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The Buy In

Colt Cabana vs. Austin Gunn

Jake Hager vs. Luchasaurus


Main Card

Orange Cassidy/Trent vs. Lucha Bros vs. Scorpio Sky/Kazarian

Sammy Guevara vs. Jungle Boy

Darby Allin vs. Brian Cage

Young Bucks vs. Santana & Ortiz

Cody vs. Chris Jericho

AEW TNT Championship: PAC © vs. Chris Hero

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Kris Statlander vs. Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa vs. Bea Pristley

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Adam Page & Kenny Omega © vs. FTR

AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley © vs. MJF

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The Buy In

Colt Cabana vs. Austin Gunn

Jake Hager vs. Luchasaurus


Main Card

Orange Cassidy/Trent vs. Lucha Bros vs. Scorpio Sky/Kazarian

Sammy Guevara vs. Jungle Boy

Darby Allin vs. Brian Cage

Young Bucks vs. Santana & Ortiz

Cody vs. Chris Jericho

AEW TNT Championship: PAC © vs. Chris Hero

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Kris Statlander vs. Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa vs. Bea Pristley

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Adam Page & Kenny Omega © vs. FTR

AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley © vs. MJF

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The Buy In

Colt Cabana vs. Austin Gunn

Jake Hager vs. Luchasaurus


Main Card

Orange Cassidy/Trent vs. Lucha Bros vs. Scorpio Sky/Kazarian

Sammy Guevara vs. Jungle Boy

Darby Allin vs. Brian Cage

Young Bucks vs. Santana & Ortiz

Cody vs. Chris Jericho

AEW TNT Championship: PAC © vs. Chris Hero

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Kris Statlander vs. Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa vs. Bea Pristley

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Adam Page & Kenny Omega © vs. FTR

AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley © vs. MJF


COMMENTS: Really excellent card you've put together here. I'm a little surprised no one has picked MJF so far... Time to buck the trend :p

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<p>Huge card. Absolutely stacked. And you've kept it authentic. A lot of RW diaries will go out and sign tons of workers for fantasy match ups (which is fine) but I prefer what you're doing here. The signings make sense.</p><p> </p><p>

The Buy In</p><p>

<strong>Colt Cabana</strong> vs. Austin Gunn</p><p>

<strong>Jake Hager</strong> vs. Luchasaurus</p><p> </p><p>

Main Card</p><p>

Orange Cassidy/Trent vs. <strong>Lucha Bros</strong> vs. Scorpio Sky/Kazarian</p><p>

<strong>Sammy Guevara </strong>vs. Jungle Boy</p><p>

Darby Allin vs. <strong>Brian Cage</strong></p><p>

<strong><strong>Young Bucks </strong></strong>vs. Santana & Ortiz</p><p>

<strong>Cody</strong> vs. Chris Jericho</p><p>

AEW TNT Championship: <strong>PAC ©</strong> vs. Chris Hero</p><p>

AEW Women's World Championship: <strong>Hikaru Shida ©</strong> vs. Kris Statlander vs. Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa vs. Bea Pristley</p><p>

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Adam Page & Kenny Omega © vs. <strong>FTR</strong></p><p>

AEW World Championship: <strong>Jon Moxley ©</strong> vs. MJF</p><p> </p><p>

Some tough to call matches there. Cody/Jericho probably the hardest. My predictions were looking a little heel heavy up to that point so while I can totally see Jericho winning, I've gone for Cody.</p><p> </p><p>

Good looking card.</p>

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<p>The Buy In</p><p>

<strong>Colt Cabana</strong> vs. Austin Gunn</p><p>

<strong>Jake Hager</strong> vs. Luchasaurus</p><p> </p><p>

Main Card</p><p>

Orange Cassidy/Trent vs. <strong>Lucha Bros</strong> vs. Scorpio Sky/Kazarian</p><p>

Sammy Guevara vs. <strong>Jungle Boy</strong></p><p>

Darby Allin vs. <strong>Brian Cage</strong></p><p>

<strong>Young Bucks</strong> vs. Santana & Ortiz</p><p>

<strong>Cody</strong> vs. Chris Jericho</p><p>

AEW TNT Championship: <strong>PAC ©</strong> vs. Chris Hero</p><p>

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Kris Statlander vs. Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa vs. <strong>Bea Priestley</strong></p><p>

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Adam Page & Kenny Omega © vs. <strong>FTR</strong></p><p>

AEW World Championship: <strong>Jon Moxley ©</strong> vs. MJF</p>

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<p>The Buy In</p><p>

Colt Cabana vs.<strong> Austin Gunn</strong></p><p>

<strong>Jake Hager</strong> vs. Luchasaurus</p><p> </p><p>

Main Card</p><p>

Orange Cassidy/Trent vs. <strong>Lucha Bros</strong> vs. Scorpio Sky/Kazarian</p><p>

<strong>Sammy Guevara</strong> vs. Jungle Boy</p><p>

Darby Allin vs. <strong>Brian Cage</strong></p><p>

<strong>Young Bucks</strong> vs. Santana & Ortiz</p><p>

<strong>Cody</strong> vs. Chris Jericho</p><p>

AEW TNT Championship: <strong>PAC © </strong>vs. Chris Hero</p><p>

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Kris Statlander vs. Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. <strong>Thunder Rosa</strong> vs. Bea Pristley</p><p>

