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What's Going on in Your Game?

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What is Al Snow doing? Do you have the Oddities on your roster? You could have them in a feud

Al Snow is an unimportant heel, he only just became Al Snow.


No Oddities yet, I don’t think I have a single one of them on my roster. Not sure I ever will either.


What I really need to do is build a few of my tag teams (the Hardys, Godwinns or Headbangers) above Unimportant so they can actually have matches against each other without a penalty.

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Held Wrestlemania 20 in my more serious, all written out 2004 save game and rose to large after it. Now I got a whole year to book out how I want to make Cena the face of the company</p>

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This is what is going on in my 2005 real world game.


Nothing much! I just started the game, so most things are in my head, but here are the most important points:




Triple H is my world champion, because, well, nobody else was ready to win the vacant title. I had picked Batista to win the Royal Rumble only for him to be busted for steroid use and be suspended for a month like two weeks before the show. So! I went with Ric Flair. Will Hunter be willing to do the honors for him? Who knows? I'm knocking on wood.


William Regal just turned on Eugene, as I'm ready to give him a big push as IC champion. He's going to face Shelton Benjamin at Mania and, barring injury, he'll win the title there.


Christian and Tomko are tag champs, and Hurricane keeps bugging them about getting a title shot. Christian burries him every chance he gets, saying super heroes are lame and don't exist in the real world. So guess who debuts to assist Hurricane? Well, no other than JUSHIN THUNDER LIGER. He's facing Christian at Wrestlemania.


Edge is getting a big push after I put him and Lita together. He's feuding with Michaels as they are 1-1 since the Rumble. Edge should win this one.


Lita has literally no competition as women's champion. I'm trying to recruit female wrestlers to keep her busy but so far the results are mixed. She may have to skip Mania without challengers.


The Rock and Undertaker are going to fight! I'm templating this feud based on the first Cena/Rock match and guess what? It's my hottest storyline. Undertaker doesn't loose at Wrestlemania, and Dwayne is leaving soon.


Jerry Lawler has not been kind to Randy Orton on commentary lately, going so far as calling him soft and a shell of his former self. Randy is resisting his urges to kick that guy in the head and be a class act, but that's not going to last long. At Wrestlemania, the King is going to find out that you don't mess with a viper.




JBL is the WWE champion and will lose it to John Cena at Wrestlemania. Cena earned the title shot by winning this year's Elimination Chamber, let's make him a star!


Angle is now managed by Heyman and is the US champion. The plan is for him to face AJ Styles for the belt, but this 2005 AJ Styles, and I don't know if he's going to be ready in a little under a month for him to win. Either way, I think AJ can afford this loss and win the belt later.


Big Show is a big dude, and he's got big problems! Samoa Joe just debuted against him and his kicking his butt left and right. I am strapping a rocket to lil' Joe here and he's not gonna stop for nothing. Joe is my big project, I want him to win the WWE championship at next year's Wrestlemania. Now, the issue here is that the Big Show does not appreciate being a treated as a punching bag (both in storyline and in real life), so there's that.

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Been playing as TNA in 2010, Paul Heyman is in a power struggle with Hulk Hogan. The company has been buiding around younger stars and the older one's were jobbed out during the first few weeks (initially used to try and get better ratings) and put younger guys over. The first 6 months of the new monday night wars are as follows (based on show rating):


There's big things in the pipe, we've just had Pope debut the Congregation (Nana, Keith Lee and AR Fox), Chris Jericho will debut in a couple of weeks and Dustin Rhodes is jumping over to feud with Sting.

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I have started a backyard to global with the default c-verse database using only tag wrestling. the company is called tag league pro wrestling (TLPW).

I set myself some rules to start with, each league season rules for 10 weeks then a couple of weeks break before the next one starts (nine week, 10 team round Robin with the final show been a showcase/final night if there is a tie in the league).

Teams are selected at random at the start of each leagie (I am picking names from a hat) with only the winners of the previous league been kept together to defend their crown as champions of the previous league.

