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What's Going on in Your Game?

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On 1/5/2023 at 9:25 PM, Self said:

The youngest of the DeColt boys, Ricky, is 21 at this point, and even though I've tried not to push him, he's accidentally risen up the card and has gotten a little too big for his boots. He's developed an ego, he's made some enemies, and one of those is Athos D'Olivier. A custom character who has been a consistent part of my roster since 1998, he's not Ricky's biggest enemy backstage, but he is the one who has started turning the rest of the locker room against the youngster. There are now half a dozen counts of Strong Dislike. Twice that of simmering tension. Fate straight up hates him. It's mostly lower card guys, but recently important CGC names like Nate Johnson, Sean Deeley, and Dan DaLay has started grumbling about Ricky. 


You'd think the easy option would be to fire Athos before he can turn more members of the locker room against Ricky. However, Athos is George DeColt's protege, and the DeColt Patriarch won't let me fire him. I've sent Athos on paid vacation, to temporarily get him out of the way, but that can't be a permanent solution. His contract comes up in 5 months, but there's no chance George doesn't re-sign him. This is a pickle. At some point something would explode, and I'm not sure if that will be fun or not. 


I did chuckle when, a week after sending Athos on vacation, he moved to The Maritimes; the other side of the country and home base of my rivals, NOTBPW. Clearly hedging his bets.

The follow up to this. I jobbed Athos down the card, and as soon as he dropped down to Well Known he stopped running his mouth. Even though he wouldn't negotiate with me when his contract came up, Boss George DeColt managed to resign him to a big money, long term deal. He's a talent, but at this point he's been with the company 8 years, and if I can't push him beyond a certain level, it's not worth it. A few high profile jobs later, and he asks for his own release. 

You either learn to live underneath the DeColts, or you go somewhere else. Simple as.


It's 2006 in my CGC game, and Alex DeColt has joined The Elite.

Or has he?


But he's up to something.

We think.


Out of nowhere, Alex has joined the DeColt Family's long term rivals; The Elite; a motley crew of sponsored athletes represented by Sports Agent to the Stars; Adrian Garcia. This move was sudden and confusing, especially to The Elite themselves. After years of heated rivalry, Alex entered their open invitational battle royal to win a spot, and all of a sudden is acting like a fully committed member of the team. He's wearing the tracksuit covered in sponsorship logos, he's recording ads for 'male performance' pills without complaint, and he's even interfering in his new stablemates matches... although sometimes he 'botches' that interference and 'accidentally' helps his brothers win. However, just when the Elite are convinced he's a double agent, he slams a cage door on his brother Jack's head to protect Sponsored Submission Expert John Maverick keep the CGC World Title. What is his game? Whose side is he on?

I've taken some inspiration from the Bloodline for this one. I like the idea of a heel faction with ambiguity and allegiances and restrained inner turmoil. Every main event player has a different idea of what Alex is doing. John Maverick trusts him, for now. Eddie Chandler absolutely does not. Dan DaLay believes he's finally seen sense and followed the money, and Adrian Garcia badly [i]wants[/i] to believe it, because Alex makes more sponsorship money than the other three combined.  Meanwhile, in the family, Jack DeColt is convinced Alex has gone to the dark side, Ricky believes he has a heroic plan, and Steve... poor Steve is just trying to keep the peace. 

For Alex, this represents a turning point for his character. Since 1997, being "The Thinking Man's DeColt" has just meant he went to college. This is when he levels up and becomes the Sherlock Holmes' level intellect, playing everyone around him like chess. Which is exactly what's happening here. He gains Maverick's trust, and enrages Jack into challenging them to a 3-way for the World Title ("I'll take you both on!"). Chandler throws a spanner in the works, suggesting a 4-way, but fails to win the spot himself due to infighting between himself and DaLay (that Alex debatably started). High flying underdog Darrell Stubbs won the spot, and as luck would have it, that's the perfect person for Alex to 'accidentally' pin to become CGC World Champion. Naturally, Alex is apologetic and eager to give the belt back to its rightful owner, but Garcia sees money in a big presentation, (who could have predicted?) Jack sees revenge in ruining the presentation (who could have predicted???) and now Dan DaLay is questioning why Alex isn't a better pick for champion.

This is the most fun I've had booking the DeColts and The Elite in at least two in-game years, and there's so much more to go. In canon, 2007 is a big shakeup year for The Elite, and this story looks like it'll be the catalyst. 

Edited by Self
Extra Fluff
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On 1/30/2023 at 9:04 PM, Jaysin said:

Shamrock as a member of Suzuki-gun is awesome!

Shamrock was actually always meant to be Suzuki-gun but I lost him to PWFG from 1998-2004. Sadly, he only really had a year left in his prime before he hit decline, though he did have a run with the NEVER Openweight title. I did want more out of him, as he became SUPER good over in PWFG. When it comes to contracts I try and make it so they consider "both offers" so I'm not always guaranteed to get the guy, Shamrock I lost out on twice.

On 1/30/2023 at 11:05 PM, Money Mac said:

This save sounds amazing, I would love to read more about the stables you have setup and their histories/timelines.

Haha absolutely, I don't mind. A lot of it is fictional with some mirrored elements. I go by what I want the faction to represent visually in my head then just go for it. Though if they existed in real life it does help me a bit.


