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Forum Regulars TEW 2020 Giveaway

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Well I am well and above that limit and hmm two all time dream matches?


80s prime Ric Flair vs Prime ROH undefeated streak TNA Samoa Joe. This would have been built like Flair vs Vader, and while not taking away from Vader as he is one of th ebest big men ever, Joe had more athleticism so the stuff he could have done with a game Flair would have been amazing.


Crow Sting vs. Shawn Michaels after coming back from injury, while he was excellent before the injury he turned it up to another level when he came back. I get people love the imagery of Undertaker vs Sting, but if you think about it Michaels never went to WCW and Sting never went to WWF (until the very end) This would have been the true battle of the loyalists.


Honorable Mention Stone Cold Steve Austin vs late 80's/early 90s Middle Aged and Crazy Terry Funk. As I type this I am thinking I can come up wht dozens of these like Bret or Owen Hart vs Best in the World Bryan Danielson, Bret or Owen vs Nigel McGuinness,

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Thanks for doing this, Questlove!


Early 90s Curt Hennig vs. Late 80s, early 90s Great Muta - I don't think their characters would have really matched up that well for a long-term feud, but they could have torn the roof off some building, somewhere, in a one time classic.


Early 90s, face Randy Savage vs. Late 80s Terry Funk - You've gotta have Funk attack Liz or something though to get Savage really fired up. Think the Savage vs. Jake Roberts feud from 1991 for an example of a "fired up" Randy Savage.

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Man, in this case, I'm the man. Nobody has posted more often than me in a smaller or longer amount of time. :rolleyes: I hate myself for even knowing that haha


Eddie Guerrero vs AJ Styles would make me so incredibly happy. ROH was so close. They had Eddy for three matches over two shows.. :(


The Amazing Red vs. Rob Van Dam


Honorable Mention:

Test vs Kevin Steen

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<p>The Rock vs Stone Cold</p><p> </p><p>

I don't remember the Wrestlemania that it occured at, but it is my first ever memory of wrestling. (That and Undertaker hanging Big Boss Man) but I distinctly remember The Rock being choked out by TV Cables and that was when I became hooked on wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

The other one is my favourite match which was Triple H vs Dean Ambrose at Road Block. Arguably the best match Dean had in WWE, just the methodical build up during the match was great. Everyone knew going into it that Dean wasn't going to win but they did a great job building emotion ans getting the crowd heavily involved. It made you believe for a moment that Dean would pick up the win. It made you buy into the match. I loved the psychology of the match.</p>

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This is great! Giveaways are so fun!


The Undertaker vs. Sting (obvious one, just sad it never happened)


Prime Ric Flair vs. Prime John Cena, most world championships between them, but who gets the tie breaker? And it probably happened with Flair was like 55, but I wanna see prime Flair WOO!

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