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Diary Preview And Questions Thread

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Just downloaded the Altverse 2022 mod and am desperate to try my hand at writing a dynasty. Admittedly, I have no graphic design ability whatsoever so it won't be as visually interesting as some of these here but after reading so many I really wanna try. I'm just torn between what company, so I figured I'd ask here!

My three options are: United States Pro Wrestling, Total Championship Wrestling, and Battles of Hell. 

USPW would be focused on telling the story of a new booker taking the reigns to try to right the sinking ship alongside their new owner, fixing the insanely poor public opinion and trying to build some actual new stars. The booker here would be an actual character and sort of the focal point, mixing meetings with the owner and even some moments of like press interviews and things with pretty in depth match card and shows.

Total Championship wrestling would focus mostly on the match cards and would be pretty straight laced, focusing on the stories in the ring and building up to try to take the number one spot in the entire world with their killer roster.

Battles of Hell, as the cinematic one, would basically be each post being an episode in the show, with a few either OOC or as the owner spots where I decide on new hires and ask for feedback and recommendations.

Any thoughts/preferences on what you'd like to see on here? Please feel free to let me know! :D

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I really love the 2022 mod although it runs really slow on my crappy laptop. 


Booking USPW was some of the most fun I've had in a save tbh (extra rule: fire all the guys in your roster who have "party animal" due to the drug scandal... you will lose a few gems but you're rebuilding your roster anyway). Since I had Eric Tyler as a character, I changed my product to Hockey Southern Rasslin' to compensate for how old school he is. It was a great time, I made Texas Hangman a triple champion by June lol. 


TCW is honestly too stacked for me, especially now with the Women's division. So many wrestlers! I would applaud you if you made it work, it seems like hell. 


BOH seems like it could be awesome but also looks tough to book? IDK I've never tried it. Really interesting concept though, although I never understand if Lavelleuk is taking the piss with it or is doing it seriously. Both kinda work. 

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Not super deep into the planning process and not fully sold on the idea but thought I'd post it out here. 

I've wanted to do something where I'm able to focus on fairly standalone weekly episodes with a bit of an over arching storyline. A bit like my RAW stuff but on a smaller scale and more week to week, a bit like a wrestling sitcom. 

Idea is I book USPW. But the diary is solely focused on two lower carders (and a small ever changing cast of side characters) I suppose a little like BTE but more in kayfabe. It's about their struggle and mostly failures to rise up the card. My best pick so far is Jimmy Chipolata and Regular Joe with them forming a team called Regular Chipolata. 


Other idea that I keep going back to for last year or so is a promotion that is solely for veterans. Let's say 40+ but not certain. Working title Last Chance Saloon. Thinking mostly cinematic, very little traditional wrestling (easier on their old fragile bodies...) This would more be focused on the wrestlers individual reasons for coming (one last shot at fame, trying to redeem themselves after a career of heeling it up, not wanting the spotlight to fade, addicted to the action etc are ideas of some) and also about the background of the company

I view it as an actual hotel in the middle of nowhere, it has supernatural vibes. The wrestlers check in and fight there, and check out once they have achieved their goal. A bit like a wrestling limbo at the end of their careers to see how they will be remembered. I also just like the idea of a reverse developmental where instead of building stars and waiting for them to be poached I'm essentially watching the main promotions for their stars to 'expire' and then seeing what I can still get out of them.


Not sure what anybody thinks of either idea/preferences. 

I think the first one would potentially be easier and take less time so I'm leaning more towards that, but i do keep coming back to the second idea. 


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2 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

Not super deep into the planning process and not fully sold on the idea but thought I'd post it out here. 

I've wanted to do something where I'm able to focus on fairly standalone weekly episodes with a bit of an over arching storyline. A bit like my RAW stuff but on a smaller scale and more week to week, a bit like a wrestling sitcom. 

Idea is I book USPW. But the diary is solely focused on two lower carders (and a small ever changing cast of side characters) I suppose a little like BTE but more in kayfabe. It's about their struggle and mostly failures to rise up the card. My best pick so far is Jimmy Chipolata and Regular Joe with them forming a team called Regular Chipolata. 


Other idea that I keep going back to for last year or so is a promotion that is solely for veterans. Let's say 40+ but not certain. Working title Last Chance Saloon. Thinking mostly cinematic, very little traditional wrestling (easier on their old fragile bodies...) This would more be focused on the wrestlers individual reasons for coming (one last shot at fame, trying to redeem themselves after a career of heeling it up, not wanting the spotlight to fade, addicted to the action etc are ideas of some) and also about the background of the company

I view it as an actual hotel in the middle of nowhere, it has supernatural vibes. The wrestlers check in and fight there, and check out once they have achieved their goal. A bit like a wrestling limbo at the end of their careers to see how they will be remembered. I also just like the idea of a reverse developmental where instead of building stars and waiting for them to be poached I'm essentially watching the main promotions for their stars to 'expire' and then seeing what I can still get out of them.


Not sure what anybody thinks of either idea/preferences. 

I think the first one would potentially be easier and take less time so I'm leaning more towards that, but i do keep coming back to the second idea. 


FWIW the second idea sounds waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more interesting to me.

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So, I've made a blunder and I'd be grateful for some help.

I've just attempted to start a new dynasty for the first time since this forum was upgraded. The layout of the 1st post didn't match the look from the preview, where it appeared to be fine. I decided to hide my post while I played around with trying to get the dynasty looking how I wanted (I clearly have much to learn about this new forum!). Sadly I cannot figure out how to access the post, it now seems to be hidden from me also!