Former Factions/Stables

TOWER: The first faction I made, with Vader as the leader alongside Bam Bam, Glenn Jacobs, and actually Ken Shamrock. All rough and tough. Though Masahiro Chono, being the bastard that he is, did join them but it was a bait and switch to get Vader to drop his guard (I honestly cannot remember the details, I think it was to play up Vader being without Bam Bam at WK.) However, Vader and Bigelow would get signed to WCW in 1995, so the faction was cut short. I enjoyed it though. 

Soldados Calaveros: I always forget I had this faction until I check. It was when CMLL invaded, El Canek, Dos Caras, Ultimo Dragon, Silver King, were the main players here. Though it wasn't meant to last long as they only lasted the year they debuted. 1994-1995. Also my Spanish sucks so if this isn't Skull Soldiers or something leave me alone. Fun feud, only Ultimo Dragon is still going and yes I know he is Japanese. 

nWo Japan: I mean, you knew it was gonna be here. nWo Japan consisted of a lot talent in Chono, Kojima, Tenzan, Stone Cold, Glenn Jacobs, Eddie Guerrero even. I forget a few others. It was a great time. Benoit was also a part of this too but dude, I can't hold Benoit to a contract, he leaves me for WCW every time then comes back every time, it's quite amusing. Either way nWo Japan got super bloated and imploded, all of the gaijin betrayed Chono (this is a theme. He is my Sting but for factions and kind of almost always deserved it)

UWFI: Nobuhiko Takada led this faction, with Kazuo Yamazaki, Naoki Sano, Kiyoshi Tamura and Dan Severn. They were another invasion force in the 90s. Actually the first as they debuted in 1993. I believe they are the second faction as well. Either way, this faction sucked plain and simple, Takada is the owner of UWFI so he was never freaking on my big shows, and I still can't push the guy as talented as he is in 2006, and trust me I wanted to. Either way this faction met its end vs. Mutoh-gun, and not Sekigun, which is rare.

Funaki-gun: An interesting experiment and the precursor of Suzuki-gun involving Masakatsu Funaki. The idea of Suzuki vs Funaki is wild. Extremely exciting, and has been done in real life. However, I wanted them to be major rivals going throughout their careers. Thankfully MMA made sure that was impossible and it took me 3 years from 2000-2003 to actually have a pay off. It wasn't awful or anything but damn it was just a wasted faction that never really won much together. It consisted of MAZADA, Hooligan, Rhino, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, and Suzuki. The reason for the group being so weird was because, again, it was meant to be a bunch of punks and heels who don't belong coming together. Similar to modern day Suzuki-gun with a bit of LIJ. Now that both men are older, thankfully, it's been way better.

Team 2000: Chono being my #1 heel whilst being my #1 face has never stopped. Dude oozed cool, and he was going to be break every rule outside of the ring to make sure he stayed on the top, which meant aligning himself with as many people he could manipulate as possible. Team 2000 was formed when he saw nWo Japan failing, believing the cause to be the gaijin that were entrusted to it (Stone Cold, Benoit, and Glenn Jacobs) the faction consisted of TenKoji, Chono, Gedo & Jado, Shinjiro Otani, Togi Makabe, and Tomohiro Ishii. Chono should have known better to ally himself with a bunch of traitors, however. When he failed to defeat Triple H at Wrestle Kingdom, TenKoji would betray Chono and form Great Bash Heel. Gedo & Jado, Makabe and Ishii would follow suit... oh and Otani. Chono was left alone, and past his prime. Not every story has to end fantastically, you know. Being a complete asshole alienates you, shocker. Regardless of that, Chono is semi-retired, my new UC, so owner of NJPW since Inoki was getting toooo old.


Sekigun: Not really a faction, though sort of is. Think of it like modern day CHAOS. It's just the NJPW army. Fujinami created it to help stop NWO and CMLL's invasion, and also have a hand in stopping UWFI , plus whatever faction Chono was leading. Fujinami was the "leader" and gathered a lot of great talents from Liger, Hashimoto, Kensuke Sasaki, Nagata, etc. If they weren't in a faction they were here. Masakatsu Funaki has a lot of history with this faction as well. Hashimoto took over and it spawned a mega rivalry between him and Sasaki, which is Hashimoto favored with a record of like 5-3-1. They would have a mutual respect for one another, and Sasaki has been the second in command since. It's a great feud and I love booking it honestly. I'd name all the members but there is way too much, the notables are Liger, Yuji Nagata, Hashimoto, Sasaki, Hayabusa, Funaki (now), and Marufuji.

Holy Demon Army: AJPW was pushing some weirdos and was doing bad business, I did everything in my power to resist but.. I couldn't let the four pillars rot. No betrayals, nothing. It was always Misawa as leader, Kobashi, Taue, Kawada. Jun Akiyama would later join, since he has significant ties with them, and Ultimo Dragon did as well because I needed a Junior and who better than Ultimo? They feuded extensively with everyone, and don't really have a strict brotherhood vibe going, they face each other, they challenge for the titles, etc. They only really team up when they need to. Though Taue and Kawada are the tag team. Although all of them have had massive success in NJPW, Misawa was actually the largest disappointment. I've mentioned it before I believe, but he just kept taking major movie roles back to back to back. This faction formed when he joined, 1998, and I think he wrestled a total of 2 years until he declined like 6 years later. Sadly, all of them are getting much older, with Kobashi and Akiyama being the only 2 now not in their 40s. Thankfully only Taue and Misawa are declining, with Misawa already "retiring." I think their best feuds were Akira Taue & Kawada vs. Hiroshi Hase and Kensuke Sasaki. This was my biggest tag match I could do without it being singles guys teaming up. Always relied on it on bigger shows. Kenta Kobashi is the star of the faction, his booking with Severn and Mutoh were favorites of mine. Mutoh vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi has been teased and their only match was a 100 rated match in the G1. A draw. 