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Adam Page & Kenny Omega © vs. <strong>FTR</strong></p><p>

AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley © vs. <strong>MJF</strong></p>

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The Buy In

Colt Cabana vs. Austin Gunn

Jake Hager vs. Luchasaurus


Main Card

Orange Cassidy/Trent vs. Lucha Bros vs. Scorpio Sky/Kazarian

Sammy Guevara vs. Jungle Boy

Darby Allin vs. Brian Cage

Young Bucks vs. Santana & Ortiz

Cody vs. Chris Jericho

AEW TNT Championship: PAC © vs. Chris Hero

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Kris Statlander vs. Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa vs. Bea Pristley

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Adam Page & Kenny Omega © vs. FTR

AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley © vs. MJF

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<p>The Buy In</p><p>

<strong>Colt Cabana</strong> vs. Austin Gunn</p><p>

<em>No way Gunn beats Cabana, I see Austin vs. Billy in the future.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jake Hager </strong>vs. Luchasaurus</p><p>

<em>Hager is more of a money maker than Lucha, plus it's on The Buy In so I see Hager no doubt taking him down.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Main Card</p><p>

Orange Cassidy/Trent vs. Lucha Bros vs. <strong>Scorpio Sky/Kazarian</strong></p><p>

<em>I'm assuming the winners will get a tag title match, considering there are two face teams I went with the one I think is the best of the two.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Sammy Guevara vs. J<strong>ungle Boy</strong></p><p>

<em>I see Jungle Boy having great potential, this could easily go the other way but I see more of a feud between Inner Circle and Jurassic Express.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Darby Allin vs. <strong>Brian Cage</strong></p><p>

<em>Cage lost to Moxley, so a loss to Allin here would takeaway his monster mystique. He squashes Allin, but Allin is like a cockroach and just won't go down until he finally does.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Young Bucks</strong> vs. Santana & Ortiz</p><p>

<em>Bucks vs FTR is the match everyone wants and could easily see a win here leading to their feud with an FTR title win.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cody</strong> vs. Chris Jericho</p><p>

<em>Cody shows if it wasn't for MJF he would've won last year.</em></p><p> </p><p>

AEW TNT Championship: <strong>PAC ©</strong> vs. Chris Hero</p><p>

<em>PAC squeaks out a win, I'm not 100% sure what's gonna happen next.</em></p><p> </p><p>

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Kris Statlander vs. Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa vs. <strong>Bea Pristley</strong></p><p>

<em>Bea seemed like she got the best ratings so I'll give her a cheap heel win.</em></p><p> </p><p>

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Adam Page & Kenny Omega © vs. <strong>FTR</strong></p><p>

<em>This is just a preference for me, I love FTR. They're my favorite wrestlers and would make great champions. Idk what they are like in TEW but I just can't bet against them.</em></p><p> </p><p>

AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley © vs. <strong>MJF</strong></p><p>

<em>I see MJF getting the title and Moxley and other babyfaces going on the chase against him. He'd be an awesome heel champion.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Just caught up on this, you're doing a really great job Dalton. Feels realistic and logical. Your presentation looks stellar as well. Keep up the solidness!</p>

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The Buy In

Colt Cabana vs. Austin Gunn

Jake Hager vs. Luchasaurus


Main Card

Orange Cassidy/Trent vs. Lucha Bros vs. Scorpio Sky/Kazarian

Sammy Guevara vs. Jungle Boy

Darby Allin vs. Brian Cage

Young Bucks vs. Santana & Ortiz

Cody vs. Chris Jericho

AEW TNT Championship: PAC © vs. Chris Hero

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Kris Statlander vs. Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa vs. Bea Pristley

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Adam Page & Kenny Omega © vs. FTR

AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley © vs. MJF

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Wow guys, fifteen predictions! That means a lot fellas.


I am so intrigued by some of the predictions, especially when some of you explained your picks! Some of you will be shocked and some of you won't be surprised.


I went pretty in depth with the match write ups. I want it to feel special. Only the last three(I think?) matches still need write ups, and I hope to get them done tomorrow after work, so consider this a 24 hour warning for predictions!



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Colt Cabana vs. Austin Gunn

Jake Hager vs. Luchasaurus


Main Card

Orange Cassidy/Trent vs. Lucha Bros vs. Scorpio Sky/Kazarian

Sammy Guevara vs. Jungle Boy

Darby Allin vs. Brian Cage

Young Bucks vs. Santana & Ortiz

Cody vs. Chris Jericho

AEW TNT Championship: PAC © vs. Chris Hero

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Kris Statlander vs. Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa vs. Bea Pristley

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Adam Page & Kenny Omega © vs. FTR

AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley © vs. MJF

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AEW All Out

Chicago, IL

Saturday Week 4, August 2020

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THEME: Shining - X Ambassadors

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Jake Hager vs. Luchasaurus


Two bruisers kick off the Buy In with a slugfest. Two large men with two entirely different styles. Hager’s MMA background clashes with Luchasaurus’ kickboxing style.


