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Make More of Mexico Spanish

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Looking around there seems to be a ton of Mexican Workers who had their names turned to English versions of their old names. A number of the new event names for Mexican Promotions are in English. Mexico has a rich history of Lucha Libre and that history is in Spanish. And as its mostly a cosmetic thing I'd like to see a majority of the Mexican nomenclature changed to Spanish.
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As somebody who is a mexican-american and grew up watching lucha libre, I totally agree. For example looking at EMLL of their 13 events only one is in spanish and it's "Dia de los muertos". It would be different if they were based closer to California or even Mexico City, but Noreste is in the cuts of Mexico so having an english friendly company doesn't make sense, same goes for their titles.


Like you said, it's just cosmetic, but because it's cosmetic it shouldn't be a difficult fix. If it's not fixed, I'll probably just end up doing a mod because I do like playing as the Lucha companies.

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As somebody who is a mexican-american and grew up watching lucha libre, I totally agree. For example looking at EMLL of their 13 events only one is in spanish and it's "Dia de los muertos". It would be different if they were based closer to California or even Mexico City, but Noreste is in the cuts of Mexico so having an english friendly company doesn't make sense, same goes for their titles.


Like you said, it's just cosmetic, but because it's cosmetic it shouldn't be a difficult fix. If it's not fixed, I'll probably just end up doing a mod because I do like playing as the Lucha companies.


I'm definitely playing EMLL it is so far my favorite company in the C-Verse. But yeah I'm gonna change all the worker names and event names back to Spanish names if this isn't done by Adam and co.

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Yeah, this was more than likely done to appeal to non-spanish speakers. Truthfully though, it sounds cooler with the Spanish names. It's not really the same, but that could be like taking "Hiroshi Tanahashi." and renaming him "Matt Smith" So it would appeal more to people that can actually pronounce this name.


I know that's a terrible example, but still!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="nerodragomir1" data-cite="nerodragomir1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48318" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah, this was more than likely done to appeal to non-spanish speakers. Truthfully though, it sounds cooler with the Spanish names. It's not really the same, but that could be like taking "Hiroshi Tanahashi." and renaming him "Matt Smith" So it would appeal more to people that can actually pronounce this name. <p> </p><p> I know that's a terrible example, but still!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't actually speak Spanish - which I know is sad because my father was Puerto Rican/Peruvian - but it still irks me. Even if I have to look up the names in a translator I like them better in Spanish.</p>
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I don’t agree with this, this games playing population is overwhelming English and having the names in English greatly enhances their playing experience.


Think about how you would feel if workers in the database were named 神保誠司 or events were named that way.

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I don’t agree with this, this games playing population is overwhelming English and having the names in English greatly enhances their playing experience.


Think about how you would feel if workers in the database were named 神保誠司 or events were named that way.


What? No, this doesn't make any sense considering the argument being made.


Consider real world examples. CMLL has many events that are marketed by their spanish name, and not their regular name. Similarly, they have many wrestlers who's ring names are literally their spanish descriptors, not their translations.


This is versus New Japan. who markets all of their event names in english, all of their wrestlers in english, and on their broadcasts only shows their japanese texts with the exceptions of certain characters when it makes sense like "SANADA" and "KENTA" etc.

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I don’t agree with this, this games playing population is overwhelming English and having the names in English greatly enhances their playing experience.


Think about how you would feel if workers in the database were named 神保誠司 or events were named that way.


As an only english speaker I say there is a total difference. I may not know what all the spanish words mean but both english and spanish are latin alphabets and I can at least read it, unlike Japanese. And the Japanese worker names are written on phonetic so as to be understandbale, but there names aren't changed to english names SUKI is still the Japanese name of the worker even if its written in phonetic english. Its not like the changed his name to Dave.


And its not like english speakers have problems with Spanish names in wrestling. Juventud Guerrera is a spanish name. We had Mil Muertes in Lucha Underground. Tejano Jr is a popular Mexican worker in America its not like they don't know his name means Texan. Hell even in New Japan the mexican workers use their spanish names and no one has a problem. So I don't see why it should be a problem for this game the is supposed to mimic the wrestling world. Are you gonna ask the real world mod makers to switch all the Mexican workers names to enlgish ones.

