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Who is your favourite character to book and why?

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C verse or real world, who do you love booking?


I’m a 21CW man and love booking Edward Cornell. I’ve got such a strong idea in my mind what he’s like. I also love the idea of him being related to basically the greatest wrestler of all time. It makes for a fun booking dynamic.



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Big Leagues


Angry Gilmore: "The Last of a Dying Breed" He's been how I would push Eddie Kingston in every SWF game I've played. He's the man who can take any feud and make it real with nothing more than a microphone.


Rich Money: He can do anything, head of a stable? Easy he's rich and can pay them off. Build up an up-and-coming Face? So arrogant, "you don't deserve to be in the ring with me." Redemptive Face? He's better as a heel and is amazing at being a heel but he can do it.


Troy Tornado: He's my boy in my longest save so far. His egomaniacal rock star gimmick is the cornerstone of TCW's Midcard and Tempest (his stable consisting of Yuri Yoshihara, Yuta Isono, and Austin Texas (more on him later) is my favorite thing I've ever done in TEW. The premise is Yuri and Yuta were huge fans of Painful Procedure since their music was big in Japan (basically stealing the backstory for the band Steel Panther or Fozzy) and Troy Tornado's cousin/producer Austin Texas has roped them into being roadies/ young boys for the two of them.


The Midcard Boys (Robbie Retro/ Oliver Kobb/ Dazzling Dave Diamond/ Andre Jones/ Jack Jackson etc) Not an actual wrestler but I love a good silly midcarder when I play a major promotion and to borrow a concept from OSW Review I have my "boy stable." These are the dudes who hang out in the middle of the card and their escapades exist more in my head than in the ratings. Oliver Kobb is the quintessential boy for me since he always plays the role of "The Southern Spoiler" where he's not the best at anything but he's such a fighter he'll break your heart if you're not game-planning for him. A Toru Yano type if you will. The Heel version of this usually runs with a posse to help them win or has a loaded glove or deadly finisher like a Piledriver that is kayfabe fined. Andre Jones was my favorite to run this way.


Funky Fedora: He's TEW's Larry Sweeny. That's all I need to always have a spot for him.


Not in the Big Leagues


Austin Texas (Oscar Ozymandias): I wanted a Johnny Swinger like guy in my TCW game and decided Oscar would be the best fit. Almost immediately I realized how funny it would be if his whole 50 ring names flavor text would be as a conspiracy theorist gimmick like Alex Jones who was worried about globalists. That evolved into Austin Tornado the conspiracy theorist/ grifter cousin of Troy Tornado who switched to Austin Texas (in homage to Alex Jones' residence) who realized how much money he could swindle from Yuri and Yuta for access to Troy.


Bryan "Do It" Jewett: I like the idea of a Tim Ferris like "Self-help Guru" a lot. I love the heel cult of personality leader version a lot more.


The New York Doll: I just like him a lot. There is a great render of him I like and he's just a fun slimy heel.


The Past Masters: I mean how can you not like these guys? Gimmicky enough to have some campy fun while also being serious enough to anchor a Tag Team Division? Sign me up!


Joffy Laine: A younger Eli Drake!? What's not to love?


Tavon Blake Jr: Rich Money without the Star Quality. Can do anything and I love building him up as this brawler with underrated technical skills.

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In the C-Verse I usually end up creating my own fed in most games and signing indie stand outs and younger guys.


Frankie Perez - I always envisioned him as this mash up CM Punk and Eddie Guerrero and who wouldn't push that to the moon? I've used him often enough that I even given him the moniker "The Pitbull of Boyle Heights"


Joffy Laine - Basically The Rock if he was heavily influenced by Dusty Rhodes and mid south wrestling, he usually ends up getting a super over because of his wild brawling skills and mic skills alone.


Fro Sure - A baby Ron Killings that I can mold into my own mega star version of R-Truth? Yes please.


Paige Croft - In TEW2020 she's more of a grizzled gaijin cult star, but I like pushing her as basically Alexa Bliss with elite level workrate.

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I'm almost 10 years into my C-Verse save and started with ACPW and I probably had the most fun (and success) booking Mimic. Booked him as a cross between Raven and Stone Cold...had a little stable with Dagger and a big bodyguard, and he was a great 'I'm too cool for this sh*t' tweener. He matched up with faces and heels equally, and when I added Dawn Gemmel to the group as his manager, he really took off.


I moved over the CZCW when ownership opened up, so it's been a good 4-5 game years since I booked him, but haven't found anyone who I've had as much fun booking so far.

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I'm a mark for: second generation wrestlers and wrestling cults


I'm twelve years into my game and I've consistently pushed Aldous Blackfriar, Dreadnought, and Son of Vengeance as main event heels for this reason.


