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<p>AEW World Tag Team Championship: <strong>FTR ©</strong> vs. Motor City Machine Guns</p><p>

<strong>Cody</strong> vs. Frankie Kazarian</p><p>

#1 Cont. Tournament: <strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Luchasaurus</p><p>

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Hero vs.<strong> Brian Cage</strong></p><p>

#1 Cont. Tournament: <strong>Sammy Guevara </strong>vs. Orange Cassidy</p><p>

#1 Cont. Tournament: Shawn Spears vs. <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p>

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<p>AEW World Tag Team Championship: <strong>FTR©</strong> vs. Motor City Machine Guns</p><p>

<strong>Cody</strong> vs. Frankie Kazarian</p><p>

#1 Cont. Tournament: <strong>Chris Jericho</strong> vs. Luchasaurus</p><p>

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Hero vs.<strong>Brian Cage</strong></p><p>

#1 Cont. Tournament: <strong>Sammy Guevara</strong> vs. Orange Cassidy</p><p>

#1 Cont. Tournament: <strong>Shawn Spears</strong> vs. Matt Hardy</p><p> </p><p>

Guevara vs Jericho final incoming to bring some tensions to the Inner Circle.</p>

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AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR © vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Cody vs. Frankie Kazarian

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Jericho vs. Luchasaurus

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Hero vs. Brian Cage

#1 Cont. Tournament: Sammy Guevara vs. Orange Cassidy

#1 Cont. Tournament: Shawn Spears vs. Matt Hardy

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AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR © vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Cody vs. Frankie Kazarian

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Jericho vs. Luchasaurus

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Hero vs. Brian Cage

#1 Cont. Tournament: Sammy Guevara vs. Orange Cassidy

#1 Cont. Tournament: Shawn Spears vs. Matt Hardy

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This is looking good man. MJF turning on Wardlow was huge. Also, very happy to see Sabin and Shelley. Should be big.


AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR © vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Cody vs. Frankie Kazarian

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Jericho vs. Luchasaurus

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Hero vs. Brian Cage

#1 Cont. Tournament: Sammy Guevara vs. Orange Cassidy

#1 Cont. Tournament: Shawn Spears vs. Matt Hardy

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AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR © vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Cody vs. Frankie Kazarian

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Jericho vs. Luchasaurus

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Hero vs. Brian Cage

#1 Cont. Tournament: Sammy Guevara vs. Orange Cassidy

#1 Cont. Tournament: Shawn Spears vs. Matt Hardy

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AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR © vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Cody vs. Frankie Kazarian

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Jericho vs. Luchasaurus

#1 Cont. Tournament: Chris Hero vs. Brian Cage

#1 Cont. Tournament: Sammy Guevara vs. Orange Cassidy

#1 Cont. Tournament: Shawn Spears vs. Matt Hardy

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AEW Dynamite - Week 3, September 2020




AEW Dynamite

Charlotte, NC

Wednesday Week 2, September 2020

Attendance: 5,061


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AEW Dark Results:

1. Joey Janela def. Timothy Burkman (Nightmare Factory graduate) (8)

2. Anna Jay def. Sadie Gibbs (12)

3. Jungle Boy def. El Lindeman (47)

4. Evil Uno & Stu Grayson def. Christian York & [removed] (41)

5. Colt Cabana & Austin Gunn def. Brandon Cutler & Peter Avalon (31)

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We kick off AEW Dynamite by recapping the end of last week! Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson debuted by aligning with Kenny Omega in a beatdown on Kenny’s former best friends in Adam Page and the Young Bucks. Kenny dubbed the trio ‘Bulletproof’ in a reference to their past together, and as a reminder that Hangman’s “Buckshot” will be useless against him!


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1. Cody def. Frankie Kazarian – Two weeks before Cody’s match with Scorpio Sky at High Stakes, the American Nightmare took on Sky’s SCU mate in Kazarian. Despite his best efforts, Kaz would fall to Cody in just over ten minutes. Sky and Chris Daniels were ringside and were a target of Cody’s eye multiple times throughout the match despite never actually getting involved in any fashion. Before hitting the Cross Rhodes for the win, Cody looked at Sky and gave him a smile in a real disrespectful way…(69)


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MJF comes to the ring with that stupid grin across his face. He took to the microphone and told the Charlotte, NC crowd that he is the best wrestler to ever step foot in the ring in that city. He said he was better than Ricky Steamboat, better than Magnum T.A., better than Sting, better than AEW’s own Tully Blanchard AND Arn Anderson, and better than The Nature Boy Ric Flair! Charlotte fans booed the absolute hell out of him as MJF relished in the jeers. He said Charlotte’s wrestling scene has been dead since 1988 when Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling died.