The match starts with Hager taking the upper hand with knees to the gut. He squashes the dino-man in the corner with splashes, and goes for a running elbow drop, but Luchasaurus moves out of the way, stands up and hits a standing moonsault on Big Hurt! His momentum wouldn’t last long, as Hager would again take the upper hand with a kick to the groin as the referee was distracted. Marko Stunt appears and hops on the apron. Hager rushes over to him and goes to punch him out, but Marko ducks and scurries away! Hager looks at him for a second before turning around right into a superkick from Luchasaurus! He doesn’t go down, so Luchasaurus bounces off the rope and lays him out with a hard lariat! He goes for the pin, but Hager kicks out! Hager sits up, but is met with a kick across the chest, laying him out again. Luchasaurus hits a standing moonsault, not once but TWICE! That’s enough to put away Hager! Luchasaurus with the upset!





Hager stands up slowly, a bit dazed. He’s pissed off, yelling for Marko Stunt, who just cost him the match with the distraction!


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Colt Cabana vs. Austin Gunn


For over a month now, The Dark Order has been trying to recruit Austin, but he has never gone further than just entertaining the offer. His father Billy has warned him about the group, calling them a “cult.” Now, Austin faces their newest recruit, someone who hasn’t lost since joining, Colt Cabana.


Colt Cabana comes out to the Dark Order theme, and is flanked by Mr. Brodie Lee, Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Alex Reynolds, and John Silver. Mr. Brodie shakes Colt’s hand, and the Dark Order heads to the back. Austin Gunn comes to the ring with his father, who looks very nervous and unconfident. Austin reassures him that everything will be okay, and sends his father to the back.


Once the bell rings, Colt goes right after Austin very aggressively. Right out of the gate, he hammers away on the Son of a Gunn. Austin fires back with rights and lefts to Colt’s midsection, but again is cut off with a bodyslam. Colt works over Austin for the next few minutes, toying with him and stretching him apart. Austin stages a comeback with a dropkick and a DDT, and fires up! Austin takes him headband off, fire in his eyes, and goes for the Fame Asser, but Colt ducks and hits a hard German Suplex! Colt picks him up and gives the throat cut motion before hitting a Colt .45! His old finisher seems to be back to his main! Austin is out, and Colt pins him for the victory.


Colt Cabana





The Dark Order walks to the ring after the bell, with Mr. Brodie applauding Colt. They shake hands, and Evil Uno hands Mr. Brodie a clipboard with what could only be a contract on it. Reynolds and Grayson help Austin to his feet…




From the back rushes
! He grabs his son and takes him to the corner, warning him about their real intentions: to brainwash him. Austin nods, and the two of them face off outnumbered against the Dark Order. As soon as it looks like the Gunn Club is going to go at them…




Austin just superkicked his father! A blank expression on Austin’s face as he stares at his downed father. Billy rolls over onto his back, looking at his son. Austin takes the contract, Mr. Brodie hands him a pen, and he signs it.


Austin joins the Dark Order as they walk to the back, leaving a heartbroken Billy alone in the ring, tears streaming down his face.




But he doesn’t turn around.



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Orange Cassidy & Trent vs. Lucha Brothers vs. Scorpio Sky & Frankie Kazarian


All Out kicks off with an incredible three-way tag team match! Three extremely talented teams, each of which represent a trio that has made waves across AEW.


The rules for this match are a bit different than other promotions’ rules. Each team has a member in the ring, removing the odd option to tag out to a different team. Thus, it’s always a three-way in the ring.


Now for the match, Pentagon, Trent, and Kazarian start. They immediately go into some crazy sequences, and the pace is unmatchable. Orange Cassidy gets an EXTREMELY hot tag, as the fans in Chicago go insane! He fakes his lazy offense on Fenix, doing one “superkick” before hitting a real superkick to the jaw of an unexpecting Fenix! Orange picks up the pace here with tilt-a-whirl DDTS and two hurricanranas.


The rest of the match devolves into a mess, with the referee incapable of keeping control. The finish comes when Orange and Sky are brawling on the outside of the ring, and Fenix hits one of those craziest what-do-you-call-its when he jumps around on the ropes for ten seconds before hitting an Asai moonsault onto the two of them! Pentagon Jr. picks up Kaz in the ring and sets him in the package piledriver position, allowing Fenix to get up on the top rope and hit the double foot stomp on Kaz as Pentagon hits the move! Victory here for the Lucha Brothers.


The Lucha Brothers



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Sammy Guevara vs. Jungle Boy

Sammy and Jungle Boy are deemed two of AEW’s next big things. These two are among those who you will see main eventing All Out in the future.


The match begins with chain wrestling and reversals, with Sammy looking to be in control before Jungle Boy comes out on top each time. After about five minutes of that, the pace picks up with Sammy trying his aerial offense to wear down Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy’s high-flying isn’t at Sammy’s level, so he tries to keep the contest on the mat, to little avail. The big spot of the match is the start of Jungle Boy’s comeback, which is him rolling out of the way of a Shooting Star Press, which causes Sammy to hit his stomach hard, only to stand up and be German Suplex’d hard into the corner! Jungle Boy goes for a pin here but Sammy kicks out! He goes to the top rope for a moonsault, but Sammy is able to stumble to his feet and grab Jungle Boy in position for a powerbomb, which he nails perfectly! This time he is able to hit his Shooting Star Press for the clean pinfall victory!


