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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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If I'm setting a mask for a developmental worker, if I set it as New, Medium, etc will that carry over to the main roster or is tied specifically to the developmental promotion? I'm specifically talking about the setting in the contract section of the editor, not the mask setting on the worker. 

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Is it possible to see if someone works better as a heel or face before signing them? A lot of the time I'm looking to sign someone it's hard to tell if they can work both or either, I know when your about to sign them it'll say sign as heel/ face and I'm guessing the default setting for that is what there better at but sometimes that's a decision maker for me but I don't want to end negotiations and not be able to work with them for awhile

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11 hours ago, lukemartin2003 said:

Is it possible to see if someone works better as a heel or face before signing them? A lot of the time I'm looking to sign someone it's hard to tell if they can work both or either, I know when your about to sign them it'll say sign as heel/ face and I'm guessing the default setting for that is what there better at but sometimes that's a decision maker for me but I don't want to end negotiations and not be able to work with them for awhile

Personality screen

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Is there any way of knowing when there will be Independent shows running in your home area? I'm playing as QAW and running 2 shows a month, a big show and a spot show. Indy shows have really helped some of my talent make big overness games, but last month an indy show took place on the same day as my spot show, and my crew missed out on potential pop gains. Any way to make sure that doesn't happen?

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Probably a common question, but how does company popularity work?  I've had a string of shows that are ~20 points higher than my popularity, and yet the company gets no gains.  I did book a "Special" event to reactivate twice in a month, but my weekly event also didn't help me.  Industry's in the 40s and falling; economy is massive.

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2 hours ago, stiffkick80x said:

Is there any way of knowing when there will be Independent shows running in your home area? I'm playing as QAW and running 2 shows a month, a big show and a spot show. Indy shows have really helped some of my talent make big overness games, but last month an indy show took place on the same day as my spot show, and my crew missed out on potential pop gains. Any way to make sure that doesn't happen?

No. They're not scheduled in advance.

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1 hour ago, Eidenhoek said:

Probably a common question, but how does company popularity work?  I've had a string of shows that are ~20 points higher than my popularity, and yet the company gets no gains.  I did book a "Special" event to reactivate twice in a month, but my weekly event also didn't help me.  Industry's in the 40s and falling; economy is massive.

It tells you after the show whether you had gains or not. You can have gains but see no popularity change because you may not be gaining enough to move a whole number; if you're only gaining 0.1 per show then obviously you'd need 10 shows to see a change. If you got literally no gains it means that whatever you "won" from the show is being negated by other effects, such as a low industry or other penalties.

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I have 1 popularity, currently.  What possible effects could result in that show not resulting in any popularity changes?  The industry's at a 50 or so.  Economy's in the 80s.  I have 1 popularity.  If it's possible to have too many shows in an area at a time, then...well, one, I don't remember that in the manual, so my bad, but two, it'd be nice to have a blurb to that effect on this screen.  It's happened with a monthly event, a weekly event, and every iteration of a Special event I've ran this month.


Found it:

Growing your Company.  Max Growth per Region per Month.  Natural Growth Limits.  And that Section of Options...doesn't mention the per month part.  Welp.

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52 minutes ago, PaperMachete said:

Curious about the note "Suffered from a lack of psychology" and what I can do to help it.

Just had a match between Wrestler A and Wrestler B, both 84 psychology. Road Agent has 87 psychology. 15 minute match, standard with no extra notes.

What is making this note pop?

What were the notes? Did you script it? Did you call it in the ring? Any other notes that were used? 

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1 hour ago, PaperMachete said:

Curious about the note "Suffered from a lack of psychology" and what I can do to help it.

Just had a match between Wrestler A and Wrestler B, both 84 psychology. Road Agent has 87 psychology. 15 minute match, standard with no extra notes.

What is making this note pop?

Hell I just eat those penalties. Majority of my top guys have mid 80s Psychology I script matches with RA with 100 Psychology. I have 1 or 2 with high 80s but I can't use them all of the time. another penalty I get at the Main Event is a Lack of selling. (Big men don't like selling for some reason.)

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13 hours ago, PaperMachete said:

Curious about the note "Suffered from a lack of psychology" and what I can do to help it.

Just had a match between Wrestler A and Wrestler B, both 84 psychology. Road Agent has 87 psychology. 15 minute match, standard with no extra notes.

What is making this note pop?

It happens if the psychology is significantly less than the match's grade at that point in the calculation. If the match is at 100 and you only have psychology in the 80s, you'll get penalised.

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What's the best way to keep the game populated with talent long term? Regeneration or let the dojos populate the game? Ideally I don't want a situation where the game is too bloated. 

Also, do regens come through training schools or just appear as free agents?

Edited by ShiningWizzro
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Can you influence "In a Funk" in any way, like giving them more matches to try and work their way out of it, or is it completely random when it stops?


Also, is there a setting you need to activate in order for it to go away, like crowd management? Doesn't really make sense but one of the few settings I have turned off. I've been playing for a year now and none of them have disappeared yet, I know it can take up to 2 years but seems like bad luck if none have gone away by now.

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On 7/10/2023 at 5:51 PM, Adam Ryland said:

Yes, it is true, and both methods work. It only matters that there is someone with better psychology in the match.

Follow up question on this, do psychology increase more if there's a bigger discrepancy between the two workers? Example:

Match 1: Wrestler A with 65 psych and Wrestler B with 64 psych

Match 2: Wrestler A with 100 psych and Wrestler B with 0 psych

Do the psychology for the lower rated worker increase the same in these both matches? (Disregarding any random and other factors)

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19 minutes ago, PaperMachete said:

Follow up question on this, do psychology increase more if there's a bigger discrepancy between the two workers? Example:

Match 1: Wrestler A with 65 psych and Wrestler B with 64 psych

Match 2: Wrestler A with 100 psych and Wrestler B with 0 psych

Do the psychology for the lower rated worker increase the same in these both matches? (Disregarding any random and other factors)

The bigger the difference, the more they can gain.

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I've tried searching around but didn't find anything particularly pertinent.

How do you all plan out round-robin tournaments? 

So far I only use single elimination tournaments because I can't find a sane way to plan out block style tournaments. Are there any programs or websites people use that are useful? I haven't really experimented with the in game tournament screen, because it while it may be useful to track during a tournament, I'm not sure of its utility in PLANNING a tournament out.

Surely there has to be a more efficient way of planning these out that I'm not thinking of.


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11 hours ago, Eidenhoek said:

Wrestleworld Australia is iSubscription.  For any company (e.g. ZEN) with only popularity in one region, doesn't that mean that getting a broadcasting deal loses money?  I know it'll help you grow elsewhere, but just talking money, it's a loss, right?

think that only applies to subscription broadcasters you own. If you're working with an outside broadcaster you shouldn't take on any losses.

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Does anyone know the cut off from when scheduled events are forced into weekly events? I want to run my Grand Prix but after a few events it'll switch my events drawing power from Annual to Weekly and my attendances will be slashed in half/quarter. I want to avoid that if possible, so I want to know what the "cut off" is. Four events per month? Five?

Edited by Hawk1665
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