Mutoh-gun: Someone did the art for this in the Custom Graphics thread, and it was sick and really helped my 90s period. Mutoh-gun was at first pretty heelish. Formed in 1998 as well, Mutoh-gun was sinister at first but has since become a bit tweener with the newest recruits in Daisuke Sekimoto and Masato Yakushiji, both prospects under Mutoh's tutelage. Before Mutoh was a cool 43 year old friend, he was an absolute bastard. While Hashimoto and Chono sort of respected each other enough to not do anything dastardly in the ring, Mutoh was not so kind. He terrorized them and forced them to even team up during the height of Mutoh's IWGP reign. Mutoh would defeat them both back to back in 2000, and would only lose his title to a returning Kenta Kobashi. Mutoh-gun also was originally a semi-face stable, as Mutoh had his first title reign cut short thanks to Nobuhiko Takada's interference when he invaded with UWFI. Mutoh, instead of "kicking them out" put his faction vs UWFI's on the line, loser joins the winner. Mutoh won and Takada was pretty relevant for a while as Mutoh's second before Sekimoto stepped up. Koji Kanemoto and Jinsei Shinzaki team up for the Juniors, though Kanemoto has had major singles success. Dan Severn has been IWGP Heavyweight champion, and was apart of a prolific tag team with Kazuo Yamazaki. Naoki Sano, Nobuhiko Takada have been supporting Mutoh since they lost when they invaded, and lastly, as I've mentioned, Sekimoto and Yakushiji are the newer proteges. 

D-X: Well, okay this isn't a real faction anymore. This was originally D-X which then turned to Evolution.. which then turned back to D-X. Evolution was what is worth talking about, as HHH held the IWGP Heavyweight for almost 2 years, from 2003-2005. Evolution consisted of HHH, Shawn, Randy Orton, Robert Roode, Edge & Christian, and Eddie Guerrero. They all held the gold at one point, HHH the Heavyweight, Shawn the IC, Randy the US, Roode the Openweight, E&C the Tag, and Eddie the JHW. Of course they fell under the weight of their own success, Randy started his Legend Killer phase, and the rest is history. Orton and Shawn feuded. HHH chose Shawn, in this life. The two are now just D-X, and only E&C followed. Eddie didn't split poorly though, he just simply teams with Chavo now that I have Chavo back. Their major feuds is with basically everybody. Shawn had a great rivalry with Dan Severn, Steve Williams, DDP, and Bret Hart. While Triple H also had his best matches with Dan Severn, Kenta Kobashi, and Keiji Mutoh.

Suzuki-gun: One of the newer factions, Suzuki-gun was formed off the failings of Funaki-gun, Suzuki would join Funaki-gun and actually recruit most of its members, Funaki would enjoy this easy ride and make Suzuki the second in command. Suzuki was just hiring the people that listened to him, in Mr. Gannosuke, his tag team partner, MAZADA and Hooligan, both punks from Japan and Mexico respectively, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, who has a bit of a failed star gimmick, that Suzuki sort of took under his wing, and Ken Shamrock who joined out of respect to Suzuki. Minoru Suzuki's biggest achievements were winning the IWGP Heavyweight and although it was a short-lived reign, he still defeated Tanahashi to do it, whilst also being DDP's last singles match in NJPW. Suzuki had a great 2005. Suzuki's singles feuds are still to come, I believe, his feud with Tanahashi is going to be great, his feud with Hashimoto is just starting as its Old Guard vs Forgotten Era kind of shit I like. His tag matches with the Hart Family are always 100s funnily enough.



I'm 100% certain I'm forgetting things, and I know this isn't SUPER in-depth, more of an overview, I just don't think I could cover every faction in one post if I went into details haha, I tried my best. Sorry if its a bit too much. I am entrenched in this save and plan on playing it out for as long as possible. Blue Justice is forming this year, as well as an unknown faction with Shibata in it, with.. Chono.. leading it. 







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12 hours ago, Peria said:

Shamrock was actually always meant to be Suzuki-gun but I lost him to PWFG from 1998-2004. Sadly, he only really had a year left in his prime before he hit decline, though he did have a run with the NEVER Openweight title. I did want more out of him, as he became SUPER good over in PWFG. When it comes to contracts I try and make it so they consider "both offers" so I'm not always guaranteed to get the guy, Shamrock I lost out on twice.

Haha absolutely, I don't mind. A lot of it is fictional with some mirrored elements. I go by what I want the faction to represent visually in my head then just go for it. Though if they existed in real life it does help me a bit.


Former Factions/Stables

TOWER: The first faction I made, with Vader as the leader alongside Bam Bam, Glenn Jacobs, and actually Ken Shamrock. All rough and tough. Though Masahiro Chono, being the bastard that he is, did join them but it was a bait and switch to get Vader to drop his guard (I honestly cannot remember the details, I think it was to play up Vader being without Bam Bam at WK.) However, Vader and Bigelow would get signed to WCW in 1995, so the faction was cut short. I enjoyed it though. 

