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Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

It's hard to see Threepwood getting beat so early, but I LOVE the Java render.


Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

I wanted to go with Neema, but I see her as more of a tag team specialist this early into her career. Brazzle's got the star power and the work rate.


Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

The Mistress of the DDT is hard to go against. Pure BA


Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Bred for Battle, but I'm not sure about these four. I don't know enough.


Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

Nate is a big bad dude.


The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman

Who could it be? Bruce the Giant? Dan Stone Jr? Somebody big and bad? Probably not.


Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

I'm going against the pros here. Lots of Masked Mauler predictions. It's the opening match, so I wouldn't be surprised to see Pepper get a slick win.

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Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

CT isn't losing yet


Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

The Miracle Blonde goes over the rookie


Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

50-50 really, but I guess you need a heel to face Brazzle


Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Getting the second generation monsters over, as well as the manager


Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

Can't call him "The Great" if he loses


The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman



Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII


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Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman

Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

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Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman

Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

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Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman

Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

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Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman

Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

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Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman

Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

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As a general prediction, I see Marv being an old school guy, so my predictions come from an old school mentality, also glad to see you with a new diary, I will try to follow it, but I usually get left behind pretty quickly due to the speed of update, but at least the quarentine gives me a better shot to try to keep up to date.


3 tag title changes in a month, it seems the Alliance system still is the same, I feel it needed some kind of revamp, but it manages to stabilize itself with champions soon.


Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©


Threepwood victory ias a feel good story, this isnt its end, also he just won it, and in this type of company titles dont float around a lot, I feel Java is here in the end of his career to put over the main draw.


Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema


Probably the biggest victim of AAA closing down, Suzanne Brazzle has the pop, the ability and the experience, to be the de facto top babyface as a temporary measure until the next generation gets established.


Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake


One of the top female heels in the independent scene since the fall of AAA, I see no reason why she wouldnt make it to the final as the heel looking who is left in the tournament.


Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Sincerely I cant remember who Bred for Battle are supposed to be, but I also dont remember who is Jason Patterson, so it seems fair, I just picked my winners, because Blacburn seems like a top prospect with a shining future.


Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner


Well Sam asked you to put him over as a singles guy, I dont see why he shouldnt win.


The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman


The Hangman seems being established as a top heel, so although is not always wise to predict against mystery, i feel pretty safe this time.


Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII


I feel neutral about Mauler, I dont know how this encarnation will be, and I feel pretty good for what I been able to see about Pelton, he seems to be one for the future.

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Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman

Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

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I was a bit late to the party, but I am loving it so far.


Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman

Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

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Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman

Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

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Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman

Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

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Thank goodness, I can get in on the ground floor for a Historian diary! I've been reading through The Climb in preparation for the TEW2020 release. It's a hell of a read, I have to say. Kudos :D


Interesting that you started adding so many smaller companies to the COTT so early in the game. I figured with a more robust 'independent scene' as it were, keeping the COTT to a few major companies might have made sense, but a livelier gameworld is certainly nice too.


Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

Betting against the champ in his first defence seems foolhardy...


Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema


Brazzle might be a bit past it, but it feels like the rookie is out of her depth here.


Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake


Blake seems like the bigger name here, given her successes in AAA.


Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Patterson & Blackburn are nice prospects but they aren't ready for the big time, not yet at least.


Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner


DeMarcus is pretty good. Corner might get there one day but he's too green at this point to consider pushing.


The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman


Betting on the squiggles seems enticing...but The Hangman seems like a solid bet here.


Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII


Pretty hard to differentiate between these two prospects with potential, but Mauler has a cool mask, so I'll go with him.

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Thank goodness, I can get in on the ground floor for a Historian diary! I've been reading through The Climb in preparation for the TEW2020 release. It's a hell of a read, I have to say. Kudos :D


Interesting that you started adding so many smaller companies to the COTT so early in the game. I figured with a more robust 'independent scene' as it were, keeping the COTT to a few major companies might have made sense, but a livelier gameworld is certainly nice too.


Welcome aboard Falcon! Thank you for the kind words on The Climb.


I went back and forth about adding so many smaller companies to the COTT -- but the truth is, in almost every iteration of TEW I have more smaller companies set up to be in the game because I like having more companies that run full-time and I absolutely love the classic NWA and the idea that there were territories -- so I wanted to give the COTT more representation. The only downside is that in the beginning, the COTT titles tend to bounce around before settling in -- plus it gives me something like 15 shows to report on each month and helps make the game world more alive and more full time employment opportunities!


