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Who buy? Who not buying on release day?

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At the risk of stating the obvious, you know you can right click after searching to select multiple things to mass edit, right?


I keep left clicking on accident, and sometimes I get it right sometimes I don't. I don't know why I'm having such a problem and I haven't said it anywhere else as it's kind of embarrassing, I think I'm the only one.

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"I can't create my very highly specific oddity of a promotion exactly to my specifications, as opposed to 80% of my specifications, so obviously the game is junk."

They were able to do it before. This is the reason. Give a kid a third of an ice cream, and he's happy; give a kid a full ice cream, then take it away to eat two thirds of it, and then give him that third of an ice cream, he's unhappy. Even though it's the same third of an ice cream that was perfectly capable of making him happy in the first scenario. People are simply disappointed about how something like that was taken away, and their enjoyment of a TEW game had relied on it being possible for them to do the stuff they now can't do. There's really nothing strange about that. It's basic human psychology 101, and it's not doomposting lol.

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Doomposting - "I only got a 65 in this RW mod w/ AEW, so obviously the game is junk" or "I can't create my very highly specific oddity of a promotion exactly to my specifications, as opposed to 80% of my specifications, so obviously the game is junk."


Here's what you're missing about your second example, obvious sarcasm for use as an example aside - In previous years, you could create your very highly specific oddity of a promotion.


If you can do something in Game A, but you can't do it in Game A: The sequel... that's called a step back.


Sports games get hammered for doing this on a yearly basis. This game is no exception. Just ignore the hyperbole and you'll be fine.

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If you can do something in Game A, but you can't do it in Game A: The sequel... that's called a step back.


Not necessarily mate, the feature could use an antiquated system that prevents a lot of other bits and pieces from progressing forward. Game A: The Sequal could also offer a lot of other bells and whistles that compensate for the omission.


A feature changing or limiting itself to perhaps be more polished in the long run isn't as cut and dry as a step back. Who knows this new product system may just be a foundation or building block for things going forward.


On a side note, from what we have seen of Adam's development over the years, do you think he is the type of developer to leave something out of a game out of spite of people potentially hurting his own sales? It makes no sense, it's clearly by design to make a more stable base foundation for this complete re-write of a game.

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/nod, we had this product selection in 2005, minus the product suggestion thread. We basically went back six generations (almost 15 years) to upgrade the old 16 product settings. Wish he would have used all those same names, as I remember them... Hybrid, Sports Entertainment, Traditional, Garbage, Cutting Edge, Pure, Hardcore, Family Friendly, Underground, then the different Lucha's, and Women's. We may end up with hundreds of different products, and being blind to the exact settings is frustrating.


Oh well, hopefully in 2025 we get that control back.

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Not necessarily mate, the feature could use an antiquated system that prevents a lot of other bits and pieces from progressing forward. Game A: The Sequal could also offer a lot of other bells and whistles that compensate for the omission.


A feature changing or limiting itself to perhaps be more polished in the long run isn't as cut and dry as a step back. Who knows this new product system may just be a foundation or building block for things going forward.


On a side note, from what we have seen of Adam's development over the years, do you think he is the type of developer to leave something out of a game out of spite of people potentially hurting his own sales? It makes no sense, it's clearly by design to make a more stable base foundation for this complete re-write of a game.


A good example of this is the Attributes, to move away from Product Settings, which are more controversial.


Is it annoying as hell for mod makers to have to edit all the attributes of people, after they'd spent the time to edit the personalities and such, in previous versions? Obviously. At the same time though, a lot of that was guesswork, especially with lesser-known wrestlers, or it was a pain to figure out if somebody needed to be 80% or 75% or whatever percent Liberal to agree to jump off a high thing and possibly be injured for a year.


Now, you can mark them as Risky, plus a couple of other things, and you're good to go. Is that less control from when you could say, Jeff Hardy is 80% liberal, but Nick Gage is 100% liberal, or Scott Steiner is 90% of steroids, while Hulk Hogan is only 75%? Sure, and maybe that's a case that "something has been taken away," but now we have a much more understandable system, that I actually think once the hard job of editing is done, will be much better for mod makers in the future, and be better for players.

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I think it's a step back from '16, mainly in regards to the UI. There are also little things that bother me, like the ratings being tiny, which makes what you do in the game feel inconsequential, more spreadsheet like and less fun.