Soldados Calaveros: I always forget I had this faction until I check. It was when CMLL invaded, El Canek, Dos Caras, Ultimo Dragon, Silver King, were the main players here. Though it wasn't meant to last long as they only lasted the year they debuted. 1994-1995. Also my Spanish sucks so if this isn't Skull Soldiers or something leave me alone. Fun feud, only Ultimo Dragon is still going and yes I know he is Japanese. 

nWo Japan: I mean, you knew it was gonna be here. nWo Japan consisted of a lot talent in Chono, Kojima, Tenzan, Stone Cold, Glenn Jacobs, Eddie Guerrero even. I forget a few others. It was a great time. Benoit was also a part of this too but dude, I can't hold Benoit to a contract, he leaves me for WCW every time then comes back every time, it's quite amusing. Either way nWo Japan got super bloated and imploded, all of the gaijin betrayed Chono (this is a theme. He is my Sting but for factions and kind of almost always deserved it)

UWFI: Nobuhiko Takada led this faction, with Kazuo Yamazaki, Naoki Sano, Kiyoshi Tamura and Dan Severn. They were another invasion force in the 90s. Actually the first as they debuted in 1993. I believe they are the second faction as well. Either way, this faction sucked plain and simple, Takada is the owner of UWFI so he was never freaking on my big shows, and I still can't push the guy as talented as he is in 2006, and trust me I wanted to. Either way this faction met its end vs. Mutoh-gun, and not Sekigun, which is rare.

Funaki-gun: An interesting experiment and the precursor of Suzuki-gun involving Masakatsu Funaki. The idea of Suzuki vs Funaki is wild. Extremely exciting, and has been done in real life. However, I wanted them to be major rivals going throughout their careers. Thankfully MMA made sure that was impossible and it took me 3 years from 2000-2003 to actually have a pay off. It wasn't awful or anything but damn it was just a wasted faction that never really won much together. It consisted of MAZADA, Hooligan, Rhino, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, and Suzuki. The reason for the group being so weird was because, again, it was meant to be a bunch of punks and heels who don't belong coming together. Similar to modern day Suzuki-gun with a bit of LIJ. Now that both men are older, thankfully, it's been way better.

Team 2000: Chono being my #1 heel whilst being my #1 face has never stopped. Dude oozed cool, and he was going to be break every rule outside of the ring to make sure he stayed on the top, which meant aligning himself with as many people he could manipulate as possible. Team 2000 was formed when he saw nWo Japan failing, believing the cause to be the gaijin that were entrusted to it (Stone Cold, Benoit, and Glenn Jacobs) the faction consisted of TenKoji, Chono, Gedo & Jado, Shinjiro Otani, Togi Makabe, and Tomohiro Ishii. Chono should have known better to ally himself with a bunch of traitors, however. When he failed to defeat Triple H at Wrestle Kingdom, TenKoji would betray Chono and form Great Bash Heel. Gedo & Jado, Makabe and Ishii would follow suit... oh and Otani. Chono was left alone, and past his prime. Not every story has to end fantastically, you know. Being a complete asshole alienates you, shocker. Regardless of that, Chono is semi-retired, my new UC, so owner of NJPW since Inoki was getting toooo old.


Sekigun: Not really a faction, though sort of is. Think of it like modern day CHAOS. It's just the NJPW army. Fujinami created it to help stop NWO and CMLL's invasion, and also have a hand in stopping UWFI , plus whatever faction Chono was leading. Fujinami was the "leader" and gathered a lot of great talents from Liger, Hashimoto, Kensuke Sasaki, Nagata, etc. If they weren't in a faction they were here. Masakatsu Funaki has a lot of history with this faction as well. Hashimoto took over and it spawned a mega rivalry between him and Sasaki, which is Hashimoto favored with a record of like 5-3-1. They would have a mutual respect for one another, and Sasaki has been the second in command since. It's a great feud and I love booking it honestly. I'd name all the members but there is way too much, the notables are Liger, Yuji Nagata, Hashimoto, Sasaki, Hayabusa, Funaki (now), and Marufuji.

Holy Demon Army: AJPW was pushing some weirdos and was doing bad business, I did everything in my power to resist but.. I couldn't let the four pillars rot. No betrayals, nothing. It was always Misawa as leader, Kobashi, Taue, Kawada. Jun Akiyama would later join, since he has significant ties with them, and Ultimo Dragon did as well because I needed a Junior and who better than Ultimo? They feuded extensively with everyone, and don't really have a strict brotherhood vibe going, they face each other, they challenge for the titles, etc. They only really team up when they need to. Though Taue and Kawada are the tag team. Although all of them have had massive success in NJPW, Misawa was actually the largest disappointment. I've mentioned it before I believe, but he just kept taking major movie roles back to back to back. This faction formed when he joined, 1998, and I think he wrestled a total of 2 years until he declined like 6 years later. Sadly, all of them are getting much older, with Kobashi and Akiyama being the only 2 now not in their 40s. Thankfully only Taue and Misawa are declining, with Misawa already "retiring." I think their best feuds were Akira Taue & Kawada vs. Hiroshi Hase and Kensuke Sasaki. This was my biggest tag match I could do without it being singles guys teaming up. Always relied on it on bigger shows. Kenta Kobashi is the star of the faction, his booking with Severn and Mutoh were favorites of mine. Mutoh vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi has been teased and their only match was a 100 rated match in the G1. A draw. 