As a general prediction, I see Marv being an old school guy, so my predictions come from an old school mentality, also glad to see you with a new diary, I will try to follow it, but I usually get left behind pretty quickly due to the speed of update, but at least the quarentine gives me a better shot to try to keep up to date.


I'm hoping to not update *quite* so fast so you can stay up to date! I also plan on having the shows have more writing than The Climb shows did (that's part of why the Climb went so fast. the shows were really bare-bones) so hopefully, that will keep me a little slower so that I don't lose readers by posting five shows in a week, but at the same time I will still probably have a fairly robust posting schedule, but I have an idea of how that schedule will look and what the base routine will be so hopefully it will be easy to follow along.

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<p>Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. <strong>Conner Threepwood ©</strong></p><p>

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs.<strong> Talia Neema</strong></p><p>

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. <strong>Steph Blake</strong></p><p>

Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. <strong>Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson</strong></p><p>

<strong>Nate DeMarcus</strong> vs. Charlie Corner</p><p>

The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. <strong>The Hangman</strong></p><p>

Pepper Pelton vs. <strong>The Masked Mauler VII</strong></p>

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And, just when I thought I was out, y'all pull me back in.


Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. Conner Threepwood ©

Gotta estabilish the champ as a fighting one. And Java is now on the back end of his career.


Women's Championship Semi-Final - Suzanne Brazzle vs. Talia Neema

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. Steph Blake

Always bet on the vets


Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Heel team got name AND manager. Easy.


Nate DeMarcus vs. Charlie Corner

DeMarcus apparently managed to firm himself as a dependable indie name, so betting on him vs the rookie.


The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. The Hangman

Not today, ???


Pepper Pelton vs. The Masked Mauler VII

The only real coin toss for me here, so I'll stick with the classic character.


Glad to be back here and to see the changes in the Cornellverse.

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<p>Main Event - CWI Championship - Java vs. <strong>Conner Threepwood ©</strong></p><p>

Using the vets to put over the younger talent is always the way forward. Champ retains. </p><p> </p><p>

Women's Championship Semi-Final - <strong>Suzanne Brazzle</strong> vs. Talia Neema</p><p>

Women's Championship Semi-Final - Steffi Chee vs. <strong> Steph Blake</strong> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn vs. <strong>Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nate DeMarcus</strong> vs. Charlie Corner</p><p>

De Marcus is what's called a solid-hand at this level. He'll take the win here. </p><p> </p><p>

The Hangman Open Challenge - ??? vs. <strong>The Hangman</strong></p><p>

No one can hang... man. </p><p> </p><p>

Pepper Pelton vs. <strong>The Masked Mauler VII</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Always a big fan of your work, Historian, and now I'm organised enough to be able to follow along in real-time instead of playing catch-up. Presentation is crisp as always. My body is ready!</p>

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Hoosier Hysteria 2020


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Saturday Week 3, February, 2020

Live from the Fountain Square Theatre [indianapolis, Indiana, Great Lakes, USA]

84 people in attendance (up from 72 last show)

Commentators: Marv Earnest & Honest Frank




Earnest, “Hello ladies and gentleman and thank you for being with us tonight. We are back in the Fountain Square Theatre for our second show, Hoosier Hysteria and let me tell you Frank, the Hoosiers here in attendance are in a state of hysteria for tonight's action."


Frank, “They definitely are, Marv. Last month, CWI made its debut right here in this very building and we crowned our first CWI Champion -- Indianapolis' own, Conner Threepwood. Threepwood will be putting that championship on the line in our main event against Java and I would not want to be Conner Threepwood."


Earnest, “You were an active wrestler for two decades, Frank. You wrestled all over the world and wrestled against some of the biggest, meanest competitors to ever step foot in a squared circle. IF you're Conner Threepwood -- how do you prepare for someone like Java?"


Frank, “You have to mentally prepare yourself for the pain you're going to be in. Java is a man who thrives on hurting his opponents. He wasn't one half of Savage Fury because he was a nice guy. They called his team that because they attacked with... Well... a savage fury. Threepwood is going to have to limit the punishment he takes and try to keep the big man down on the mat -- which is a lot easier said than done."


Earnest, “That's great analysis, Frank. Our first match is up next with two youngsters going one on one, Pepper Pelton and The Masked Mauler VII! Who will start us off with a victory tonight? It's the first singles action for both men. A win here could go a long way."




Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




“Spicy” Pepper Pelton versus The Masked Mauler VII


  • The opening match of the second show was between two young prospects. Pepper Pelton is a Wisconsin-native who played football for the Badgers. A good collegiate football player before he was kicked out of school for some partying a little too hard. His hard-hitting style makes him a perfect young addition to the roster.
  • The Masked Mauler VII is as big of a specimen as Pepper Pelton, but while Pelton is a smash-mouth, in your face, style wrestler while Mauler is a throwback to the days of the slow, menacing wrestlers.
  • Right from the start, Mauler took control. He was looking to lock in the Iron Claw, his signature hold -- but Pepper kept fighting him off.
  • Everything Mauler did was set up for him to lock in the Iron Claw. Every hold he did was designed to put him in position to get the Claw -- but Pepper with his strength was able to keep the hand from ever going down on the head.
  • Pepper was able to create enough separation to launch forward with a big shoulder block that turned Masked Mauler inside out.
  • From there, Pepper immediately went for the classic Fisherman’s Suplex with the bridge and the three count was had by the referee.


Pepper Pelton beat The Masked Mauler VII in 6:32 by pinfall with the Fisherman’s Suplex


Match Rating






The Hangman Open Challenge

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




“Bullet” Bob Casey versus The Hangman


  • Veteran wrestler, “Bullet” Bob Casey was in Indianapolis and the 84 people there were very excited to see the forty-four-year-old journeyman who has an almost cult-like following among the most passionate of wrestling fans.
  • Unfortunately for Bob Casey, he ran up against a highly motivated 6’7”, 360 pound monster of a man who did not care that fans were happy to see the journeyman.
  • The match wasn’t long, it wasn’t pretty, and it was not a good night at the office for Bob Casey. The Hangman ate him up and just destroyed him. In brief moments where Casey was able to launch some open-handed strikes, The Hangman just shrugged them off as if the 44-year-old hadn’t even touched him.
  • The Hangman hit a nasty big boot that he immediately followed up with the Chokeslam for the winner.


The Hangman beat “Bullet” Bob Casey in 3:27 by pinfall with the Chokeslam


Match Rating






Singles Match

Thirty Minute time Limit




Nate “The Great” DeMarcus” versus “California Cool” Charlie Corner


  • Pro wrestling rookie, “California Cool” Charlie Corner was making his Mid-America debut with a matchup against Mid-Atlantic standout Nate DeMarcus. Corner looks like a star in the making. At 18 years old, the 6’6”, he is ripped and blonde and tan and could be one of those guys that in ten or fifteen years is one of the biggest names on the planet.
  • His opponent is Nate DeMarcus, the 6’5” and over 280 pounds of solid muscle. DeMarcus has spent his entire six-year career in Mid Atlantic Wrestling as a tag team wrestler (and is currently one half of the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions). CWI is his first opportunity in his career to start to build a name for himself.
  • DeMarcus started the match off strong, showing some of his raw power. He pushed Corner around the ring and let him know that this wasn’t going to be easy for the youngster.
  • Corner tried to bail out of the ring several times to get himself a breather and create some distance from DeMarcus.
  • During a bail attempt, Corner was able to get a cheap shot in on a chasing DeMarcus and take control. Corner is not a technically refined wrestler, definitely more of a brawler, so he battered DeMarcus with a lot of simple, but effective offense.
  • He hit several wicked forearms that staggered the powerhouse, DeMarcus, and he went for his Corner Cutter, but DeMarcus caught him around the waist and hit him with a big Release German Suplex that was even more impressive because of the size of both guys.
  • Charlie Corner got back to his feet slowly and was hit by a huge Snap Tackle, a flying shoulder tackle, from Nate DeMarcus that turned the young man inside out and Nate DeMarcus got a big pinfall victory.


Nate DeMarcus beat Charlie Corner in 10:08 by pinfall with the Snap Tackle


Match Rating





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Marvin Earnest stands up from his position at the announce desk and takes the house microphone so that he could address the crowd.


Earnest, “Ladies and gentlemen, I have a very special announcement. Next month, Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis will be back here at the Fountain Square Theatre. At that show, not only will we crown our first Women’s Champion, but we will hold a one night, an eight-team tournament called March Madness! The winner of the tournament will not only be the first winners of March Madness but will also be the first-ever CWI Tag Team Champions! Make sure to check out CWIWrestling.com for all the participants’ information. I can also tell you that our next match -- “Okalahoma Thunderbolt” Jason Patterson and Matt Blackburn against Bred for Battle will feature two teams that will be in the tournament in special showcase match! Who will go into the tournament with more momentum? We are about to find out!


