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Dark Side of the Ring Cornellverse Addition

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Marc Dubois needs an episode. From all of the drug addiction to the unexplained tension with Randy Bumfhole, he might need a two part episode.


Also, the Stone family. Especially the one brother who used drugs and ended up getting kicked out of the family business and had to work for TCW.

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I don't think the Eisen/SWF "scandal" (if you can even call it that) would really justify something like that. Some mildly shady things were exposed and one person had to retire. They didn't even face legal issues. And SWF's standing was essentially unaffected. The situation is interesting for the overly complicated and frankly ridiculous way it went down, but it doesn't really fit the genre.
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An episode on the DeColt family would be worth a watch. How Steve left CGC, how Alex pretty much ran it into the ground. And didn't one of their long term guys (I wanna say Nate Johnson) run off with Jack's wife or something? I'm not sure if it's still a thing in CVerse, but in the earlier versions, Ricky was good buddies with Edd Stone, back when that was likely a no no. So much good drama there.
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An episode on the DeColt family would be worth a watch. How Steve left CGC, how Alex pretty much ran it into the ground. And didn't one of their long term guys (I wanna say Nate Johnson) run off with Jack's wife or something? I'm not sure if it's still a thing in CVerse, but in the earlier versions, Ricky was good buddies with Edd Stone, back when that was likely a no no. So much good drama there.


I was just about to say this. Nate left with Jack's wife and they went to TCW... where he actually hasn't done bad.. or good by any means but at least won one tag team title. Pretty crazy how good he did in CGC for all of that to happen.

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I don't think the Eisen/SWF "scandal" (if you can even call it that) would really justify something like that. Some mildly shady things were exposed and one person had to retire. They didn't even face legal issues.


Some mildly shady things were exposed when one person left the company. They didn't even face legal issues.


Well then why are people still talking about the Montreal Screwjob?


Also, if anything happened that forced Vince to "retire", do you think people would report on it? Would there not be "exposés" done by a wide variety of outlets? Even if there were no obvious chicanery and he just felt like stepping aside, the answer would be yes.


I would think the history, rise, and fall of AAA would warrant an episode. Perhaps even the same for BSC (there have been half a dozen documentaries on GLOW and WoW after all and one highly acclaimed series) as well as the CWA merger. I would think Ring of Fire's postmortem as well as 21CW's transformation would rate as well. Same for WEXXV and HGC -> TCW.


Individual episodes could be made for people like Phil Vibert, Nemesis (especially now), DaVE, the East Coast War, Jim Force, SCCW, Jack Griffith, Wanda Fish, Lady Liberty/Stormette, UCR and the aftermath of its closure, Mister King, heck we could put together up to eight full (American) seasons of episodes! EDIT: From what I understand, the whole 'season' thing doesn't work the same in the UK and Europe. No '26 episode' orders, more just runtime or something.

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Marc Dubois needs an episode. From all of the drug addiction to the unexplained tension with Randy Bumfhole, he might need a two part episode.


Also, the Stone family. Especially the one brother who used drugs and ended up getting kicked out of the family business and had to work for TCW.


I forgot about him. What he's doing in 2020

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Ken Flannigan, The kid that died in SWF in the 90s, Nemesis and Cornell match, Dick Eisen getting forced out by ???, The Rise and Fall of DaVE, Babes of Sin City, Marc Dubois, SNP sexual harassment story. Those are just the ones that pop into my head. People who play CV 77 and 97 can probably fill this out more.
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From a 97 player who has loved the Cornellverse for years, my main points would probably be:


Nemesis vs. Tommy Cornell match.


Hollyweird. Just a complete rundown of the giant wrestling company ran by the 16 year old before it eventually became TCW would be fascinating.


The Streets Family (won’t be known as current players, but they were super interesting in 97)


And my big one...


The National Day of Lucha: Holy Shit this one would be it and I’m surprised there hasn’t been a co-op journal covering this. From the Cornell verse wiki


“In 2005, the Mexican government underwent a powershift, and when it was reforming, it learned that many contracts of Mexican wrestling promotions weren't legal. Thus, all contracts were null and void. With the future of lucha libre at stake, SOTBPW, MPWF, and OLLIE teamed up to hosted a large event in September 2005, where a large draft took place. Many stars such as Phoenix I and Champagne Lover stayed with their original homes. After the event, all promotions signed a non-aggression pact. However, once SOTBPW began to grow, it ended it's non-aggression pacts and began to raid OLLIE and MPWF.“


Man, imagine the stories to be told, and the regret that this would have led too. Imagine actual breakdowns 15 years later of the 3 big Lucha promotions, and how SOTBPW ended the peace between the 3 and effectively ran 1 out of business and the other to the brink. That is the show I want.

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The Rise and Fall of Babes of Sin City would probably have some good dirt and salacious gossip.


Or the whole "Lesbians With Attitude" firing at AAA.


Having hired Viv Jacobs in 2016, looked at her stats, and tried to get her over, I'ma side with AAA on that one.

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Shawn Gonzalez death


Nemesis vs. Cornell


The Death of DAVE


That backyard federation from years ago with the 5 workers starting "The Quest" (wasn't it BDW or something like that?)


The Rise of COTT


The Japanese Tsunami and Japanese Wrestling's reaction


RAW's middle finger at traditional wrestling


The East Coast Wars


Turning HGC into TCW


Allan Packer and his takeover of American Pro Wrestling

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The Life and Times of Rip Chord


2nd Generation Wrestlers and their struggles to live up to their parents


Bruce The Giant retrospective


The Fall of SCCW


Champagne Lover Leaving Wrestling




OLLIE's Struggles


Mexico's Draft


The WWA Training Centers


...and of course...



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