Mutoh-gun: Someone did the art for this in the Custom Graphics thread, and it was sick and really helped my 90s period. Mutoh-gun was at first pretty heelish. Formed in 1998 as well, Mutoh-gun was sinister at first but has since become a bit tweener with the newest recruits in Daisuke Sekimoto and Masato Yakushiji, both prospects under Mutoh's tutelage. Before Mutoh was a cool 43 year old friend, he was an absolute bastard. While Hashimoto and Chono sort of respected each other enough to not do anything dastardly in the ring, Mutoh was not so kind. He terrorized them and forced them to even team up during the height of Mutoh's IWGP reign. Mutoh would defeat them both back to back in 2000, and would only lose his title to a returning Kenta Kobashi. Mutoh-gun also was originally a semi-face stable, as Mutoh had his first title reign cut short thanks to Nobuhiko Takada's interference when he invaded with UWFI. Mutoh, instead of "kicking them out" put his faction vs UWFI's on the line, loser joins the winner. Mutoh won and Takada was pretty relevant for a while as Mutoh's second before Sekimoto stepped up. Koji Kanemoto and Jinsei Shinzaki team up for the Juniors, though Kanemoto has had major singles success. Dan Severn has been IWGP Heavyweight champion, and was apart of a prolific tag team with Kazuo Yamazaki. Naoki Sano, Nobuhiko Takada have been supporting Mutoh since they lost when they invaded, and lastly, as I've mentioned, Sekimoto and Yakushiji are the newer proteges. 

D-X: Well, okay this isn't a real faction anymore. This was originally D-X which then turned to Evolution.. which then turned back to D-X. Evolution was what is worth talking about, as HHH held the IWGP Heavyweight for almost 2 years, from 2003-2005. Evolution consisted of HHH, Shawn, Randy Orton, Robert Roode, Edge & Christian, and Eddie Guerrero. They all held the gold at one point, HHH the Heavyweight, Shawn the IC, Randy the US, Roode the Openweight, E&C the Tag, and Eddie the JHW. Of course they fell under the weight of their own success, Randy started his Legend Killer phase, and the rest is history. Orton and Shawn feuded. HHH chose Shawn, in this life. The two are now just D-X, and only E&C followed. Eddie didn't split poorly though, he just simply teams with Chavo now that I have Chavo back. Their major feuds is with basically everybody. Shawn had a great rivalry with Dan Severn, Steve Williams, DDP, and Bret Hart. While Triple H also had his best matches with Dan Severn, Kenta Kobashi, and Keiji Mutoh.

Suzuki-gun: One of the newer factions, Suzuki-gun was formed off the failings of Funaki-gun, Suzuki would join Funaki-gun and actually recruit most of its members, Funaki would enjoy this easy ride and make Suzuki the second in command. Suzuki was just hiring the people that listened to him, in Mr. Gannosuke, his tag team partner, MAZADA and Hooligan, both punks from Japan and Mexico respectively, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, who has a bit of a failed star gimmick, that Suzuki sort of took under his wing, and Ken Shamrock who joined out of respect to Suzuki. Minoru Suzuki's biggest achievements were winning the IWGP Heavyweight and although it was a short-lived reign, he still defeated Tanahashi to do it, whilst also being DDP's last singles match in NJPW. Suzuki had a great 2005. Suzuki's singles feuds are still to come, I believe, his feud with Tanahashi is going to be great, his feud with Hashimoto is just starting as its Old Guard vs Forgotten Era kind of shit I like. His tag matches with the Hart Family are always 100s funnily enough.



I'm 100% certain I'm forgetting things, and I know this isn't SUPER in-depth, more of an overview, I just don't think I could cover every faction in one post if I went into details haha, I tried my best. Sorry if its a bit too much. I am entrenched in this save and plan on playing it out for as long as possible. Blue Justice is forming this year, as well as an unknown faction with Shibata in it, with.. Chono.. leading it. 







That was an AWESOME read! Thanks for sharing. In wrestling I have always been intrigued by stables and factions ever since I can remember (been watching wrestling for like 32-33 years now). I love reading other peoples ideas on who and why certain people team up.

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11 hours ago, Money Mac said:

That was an AWESOME read! Thanks for sharing. In wrestling I have always been intrigued by stables and factions ever since I can remember (been watching wrestling for like 32-33 years now). I love reading other peoples ideas on who and why certain people team up.

Hey thanks man, yeah I am the same way. I believe factions and stables make stellar dynamics and aesthetics, plus all the juicy stories that are practically created for you. Actually, with the aging of many of my major stars, a lot of newer factions are forming whilst some are dying. Mutoh-gun and Holy Demon Army are basically the last two bastions of the 90s, if you don't count Sekigun. It's an exciting time with Suzuki, Tanahashi, Nakamura, Shibata, Orton, etc all stepping up while Mutoh, Kawada, Hashimoto, Sasaki, Chono, Bret all sort of step down.

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Original company - Southwest Championship Wrestling or SWCW - using War Of The Immortals VI mod - Sandbox Style

I am playing as an original character named Stevie DeVille. Using a free pic of a young guy in a suit flashing cash. His skills are very high. He is kind of like a younger, more evil Vince McMahon.

Based in Southwestern US region

The promotion is an Episodic Sport product which runs monthly shows like old school Ring Of Honor.

SWCW is a 3-branded company with a variety of worldwide child companies.

I have the original brand SWCW (Southwest Championship Wrestling), based in the Southwestern US.
Then I have SWCW: IWRG (International Wrestling Revolution Group), based a Lucha Libre promotion based in Naucalpan, State of Mexico, Mexico.
- I pillaged a couple of Lucha Libre companies that include IWRG, and decided to stick with the IWRG name.
- I am currently unifying the championships between the 2 companies. Also, making roster cuts to that brand as shows go on.
Last is SWCW: Pro Wrestling NOAH. This is the promotion that Mitsuharu Misawa founded and is based in Japan.
- NOAH was all of the top Japanese Puroresu talent on their roster.
- I hold all of their events in the company's home region of Japan.