All workers must be unemployed when I bring them in and if they sign with another company they can finish up the league before been released.

Replacements can only be made should a worker become injured and is unable to compete.

The computer gets to pick all the winners so it is as much as a surprise to me as the virtual crowd


The first league was not particularly eventful, the team of cip conduit and molokai milk did a clean sweep of the league and we didnt get any positive or negative chemistry notes. Most workers showed reasonable improvements in their personal in ring performance except for Cockroach Carter who started at a 4 rating and ended on 5. (as an example of others, his partner dreadnought started at 5 and ended with 15 personal rating)


League 2 was a bit more eventful however cip and milk sweeped the field again however on night 7 milk announced he would be retiring so at the end of the league he needed to be replaced. We also found that Jack pryde and Warren technique had negative chemistry. Carter continued to underwhelm with his best in ring performance of 7. Milks replacement was a random gen with decent psychology and basics and a 40 in flying named Russel Chance.


League 3 saw Carter thinking all his Christmas's had come at once drawing cip as his partner only to find they had negative chemistry and the team bombed during the league. We had our first tie in the league between the teams of Charlie Corner and Bobby Thomas and Jack pryde and original sinner. The final match took place on night 10 seeing corner and Thomas take the crown.


After 30 shows we have risen from insignificant to tiny and after the 3rd league we lost cip who signed with PSW and we lost pryde who signed with MAW. Both will be watched and picked up again if they become unemployed as they were both developing well. Carter is now a project, I am determined to make something of him even if he has still only managed a personal best of 10.

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The World Wrestling Alliance just held its brand new event, WWA Election Day! Totally NOT a rip off of Taboo Tuesday or Cyber Sunday! Okay…maybe it is…


The one night of the year where WWA fans have the power! The fans vote to decide the stipulations, the challengers, the tag team partners! The most creative night of the year!


WWA Election Day

May 2021

Attendance: 53,173

Final Rating: 87


The Fans Choose The Challengers For The WWA World Tag Team Championship!


The Fans Choose….MEXICO’S FINEST!


The Wild Cats (El Jaguar & Tigre Salvaje Jr.) defeat Mexico’s Finest (Aztec Prince & Blue Phantom) to RETAIN the WWA World Tag Team Championship! With Mexico represented 100% in tonight’s opening contest, Salvaje Jr. pins Phantom as the Wild Cats remain the current 2-Time WWA Tag Champs. (71)


The Fans Choose The Stipulations For The Finals of the WWA Women’s Championship Tournament!




Fuyuko Higa defeats Alina America to become the FIRST EVER WWA Women’s Champion! With the ring surrounded by the rest of the competitors in the inaugural Women’s Title Tournament, Higa gets some help from her Birds of Prey pal Gemmei Oonishi to snatch victory from America. (41)


Blueprint (Eddie Howard & Sterling Whitlock) defeat The Enterprise (Logan Wolfsbaine & Primetime Jack Pryde). Both teams were outvoted by Mexico’s Finest, thus failing to earn a Tag Title Match at Election Day. Nevertheless, Howard pins Pryde to get a win over Blueprint, keeping them at the top of the Tag Team Division. (71)


The Fans Choose The Stipulations For the Cougar/Dastardly Rubber Match!




Kurata Empire member Damian Dastardly defeats Masked Cougar in the FCA Match to bring their rivalry to a close. WWA General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson vowed to double Dastardly’s winners purse if he “manned up” and won the match without help from the rest of the Kurata Empire. Dastardly swore to do so, and that he did. Both men ended up crashing off the entrance stage through a table, but it was Dastardly who had the awareness(?) to drape an arm over Cougar to capture the 1,2,3! (81)


The Fans Choose The Challenger For WWA Intercontinental Championship!




Enterprise member Nelson Callum defeats Enterprise member Davis Wayne Newton to RETAIN the WWA Intercontinental Championship! In a shocking turns of events, the fans vote to pit Enterprise verus Enterprise! It starts off clean between best friends, but eventually recent issues between Callum & Newton lead to close fists and rough tactics. Stunningly, Callum reverses Newton into a roll up, then steals the win from his best friend with a handful of tights! Newton can’t believe what his stable brother has done as he watches Callum celebrate his victory! (85)


The Fans Choose The Stipulations For The Party Police/Superb Tag Team Match!