That brought him to the present. MJF said not only he is the future, he is the NOW. His only loss in AEW was a fluke, because Wardlow cost him the AEW World Championship. Now that he is done with Wardlow


Before another word could be spoken, his very angry former bodyguard appeared on the ramp to the tune of his underrated theme. Wardlow wasn’t in a suit; that style died the same time his partnership with MJF did. He was in a white tank and jeans. He started to walk towards the ring with purpose, but MJF cut him off by saying “Whoa whoa whoa Wardlow, slow down pal! Before you get into the ring I want you to think about what…”


Wardlow was attacked from behind by…











Ricky Starks!


Ricky blindsides him! The self-proclaimed Stroke Daddy slid the big man into the ring and MJF began to put the boots to him. It wasn’t enough though, because Wardlow was able to get to his feet and fight back! He shoved Starks to the mat and then punched MJF in the jaw! Starks got back up and ran at him but Wardlow bodyslammed him! Wardlow stood tall and let out a roar as Charlotte cheered him on! But all of a sudden…













It’s Alexander Hammerstone and Richard Holliday!


MJF’s old friends from Major League Wrestling are here! The duo took down Wardlow and started putting the boots to him just like MJF did. Hammerstone put him between his legs and gave the throat cut motion before hoisting Wardlow and slamming him down with a HUGE powerbomb!


MJF was back on his feet and grabbed the same mic he had earlier. Under heavy breaths, he gave another smile to the camera.


“Hey Wardlow, allow me to introduce you to some old friends of mine. Absolute Ricky Starks, The Spartan Alexander Hammerstone, and The Marketable Richard Holliday!”


MJF took another look at the cam, then looked at the crowd before looking back at the fallen Wardlow. They are…









The Dynasty


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2. #1 Contendership Tournament: Matt Hardy def. Shawn Spears – Matt Hardy, under the guise of Team Xtreme Matt, took down Shawn Spears in a solid match. He came to the ring with Private Party, who kept a close eye on the outside of the ring, presumably to watch for the Murderhawk Lance Archer. (59)


Hardy’s fears were realized when at the end of the match, Archer appeared by jumping over the barricade at ringside and trying to get to Matt Hardy. Private Party kept him away long enough for Hardy to get the pinfall win with a Twist of Hate, but not for a second longer as Archer overpowered the tag team and got to the ring and got his hands on Matt. Matt fought back and Quen and Kassidy came into the ring and threw some haymakers at the big man. Archer got to his feet and gained momentum for a second before the numbers game became too much for him! Jake Roberts was also ringside and kept yelling for Archer to get out of there, and eventually his monster listened and they went up the ramp as the Murderhawk gave Hardy a death stare. (47)


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3. #1 Contendership Tournament: Orange Cassidy def. Sammy Guevara – In an awesome match that showcased two of AEW’s homegrown talents, Cassidy was able to take down Sammy with a Shooting Star Press in fifteen minutes flat! Both men came to the ring alone and had a barnburner of a contest. Both of the competitors came out the match looking amazing! (70)


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Backstage, Scorpio Sky and Christopher Daniels were with Frankie Kazarian, the loser of the opening contest with Cody. Sky stood up and took the microphone from Dasha. He looked into the camera to talk to Cody. “What the hell was that about Cody?” he asked. He asked why he gave him that look before hitting the Cross Rhodes. Was it that Kazarian was a joke? Was it that Scorpio Sky is a joke? He said he wanted to keep the contest respectful because he is a sportsman, but Cody is making it real hard. At High Stakes Cody better be ready, because he’s coming to kick his ass! (61)


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4. Nyla Rose def. Leva Bates – Another squash win for Nyla as the Native Beast looks to climb back up the rankings! (26)


AEW Women’s World Champion Kris Statlander watched the match on a screen in the back. She knows what’s coming for her… (50)