Sammy Guevara



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The announcers introduce us to our NEWEST backstage interviewer: it's


Her first order of business is interviewing (the former) Le Champion, Chris Jericho. Jericho welcomes Trish to All Elite Wrestling. He says that this is his place, so if she has any questions, ask him, not the Elite or Tony Khan. He then asks her if she saw his boy Sammy Guevara defeat Jungle Boy just now. Jericho tells Trish that not only is Sammy Guevara a future world champion, but he is also single...


Jericho then pivots to Cody, his opponent tonight. He said he'll kept this nice and short. Cody, he's beaten you before, all by himself. He will have no problems doing so again. Cody will go from undesirable, to undeniable, to a loser. Ha! Jericho walks off.


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Darby Allin vs. Brian Cage


Darby comes out first, with a paper with Brian Cage’s face taped across his own. He rips it off and rides his skateboard down to ringside. He is all business tonight as anger stays in his eyes. Brian Cage and Taz come out next, both of them angry as well. Cage walks down to ringside, looks up at Darby and starts to take off his shirt. As he does this, Darby comes flying through the middle rope with a HARD suicide dive! He takes out Cage who still has his shirt on his head. Darby takes him and throws him into the steps followed by a few stomps on the big man. Taz is furious and starts to walk towards Darby, but Darby turns around and sees him, causing Taz to scurry away quickly. Referee Aubrey Edwards takes Darby back and makes him get into the ring as she checked on Cage. Cage got into the ring as well and the match finally starts.


It doesn’t take long for Cage to take control. Darby goes for a stunner on Cage, but Cage holds him up, adjusts his grasp and nails a German on him. Cage dominates the next few minutes, hitting a suplex here and a throw there. His momentum is stopped when he goes for a splash in the corner but Darby moves, causing Cage to go chest first into the turnbuckle. As Cage staggers backwards, Darby hits a dropkick to the back of his head, sending him face first into the second turnbuckle! Darby takes advantage of this by hitting a hurricanrana on his hurting opponent, and then goes to the top rope! He takes one look and then leaps off for the Coffin Drop!


But NO! Cage rolls out of the way and Darby slams onto the mat! Cage picks him up for another German! He then lifts up for the Drill Claw! Darby lands flat on the top of his head and is out! But Cage isn’t satisfied with that, and neither is Taz. Taz barks orders at his client, and Cage nods. He then puts Darby into the Tazmission! Darby’s unconscious body is unable to fight back, and Aubrey Edwards calls for the bell.


Brian Cage just beat Darby Allin with Taz’s submission! Taz knew what he was doing: sending a message to Darby.


Brian Cage


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Young Bucks vs. Santana & Ortiz

The long-standing rivalry between the Elite and the Inner Circle rages on here at All Out. Two of the best tag teams in not only AEW, but the entire world face off once again.


The Young Bucks come out first, followed by Santana & Ortiz. They stand in the ring, each team in their own corner, then go face to face and start jawing with each other. Eventually the tension quells and the match is able to start. Matt immediately gets taken down by Santana as his back is targeted. Matt fights back and hits a solid dropkick, but the momentum is stopped quickly as Santana tags out and Ortiz takes his turn. Ortiz does his back rake gimmick a couple times, and then bodyslams Matt. Ortiz then goes to the top for a splash to Matt’s back but Matt moves out of the way! Nick receives the hot tag and goes ham on Santana and Ortiz! He cleans house and hits an awesome springboard moonsault to the outside on his opponents.


Eventually the match reverts back to a normal tag team match. A few more minutes of back and forth ends with Ortiz hitting a sidewalk slam onto Matt, and they go for the Street Sweeper. Matt is up on Ortiz’s shoulders, but Nick appears and shoves Santana off the top rope! Matt drops from Ortiz’s shoulders and hits a superkick! Nick’s still on the apron, so they set up and nail a Meltzer Driver! Three seconds later, the Young Bucks win!


: The Young Bucks

: 73


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Cody vs. Chris Jericho


Before the start of the match, we get a long video package, with Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson as the track for it. The video highlights AEW’s creation, the press conference announcing Jericho’s signing, Jericho defeating Kenny Omega and then Adam Page to become the first ever AEW World Champion, and the beginnings of the feud with Cody. On the first episode of Dynamite, right after Cody defeated Sammy Guevara, Jericho smacked Cody in the back of the head with the title. After heartful promos by Cody, they met at Full Gear. Cody would lose that match, but that was because Cody’s cornerman MJF threw in the towel, which was later revealed to be not for Cody, but for MJF himself, as he turned on Cody post-match. A few more highlights followed of the two factions fighting during the pandemic era, ending with Jericho hitting Cody with Floyd the baseball bat on Dynamite to cost him the TNT title. Now, they meet at All Out, the biggest show of the year.


Chris Jericho comes out first, Floyd in hand, with Jake Hager following. Hager has changed into his usual attire, a polo and khakis. He is visibly pissed off, as he lost to Luchasaurus on the Buy In. Jericho milks his entrance, pausing throughout his walk to the ring. As his music cuts out, the crowd continues to finish the chorus of Judas.


Cody is out next, with his usual extravagant pyro and lighting. He comes up between the two tunnels with Arn Anderson and Brandi. They walk out and Cody fires up the crowd. He gets to the ring and climbs to the second rope, soaking in the applause with a smile across his face.