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I don’t agree with this, this games playing population is overwhelming English and having the names in English greatly enhances their playing experience.


Think about how you would feel if workers in the database were named 神保誠司 or events were named that way.



Yeah the whole concept of wrestlers needing English only names is totally incorrect. I only speak English and I would hate to see the game world be transformed that way. Also based on a lot of users I'd say a lot of people who play are not native English speakers. That whole line of thinking is xenophobic at best. I am with Apupunchau on this one.

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"Xenophobic", oh my god, please go outside.


On topic, I agree with OP. Mexican companies that operate solely in Mexico should have Spanish names for their events and titles. If a user is playing as one of these companies and wants to expand into America or any other English speaking market, they can manually change the names if they want to for flavor, since in game all that matters are the workers language stat.

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What? No, this doesn't make any sense considering the argument being made.


Consider real world examples. CMLL has many events that are marketed by their spanish name, and not their regular name. Similarly, they have many wrestlers who's ring names are literally their spanish descriptors, not their translations.


This is versus New Japan. who markets all of their event names in english, all of their wrestlers in english, and on their broadcasts only shows their japanese texts with the exceptions of certain characters when it makes sense like "SANADA" and "KENTA" etc.



Really has nothing to do with real companies and their practices. Mexican wrestling markets that way because it is primarily targeting a Mexican audience.


TEW is not. Being able to read events and worker names in a language they understand is pretty fundamental. If you know Spanish you can just translate it to your liking anyway.


Personally I had already found it irritating in 2016 when all of the titles in any given company were in Spanish and I had no idea if I was booking the midcard title or the world title half the time.


Yeah the whole concept of wrestlers needing English only names is totally incorrect. I only speak English and I would hate to see the game world be transformed that way. Also based on a lot of users I'd say a lot of people who play are not native English speakers. That whole line of thinking is xenophobic at best. I am with Apupunchau on this one.



Somehow I have extreme doubt that a near 99 percent text based game with no additional language support is being played by this massive Non-English speaking audience.

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You know what would be an excellent middle ground. If Each Spanish wrestler had an alter ego with their Spanish name! Or vise versa. To make it easier for non-spanish speakers to find them. They could be labeled the English version, but they have the alter ego name for if you want them to be in Spanish.


I know TEW straight up doesn't have programming made to recognize Japanese kanji, but that would be neat for Japanese wrestlers as well. Get a whole company of japanese wrestlers with their Kanji names! Some like KUSHIDA & KENTA would still show up in English.

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I also took an actual look at this and I have no idea what he’s even alleging.


Almost no workers had name changes with the exception of El Alberto Confiadoro (how however it’s spelled) and Heroe who’s name was changed due to being generic.



EILL and CILL have entirely Spanish event schedules, and EMLL’s is in English for obvious reasons, it would be difficult to convert the tone of what Adam was going for creatively with the company of all of the event names were incomprehensible to 90 percent of the playerbase.



The only thing I’m seeing is that OLLIEs schedule was expanded from their 2016 edition where they only had 4-5 events and I think 5 English named events were added.


Given the developers are not Spanish speakers it would make more sense for you to manually change these 5 event names to Spanish if you speak that language and it makes you more comfortable.

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Dolphin Master was Mascara Delfin, Firebird was formerly Pajaro del feugo, Celeste Moon was formerly Aguila Azul Celeste, Juana Hurricane was formerly Juana Huracan. And those are but a few. Look at EMLL and all but one of their event names are in English. The also have a main title in spanish but the have three rings of power called The Ring of Chaos, The Ring of Destiny and the Ring of Life. But its a Spanish speaking promotion in the heart of mexico. Why are these rings not in Spanish. And you can certainly convey the tone of EMLL in Spanish.
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Dolphin Master was Mascara Delfin, Firebird was formerly Pajaro del feugo, Celeste Moon was formerly Aguila Azul Celeste, Juana Hurricane was formerly Juana Huracan. And those are but a few.