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Tony Schiavone was in the ring as Dynamite came back from commercial. He said that the ending of last week’s episode was the talk of the wrestling industry all week, and was the #1 trend on Twitter as soon as it happened. He said that he was asked to deliver a message from Tony Khan: To end the first night of AEW Dynamite: High Stakes in two weeks, we will see The Elite: Adam Page & The Young Bucks, take on Bulletproof: Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers! (51)


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5. #1 Contendership Tournament: Brian Cage def. Chris Hero – Two incredible talents collided here, with Brian Cage coming out on top against Chris Hero! The match was very even, and only ended when Cage caught a rolling elbow and turned it into a Tazmission! (48)


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We received a video package of Hikaru Shida, with the former champion going through her training routine. She did a voiceover, claiming that she will take back her championship.


After the video ended, the announcers revealed that in two weeks on the first night of High Stakes, Hikaru Shida will take on Bea Pristley, with the winner challenging Kris Statlander the next week on the second night of High Stakes! (36)


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6. #1 Contendership Tournament: Chris Jericho def. Luchasaurus – In one of Jericho’s best matches in AEW and definitely Luchasaurus’ best match of his career, Jericho took down the dino-man! A clean pinfall victory following the Judas Effect. (72)


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Kenny Omega and the Good Brothers were sitting in the back of a large pick up truck. Kenny was sitting at the end of the bed of the truck, Karl Anderson was sitting on the top of the truck, and Doc Gallows was leaning against the side after getting out of the driver’s seat.


Kenny spoke to the camera.


“I know, I know. Kenny Omega is the Elite, he can’t turn on his buddies. That’s where you’re wrong. Kenny Omega does what Kenny Omega wants. Matt and Nick, they’ve been failures. Hangman, he’s a drunk. I carried that tag team.


What you see here is success. These are my old friends from New Japan Pro Wrestling. The Good Brothers came to AEW to stand by my side.”


He looked deep into the camera lens. “I was the leader of the goddamn Bullet Club. I should be the AEW World Champion. I’m not wasting my time anymore stuck in a shitty tag team with a drunken cowboy. The Bucks are old news at this point. I am the best wrestler in the entire world. It’s time to prove that.”


Gallows got back into the driver’s seat and the trio drove off down the road. (56)


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7. AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR © def. Motor City Machine Guns – The first match of FTR’s “tour” of dismantling tag teams that disrespect FTR’s tag team style was a success. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin’s first AEW match was a good one, but they came out the losers here. FTR shook their hands after the match and the two teams departed on good terms.


Dax Harwood asked for a microphone. He thanked the Motor City Machine Guns for the match and mentioned that they respect them as a tag team. However, there is a tag team in AEW that they don’t respect in the slightest. He said that they need an opponent for High Stakes, so they’re ready to lay out the challenge. At High Stakes, it will be FTR vs. THE LUCHA BROTHERS for the AEW World Tag Team Championships! (65)


The show goes off the air with FTR celebrating their victory.


Show Rating: 66

Viewers: 1,025, 595 (FIRST MILLION VIEWER SHOW!)



Quick Results

1. Cody def. Frankie Kazarian

2. Matt Hardy def. Shawn Spears

3. Orange Cassidy def. Sammy Guevara

4. Nyla Rose def. Leva Bates

5. Brian Cage def. Chris Hero

6. Chris Jericho def. Luchasaurus

7. AEW World Tag Team: FTR © def. Motor City Machine Guns (1st defense)


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WokeRonin: 6/6

Ry guy 64: 6/6

Nobby McDonald: 6/6

Hailthebulldog: 5/6

Parkereddy: 5/6

Kanegan: 5/6

Bigelow Cartwheel: 5/6

Gorilla Monsoon: 5/6

Texasrangers13: 5/6

TLLK: 4/6

BigJ: 4/6

Sco xY2Jx: 4/6


HollywoodGamer: 4/6

Poopykokko: 4/6

CGN91: 3/6


Amazing job as always. I cannot believe SIXTEEN people predicted on a regular episode of Dynamite! That's incredible :) I'm so happy people are enjoying this!!!