Hopefully the UI changes are more than what we've seen already, as I don't think it's enough to just grid the office screen (which everyone including me pointed out within an hour of the game being released) and put a new skin on (which was fixed by mods rightaway too).

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It's nowhere near 100% bug free yet, but if you look how far the game as come in just a few weeks from the initial beta release, it has come a long way.


There is no doubt Adam is working hard to get everything sorted and you know this will continue long after the full release.


On day one of the beta i was out 100%, i left the game for a week, came back and started work on my mod. As the mod progress increased so did the lack of bugs/glitches.


Now im 100% in for a day 1 purchase, i have full faith in Adam and how hard he works on his games and how he listens to the feedback from all of us.


I cant wait now to get the full game and i have no doubt that by this time next month, we will all have the TEW experience that we crave.

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Maybe it's me being a speedrunner, so I'm just so super used to stuff like this, but editing the attributes really isn't that big of an issue for me since when I enter the dropdown menus, I have a lot of the attributes so memorized already. Like, in order to get to this attribute, it's this dropdown menu and then four presses of P, etc. I guess it's just that in speedrunning, we learn to muscle memorize stuff like that all the time.
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Can you delete the posts saying people are foolish for not buying and saying people are mad because they don't understand the features as well please? Thanks :)


No, because that fits the narrative, obviously.


On the question:


Probably not. I guess I expected more.

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I bought every Adam game to date and i will be buying TEW 2020. In general i am a little disappointing though, In the current state it is not really a much better game than 2016, just a different version of it, with some pluses and some minuses.


The pluses:


-Faster game.


-Better tag teams.

-Improved title options.

-Stables enhanced.

-More interaction with workers.

-More happening in general.

-I like the perception system (took a while to get used to it).

-I prefer new gimmick system.

-I like the attribute system in comparison to characters.

-Improved contract system.

-Excursions added.

-More options between company relations.


The minuses:


-Development territories are a serious downgrade, things from WMMA5 and TEW 2016 were removed without any real replacement.

-Lack of control over your training facilities (such as training focus).

-Weird AI booking (lots of repetitive booking).

-Auto-booker needs a lot of work still (it has gotten better).

-UI (Enough was said about that).

-Custom products removed (one of the biggest complaints, although i have gotten used to the new system, i still prefer being able to edit my product).


The game has gotten better since the beta release already. I think that if Adam continues to work on it, within 2-3 months it should be balanced out. Overall it is already a better game, just was a rough release.

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I'll buy it, but I wonder if the main reason I'm doing so is to play in the 2020 C-Verse. I'm very excited to get stuck into a long game with that universe.


If a 2020 mod for TEW'16 was released right now, fine-tuned and perfect, would I still buy it? I'm less sure. The new game world is the draw for me. The game itself feels like when WWE video games jump onto new consoles. There are always setbacks and limitations as they get to grips with the new hardware. There are new ideas for mechanisms which replace older ones, and they may be better eventually, but right now feel like a sideways move that appeal to some (I hated the old product system) and annoy others (I'm already running out of appealing product options).


Love attributes. Love perception. I'm enjoying gimmicks; the pluses and minuses they create are really intriguing to me. There's enough positive for me to drop $35 on this. But enough negative that I understand why others would want to hold back.

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For the question at hand:

- No, I will not be buying on release. 16 still has legs for me. When that runs out I'll check patch notes and reassess at that time.


Also, before I dive in. 2020 has some really cool features and I am not saying any of the below because I am actively trying to not like the game.

Like a lot of you, I've spent $100's of dollars on this and WMMA over the years and I have always been more than happy to support Adam and the games.

I hope a ton of people do like it and support the game, so if you are already in that boat, that's awesome.

I'm stating my reasons as to "why" at this time, I feel this way.




Custom products removed

I've made my thoughts pretty well known when the dev journal on it dropped and in beta so I won't rehash, but facts as of now:

- We have pre-sets

- We can't tweak or create any ourselves

- We do have a recourse to add/tweak ones in suggestion forum, at best case scenarios there will be ~ a week delay to adding something in you ask for here

- No products have been added since beta started, even though suggestions have been made

- Some products have been tweaked, though usually through things not brought up in that suggestions post, but through other testing/feedback


It's possible that a bunch get added after release. It's also possible that very few get added.