Now with that out of the way, it’s time for the match. Cody and Jericho stand face to face, and Jericho slaps him! Cody takes a second, and tackles Jericho and starts striking away! Closed fist blows over and over force Aubrey Edwards to peal Cody off of him. Jericho sits in the corner, yelling “HEY! He can’t do that! That’s illegal!” Now they start chain wrestling a bit, with Cody’s amateur background standing out. Cody comes out on top and locks Jericho in an armbar, but Jericho rolls out and gets to the rope. Jericho takes the momentum by poking Cody’s eye!


Jericho holds advantage for the next few minutes, wearing down Cody with his repertoire of strikes and submissions, all while gloating to the crowd with his flexes. Cody fires back with his signature offense, including a powerslam, inverted suplex slam and bionic elbow! He goes for a Cross Rhodes, but Jericho fights out of it and hits a powerslam of his own, followed by a Lionsault! Cody kicks out at two.


Jericho puts Cody in the Walls of Jericho, but Cody keeps fighting. Jericho sees that it won’t be enough, so he transitions into a Liontamer! Jericho’s knee is deep in Cody’s back. This is the move that won Jericho the match at Full Gear. Cody is relentless and won’t let it happen again! He fights, crawls, and is able to roll out of it, causing Jericho to trip and fall backwards. Cody takes advantage of this by putting Jericho into the Figure Four! Now Jericho is the one in a submission hold. Cody is the one close to the ropes here, with Jericho in the middle of the ring. As Aubrey is checking on Jericho, Jake Hager socks Cody right in the face! Cody lets go of the hold and Jericho is freed. Arn Anderson and Brandi get in Hager’s face, but Hager isn’t afraid. He shoves Arn into a camera man! Brandi gets right up in his grill, but Hager grabs her shoulders and then her hair!


Out of the back comes Dustin Rhodes, sprinting as fast as he can! He turns Hager around and punches him! He forces Hager up the ramp and keeps punching away until they both go through the tunnel! Aubrey is distracted by this and is leaning over the rope trying to maintain control on the outside. Jericho was able to slide out of the ring and grab Floyd as this kerfuffle was going on. He comes into the ring and holds the bat high above his head to swing down onto Cody, but Cody kicks him in the gut! Floyd goes flying as Cody drops to his back and hits his signature jab on Jericho! Cody then hits his beautiful springboard cutter as the fans go wild. He lifts Jericho up, and hits a Cross Rhodes! Then he lifts him up again and hits ANOTHER CROSS Rhodes! He then pins him, 1, 2, 3!


Cody has done it! Finally he has conquered Chris Jericho! Brandi and Arn come into the ring and the three of them celebrate together as Cody takes a deep breath, tears in his eyes. Arn and Brandi assist a tired and sore Cody to the top of the ramp, where Cody takes one more look at the sold out crowd here in Chicago.


: 80


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A video plays. It's in a very dark room, with Jake Roberts talking into the camera without blinking. A bit behind him stands the Murderhawk Lance Archer.


Roberts sighs. He begins by saying that Lance Archer doesn't have a match at All Out. He's been picking his brain all day, trying to figure out why, but then it dawned on him. They are afraid of him. What happens when the Murderhawk is set loose? He wreaks havoc. And when he wreaks havoc and destroys all the competition, AEW won't have anybody left. That's why Archer doesn't have a match; AEW knows that giving him a fair shot will ruin the company. They will use his ONE loss at Double or Nothing as an excuse to not give him that shot.


But that's okay, one lucky night by Cody Rhodes will not ruin the Murderhawk. Roberts says that if they won't give Archer an opportunity, they'll have to do things HIS way. Be ready All Elite Wrestling, the Murderhawk is coming. There's your warning.


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PAC © vs. Chris Hero


The only and only time these two have faced one another in ANY sort of match, be it singles or multiman, was ON THIS DAY (!!!!) in 2008, when Chris Hero defeated PAC to retain the PWG Championship in Reseda. That was 2008, the last day of August, and now here we are twelve years later on the last day of August.


Both men make their entrances, both being cheered by the Chicago crowd despite PAC being the clear heel in the contest. The match starts with very clean technical wrestling. Neither man is the clear winner, but they keep going and going. PAC begins to use his aerial arsenal against Hero, hitting a standing moonsault followed by a springboard moonsault. Hero is eventually able to ground him by giving hid a STIFF rolling elbow! Hero then uses his knowledge of scientific wrestling to wear him down for five or so minutes. He goes for one more rolling elbow, but PAC ducks and hits a Pele kick. He then hits a series of harsh kicks across Hero’s chest. PAC goes for a Red Arrow from the top but Hero catches him with a forearm to the face! PAC is out!


Hero goes for the cover but PAC KICKS OUT AT TWO! The match continues! Hero then goes for the Hero’s Welcome (previously known as the Hero’s Welcome Championship Edition) but PAC rolls off his shoulder and hits a superkick to the back of his head. PAC goes to the top rope, and nails the Red Arrow! Next up is the Brutalizer, which causes Hero to pass out in less than ten seconds! PAC retains the AEW TNT Championship!


: PAC (3rd defense)

: 73


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Hikaru Shida © vs. Kris Statlander vs. Riho vs. Nyla Rose vs. Thunder Rosa vs. Bea Pristley


Six of the AEW Women’s Division’s hottest acts meet here at All Out. With no clear contender, Tony Khan allowed all of them a chance at Hikaru Shida’s gold!