My child companies are:

All-Japan Pro Wrestling, CHIKARA, CZW, CWA, ECW, Mid-South, Portland Wrestling, & Ring Of Honor

Yeah, it is A LOT of talent to keep up with. Those are the companies I took over and did not disband. I am thinking of combining CWA and Mid-South. Probably moving over top CWA talent to MSW. I recently acquired ECW and I am excited to have it as a child company. I might also pillage Portland Wrestling too. I have no idea what to do with them. After I took over AJPW seemed to have small roster so I have given them some more talent. 

Having these brands and child companies have taken up a lot of my gameplay time. I do really like have the child companies though. 

Samoa Joe is my SWCW World Champion and my top guy. Match ratings-wise Chris Sabin, Sabu, Roderick Strong and Claudio Castignoli are not far behind. Ray Stevens has some really high stats in the WOTI VI mod and is very popular in the Southwest. He's on my roster. He is managed by Andy Kaufman right now. I do not have a full roster list to share at the moment of writing but I am trying to make it an even roster, kind of. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mike Tyson, Snoop Dogg, and  Dennis Rodman are some of the personalities that make an appearance. 

Arnold and Iron Mike are aligned with the authority figure, person in charge, the one with the money Stevie DeVille. 

I am looking forward to sharing more in this forum!

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At the moment in my OLLIE game, a bunch of wrestlers have morale issues due to not being on the last show.  I'd be a bit more sympathetic but there isn't really ROOM for all of them even on a big show and how many times can I run pre-show battle royals and still make a profit? I'm hoping this isn't something that will end up causing me long term trouble.

The rest of my COTT save is going smoothly however, or appears to be.  Everybody in NYCW, IPW, MAW and CZCW is happy.  IPW is losing money of course but it always does that.

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On 12/25/2022 at 8:00 PM, SuperRamenmakerOkada said:

-Shocking turns and betrayals!


-A feud continues!

-Joe vs. Brown!

-And the finals of the X-Elevation!

Destination X 2006 Results!

In other news: I've decided to scrap the Born for Glory name and go with No Surrender. The concept of it being like a Summerslam show will be kept tho.


-Joe vs. Brown II! 

-Styles & Angle vs. AMW!

-Cage vs. Red!

-The in-ring return of CM Punk!

-Shocking debuts!

It's time to celebrate 5 years of TNA, it's Slammiversary I!

In other news: the Latin American Xchange (LAX) has been formed. Also, I'm trying out pre-show matches.


Edited by SuperRamenmakerOkada
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  • 2 weeks later...

The New Japan cup for 2006 has been completed! There has been a lot of storyline focus going on so I'll get to it, we have 4 major players in the first half, I'll get to all of them in this post. First off, the winner of the New Japan Cup: Shinsuke Nakamura. Nakamura won the New Japan Cup has IWGP Intercontinental champion. He has been battling Chris Jericho throughout last year, and his feud is looking to re-ignite after Jericho attacked him after he (Jericho) suffered a crushing defeat back in September 2005. Nakamura then failed to convert his New Japan Cup tournament victory into a successful title reclamation, as Hashimoto was too much. But during that tournament there was a lot of developments. Hiroshi Tanahashi was defeated by Kenta Kobashi, they've had one previous singles match before which ended in a draw. Tanahashi would meet Kobashi in a tag match alongside eventual winner Nakamura, and the two would completely focus on one another. Perhaps that was the distraction Nakamura needed? So did Nakamura really beat Kobashi at his best? With Nakamura's confidence waning, Jericho, a very real threat, gunning for his IC title, and Tanahashi continuing to get praise and glory even in defeat, while Nakamura shuffles back down the card in an afterthought, despite causing a massive upset, doing things that Tana (defeat Kobashi) could not do. Meanwhile, can anybody stop Hashimoto? A man who has yet to suffer a single defeat in 2006, be it singles or tag, who is on a crusade to prove that the reason he is at the top, the reason he is a 5x IWGP Heavyweight champion is because he is almost unbeatable even on his worst day? Either way the save is still massive amounts of fun and like I've been saying a lot of my roster is aging and declining. Mutoh has hit that decline, Chono is in his last year as an active competitor. It's going to be great in a few years when my main event scene is all younger/newer guys.



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Original Plan

My 1980-July 96 game hit some major snags in June 96.

To start off, I love the Vader vs. Michaels feud from Summer of 96 but Vader died in 92 in my game.  My plan was to bring in a new "Vader" played by Paul Wight.  The week before I was going to debut him, he breaks his leg in my developmental promotion "The Machine".  There goes the main event of Summer Slam 96.  

The pivot 

King of the Ring comes and goes with Michaels retaining the belt against Bulldog.  The next day, I get an alert that Yokozuna is back from injury (year long back injury).  Before he left he was doing an APA type gimmick with Mabel.  I figured I would reform that.

I have Mabel attack Michaels the first July Raw.  Mabel promises that the "boss is coming".  I plan on having Yokozuna vs. Michaels at Summer Slam 96.

Between Week 1 and Week 2, I learn Pillman is available (Main Event WCW Superstar).  I win the war against WCW to sign Pillman which honestly shocked me because I've lost every single battle against WCW up until this moment.

Week 2 of July, Yokozuna returns and attacks Michaels when he is facing Mabel in the Main Event of Raw.  Yokozuna tells him "the boss is coming".