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AEW Dynamite Preview

Jacksonville, FL

Wednesday Week 3, September 2020


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The final Dynamite before the two-week spectacular that is High Stakes! We will see the #1 contender for the AEW World Championship crowned, along with the in-ring debuts of the Good Brothers! Not only the Good Brothers, but we will also see the first AEW match for Brian Pillman Jr.!


All that and more this Wednesday on TNT!


#1 Contendership Four-Way: Brian Cage vs. Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Hardy

Four amazing competitors who all won their matches this past week on Dynamite. The winner here will challenge Jon Moxley for the AEW World Championship in two weeks on the second night of High Stakes! Will Jericho or Cage get a rematch, or will Cassidy or Hardy receive their first opportunity at the title?


The Young Bucks Speak Out!

For the first time since All Out, Matt and Nick Jackson will speak to the AEW audience about Kenny Omega’s betrayal of the Elite! One week before their match with Adam Page against Bulletproof, it is clear that the brothers want to get it all off their chests!


AEW TNT Championship: PAC © vs. Jungle Boy

Two weeks ago, Jungle Boy challenged the TNT Champion to a title match after he defeated Rey Fenix in singles action. The match was approved, and now Jungle Boy Jack Perry will put it all on the line in the biggest match of his AEW career!


Good Brothers vs. Best Friends

Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson’s debut match was revealed on Twitter to be against Best Friends, Chuck Taylor and Trent! The two newcomers look to get a win under their belt before their highly-anticipated trios match alongside Kenny Omega as Bulletproof, versus The Elite team of Adam Page and The Young Bucks!


Brian Pillman Jr. Debuts!

Brian Pillman Jr. is #AllElite! Pillman has made waves on the independent scene, and has officially signed an AEW contract! His first ever match will be on Dynamite this week!


The Nightmare Family (Cody & Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall) vs. SCU

Before Cody and Scorpio Sky’s singles match next week, they will meet in a trios match alongside their closest friends! Which team will come out on top as we await that contest at High Stakes?




AEW World Champion Jon Moxley will make an appearance!

We hear from Jake Roberts and Lance Archer!

We take a look at the Good Brothers!


Quick Predictions!

#1 Contendership Final: Brian Cage vs. Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Hardy

AEW TNT: PAC © vs. Jungle Boy

Good Brothers vs. Best Friends

Nightmare Family (Cody/Dustin/QT) vs. SCU

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Haven't seen MLW so no idea about the guys but looking forward to how MJF's faction pans out.


#1 Contendership Final: Brian Cage vs. Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Hardy

AEW TNT: PAC © vs. Jungle Boy

Good Brothers vs. Best Friends

Nightmare Family (Cody/Dustin/QT) vs. SCU

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I am absolutely loving this diary so far! Excited to see where it goes.


#1 Contendership Final: Brian Cage vs. Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Hardy

AEW TNT: PAC © vs. Jungle Boy

Good Brothers vs. Best Friends

Nightmare Family (Cody/Dustin/QT) vs. SCU

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Another really good show. You're gaining quite the following dude! Deserved.


Not important in terms of the grand scheme of things but really happy to see Christian York! Hope he can do enough to make it past the dark matches in time.


Heel Kenny is looking good and could be the kick up the arse the Elite need.


Also quote excited about Pillman Jnr even though I've never seen him IRL. Work that out. :D


#1 Contendership Final: Brian Cage vs. Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Hardy

Feels a little obvious but I really think it needs to be done. Mox needs a big win to legitimise his reign.


AEW TNT: PAC © vs. Jungle Boy

Pretty sure PAC will retain but honestly don't care. Anyone watching this would be treated to an awesome match. The fans are the real winners.


Good Brothers vs. Best Friends

Has to be. As much as I love BF there's no point bringing in Good Bros to have them lose here.


Nightmare Family (Cody/Dustin/QT) vs. SCU

Love Dustin. But it doesn't make sense to me for SCU to lose. Scorpio goes over QT and Cody kept strong (IMO).

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Bigelow Cartwheel" data-cite="Bigelow Cartwheel" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51032" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not important in terms of the grand scheme of things but really happy to see Christian York! Hope he can do enough to make it past the dark matches in time.</div></blockquote><p> I thought of you when I hired him on a one night deal <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I like to reserve Dark and jobber spots to young guys and guys who never got a chance, but I can definitely open a couple spots for him <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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