Marv sits back down at the announcing table along side Honest Frank.


Segment Rating







Special Showcase

Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit






Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn versus Bred for Battle with Andrew Gibson


  • The first tag team match CWI history. Both teams are new teams/never teamed before. Patterson, the young man from Oklahoma (you would have never guessed based off being called the Oklahoma Thunderbolt) is a classic, old-school southern worker. He wears black boots and black trunks with a lightning bolt on them. He comes out in a vest and cowboy hat. He’s big and rough around the edges. His partner, Matt Blackburn, is a young man who became the first Westerner to graduate from the PGHW dojo. Neither man is legally old enough to drink, but both have a lot of potential.
  • Across the ring from them, Bred for Battle is made up of two second-generation wrestlers that look like they could conquer the wrestling world. James Diaz, the eighteen-year-old rookie Monster is 6’6” and 290 pounds of solid muscle and, at least physically, looks to be every bit the monster his father was. Dreadnought, the son of legendary wrestler Dread, is a six-foot-five three hundred pound mammoth of a man that also hasn’t sniffed a legally purchased beverage. These men were clearly Bred for Battle and with Andrew Gibson on the outside of the ring calling out instructions -- they could be quite the combo.
  • Blackburn started the match against James Diaz and he went right for the big man. Blackburn is classified as a ‘Middleweight’ so he gave up significant size to the 290-pound Diaz, but that didn’t stop Blackburn from launching some early kicks at the tree-trunk like legs of Diaz. Diaz stumbled around from the discomfort as Blackburn moved into some palm strikes and a step up elbow strike that bounced the bigger man off the ropes.
  • Gibson barked out some instructions and Diaz rebounded off the ropes with a clothesline that turned the smaller Blackburn inside out.
  • From there, Diaz immediately went for a Powerbomb, but Blackburn countered and made the tag. Patterson came in like a big house of fire but he was swallowed up by an incoming Dreadnought. It was clear from the way the match was structured that Dreadnought was supposed to look like the most fearsome in the match -- and he did. He laid waste to both Blackburn and Patterson before hitting the Dread Bomb, a vicious Last Ride style powerbomb, on Blackburn and getting the three count -- much to the delight of Andrew Gibson on the outside.


Bred for Battle defeated Jason Patterson & Matt Blackburn in 6:31 by pinfall when Dreadnought pinned Blackburn after a Dread Bomb


Match Rating





Women’s Title Tournament Semi-Final

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




“Miracle Blonde” Suzanne Brazzle versus “The Pharoah” Talia Neema


  • A battle of experience and youth in the first of two semi-final matches.
  • The two women here really seemed to gel and be great opponents for one another.
  • Brazzle was the sympathetic, veteran babyface who really sold for the arrogant-yet-still-vicious Neema.
  • Brazzle started off strong, but Neema’s power and willingness to hurt her opponent took over quickly.
  • Brazzle sold everything that Neema hit her with. She made sure that Neema looked like a killer-in-the-making.
  • At one put, Neema hit a running double axe handle strike that Brazzle sold like she had been run over by a freight train -- but it only got Neema a two count.
  • Brazzle began to fight back, beginning her come back and the fans really got behind the 41 year old.
  • Brazzle hit a dropkick that seemed to defy both age and gravity at the same time when both of her feet kissed Talia Neema’s face.
  • This let to Brazzle being able to set up, and hit, her Miracle Connection and Suzanne Brazzle was off to the finals!


Suzanne Brazzle defeated Talia Neema in 13:01 by pinfall after a Miracle Connection (they have pretty good chemistry) -


Match Rating





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The Fountain Square Theatre came alive with the sounds of The Cadillac Three's

and the man we all met last month, Zippy Deverell came strutting out from the back. He walked directly to Marvin Earnest and asked for the microphone. He was given it and his music was cut as he climbed in the ring.


