the women's division, Tony didn't start with any ready-made stars available -- the big names were either in WWE (Becky Lynch) or too injured to headline (Saraya). 

AEW seems to push people with connections over people with talent. Someone like Britt Baker (or, for a male equivalent, Adam Page or Jungle Boy) gets pushed way beyond their talent level. 

Jamie Hayter probably had the most talent on the women's roster. She hasn't received the air time Britt Baker or Jade Cargill had, and hasn't gotten over as much as she should. Now that she's over, there isn't really a marquee match for her to have -- Tony hasn't built up anyone else to that level in the women's division. 

Which is a shame, because Hayter probably is the most over English star on the AEW Roster and Tony has rented out Wembley for a make-or-break show. 

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Given the AEW Dynamite ratings this week (~775,000) there are definite parallels between the David Arquette's WCW Title win on WCW Thunder in a tag team match and Jungle Boy & Darby Allin's title shot win on AEW Dynamite. You could argue that AEW re-told the core David Arquette & Jeff Jarrett story with Sammy Guevara and MJF.

Sammy and David were both hated by the fan base and both worked with a top heel to screw a babyface out of an opportunity, only for it to backfire on them later. 

Even with competition from pro sports, there's no excuse for AEW to draw that poorly with their four biggest home-grown stars in the main event -- and just about every star on the roster in action.

I wonder if we'll look back at April 26th 2023 as the day Dynamite died. 


Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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I just think it's a mistake running a Four Way rather than MJF vs. Darby in a singles match. Whatever people's opinions are on Jack Perry and Sammy Guevara, it's clear to me that Darby has trended upwards in a way that those guys have not. The best segment of this whole storyline was Sting and Darby verbally sparring with MJF so I am a wee bit disappointed that TK saw that and thought the Four Pillars Match was still the right direction.

Then again, Tony is very much a wrestling booker who does what he writes in his legal pad. There's a domino effect when plans change and he obviously doesn't like flying on the seat of his pants when it comes to putting shows together. I have no doubt the match will be a banger and the TV build will matter nought, that's how these things work. Nobody talks about WrestleMania X-Seven and mentions that they built Rock vs. Austin with a squabble over who Debra was managing. But, yeah... personal bias and all, World title matches to me should always be singles matches to me and I wanted Darby to get the call.

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30 minutes ago, Mootinie said:

I just think it's a mistake running a Four Way rather than MJF vs. Darby in a singles match. Whatever people's opinions are on Jack Perry and Sammy Guevara, it's clear to me that Darby has trended upwards in a way that those guys have not. The best segment of this whole storyline was Sting and Darby verbally sparring with MJF so I am a wee bit disappointed that TK saw that and thought the Four Pillars Match was still the right direction.

Then again, Tony is very much a wrestling booker who does what he writes in his legal pad. There's a domino effect when plans change and he obviously doesn't like flying on the seat of his pants when it comes to putting shows together. I have no doubt the match will be a banger and the TV build will matter nought, that's how these things work. Nobody talks about WrestleMania X-Seven and mentions that they built Rock vs. Austin with a squabble over who Debra was managing. But, yeah... personal bias and all, World title matches to me should always be singles matches to me and I wanted Darby to get the call.

Sammy has go-away heat. He really needs to go away and spend some time abroad -- preferably in Japan -- and get his act together. Pillar or not, Sammy doesn't belong alongside JB, MJF or Darby. Their core audience doesn't want to see him. 

I think fans tuned out last week because Sammy was featured in that position. 

It's a real shame. Sammy could be a huge babyface for AEW in a way JB (not as good) or Darby (too small) couldn't. But he let his ego get in the way. 

I still think Sammy can turn things around down the road, but he needs to get his act together. 

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Sammy is a man fast approaching his 30th birthday, and he acts like he's a decade younger. That's really the thing that rubs everyone the wrong way, including me. Even on his vlog he's like this. I mean, he doesn't seem like a bad guy. On his vlog he seems to be a pretty decent guy. His friends and wife like him fine, and that speaks for him being that pretty decent guy. But he strikes me as a guy who hasn't quite figured out how or simply doesn't want to finish growing up. I'm not talking about being serious all the time, dropping certain hobbies, or anything like that. It's more ephemeral than that.

I mean, we're all just a bunch of kids who got older and are faking it until we make it. It's just with most folks you can't see the kid poking out half the time. I really don't know how to explain it any better, but hopefully I'm making sense to somebody here. Sometimes he seems like one of hte youngest members of the roster despite the fact that he's about to be 30, you know?

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- Undisputed Orange Bandit vs JAS was good. Post match beatdown was fun.
- Good backstage promos.
- Saraya vs Willow was solid. Women in the 1st hour 😮 Shida! Fake heel turn!
- HoB make their own damn rules. Makes the Trios titles more interesting.
- Tres de Mayo Trios Battle Royale was OK.
- MJF & Sammy lol.
- Another Wardlow squash. At least Christian spoke this time.
- Briscoe segment was gold.
- Ricky vs Juice was good.
- Jungle Boy & Darby vs Sammy & MJF was my MOTN. Rukus nailed the mash-up theme.

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On 5/2/2023 at 9:38 PM, DrawingDimes said:

Most AEW fans are the type of obsessed cultists with nothing else going on in their lives that were refreshing Ticketmaster within 5 minutes of the pre-sale. I honestly think the bulk of the tickets they will sell have already been sold. I'm so confident about this that I will delete my account if they sell over 60,000 

WrestleTix is suggesting the number of tickets sold may well be over 60,000 now...


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Not going to do some big state of the thread address but that's twice in the space of a week that mods have had to step into this thread because of petty back and forth stemming from one or two posts. I've removed the posts now and this is the last of it. If it continues after this, anyone carrying on will get warnings or whatever else comes from it.

I'm going to reopen the thread but I'd like to remind/show everyone who reads this post a handy trick for ignoring people that you don't want to see posts from. Click on your profile dropdown on the top left and go to ignored users. From there, add anyone you don't want to see posts, mentions or messages from.

If anyone feels like this is overreaching or silencing criticism of AEW, I'd like to reiterate that's not the case. I, personally, don't really care for AEW one way or the other so if people are being blunt about it that's nothing to me and I presume the other mods are largely the same. We'll only step in if it goes past fair criticism and goes into posts that are either attacking other users or deliberately worded to provoke a reaction. If that's not to anyone's liking, you're welcome to find another space on the internet to discuss AEW (or any other topic, AEW is just the example because of the thread this is in).

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Fans get worked up over AEW because they want it to succeed badly. It isn't like TNA in that respect -- fans can't remember a time when there were two national wrestling promotions anymore. When TNA was founded, WCW was still fresh in people's minds -- now, we're two decades plus out from Final Nitro. 

I imagine any discussion given how tempers are flaring would be a nightmare to moderate. 

I get why people are so hard on AEW, but fans across the internet should also try to be kind to one another too. 

At the end of the day, we all want AEW to succeed, we just think different means will achieve that end.

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6 hours ago, James The Animator said:

I have personally seen that this isn’t true. There are definitely some people who want AEW to fail. It’s not because they hate the idea of an alternative, and not even because they hate individual wrestlers. The root is they genuinely hate Tony Khan. They think he’s an egomaniac, spoiled, and an incompetent boss, and they would love to see him fail spectacularly.

I admittedly do get a kick out of watching rich people fail. Either billionaire is fine by me. 

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