I fully realize that priority 1 is RTE's and bugs as of now, so I am OK with not adding any at the moment during beta. But, I will definitely be checking patch notes and such to see what gets added to see the "direction" here.

I had ~50 distinct products when running the RWC mod, I love me some product nuance.


This is something I can do better in 2016, as I can tweak it to my specific product nerdery.



AI Booking styles are streamlined

There are essentially 2 "booking styles" (not counting "evolving" as it is just if < than year use classic, > year move toward modern) to encompass the entire history of puro or lucha booking in this section.

I've posted this before, but even a cursory glance over current modern-day products in either category shows way more depth and nuance than this.




These are the actual real life match mixes of each company over the past 2 years just in Japan (as of ~April 2019) ^^^

By my eye, I see at least 3 distinct mixes there, and these are only current day companies.


Having just 2 "puro" booking styles (or lucha) to represent the entirety of wrestling history in an area is a bit lackluster to me and something I can do better in 2016 since I can tweak it.



Lucha seems very underrepresented with features

This one I'll just go listy-listy on:

- No Trios

- Still don't have an actual traditional Lucha rules matches with captain falls, rounds, etc...

- No torneo cibernetico type match (either the singles or team version)


This one I can't do better in 2016, but I also can't do worse.



Puro companies

Product and AI booking issues aside, there are some other things that stick out with trying to get puro companies to run correctly

- Touring logic for puro companies (and their booking of said tours) does not seem improved. Still just tiny shows (no mix of tour openers, special events, etc...), only touring one region (the one with highest pop) unless you are a huge company. Still seeing Wrestle Kingdom-level matches headlining random tour stops at a barn in Fukuoka.

- No more touring contracts - The AI still does it's hiring sprees as per usual, but instead of it being 3 months and non-exclusive, the bigger ones start snapping up everyone now. In historical mods this means AJPW and NJPW are locking down a ton of NWA stars to exclusive deals, and there's nothing you can really do but tell the AI they can't hire foreigners, which isn't realistic

- No tour regulars able to be set. Means the AI will just grab random folks


This one is the same-ish in 16 on tour logic, but much better in 16 on touring deals.


So, like I said, I'm in "wait and see" mode once 2016 runs out of legs for me.

Trust me, I want to "want" to buy the game as this series and OOTP have by far the most playtime of anything I've ever touched in gaming.

Unfortunately, I don't feel the "need" to make that jump at this time.

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I'm a release day buyer. Adam has earned my trust and respect and there is enough in this game that intrigues me for me to get it.


Now if this were another developer but everything else is the same that's a tougher call. I think I'd wait.


Make no mistake though, I won't be deleting 2016 off my hard drive for awhile.

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I will definitely buy it, but there’s still a few things that need fixing, and a big one is moving segments on your card.


Yep, agree with this. I find the booking screen so hard to use, and even see at times! If we could drag and drop segments around the card it'd be so much more fun to use


That said, that's my only real issue with the game. I've been playing it a lot, when not working, and I'm really enjoying it. It feels like a big step forward from 2016, and a lot more realistic and immersive


As I've created my own fed, the new Tournament feature is very welcome, as it makes crowning new champions much easier to book (and remember!)


Adam and team's efforts to patch and also improve the game can only be applauded really. It shows he very much listens to feedback, and that should be commended


So yes, please take my money!

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It's taken my a while to get to grips with the demo, and for the most part I'm enjoying it. My only real gripe with it being the tiny arrows used to move matches in booking screen... but, that's so minor that it has no relevance to my decision.


I've been supporting Adam since TEW07, but, I won't be buying it on release simply becuase of real world finances. It's just too expensive for me at this moment in time.

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For the way I play this game, It's perfectly fine with me. I'm buying. I knew i was buying since Adam announced the game a year and a half ago.


I'm really enjoying Re-Learning the game. TBH, 2013 to 2016 I didn't see a huge difference, only a couple of new feature. Now 2016 to 2020 I have to re learn the game, it's fun to start with something Fresh.


I'll buy it, play at max with it. If ever after couple months i feel like 2016 was better, I'll go back to it, anyways the hours I will put into 2020 to learn in, will be worth the 35$. (50$ for me as I'm canadian)

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