My plan is to form a Yakuza like stable of Pillman. Yokozuna, Mabel, and two others.  I'm not sure who the two others will be.  Pillman will be available the first week of August. 

Summer Slam 96 -Pillman vs. Michaels

I think I'm going to run with this until Mania.

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Just got these 2 incredible young wrestlers, wondering who I should push as the face of my company.

Ashley has better Mental, Fundamental and Physical Skills and a higher Star Quality and also has the A Marketing Dream attribute. But she also has Canny Operator so she holds back on anything that aren't Events and is Better as a Heel

Penny has better Entertainment skills and Primary skills and also does not have any negative attributes, but at the same time she doesn't have any positive ones.


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5 hours ago, James The Animator said:

That’s tough, because neither of them really have the raw Star Quality to actually be appointed Figurehead. I would lean towards Penny being the top star. Ashley looks like she could be more valuable as a “carpenter”, using her high performance skills to get others ready for the main event matches against Penny. Then Penny can train up her rivals’ Entertainment skills.

How rare is it for a young wrestler to improve their Star Quality without me asking them to be more muscular.

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On 2/8/2023 at 2:49 PM, SuperRamenmakerOkada said:

-Joe vs. Brown II! 

-Styles & Angle vs. AMW!

-Cage vs. Red!

-The in-ring return of CM Punk!

-Shocking debuts!

It's time to celebrate 5 years of TNA, it's Slammiversary I!

In other news: the Latin American Xchange (LAX) has been formed. Also, I'm trying out pre-show matches.


-A big four-way war for the NWA tag titles!

-Brown vs. Jarrett vs. Kazarian vs. Corino!

-Can Ultimo Dragon or Amazing Red stop Christian Cage?

-AMW vs. Triple X in a Dog Collar match!

-Omega & Abyss vs. Punk & Cabana II!

TNA Genesis 2006!

In other news: After 228 days and 13 defenses (making it the longest and the most defenses for a X-Division title reign) Christian Cage has lost the X-Division championship. 

LAX was immediately stripped of the tag belts, this is gonna be a problem I'll fix soon, but I'll work it into a angle.



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I started a 2010 WWE save in the 'The Game Changes Now' mod, and for the first few months, I mainly followed how IRL WWE was doing upwards to WrestleMania, but with a few liberties taken:

  • Sheamus keeps the WWE Championship through to WrestleMania where he dropped it to Cena (narratively, it kinda works out given how Sheamus first won the WWE title) - also this match represented the Bret vs. Vince feud as well because I was not risking having a retired man in his 50s and a usually non-wrestler in his 60s wrestle a match given TEW's way of working.
  • Edge vs. Jericho played out basically how it did IRL with Edge winning the Rumble and Jericho dethroning Undertaker at the Chamber due to HBK shenanigans, but in this version, Edge wins the belt at Mania.
  • The ECW brand continued all the way to WrestleMania instead of being closed in February, where Christian eventually dropped the belt to Rob Van Dam (who was a free agent in January 2010 IRL, wouldn't have joined TNA until March) in the final swansong before transitioning the 3rd brand into NXT, which I immediately made closer to its 2012-onwards version and not the experimental contest show it actually started off as.
  • Both Women's titles actually had proper title defenses at Mania in this save instead of that weird cluster of a tag match the division was slapped together into in the real WrestleMania. Mickie James is reigning currently as the Women's Champion, though she's got a bit of an unstable edge to her character resulting from her LayCool feud along with a bit of beef with Beth Phoenix, while Maryse's reign is somewhat similar to how it was for real, but with 70% more Miz involvement since they're dating by this point.
  • The Miz wins Money in the Bank here instead of Jack Swagger, while also holding onto the US title. As for who the tag champs are instead of ShowMiz...
  • CM Punk and Luke Gallows of the Straight Edge Society won the tag titles off DX at the Elimination Chamber, giving the stable a bit of forward momentum for the future.
  • Mysterio and Batista's feud was stretched out slightly more so that it could blow off at Mania, just because I feel like it was probably worth a finale at the grandest stage.
  • The Legacy triple-threat IRL instead turned into Cody specifically getting ousted from Legacy, and then losing to Orton due to shenanigans before being saved by his family. Legacy is basically dead either way, with DiBiase and Orton just sort of moving on to their own stuff.
  • As for HBK vs. Undertaker - yeah it basically played out similarly to real life, but HBK's retirement is a bit more understated in my version because while I plan on him being retired for a good bit (especially since he's now currently NXT's general manager in my save, akin to his position right now in 2023), I might have him come out of retirement once or twice to put over some talent, but that may not be for a while.

As for post-Mania, yeah, that's where things will really start to divert from reality - or at least it already has, but I'll probably discuss that part of the save another time once I get a few more months deep.

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I am running a shoot-style pro wrestling promotion called American League of Fighters in the War Of The Immortals VI mod. I was looking for brawlers and technical wrestlers to create a roster out of. I believe I have at least 30 workers I have specifically chosen. There are no gimmicks needed for the workers and the matches need to be basic af. Currently in the promotion I am running a 10-man Round Robin tournament for the ALF World Heavyweight Championship. So I am running only monthly events right now and holding each round of the round robin at every show. I am including some non-tournament matches for workers not involved and I am trying to develop stories for them along the way. I have included the workers that are in my Round Robin tournament. It has been fun to be and I should definitely take advantage of pre-booking since I have the Round Robin worked out already. I think it could end up having to go to a Triple Threat match to determine the new champion though. I am trying to let the AI choose the outcomes of the matches so I do not end up with some kind of tie. Here are the competitors that were chosen in random after my roster was set up.