The match begins with Nyla Rose and Bea Pristley teaming up to take down the other four contestants. Riho is the last one standing, and she fights valiantly against the two much larger women and even takes momentum for a split second before she is walloped by Pristley and thrown out of the ring. It was at this moment that Pristley ended her makeshift alliance with Rose by hitting her in the back of the head and beating her down! Shida slides back into the ring and gives Pristley some hell, and is eventually able to hit a suplex on her. Statlander and Rosa both come into the ring and take down Shida with kicks, before Rosa superkicks Statlander right in the jaw. Now it’s Riho’s time again, as she comes back into the ring and turns up the pace with a series of leg scissors and kicks to all five other women!


Thunder Rosa takes down Riho with a fisherman’s driver and is looking to go for the pin, but Pristley breaks it up with a leg drop across Rosa’s chest. Shida then kicks Pristley in the gut and hoists her up and nails the Falcon Arrow! She’s done the deal! But Nyla Rose appears and hits a powerbomb on the champion! That leads to Statlander dropkicking Rose to the outside! Statlander lifts up the larger Bea Pristley, showing her immense strength, and NAILS the Big Bang Catastrophe and pins her! Kris Statlander is the new champion!


: Kris Statlander (NEW CHAMPION)

: 53


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Adam Page & Kenny Omega © vs. FTR


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Before the start of the match, we are treated to an incredible video package put together by the AEW team, aided by Stranger by X Ambassadors, who are the official band of All Out. It chronicles the makeshift tag team of Adam Page and Kenny Omega, their title win in January from SCU on the Jericho Cruise, their six-star match with the Young Bucks at Revolution, and the rest of their amazing reign. The video then shifts to FTR and their arrival in AEW in May. They want to prove they are the best tag team in the world, and have done nothing to show otherwise. Their respect for Page & Omega was dashed when Omega attacked them in what FTR calls an unprovoked attack, but what Omega refers to as a preemptive attack. Now at the biggest show of the year, the two teams finally collide.


The challengers come out first, driving their truck out from the back, before climbing out and getting on top of the truck, surrounded by thousands. They are fired up and ready to take those titles. They are a unit. They look out for one another. They stuck together when they were unhappy elsewhere. They came to AEW, TOGETHER. A true tag team.


Kenny Omega comes out next, alone. Focus on his face. Adam Page comes out next, with a look of focus and determination on his face as well.


Page and Omega talk in the corner, look across the ring, and see FTR staring back at them. Kenny puts his head down, and hugs Page. Page hugs him back. Kenny motions for Page to start the match. Harwood starts for FTR. The match starts with a handshake, which clearly rubs Kenny the wrong way, although he stays quiet. They grapple and chain wrestle for a bit, and Page is able to get on top. Page has momentum, and wears down Harwood with various holds and submissions. When it’s one-on-one, Page is clearly the better worker. Page tags out to Kenny, who has a different mindset. He goes right after Harwood with punches and kicks, a very aggressive strategy. He is just pummeling away on him, forcing referee Paul Turner to pull Kenny off of him and back him into his corner. Page yells at Kenny, asking him what he’s doing. Harwood tags out to Wheeler, who runs right at and takes down Kenny! Wheeler hasn’t forgotten what Kenny did to him a few weeks ago: an unprovoked V-Trigger to his face.


Wheeler works over Kenny and puts him in a leglock, but Kenny gets to the ropes. Wheeler continues to hold advantage, most notably with a nasty-looking brainbuster for a two count. The tides are turned when Kenny ducks a lariat attempt and hits a superkick on Wheeler. With both men down, it was time for a hot tag!


Hangman gets the tag and hops over the tope rope to clean house! He takes out Harwood after he was tagged and then throws Wheeler out of the ring as well! Hangman is FIRED UP as the packed crowd in Chicago goes wild for him! “COWBOY SH*T! COWBOY SH*T!” Hangman goes to the top, looks down at FTR on the outside, and soars through the air, hitting a moonsault onto the two and LANDS ON HIS FEET! Kenny is next, as he flies over the top rope with a tope con hilo onto everyone, including his partner! The crowd loves Kenny too!


The match slows down as the teams resort to their corners again. The next five minutes are more suited to FTR, as their knowledge of traditional tag team wrestling gives them an advantage. Hangman is getting worked over by FTR, but instead of waiting for a hot tag, Kenny just jumps into the ring and goes after the challengers! The ref has to peel Kenny away from them and scold him for just jumping into the ring. A more unstable side of Kenny is coming out…


Kenny is the legal man, and is fighting Cash Wheeler, hitting some leg kicks followed by a snap dragon suplex. Dax Harwood slides in from the outside and spears him onto the mat. Hangman follows suit by hitting Harwood with a major German suplex. He goes to the apron, prepping for the Buckshot Lariat, but Wheeler is up and as soon as Hangman flips over the rope, Wheeler pounces him! FTR go back to Kenny, looking to go for the Goodnight Express, but Kenny clings on to the rope, leading to Wheeler rushing after him and getting sent over the top onto the floor. Harwood is next to rush, but Kenny kicks him in the gut and then his Croyt’s Wrath on him! He goes for the pin but Harwood kicks out! He then hoists him up for the One-Winged Angel, but by this point Wheeler is back in the ring, causing enough of a distraction for Harwood to slide off his shoulders. They hit the Goodnight Express but Hangman appears and breaks up the pin! The cowboy takes it to both men punching and punching and punching and eventually takes them both down! He takes Harwood up to the top and hits a moonsault fallaway slam! He goes back over to Wheeler who is the legal man, and prepares him for the Deadeye, but Wheeler reverses and hits a solid DDT on him. He helps Harwood to his feet, but Kenny is on his feet and stops it before it starts, and after a few forearm smashes stuns both men, fires up with a superkick to both of them! He calls for Hangman and tags in the cowboy; it’s time!