The Fans Choose…A TABLES MATCH!


Superb (Ozzie Golden & Raphael) defeat Party Police (Brock Star & Fro Sure) in the Tables Match. With Raphael & Brock Star eliminated from the match, Women’s Title Tournament Semi-Finalist Foxxy LaRue would interfere to help Golden put Fro Sure through a table, securing the win for Superb. (73)


Masao Tsubouchi defeats Kurata Empire member Tsuneyo Yanagimoto. After losing out in the IC Championship Match vote for Davis Wayne Newton, the two competitors agree to a match backstage. Yanagimoto attempted to cheat his way to victory, but his rival Tanyu Toshusai would come down to the ring to stop that from happening. Distracted by Toshusai, Yanagimoto would fall victim to Tsubouchi’s Brainbuster Suplex for the 1,2,3! (78)


The Fans Choose WWA World Heavyweight Champion Razan Okamoto’s Tag Team Partner!


The Fans Choose…MR. LUCHA!


The Kurata Empire (Masa Kurata & Bryan Vessey) defeat Razan Okamoto & Mr. Lucha in the Main Event. In a stunning turns of event, a hooded figure would appear and assault Mr. Lucha with a steel chair. With Lucha down and hurt, the hooded man would reveal himself. It’s none other than Frederique! We haven’t seen Frederique since Lucha shaved his head at Wrestle Fest II!


Okamoto attempts to carry the match on his own, but Razan falls to the numbers game. A hurt Lucha tries to get back into the match, but eventually becomes a detriment. Kurata hits Lucha with the K-HD for the victory. Post-Match, Kurata makes his intentions clear. He wants a rematch with Okamoto for the WWA World Heavyweight Championship! (90)

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And now we move on... to In Your House 14: Dead Man Walking, as the Undertaker defends his WWF Championship against Sycho Sid in a Buried Alive Match!!




Ok, so finally got around to booking In Your House 15: Cold Day in Hell (I really struggle with the grind of booking week-to-week TV)...




Jim Neidhart was supposed to team with Bret in the three team Tag Title match, got injured a few days before. I couldn't figure out who to make Bret's partner, so gave it to Rockabilly, who was in a programme with Mankind before Mankind got injured.


Toyed with the idea of making Bret and Rockabilly champs, but Shawn would have absolutely NONE of it. Was hard enough getting him to drop it back to Owen & Bulldog.


Now, onwards to King of the Ring, where Faarooq will face Undertaker for the WWF Title (mimicking real life, where the Nation will split into three factions following this) as well as the King of the Ring tournament. Probably going to have HHH still win the KOTR, but in my universes that means you always get a WWF Title shot at Summerslam.


So... Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs the Undertaker at Summerslam for the WWF Championship anyone??

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Ok, so finally got around to booking In Your House 15: Cold Day in Hell (I really struggle with the grind of booking week-to-week TV)...




Jim Neidhart was supposed to team with Bret in the three team Tag Title match, got injured a few days before. I couldn't figure out who to make Bret's partner, so gave it to Rockabilly, who was in a programme with Mankind before Mankind got injured.


Toyed with the idea of making Bret and Rockabilly champs, but Shawn would have absolutely NONE of it. Was hard enough getting him to drop it back to Owen & Bulldog.


Now, onwards to King of the Ring, where Faarooq will face Undertaker for the WWF Title (mimicking real life, where the Nation will split into three factions following this) as well as the King of the Ring tournament. Probably going to have HHH still win the KOTR, but in my universes that means you always get a WWF Title shot at Summerslam.


So... Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs the Undertaker at Summerslam for the WWF Championship anyone??


I'm nearing the same time period as you in my game. I like what you are doing. I also got hit with the injury bug.


