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What is your favorite product and why?

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I like the CZCW default product ("Fast and Furious"), being 75% performance oriented. You combine that later on in the safe with the "ensemble" product and it probably will be what I'm drifting towards. Segments will be pre- and post-show I guess. You're not going to get A-level shows that way, but whatever.


I first was planning to play a more "entertainment" style at first, given how ridiculously broken managers were (you could boost them to A* level pop in a few years. XD), but that's been fixed now in 1.02.

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I quite enjoy Attitude Entertainment. 60% Angles makes it much easier to get good show scores with big promotions (getting big promo scores out of guys like Rocky, Nicky, and Wolf), and it's a nice product in the USA in the cornellverse to differentiate yourself from the pack (USPW is family-oriented, TCW is owned by a toy company, and SWF is a watered-down shadow of its former self - either of those deciding to address the fans' desire for a more gritty product makes sense.)


Wrestling Nerd Nirvana is now more appealing due to the relaxing of the requirements for fans to accept your workers. I'm fiddling around with it now, but it sounds great for a company looking to grow quickly with great, but unpopular workers (Think Youngman, Callum, Wolfsbaine etc) while maintaining the ability to use cool storylines and not be limited to highflyers.

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I'm having fun booking my custom company as "No-Style", since it fits my sensibilities. 75% matches, a very generous ratio that rewards you for good in-ring action or good popularity, whichever is higher, you can have any match type in it, and it has all the associated bonuses for bumps, unmasking and shaving.


The one "disadvantage" is that you need to have three matches per show with a match aim that isn't Regular, Work the Crowd, Calm the Crowd or Lift the Crowd. You can actually just get over this disadvantage by booking, say, three matches with the "Steal the Show" aim, but as I originally read it, I'd have to use three individually different match aims, which I think is a funner challenge, so that's how I play it.


Edit: Oh, and you can't use cinematic matches, but I wasn't interested in doing that anyways.

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I love silver age pro wrestling. Its one of the only product heavily based on performance but also attractive to sponsors. the downside is the 20 minutes matchs and the ratio which is 85% match 15% angle… but for a small company it reduce the show cost since you need less workers ( 1 hour show is 3 matches and 2 small angles.) It's also faster to book shows since there is less segments because of the longer matchs. And I can put more details on my 2 angles when I compare to other product I used where I had to put 4 or 5 angles on my show, ideas start to get hard to find quick.
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<p>Episodic Entertainment for my TV promotions.</p><p> </p><p>

And for my Rock Hard start-my-own-company games, I'm using High Flying Hardcore or Guerrilla (something, I forget) depending on how good the local talent are at Hardcore/Comedy.</p>

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<p>I'm not with my game at the moment but I'm playing the Killing the Buisness mod as MLW. MLW offers me the chance to see a lot of new features, especially the block tv tapings which I will do a lot of when the retro mods come out.</p><p> </p><p>

The product setting allows me to have short matches without penalty. But matches over 15 minutes lose the crowd. This is like the opposite of how I booked in past games. I can now do a 7 minute main event on TV and still get a score that improves my stats. It's a game changer for me. I really hate have matches capped under 20 minutes year after year after year.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm thinking about becoming Herb Abrams booker for UWF now. I could finally run an accurate portrayal of that style and not have to cheat it to get good stats.</p><p> </p><p>

Also I play with all rules and obsticals because the challenges are more fun.</p><p> </p><p>

Lots of people complaining about product settings but the balance is great. For example... Yes NJPW does have a comedy match on most shows, but it isn't getting over 3 1/2 stars from Meltzer very often is it?</p><p> </p><p>

Or how about when WWF would book Tiger Mask in the 80's. He was awesome sure and his flying stats would be super high but that wouldn't make him a star alone would it? Did it?</p><p>

Same with Dynamite Kid.</p><p> </p><p>

Just because you'll get a penalty for certain booking doesn't mean you can't use them to your advantage. For example. Of you are going to get penalized for a comedy match, put it before a technical masterclass to try and enhance the quality of the more important masterclass. You may need to cool the crowd for that aim to get over anyway.</p>

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I'm really enjoying LuchaResu. It's got the angles/matches ratio that I like 90%, along with a reasonable focus on in-ring skill vs. pop 60/40. It's also a lucha-based style, so there isn't as much fatigue and injuries from some of the other, more hard hitting products.


