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Hey guys, I've been a part of this great community for quite some time now, and I just wanted to do something to give back to the community. I don't have the talent/time/wrestling knowledge to make a mod or anything so I thought I would do a giveaway for TEW 2020!


All you gotta do to enter is post in this thread. To keep the thread interesting lets just say you have to post what your favourite wrestling moment of all time is. The only restriction I'm going to place is that accounts must be at least 2 weeks old and should have a minimum of, lets say, 10 posts. Just to make sure people don't enter with a bunch of alts. I'll announce the winner the day the game comes out. Good luck!

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What a nice thing to do! Back when I ran a TEW facebook group one of the mods tried to give one of the kids there a laptop & I was going to buy him the game. Ended up not doing it because when you think about it. It would sound weird if the kid suddenly had a laptop & his parents would have probably thought some weird stuff was happening.



Favorite moment from wrestling was the legendary match between Melina Vs Alicia Fox at Summerslam.

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That moment on Raw back in 2002, after somebody threw Shawn Michaels through a car window. Triple H's promo in the ring, and Shawn Michaels on the titantron. I can still see it.


"It was you, Hunter."


"You're damn right it was me, Shawn!"


"The doctors have told me I'll make a full recovery. They say I'll be a hundred percent. A hundred percent by say Summerslam?"



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This is a great sign of this great community! Good on you!


My favorite wrestling moment of all time was when Batista beat Triple H in Wrestlemania 21, Batista has been my favorite wrestler of all time and the build to that match was just so great. And it was incredibly gratifying seeing Triple H's reign fall. Probably a moment not remembered by everyone, but having your favorite wrestler win the big one at Wrestlemania? Oh yeah!

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My favorite moment recently? Shibata storming the ring and beating Kenta down.


My favorite moment of all time? In terms of "feels" it was probably "I'm sorry, I love you" or Guerrero and Benoit celebrating with the titles. I know we all know how that played out, but at the time, in that moment, it was magical and felt like two of the hardest working guys finally made it.

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From the older stuff for me, it was the Supermart beatdown by Austin and Booker T. I can still watch it and enjoy the ever loving hell for zany stuff.


Of the newer stuff, probably CM Punk's pipebomb because it was so damn true at the time and place.

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This is a really cool gesture. And, whether I win or not (which...I get odds, so probably not lol; don't worry, I'll be purchasing it), I appreciate you doing this.


Favorite wrestling moment of all time is tough...but I'm going to go with Kerry Von Erich winning the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from Ric Flair in Texas Stadium. I was a kid in Texas, and a big fan of the Von Erichs (and also a growing admirer of Ric Flair), and this was treated as a huge moment in my grandparents' house. At that point, I had never experienced a sports team that I followed and cared about winning a World Series or Super Bowl or anything, but when Kerry beat Flair, it was like the Cowboys winning the Super Bowl, the Astros winning the World Series, and the US sweeping the Olympics of Gold Medals all at the same time, as far as they were concerned. It was just a lot of fun and seemed to make everybody happy.



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It's really hard to pick a favorite when there have been so many over the years throughout all the various companies that are around today, as well as from those that have come and gone.


For me, if I had to pick just one, I would go with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin winning his first WWF Championship from Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 14. I didn't have cable at the time, so I didn't get to see it live as it happened, nor did I have internet access unless I went to an internet cafe. Remember, this was the dark ages of the internet before everyone and their dog became connected to it. So I didn't hear about it until the end of a radio show I was listening to when a caller made a comment about it.


In essence, I got to hear about it before hearing it from a friend I went to school with who had cable but didn't order the PPVs, and thus would have called me and told me the results while going back and forth between Raw and Nitro. As someone who had practically watched Steve Austin his whole career (save for his brief run in ECW and his Memphis appearances) as I got to see him wrestle on local TV whenever he wrestled at the Sportatorium, then saw his WCW run, it felt cool to see a true homegrown Sportatorium alumnus finally not only make it, but win the big one in the main event of WrestleMania.

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Cool gesture, thanks!


Impossible for me to pick a single favorite moment, I've been watching for so long, but one that most especially jumps out at me was the night Bret Hart so infamously snapped on Monday Night Raw, (March 17, 1997 - one of the last stops on the Road To WrestleMania that year). For me, that was the real beginning of the Attitude Era, and while that's far from my personal favorite era... this particular incident was definitely jaw-dropping for me.


Stuff like this just didn't happen back then, especially in the WWF!!!!!!

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My favourite moment is a bit random - it’s phrase from a Randy Savage promo where he started a sentence in his own inimitable rasping style:


“Well it seems to me, that it is seems to be...”


I can’t remember the rest of the promo, before or after this phrase, and haven’t been able to find it online. I think he was answering Gene Okerland, I think it was outside, and I think Elizabeth was there too, but that phrase has stayed with me for thirty-odd years :o

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The nWo destroys the ambulance carrying The Rock


Wow, thank for the contest. Very nice of you.


My favorite moment ever in wrestling is when the nWo attached The Rock. It was a great beat down anyway but later when Hollywood Hogan drove a big rig into the ambulance with The Rock in it I just thought that was awesome. I had never seen an angle that nasty and gritty looking. I also loved the reaction from the guys after they looked in the window and realized what they had done, just funny as hell, LoL. The link to a video below.


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<p>Very neat, very cool of you.</p><p> </p><p>

I think my all time has to be Bryan winning at Mania 30. After Eddie and Benoit's back-to-back deaths, my interest in wrestling was nonexistent, but during my wrestling sabbatical I came across some ROH shows with Bryan on them and became fascinated by him. Even though his WWE career was (And still is tbh) hard to follow at times, seeing my all time favorite wrestler win it all and have his moment in the sun will always rule.</p><p> </p><p>

In a similar vein for a more recent one, Naito winning becoming double champ is easily a top 5 all time moment for me, maybe even #2.</p>

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<p>Very kind of you. I hope i have ten posts since I'm a lurker mostly <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

I'm quite find of Mark Henry winning the World Heavyweight Championship. I was a big fan of his Hall of Pain run. The whole summer of him and Christian vs Randy Orton is one out my favourite stretches in wrestling.</p>

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<p>Thanks so much for doing this. </p><p> </p><p>

My favorite moment in wrestling was the day Eddie Guerrero won the WWE Championship at No Way Out in 2004. I was 10. </p><p> </p><p>

My dad died in April 2003, and I discovered WWE in June of that year. The first time I saw Eddie Guerrero cut a promo, I knew everything was going to be okay. Eddie got me through the grieving process. I didn’t think there was a chance WWE was going to put him over Lesnar, but I was hopeful. I loved the buildup to the match, etc—I watched WWE programming every week after Shabbat dinner at my grandma’s to distract myself from what had happened with my dad, and Eddie was always my highlight. </p><p> </p><p>

I cried when Eddie lifted the title. The only time I’ve ever cried watching wrestling, and probably the only time I ever will.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kje3334" data-cite="kje3334" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47448" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Very kind of you. I hope i have ten posts since I'm a lurker mostly <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> I'm quite find of Mark Henry winning the World Heavyweight Championship. I was a big fan of his Hall of Pain run. The whole summer of him and Christian vs Randy Orton is one out my favourite stretches in wrestling.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> dont worry im gonna use my judgement lol. i should be able to tell if someones a lurker or not <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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