I'm in April 96 and just brought in Mankind who was feuding with Underatker.


At my April In Your House, Taker teamed with Vader to face Mankind and Yokozuna. Taker sustained a broken neck and is out for a year. Hopefully I can mimic some of your plans

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I'm nearing the same time period as you in my game. I like what you are doing. I also got hit with the injury bug.


I'm in April 96 and just brought in Mankind who was feuding with Underatker.


At my April In Your House, Taker teamed with Vader to face Mankind and Yokozuna. Taker sustained a broken neck and is out for a year. Hopefully I can mimic some of your plans


Oh wow, no Taker for a year really changes things up. I have to say, I really enjoy anything that forces me to alter my booking and “think on my feet”, it seemed like TEW2016 didn’t have anywhere near enough injuries.


Like I said, I was tempted to go with Rockabilly and Bret for the win there and have unlikely Tag Champs, but HBK really is a major pain. Having Rockabilly take the pin and Bret allowing it to hand the titles to Owen had to be the next best thing.

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Just finished the ROH 19th Anniversary Show in March for a save that began with December data. I replicated the results of ROH TV to get to the start of February, when I started the save, but I took over from there.


Pre-Show/Hour One:


The Foundation (Rhett Titus and Tracy Williams) defeated La Faccion Ingobernable (Kenny King and Flip Gordon)


The stable war between The Foundation and LFI has been a driving force here, and we're still just scraping the surface. I planned to have a tag match between the two here, and this made the most sense so I can save the bigger clashes for down the line. Gordon isn't technically a member, but he's a "mercenary" and I'm having LFI adopt the "better the devil you know than the devil you don't approach with him." He's owed a ROH World Title shot, so RUSH is keeping him close to keep an eye on him. Gordon and Kenny couldn't get on the same page here, and it cost them the match.


Josh Woods has had some breakout success on his own, but he surprisingly welcomed his partner, Silas Young back to ROH. Young hasn't appeared since before the ROH Restart back in September. The reunited "2 Guys, 1 Tag" took on a one-night only reunion of PCO/Brody King. Silas turned heel on Josh during the match and cost him. The story here is that Silas is jealous of Wood's success when he was gone.


I had Dalton Castle turn heel in February because he was frustrated with a string of losses. He issues an open challenge, and Danhausen responded. Castle was furious because he was tired of being treated like a joke, and he saw Danhausen as the embodiment of what went wrong with his career. He was ultra aggressve en route to a victory.


Main Show:


Pure Champion Jonathan Gresham began a series of open challenges tonight, hoping to prove that A) he's a fighting champion and B) the Pure Title is the top championship in ROH. Fred Yehi responded, as he has teamed up with the Foundation here and there, demonstrating his own love of pure wrestling. These two put on a technical masterclass, and Gresham won to retain. I signed a few technical masters to one-night deals to continue this series in the weeks ahead (AR Fox, JD Drake, Chris Dickinson, Schaff, Puma King and, in the culmination, Chris Hero for a one-night return.)


I've tried to follow a realistic path of the Original Kingdom (Taven & Mike Bennett) and the Righteous (Vincent and Bateman.) Bruiser turned heel on his partner, Brawler Milonas and the OGK due to Vincent's manipulation. The Righteous and Bruiser beat Taven, Bennett and Milonas here.


Jay Briscoe was scheduled to face EC3 at Final Battle, but EC3 got COVID. I held that match here, with Briscoe winning to prove that honor is real.


Dragon Lee retained the TV Title against Bandido. Bandido had been absent due to COVID/travel restrictions, but knowing that he'll be on ROH TV later this month IRL, I've been using him occasionally.


Shane Taylor was mad he got left off the card after he got his "token title shot." He issued an open challenge, and the returning PJ Black responded. (Had been absent since the Pure Tournament in the fall.) Taylor won in a classic battle of size and speed.


In one of the first major battles of the Foundation/LFI stable war, RUSH retained the world title over Jay Lethal, the former champ who beat Gresham to earn this opportunity. My long-term plan is to have Gresham beat RUSH for the title at the next big show, maybe Best In The World in June.