There's no need to run storylines or even do gimmicks for workers, so if I want to just book on autopilot, I certainly can.


I honestly think it's a great 'beginner' product as aside from booking a technical masterclass (always my opening match) and a Steal the show match (usually right before my main events, there isn't very much restriction at all.

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I'm loving episodic lucha libre, honestly. It allows me the freedom to use pretty much all the styles I might want (everything except psychopath), with the flexibility to run a variety of match types. I've never been particularly into hardcore matches as a focus, so the penalties on those matches don't bother me. But the product itself is so light on the workers that I can run single night tournaments or "gauntlet matches" with very little worker fatigue. It's almost a direct equivalent to Cutting Edge from TEW05, which is always the product I shoot for. It's very attractive to sponsors, match aims are those I used anyway, and I always have up to a dozen storylines going so it all just fits my preferences.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Remianen" data-cite="Remianen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49773" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm loving episodic lucha libre, honestly. It allows me the freedom to use pretty much all the styles I might want (everything except psychopath), with the flexibility to run a variety of match types. I've never been particularly into hardcore matches as a focus, so the penalties on those matches don't bother me. But the product itself is so light on the workers that I can run single night tournaments or "gauntlet matches" with very little worker fatigue. It's almost a direct equivalent to Cutting Edge from TEW05, which is always the product I shoot for. It's very attractive to sponsors, match aims are those I used anyway, and I always have up to a dozen storylines going so it all just fits my preferences.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Oh, yeah, Episodic LL is fun. The only downside is that I tried to run a Cage Wars match to blow of a big stable feud in QAW, and I got dinged for that.</p><p> </p><p> Come on, man! I've wanted to run a women's Cage Wars match forever!</p>
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<p>I really enjoyed “Wrestling Soap Opera” booking RAW in the C’Verse, lots of angles, very short matches (Main Events of 10 minutes, everything else 4 to 6 minutes on average), really feels like a much different company. I think it would be fun to play a late-90s WWF with the same product.</p><p> </p><p>

For Real World mods I’m using Classic Sports Entertainment, which works quite well for the product I’m trying to book as 2004 WWE. I also played around with Episodic Entertainment, but the cap on longer matches I found to be a bit unrealistic as I still like my Main Events and big PPV matches to be greater than 15 minutes.</p><p> </p><p>

I love the new product system, really makes the game feel more alive.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="beatingstuff88" data-cite="beatingstuff88" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49773" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I honestly dont have one, i like to just book companies that slightly prefer perf over pop, where storylines aren't needed, but so many of those products in the game give so many restrictions and forces you into booking stuff, i just feel more restriced than in the past</div></blockquote><p> I don’t have my computer in front of me, but whatever TNA starts with in Mr Villian’s excellent 2004 mod sounds like this right one for you. I’ll update this post once I’m back at my desk.</p><p> </p><p> EDIT: Yeah, “No-Style Style” looks like a good one for you. 75% match ratio, no storylines required, 70:30 perf over pop (and vice versa!)</p><p> </p><p> Give it a shot, tell us what you think.</p>
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I don’t have my computer in front of me, but whatever TNA starts with in Mr Villian’s excellent 2004 mod sounds like this right one for you. I’ll update this post once I’m back at my desk.


I quickly checked myself and if you mean the no-style style, it looks ok, only things that kinda put me off are the forced match aims, but i'll give it a try

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There was a lucha libre one that I liked in the demo (maybe Episodic?) but I'm doing Episodic Sport with my Rock Hard difficulty company and having a great time with it. Haven't fiddled with a ton of them though because I want to tell stories but still have the wrestling matter more and there don't seem to be a ton of products suited to that.
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I quickly checked myself and if you mean the no-style style, it looks ok, only things that kinda put me off are the forced match aims, but i'll give it a try

Yeah, that’s the one. Apparently they don’t even need to be different match aims (I didn’t realise this myself!) so as long as you book three wild brawls/steal the show type matches you’ll be absolutely fine.


Steal the show (or even high spots) for anything with high flyers and wild brawl for anything with fighters (think Dudley boys vs Undertaker and Kane) and you’ll have no issues at all.

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