Hangman goes to the apron, Kenny stands by the ropes. Hangman flips over and Kenny starts running, but Harwood moves! Hangman stops his momentum as to not Buckshot Lariat his partner, but Kenny didn’t stop… V-TRIGGER TO HANGMAN’S FACE! Kenny stands above Hangman with a look of shock. He’s motioning to his eyes, saying that his eyes were closed and he didn’t know Harwood moved! Wheeler emerges and takes down Kenny from behind! FTR nails a Goodnight Express onto Kenny and throw him out of the ring, and then pick up Hangman… Wheeler goes to the top as Harwood hoists Hangman into the piledriver position as they hit the Mindbreaker! They both cover Hangman…


















FTR has done it! They have defeated Page & Omega! They are the new AEW World Tag Team Champions!





FTR celebrate for a minute before dipping out and heading up the ramp together, arms across each other’s shoulders, aiding one another like a
tag team. Kenny slowly climbs back onto the apron, feeling the effects of two finishers on him. Hangman is down on his stomach. Kenny comes to his partner’s aid, kneeling next to him. Hangman can be seen saying “I’m sorry. We’ll get them back. I’m sorry.” Kenny nods, head down. He helps Hangman to his knees, but Hangman has his head down in shame, sad that he has disappointed his partner. Kenny is standing in front of Hangman, and starts to walk to his backside, heading to the ropes. He leans on the rope for a second, clearly contemplating something. But then he lifts his head up and starts to grin. His grin gets bigger and bigger until he’s smiling ear-to-ear…




Right to the back of his head! Kenny has V-Triggered his partner! What is Kenny doing? He’s not done, as he brings Hangman to his feet and hits him with a One-Winged Angel! Why Kenny, why?




The Young Bucks
come sprinting in from the back. Nick Jackson pushes Kenny into the corner, shoving him over and over again as Kenny smiles nonstop. He is laughing maniacally. Matt Jackson is trying to aid Hangman. Eventually Nick and Matt are able to revive him and bring him to his feet. The Bucks go back to Kenny, talking to him. All three of them turn and look at Hangman, still dizzy and barely able to stay on his feet. Hangman mouths the word “No…”


But the Bucks come back over and keep Hangman on his feet. They are clearly troubled by what Kenny has done. They leave the ring, helping their fallen brother up the ramp. Kenny stays in the ring, a grin across his face. He is looking at the backs of the other three up the ramp, when he makes a familiar hand motion…


Finger guns.


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Jon Moxley © vs. MJF

Now it is time for the main event! A short video package recapping how the feud started plays. MJF attacks Moxley after the latter’s title defense against Brian Cage and Fyter Fest. He claimed he was being held down by AEW management, as he has never been pinned in his AEW career but still has yet to receive a title shot.


MJF is out first with Wardlow. MJF is wearing a fancy robe while Wardlow dons a suit. Moxley then comes out through the crowd, belt across his shoulder. The fans in Chicago are rabid for him. He stands up on a guardrail and soaks in the cheers. He makes his way to the ring and gets in both MJF and Wardlow’s faces. He means business tonight.


The bell rings and Mox goes right after him. MJF slides out of the ring right away, avoiding contact. Moxley follows suit and takes down MJF with a forearm to the back of his head! Wardlow then stands over MJF and refuses to let Mox touch him any more. MJF gets back to his feet and realizes he has to fight. He gets back into the ring and resorts to underhanded tactics right away. He is eye-poking and low-blowing. Mox is only able to regain momentum after he tackles MJF and pounds away on him, clearly frustrated. MJF called for referee Aubrey Edwards, yelling at her to get him off him; closed hand punches are illegal he claims!


The middle portion of the match was back and forth with both men taking advantage of the other whenever the other made a mistake. MJF hits Moxley with a vertical suplex by reversing Moxley’s only attempt. He goes to the top rope and nails an elbow drop but Mox kicks out! MJF is frustrated and therefore goes for another one, but Mox rolls out of the way to send MJF down flat on the mat! Mox takes advantage by hooking his arms for the Paradigm Shift… but MJF refuses to be lifted. MJF twirls out of it, kicks Mox in the gut and then hits his own Paradigm Shift! He gives the camera a grin and pins Mox…








Mox kicks out! MJF is furious, throwing a tantrum by stomping the mat and even yelling at the referee. He turns back to Mox and starts stomping a mudhole into him in the corner. Aubrey yanks MJF off him and then goes to check on the champion in the corner. In the meantime, Wardlow hands MJF the Dynamite Diamond Ring! Mox gets to his feet and BAM! Right in the mouth! Mox crumples, and MJF tosses the ring and goes for the cover…
























Jon Moxley kicks out! No one has kicked out of that punch before! The crowd is going wild, and so are the announcers! MJF is stunned, mouth agasp. He is arguing with Aubrey as Wardlow hops up on the apron and starts yelling at Moxley. Mox walks over to him and talks back, and MJF comes running in from behind. But Mox moves! MJF collides with Wardlow! MJF stumbles backwards and Mox rolls him up!
