If anyone could please give me some advice on how I can get the post back so I can view and edit it, it would be appreciated.


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1 hour ago, Golden Guard M said:

So, I've made a blunder and I'd be grateful for some help.

I've just attempted to start a new dynasty for the first time since this forum was upgraded. The layout of the 1st post didn't match the look from the preview, where it appeared to be fine. I decided to hide my post while I played around with trying to get the dynasty looking how I wanted (I clearly have much to learn about this new forum!). Sadly I cannot figure out how to access the post, it now seems to be hidden from me also!

If anyone could please give me some advice on how I can get the post back so I can view and edit it, it would be appreciated.


I've taken this to assume you wanted to the post unhidden, sorted that for you now. If it's not what you wanted, shoot me a message and let me know. :)

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On 12/14/2022 at 10:42 AM, christmas_ape said:

Other idea that I keep going back to for last year or so is a promotion that is solely for veterans. Let's say 40+ but not certain. Working title Last Chance Saloon. Thinking mostly cinematic, very little traditional wrestling (easier on their old fragile bodies...) This would more be focused on the wrestlers individual reasons for coming (one last shot at fame, trying to redeem themselves after a career of heeling it up, not wanting the spotlight to fade, addicted to the action etc are ideas of some) and also about the background of the company


I LOVE this

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Hey, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on booking touring promotions? I've just started a QUEST save from the 70s CVerse mod, and I'm not really sure what'd be the best way to go about it. A lot of my TEW saves previously have been small monthly shows, so this is pretty new to me. Thank you!

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8 hours ago, Chaddes said:

Hey, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on booking touring promotions? I've just started a QUEST save from the 70s CVerse mod, and I'm not really sure what'd be the best way to go about it. A lot of my TEW saves previously have been small monthly shows, so this is pretty new to me. Thank you!

I'm no expert, and have no knowledge of QUEST at all but in general I see most people using the tour shows through the weeks to build up to the bigger events, normally using a lot of tag and multiman matches to save the bigger matches for the end of tour shows. The weekly shows you can use to look for chemistry, built stats whilst just slowly advancing storylines if you use them.


You'd like find a lot more/better advice on the general discussions thread, either in general gameplay thread (could search for touring promotions) or in the promotion threads for other touring companies in c-verse (PGHW, BCG etc). Or look for diaries from them. Off top of my head CGN91's White Canvas Grappling and there's been a few good New Japan ones over the years (again just off the top of my head I'd check out Uncrewed's). 

Granted I don't know how different touring promotions in the 70's would have been. 

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It's late December 2022 in the former office of Vince McMahon at WWE HQ, sitting behind the desk is his daughter Stephanie who has taken up his role along with Nick Khan as a co-CEO of the company. Sitting in front of her is her husband, Paul 'Triple H' Levesque, who is currently in charge of creative within the company although that won't be the case for long if their new plans for the future of pro-wrestling come to fruition. Either way he has just worked out the final details for the final episode of SmackDown of the year and it's going to be huge, possibly the biggest one of the year, at least he hopes.

"Is it done?" Stephanie asks him, looking up from the computer monitor on her desk.

"Yes, Zayn will lose to Kevin setting up a future dissension within The Bloodline...Charlotte is ready to go and we can finally get the title off Rousey...and the Wyatt segment is sure to get the fans buzzing." he answers her.

"Sounds like a great show but you know that isn't what I meant."

"Yes I've talked to ANTHEM and they sound enthusiastic about selling to us, the deal should be done by the new year. Same with Corgan. Shane also called and said the deal with Tony is looking good but he wants to keep a CEO position in ROH which shouldn't be a concern."

"Good, I'll put Tommy Dreamer in charge of IMPACT and Heyman can work closely with us both."

"And your end, are FOX and USA both on board with the new direction?"

"They both agree. they seem intrigued by the idea and are willing to go along with the ride."

The two would keep talking for a while longer, ironing out further details for their vision

.....To be continued in WCW 2023 - NXT WRESTLING ALLIANCE

Edited by Jaymee
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Question. Is it non kosher to start a diary for a game you're not actually playing? I started another Roster Randomizer game (after the first one got deleted) and in this case, the rebuilding of the game world becomes very interesting. But I'd rather not get involved in a company until everyone else gets their chance, and B, I'm straight up not good at this game.

Here's an example of an experimental non-playing diary I've done offsite where the whole game world is the subject.


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22 minutes ago, same-old-davey said:

Question. Is it non kosher to start a diary for a game you're not actually playing? I started another Roster Randomizer game (after the first one got deleted) and in this case, the rebuilding of the game world becomes very interesting. But I'd rather not get involved in a company until everyone else gets their chance, and B, I'm straight up not good at this game.

Here's an example of an experimental non-playing diary I've done offsite where the whole game world is the subject.


Personally I don't see an issue, I have done a "history of wrestling" diary in the past which seemed to get interest at the time and was a fun change for awhile, I have also done a diary focused on one worker although life got in the way of continuing that one I found it a fun change of pace. Equally I recall others doing similar so I say have at it.

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Hey, I've got an idea for a dynasty that I want to create and I was wondering if anyone could recommend diaries that have used a similar approach. Has anyone ever made a shoot-style dynasty? Not like an MMA style in-ring product exactly (like INSPIRE in the C-Verse) but one where pro wrestling, in the world of the diary, is a legitimate unscripted combat sport. I am specifically interested in dynasties of this kind that involve both what happens during the shows and behind the scenes. I'm looking for some ideas on how to present this kind of world. I hope that I've described this clearly enough. I'd appreciate any help. Thank you

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