First of all, those aren't "but a few". Unless the thread cataloging name changes is woefully inadequate, that plus the few mentioned before is most of them. And Celeste and Juana changed their names because they're working for QAW, so it makes total sense.

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It actually explicitly states in her bio she changed her name to be more marketable to American audiences as she moved.


And the great thing about the name changes is they keep the names in the bio so it is actually effortless to change them back.



For EMLL translating things like “Clash of the Multiverse” and “The Paradox Equation” and the heavy comic book style booking it is supposed to promote would likely not hit home if it’s written in a language incomprehensible to the average player, again.


If I saw EMLL and the event names are all written in Spanish and I don’t understand them I’m probably just going to book them as a generic Lucha promotion with 1 v 1 matches because I don’t understand what the product is supposed to be.

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The average player has google. There is a translator. That's what I use. because I don't speak spanish. But if its a mexican promotion with an in game spanish speaking audience then the events should be in spanish because that's how the promotion would keep them for their actual audience. If you're too lazy to look them up and really get immersed than that's on you.
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What? No, this doesn't make any sense considering the argument being made.


Consider real world examples. CMLL has many events that are marketed by their spanish name, and not their regular name. Similarly, they have many wrestlers who's ring names are literally their spanish descriptors, not their translations.


This is versus New Japan. who markets all of their event names in english, all of their wrestlers in english, and on their broadcasts only shows their japanese texts with the exceptions of certain characters when it makes sense like "SANADA" and "KENTA" etc.


Exactly. Japanese companies like NJPW, NOAH, etc market to American audiences and have adjusted to it. Mexican companies like AAA, CMLL, or other could give a damn about the American audience.


EMLL is a mexican based promotion with a mexican audience. It would be different if they had coverage in the US or in their company information or their product it said it was american influenced. It's not however.


Again, I'm not mad or even annoyed. It's just something I've noticed, i feel OP and most people on here agree it's entirely cosmetic. This is in no way calling out Ryland or his team on being xenophobic or insensitive, it's just a change I would like to see happen. Either change the names and promotions or change the product so they are more cohesive.

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I'll preface this with the fact I haven't looked at Mexico in the CVerse yet; but I have to disagree that you need to be able to speak Spanish to understand Lucha Libre in TEW.


I don't need to know that "Campeonato de Parejas" directly translates to "Couples Championship" because I know its the Tag Team title.


I don't need to know that "técnico" and "rudo" translate to "technician" and "rude" because I know that they are face and heel.


I guess what I'm saying is that not being able to understand Spanish does not mean I won't be able to understand Lucha Libre. Everything in-game Mexico being English isn't an issue per say but it does break immersion. I might understand everything perfectly but it won't feel like I'm playing in Mexico.


In that case I agree with OP; unless of course changes have been made to appeal to an in-game English speaking audience.

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"Xenophobic", oh my god, please go outside.


On topic, I agree with OP. Mexican companies that operate solely in Mexico should have Spanish names for their events and titles. If a user is playing as one of these companies and wants to expand into America or any other English speaking market, they can manually change the names if they want to for flavor, since in game all that matters are the workers language stat.



Agreed with this. Especially the first line.

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You know you can change the event names yourself right? It's not that much of an issue, especially since the majority of the players speak english and don't understand spanish. I don't really see the issue here.


Another in a long line of "I don't have an issue, so neither should you".


People have mentioned why it's an issue for them. Moreover, the change smacks of appealing to a certain part of the audience for these games at the detriment of the "realism" and "simulation" that it strives for. And that's a really iffy strategy, because historically a lot of culture that is "non-majority" has been glossed over or whitewashed for marketing purposes - and at worst it's insulting, at best it's just misguided. And I state that as someone who works in marketing. You don't need to change culture to appeal to wider audiences. Unless you think "taco","tamale", or "piña colada" (I've thrown that in as something of a curveball, btw) are all English words.

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