Jon Moxley wins with the roll-up! Mox retains! MJF is pissed! Wardlow and MJF storm into the ring and go after him but Mox ducks a lariat attempt by Wardlow and gives him a spinebuster! He follows that up with a Paradigm Shift to MJF! Aubrey hands him the AEW World Championship and he holds it up high and proud.


Jon Moxley stands tall to end All Out!


: Jon Moxley (4th defense)

: 80

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Show Rating:

0.64 (323,092 buys)



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Sco xY2Jx: 10/11

Hollywoodgamer: 10/11

Bigelow Cartwheel: 9/11

CGN91: 9/11

Texasrangers13: 9/11

Poopykokko: 9/11

Kanegan: 9/11

Munit: 8/11

Jaysin: 8/11

Olivertaylor276: 8/11

Hollywood: 8/11

Dexi21: 8/11

Wolfman84: 8/11

WokeRonin: 8/11

TLLK: 7/11

CPBHBK: 7/11


What an awesome turnout. Thank you guys so much!


As for the show itself, I had a lot of fun writing it over the last week. The tag team title match was the best one IMO. Cody/Jericho was fun as well, trying to write an old-school wrestling match for the first time was hard!


The worst predictors still had 7/11 right, so the card was a bit predictable, but so be it. NO ONE guessed Statlander winning, so there was the downfall for a couple of you !Sometimes the best stories are the one where you know the endings, as I've said before!


I'm gonna do the math and figure out the prediction contest winners, but I want to get this show up now since I said 24 hours about 72 hours ago :p

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Prediction Result Winners!


Here are the winners for our first prediction contest!


There were 7 chances to predict, and if you were predicted in 4 or more, I included you here. I'll still post the results for those under 4, but it wouldn't be fair to have a guy who predicted twice win over someone who predicted 7 times and was barely behind in percentage!


Predicted Four or More Times

Bigelow Cartwheel 90%

Kanegan 90%

Sco xY2Jx 88%

Questlove 86%

Texasrangers13 85%

TLLK 80%

Poopykokko 80%

ElectricX 77%

Hollywood 74%


Predicted Three or Fewer Times

Astyn 93%

Sex Ferguson 90%

Jaysin 85%

Nobby McDonald 83%

CGN91 82%

TheJon 80%

HollywoodGamer 78%

Olivertaylor276 73%

Munit 73%

Dexi21 73%

Wolfman82 73%

WokeRonin 73%




Bigelow Cartwheel was the only one to predict every single time, so he is the winner of that portion! AND he held the lead at 90%!


Kanegan predicted four times and was had the same percentage, so I'd definitely consider him second place!


Sco xY2Jx is third, with 88% right and a total of six predictions!

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Really great show and write up. Really does hit the right balance between detailing a show, but also remembering this is a booking summary and not the actual show


Really enjoyed that. I like how AEW IRL has teased the Hangman heel turn but you've gone with Kenny. It works. New tag champs is fresh and I agree it was right to keep the title on Mox.


Great show.


And thanks for the nod.


Last show they've hinted Kenny is going to be the Cleaner again, given how Hangman has gotten really over with his drunk cowboy gimmick. However this thread beat them and hinted at it for longer, honestly.

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Luchasarus getting the win was surprising, I was thinking from a popularity perspective that Hager wouldn’t put him over. But I’m guessing this means Jurassic Express vs Inner Circle is gonna keep going with Guevera getting the win over Jungle Boy later in the show. Should be a good feud!


Austin Gunn losing wasn’t a surprise but him turning on his dad already was. Austin vs Billy now give one of Billy’s final rubs to his son, a good way to go out.


This one quote was the highlight of the three way tag “The rest of the match devolves into a mess, with the referee incapable of keeping control. “ - Every AEW Tag Team Match.


Trish being the new interviewer was random af. Assuming this will lead to her doing some in ring work in the future cause I feel like her being an interviewer takes attention away from her guests.


The Brian Cage vs Darby Allin match was done well, Allin did what he had to do to try and take down the big man but he couldn’t (which isn’t bad at all considering the size difference). Cage gets some momentum following his loss to Mox and uses the Tazmission or Kata ha Jime which is a cool kids reference ;).


I feel so happy for you, I remember when you were doing SPW and you said you didn’t know if you could do more in depth match write ups and after reading Cody v Jericho I’ll assure you that you can. We all grow with time and dude you’ve done a great job writing and I’m happy to see you growing as a writer.


YESSSS FTR are champions, the Top Guys have shown they are the Top Guys of AEW!!! The character work for Kenny was great in the match and made so much sense why he’s acted the way he has in weeks prior. Kenny as a heel is a fun change of pace and a knot thrown in the Elite.


I liked the write up for the main event, good stuff there. But the ending was very anti-climatic, and then Moxley getting the post match beat down was weird since he got the cheap win. But there was a lot more to be positive about than be negative about on this show as a whole so amazing job!

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