Having a lot of fun with this. I'm excited about the Foundation/LFI stable war IRL, so it's cool to have it play out here. I signed several women wrestlers, and I plan to finally do the Women of Honor Title tournament that has been delayed for months. Signed handshake deals with several SHIMMER talents to beef up the depth of the roster/tournament.

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Ok, so after another strong loss of motivation, I've FINALLY gotten around to picking this one back up and booking the Royal Rumble.




Next stop, the Road to Wrestlemania where a final showdown between WWF and WCW is set to take place! Who will finally win the war??



While I've got some TEW2020 motivation happening again I thought I'd continue my ages old Invasion angle, carrying over from TEW2016. This show wasn't very good because I picked it up after a several month hiatus and the show was half booked already, so it's a bit disjointed.


Anyway, here's SuperBrawl XII, February 2002.




We edge ever closer and closer to WM18, where the final battle between WWF and WCW for control of the company will take place!

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In my save, Rick Law leaves USPW not on time decline, but USPW gain an aging Angry Gilmore. Sean Deely has left CWA and sits unemployed while CWA are at the moment 2 Mil in the hole. My little insignificant company is making money though. Not a lot of it, but were profitable which is more than I can say of 5SSW(17k in the red), FCW (only 13 K left and losing money each month),and IPW (343k left, never profitable). Nothing major scandal wise has happened yet either, sadly.
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Started a save with RIPW to try and have fun with the game again and it finally i'm there.


The more recent things was Hellion being called up by SWF. Because i used him like an aggressive, fight loving monsters that attacked anyone he wanted on a whim, faces or heels, i used that as a reason for a group of heel wrestler to ask for him to leave the promotion. So i built the Battle Royal at the end of the year about that. He eliminated everyone that wanted to get rid of him, but he was eliminated at the end of the match by Zap Powerson, that i was trying to turn in a star (failed... for now.) And now i only have 3 stars, i have work to do.

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Some fun looking shows.


Not certain about sending Linda McMahon out to warm the crowd but maybe I'm not giving her enough credit!


Hopefully I'll catch Wrestlemania when you post it.

Haha I just wanted to use her and the Fink in some capacity... could you actually imagine that pre-show segment in real life?


Takes me a LONG time to book TV and I have nine more shows to book before WM18... could be a while yet

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I have got the first Raw on the Road to WrestleMania booked though... essentially Vince will book Raw and Eric will book Smackdown! up until WM18, both trying to screw the other guy's workers over as much as possible



And now we have Eric's first episode in charge of Smackdown!, where he was only successful in stealing one title back from the WWF guys, although he did also finally secure Chris Jericho's signature in exchange for not having to defend his Intercontinental Title against both Benoit and Guerrero...



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The World Wrestling Alliance is proud to present… one of their biggest shows of the year…




June 2021

Attendance: 53,005

PPV Buyrate: 444,594

Show Rating: 89


In a Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match, The Wrecking Crew (Findlay O’ Farraday & Jack Avatar) defeated The Enterprise (Logan Wolfsbaine & Primetime Jack Pryde), Party Police (Brock Star & Fro Sure), Superb (Ozzie Golden & Raphael). As a result, Wrecking Crew have earned themselves a Tag Team Title Match! (72)


Yuma Maruya defeated Gorgon. Gorgon seemed ready to power her way to victory, but Maruya would surprise her larger opponent with a roll up for the win! This feud seems far from over. (51)


In a highly anticipated rematch, Kurata Empire member Tsuneyo Yanagimoto defeated Tanyu Toshusai. Yanagimoto redeems himself from his previous loss to Toshusai, but needs fellow Empire member Bryan Vessey’s help to do it! (80)


Under Tornado Tag Team Rules, Mexico’s Finest (Aztec Prince & Blue Phantom) defeated Akima Brave & Ernest Youngman. The rubber match in this feud, Mexico’s Finest would pick up another victory for the Kurata Empire after hitting Brave with the Ultimo Sacrificio. (78)