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1992-2006 NJPW.


Best of the Super Juniors is booked and finished. Some storylines are finally closing, whilst some are starting.  Rey Misterio Jr. has had a 3 year long storyline culmination, as he finally returns to the finals after a crushing defeat against the current Junior Heavyweight champion way back in 2003: Shinjiro Otani. Rey had barely seen the IWGP title since then, as he has been struggling to find momentum and regain his lost confidence after his rivalry with Eddie Guerrero in that same year. Throughout the year, during BOSJ, Rey would show sparks of greatness, defeating Eddie, Liger, Hayabusa, and finally, on Night 9 of this tournament: Ultimo Dragon, where he finally qualified after 3 years of clawing back to relevancy. Who is his opponent? Is it the dastardly cheating Gedo? Perhaps Otani himself had conquered his block? Long time rival Eddie? No. The second most sympathetic babyface in the division: Great Sasuke. A man who had been unable to acquire an IWGP title for over a decade. A man beloved for his talents and pure babyface fire. Great Sasuke had just recently lost the title after a shock victory against Hayabusa at the last Wrestle Kingdom (13) though he would not acquire a single defense with the title before losing it to Otani. Both men have so much to gain, and so much to lose this year. Who will have the opportunity to face the man who arguably started their stories, albeit at different times, Shinjiro Otani.

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Started a 1992 save, playing as both the WWF & WCW. On the WWF side, I wrapped up the first three weeks of TV for both Superstars & Challenge, edited the database so that I could go ahead & run the Shawn Michaels/Marty Jannetty split myself. Did nicely as Shawn's new gimmick got a Great rating. The following day, I receive an email from Jack Lanza about Marty Jannetty, which I have attached.


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18 hours ago, Mattywood said:

Started a 1992 save, playing as both the WWF & WCW. On the WWF side, I wrapped up the first three weeks of TV for both Superstars & Challenge, edited the database so that I could go ahead & run the Shawn Michaels/Marty Jannetty split myself. Did nicely as Shawn's new gimmick got a Great rating. The following day, I receive an email from Jack Lanza about Marty Jannetty, which I have attached.


Jannetty was always really talented in the ring, but lacked the star quality that Shawn had. 

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1 hour ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

Jannetty was always really talented in the ring, but lacked the star quality that Shawn had. 

Oh no doubt about that. I just thought it was funny that even in TEW 2020, I get that email. 😁

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18 hours ago, Saffir said:

Sometimes I wanna scold some of the talent that send me these messages when they're about wrestlers I'm using as jobbers-low card talent filler. They're likely never going to be pushed! Calm down!

Same.  I just laugh as I make them lose again and again.

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On 2/27/2023 at 10:55 PM, SuperRamenmakerOkada said:

-A big four-way war for the NWA tag titles!

-Brown vs. Jarrett vs. Kazarian vs. Corino!

-Can Ultimo Dragon or Amazing Red stop Christian Cage?

-AMW vs. Triple X in a Dog Collar match!

-Omega & Abyss vs. Punk & Cabana II!

TNA Genesis 2006!

In other news: After 228 days and 13 defenses (making it the longest and the most defenses for a X-Division title reign) Christian Cage has lost the X-Division championship. 

LAX was immediately stripped of the tag belts, this is gonna be a problem I'll fix soon, but I'll work it into a angle.



-One of the greatest rivlaries in TNA history comes to an end!

-Angle vs. Styles for the first time ever! 

-Aries & Strong vs. Storm & Williams for the NWA Tag Titles!


-Cage vs. Brown for the NWA Title!


-Joe vs. Red for the X-Division titles

-L.A.X. defend their Latin American tag titles!

it's Turning Point 2006!


In other news:

-For context of the Latin American Tag Titles, after L.A.X. won the nwa tag titles at Genesis, the game vacated them, so, on Impact!, I had Rhodes & Piper give L.A.X. back the tag titles, only for them to spit on them and throw them down, and cite discrimination in the Alliance as why they got the belts vacated. So Konnan went to the guy who designed his car (it's wrestling) and said he wanted him to make titles, thus the 5150 Latin American tag belts were born. Theres also the added stip that they only defend it against latin tag teams.

-Slammiversary is now gonna replace No Surrender as my second big PPV idea. Yeah I know, this is the third time that I did this, but still.

-Lastly, ngl, kinda dissapointed with this PPV. I tried to do right by the main event with booking it the same way TNA did IRL, but the rating and the rest of the card kinda underperformed. Oh well.


Screenshot 2023-03-14 135440.png

Screenshot 2023-03-14 135456.png

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6 hours ago, SuperRamenmakerOkada said:

-For context of the Latin American Tag Titles, after L.A.X. won the nwa tag titles at Genesis, the game vacated them, so, on Impact!, I had Rhodes & Piper give L.A.X. back the tag titles, only for them to spit on them and throw them down, and cite discrimination in the Alliance as why they got the belts vacated. So Konnan went to the guy who designed his car (it's wrestling) and said he wanted him to make titles, thus the 5150 Latin American tag belts were born. Theres also the added stip that they only defend it against latin tag teams.


Fight discrimination by discriminating? I like it. If you don't have someone come out and point this out in-storyline as a way to shame them into defending the titles against a non-Latino team, I'll be highly disappointed. That would be great heat.



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