Deverell, “Y’know, Zippy Deverell is one fired up man. I got up this morning. I drove two hundred and seventy five miles -- over four hours in the car to get here. The whole way, I was thinkin’ ‘bout whose ass I was gon’ kick. I got here and guess what. I’m not on the damn show! Can you believe that! Me. Zippy Deverell from Corbin, Kentucky. Me, Zippy Deverell, the son of a coal miner with hands like a jackhammer ain’t on the damn show. I can’t get a match? I can’t get a fight! Well fine. Marvin announced earlier a big tag tournament next month. Well I’m gon’ find myself a padna, and I’m gon’ enter the damn thing and we’re gon’ be the first Tag Team Champions!”


Segment Rating







Women’s Title Tournament Semi-Final

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




Steffi Chee versus “The Mistress of the DDT” Steph Blake


  • The second of two semi-final matches. The winner of this will face Suzanne Brazzle at March Madness for the Women’s Championship.
  • This was a very competitive back-and-forth match between two veteran wrestlers.
  • Both women spent the duration of the match looking for their trademarked moves. Blake was trying to get a variation of the DDT while Chee kept looking to create space to hit either the German Suplex or her Mafia Kick.
  • The women looked like they knew what to expect from one another and that helped both women shine. Blake hit Chee with a German Suplex -- which was very impressive considering that it is one of Chee’s moves, but Chee was able to kick out.
  • Chee hit a Snap DDT -- but Blake kicked out.
  • Chee went for a big Mafia Kick, but Blake rolled under it. When Chee turned around, Blake rushed forward with a knee to the gut and then she slingshotted Chee up and down into a DDT that spiked Steffi Chee. Steph Blake is on to the next round!


Steph Blake defeated Steffi Chee in 12:04 by pinfall with a Slingshot DDT.


Match Rating





Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit




Java versus “The Indiana Strangler” Conner Threepwood ©


  • Last month, these two men were the last two competitors in the battle royal to name the first CWI Champion. This month, they were meeting in a singles match.
  • Right from the start, this was a showcase of Threepwood trying to wrestle the monster Java to the ground and being unable to. Java pummeled Threepwood for the majority of the match. He hit him with heavy slams. A big leg drop. Everything he could think of -- but he couldn’t put Threepwood away. It was slow and methodical. They didn’t work fast, but they worked deliberately.
  • As the match went on, Java got more and more frustrated with his inability to put the champion away. Threepwood absorbed all the punishment Java could throw out.
  • After taking the beating, Threepwood went right after trying to take down Java again. This time, because of all the energy Java has expended on his offense, he wasn’t able to prevent the takedown.
  • Threepwood went through hold after hold trying to wear down Java now that he was exhausted -- but the big Indonesian was tough and was not known to be a man to submit.
  • Threepwood had a seated front facelock on Java -- but Java stood up and literally threw him off of him.
  • As Threepwood stood up, Java launched himself across the ring and was clearly looking for his Greetings from the Island, a launching headbutt, but Threepwood side stepped him. When Java turned around, Threepwood grabbed a standing wristlock that he moved into a hammerlock. While holding the hammerlock, he grabbed the other arm of Java and planted his foot in front of Java’s leg so he could roll the two forward -- still with the hammerlock and grip on the non-hammerlocked arm. With both men down, Threepwood wedged a leg up behind the neck of Java -- effectively locking in the Stretch Plum.
  • The Indianapolis faithful were on their feet now. Would Java, the unbreakable Indonesian monster who once knocked out Mito Miwa submit or would he find his way out of the hold?
  • Threepwood pressed his leg tighter, digging in the hold and Java looked at referee Jez McArthur. McArthur asked him if he wanted to give it up and the man who was raised on the streets of Chicago shook his head yes. He gave up and Threepwood released the hold. He had successfully defended his championship!



Conner Threepwood defeated Java in 17:55 by submission with the Stretch Plum. This was Threepwood’s first title defense of the CWI Championship.


Match Rating





Overall Rating


This show increased our popularity in one region



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Got on this a little late, but nice to read two shows worth of content to get invested in the story. Loving the use of Threepwood as "The Guy" at the moment, can't help but think he's got a long run in him to establish the title as a reliable vet on a roster full of greenhorns. Looks like a mega push for The Hangman too, surely big things in his future!
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It might just be me, but I couldn't see the match ratings for the first couple of matches. Happy to say they got clearer as the matches got better though!!

Nope, had the same issue upon reading. It's the image files that are to blame, they get darker as you move to their lower part and F range grades are already pretty dark to begin with. Unless that's intentional, in a "this was a crappy match, please move along" kind of way :D


Nice show, can't believe I was glad to see Bullet Bob in a match!

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