In the final battle of WWA’s longest, most brutal feuds, Team Lucha! member Mr. Lucha defeated Superb leader Frederique in a Steel Cage Match. Frederique tried his best to keep up with Lucha, but his aging body eventually couldn’t keep up with one of the world’s current best wrestlers. After planting a bloody Frederique with the Third Strike, Lucha would glance back once at his fallen rival on the mat before exiting the cage door. Lucha exits the cage the winner of this rivalry that will go down in WWA history. (83)


The Birds of Prey (WWA Women’s Champion Fuyuko Higa & Gemmei Oonishi) defeated Alina America & Melody. Melody’s highly anticipated PPV debut is ruined thanks to surprise interference by Romi Yamato. There appears to be now a third member to the Birds of Prey! (76)


WWA Intercontinental Championship Match!

In a Triple Threat Match, Enterprise member Nelson Callum defeated Kurata Empire member Damian Dastardly & Masao Tsubouchi to RETAIN the WWA Intercontinental Championship! The finish came when Empire mouthpiece Krissy Angelle attempted to blind Callum with her trademark hairspray, but Callum would dodge it…and Angelle would accidentally spray Dastardly in the eyes instead! Callum would take advantage, hitting Dastardly with the Honey Trap for the win. (87)


Post-Match, Nelson Callum would celebrate his title victory on the entrance stage. Suddenly, a hooded figure would appear behind Callum. Much to Callum’s shock, the hooded figure would reveal himself to be none other than Davis Wayne Newton! Callum’s best friend…that is…until the IC Title got in the way! As a result, the Enterprise kicked Newton out of the group by ways of a vicious beatdown. Like a savage animal, Newton pummeled Callum until Nelson smartly bailed through the crowd and out of the arena! Newton is back, and he wants revenge!


WWA Tag Team Championship Match!

The Wild Cats (El Jaguar & Tigre Salvaje Jr.) defeated The Blueprint (Eddie Howard & Sterling Whitlock) to RETAIN the WWA Tag Team Championship! Blueprint’s manager Eric Tyler attempted to help his team steal the titles, but fellow Team Lucha! member Masked Cougar would hit ringside to chase Tyler away. Distracted by Cougar chasing Tyler, Sterling Whitlock would fall victim to the Call of the Wild, sealing the win for the 2-Time Tag Champs. (82)


WWA Heavyweight Championship Match!

In the most anticipated rematch in WWA history, Kurata Empire leader Masa Kurata defeated Razan Okamoto to become the NEW WWA Heavyweight Champion! Okamoto would fight through distractions and interference by Krissy Angelle. He would even kick out of the K-HD, as would Kurata kick out of Razan’s Brainbuster Suplex. Kurata would break free out of the Okamoto’s second attempt at the Brainbuster Suplex and hit a second K-HD! To seal the deal, Kurata would hit a third K-HD for the 1,2,3! Kurata ends Okamoto’s amazing nine-month reign as champion, and in doing so becomes just the third ever WWA Heavyweight Champion. (93)


Now, not only is Masa Kurata the king of his own empire, he is now the king of the World Wrestling Alliance! Bow down…to the Kurata Empire!

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Hi Guys,


Not a regular poster, but a regular reader.


I have played since 2005 edition, but am currently coming up on four years of in game time on the 2020 version with a 'modern day' mod.


I feel its time to summarise some of the events in my game. I have played as WWE - with the aim on creating younger stars.


I ask the forum, though, how best to structure the summary?


I plan to put a bit of time into this, how much detail and what sort of structure should I do?

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Hi Guys,


Not a regular poster, but a regular reader.


I have played since 2005 edition, but am currently coming up on four years of in game time on the 2020 version with a 'modern day' mod.


I feel its time to summarise some of the events in my game. I have played as WWE - with the aim on creating younger stars.


I ask the forum, though, how best to structure the summary?


I plan to put a bit of time into this, how much detail and what sort of structure should I do?

I think whatever you're comfortable with is fine. If you look back a few pages I did an update on my Invasion game carried over from TEW2016 where I essentially posted each monthly PPV with a summary of what happened that month.


That seemed to work pretty well for me, but as I said, whatever suits you and how much effort you'd like to put in.

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<p>Playing in the Cornellverse, I have now reached the year 2033. Seemed like a good time for an update.</p><p> </p><p>

I started as small as possible and am now a titanic world conquering juggernaut. Trying to book something vaguely AEW like, as far as work rate being more important but still having storylines and some silly gimmicks. I book fully integrated and basically treat women like Rey Mysterio types, if they're elite they can compete with anyone, but normally their size keeps them in the cruiserweight division.</p><p> </p><p>

Current Champs:</p><p> </p><p>

World: Aaron Knight </p><p>

Tag: David Stone and Lucy Stone-McFly</p><p>

US: Son of Vengeance </p><p>

Cruiser: The Great Hisato Jr (Akiro? I forget his default first name) </p><p> </p><p>

Primary undercard storyline right now is a DupliKate vs Jessica Conroy blood feud. </p><p> </p><p>

Main event is the big return of Aaron Knight as a "Hollywood Rock" style bigger than the business heel after three years in politics. He's currently ducking Tommy Cornell Jr at all costs while beating everyone else, I planned to carry this storyline for a full year, but Knight is into time decline so I might cut it short. </p><p> </p><p>

Using this angle to get my top dojo grads over as my long time stalwarts are all getting old now. Keeping the game interesting as within the past two years of game time I've had about five former world champs enter rapid time decline.</p>

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I just fired up a Ring of Honor game from 2004 and I'm having a blast playing as Bret Hart. Booking up-and-coming versions of Punk, Joe, AJ, and Bryan is a gas, and I've been able to add in some other guys who are fun, too.


Noticing we were light on top-end heels to start, I signed Sean Waltman. In hopes of using him to help make other guys, I searched and found Brodie Lee and Sheamus both had REALLY good long-term rolls, so I signed them up as his muscle and have been putting them over in early-card squash matches to give them exposure/experience. Waltman, unfortunately, had to be pushed a bit more than I'd have liked. I put him in a feud with Joe, who starts 2004 as the champ, and NOAH poached him a month into my game. Thankfully, I was able to have Joe drop the title to Waltman before he left, and I've got AJ ready to go for a main-event program that should give him a ton of shine.


I've got Punk and Bryan feuding over the Pure title, and America's Most Wanted have been brought in to be my tag champs. My upper-midcard has guys like Jerry Lynn, Christopher Daniels, and Low-Ki, and I've also signed Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, and Frankie Kazarian, among others.


We're not making money hand over fist, but I'm having a blast playing this game through a few months. I can't wait to see how it plays out.

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I just fired up a Ring of Honor game from 2004 and I'm having a blast playing as Bret Hart. Booking up-and-coming versions of Punk, Joe, AJ, and Bryan is a gas, and I've been able to add in some other guys who are fun, too.


Noticing we were light on top-end heels to start, I signed Sean Waltman. In hopes of using him to help make other guys, I searched and found Brodie Lee and Sheamus both had REALLY good long-term rolls, so I signed them up as his muscle and have been putting them over in early-card squash matches to give them exposure/experience. Waltman, unfortunately, had to be pushed a bit more than I'd have liked. I put him in a feud with Joe, who starts 2004 as the champ, and NOAH poached him a month into my game. Thankfully, I was able to have Joe drop the title to Waltman before he left, and I've got AJ ready to go for a main-event program that should give him a ton of shine.


I've got Punk and Bryan feuding over the Pure title, and America's Most Wanted have been brought in to be my tag champs. My upper-midcard has guys like Jerry Lynn, Christopher Daniels, and Low-Ki, and I've also signed Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, and Frankie Kazarian, among others.


We're not making money hand over fist, but I'm having a blast playing this game through a few months. I can't wait to see how it plays out.


Knowing you, I'd love to see the full roster, friend. :D

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