I also have a real soft spot for Frankie Perez and end up making him my initial champion basically every game I've ever played.


As far as less obviously good people, I've always used Travis Century as a primary manager, but he died two weeks into the this save. RIP

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Will always be Ernest Youngman. Have been successful in making him a star in every version of TEW that I have played and won't ever stop. Nothing more fun than making such a great in-ring wrestler become the most decorated wrestler in the world.


He's up there for me for sure. On my longest ever save on TEW10 I started out as ROF and by 2020 SWF were spiralling and going through bookers like no tomorrow so I decided to take on the task of pulling the nose up and having them be competitive with NOTBPW and TCW again. Ernest was in the midcard in TCW when they released him. I strapped a rocket to him and he became the face of my resurgent SWF. Had a soft spot for him ever since


At present he's carrying my PSW almost single handedly

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<p>I primarily play in Japan so I normally end up with Razan Okamoto becoming the Ace as the rest of the company shifts below him. </p><p> </p><p>

Then I'll build up Lion Genji as that guy that always narrowly misses winning the title while winning the tournaments and battle royales. </p><p> </p><p>

KC Glenn and Naoji Azumi are always taking over my junior heavyweights. I prefer the star power of Azumi, but Glenn plays a great heel to that. So they usually trade titles with guys like SUKI and Masao until Akihiro Hisato comes along. </p><p> </p><p>

For tags in Japan, Black Iron Corps. I always end up pushing them, splitting them up, feuding relentlessly, and reuniting. Or I make them an uber-dominant NWO-like invasion stable and let them appear like they run the federation for the time being with their own events while headlining the regular tours and shows till some super-alliance of babyfaces come around to defeat them. I have an idea to have Big Boss Emperor & Dreadnought come to power as Kita and Fujio retire but I've never gotten that far and have doubts with Dreadnought. Emperor's a decent monster heel champ if you can convince him to stop smoking.</p>

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I don't really have a specific person I like to book. I like to play real world historical mods and see if history can change.


Right now I'm WCW in 1987 as the owner and I'm doing my own expansion. Magnum T.A. wasn't in a car wreck and he's a major star. Rick Martel is getting a major push because he's got all the tools to be an eventual heel world champion.


When I play a mod, like the 2004 one for example, I like to take a guy like Trent Acid and see if I can make them into a start.

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Scythe I have done 5 or 6 different SWF saves and he seems to get a good role very time. I have booked him as a lone evil monster of destruction, an evil cult leader who has monsterous followers and a mouthpiece in Greed to set about the destruction of SWF, the secret son of Richard Eisen who after years of neglect and mental torture is out to destroy his ignorant brothers company.
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I usually play women's companies, which at the start of 2020 means QAW or 5SSW, and I usually pick the former. However, many of my usual faves from 2016 are tied down with USPW or CWA, or they're retired or nearing retirement. (Seeing Jana Marie Bowen call it in Year One hurts. So. MUCH.)


So, I've had to find some new favorites.


Simony Sentinel- solid talent.


Joanna Silver- Bless her pirate stripper heart!


Izzy Quick- Love her to bits


Spider Isako- She's awesome.


I've also taken a shine to quite a few of the ladies from willr0ck's Women's Revolution mod, most notably Tameka Sky, The Weird Sisters, and Frost & Neema.

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Scythe I have done 5 or 6 different SWF saves and he seems to get a good role very time. I have booked him as a lone evil monster of destruction, an evil cult leader who has monsterous followers and a mouthpiece in Greed to set about the destruction of SWF, the secret son of Richard Eisen who after years of neglect and mental torture is out to destroy his ignorant brothers company.


One of my favourite stories that I ever booked on TEW 2016 was that Eric had stolen the company out from under Jerry Eisen after an evil cult stable led by John Greed had caused so much chaos that Jerry was removed as the company chairman. Jerry disappeared for a few months and returned with Scythe as his avatar of destruction, laying waste to everyone who Jerry believed was to blame for his downfall so he destroyed Eric, Jack Bruce & Remo (who Jerry blamed for failing to stop the cult) and then of course Greed and his cult as well. It was essentially an insta-mega-push that saw him run rougshod over everyone until finally Primus was able to stop him

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When I'm doing any save post-2000, I always want AJ Styles on my roster because I have so much fun booking him. He gets so versatile and can be so good as a smarmy heel, an arrogant heel, a white-meat babyface, etc.


I was doing a 1980's save a while back, and I fell in love with booking Ted DiBiase for very similar character reasons and Junkyard Dog because he was just fun to throw into short matches that got big responses just because of how over he was.


On the flip side, as big a fan of him as I am irl, booking Bruiser Brody was a pain in the ass since I didn't want him going over every babyface I had constantly.



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<p>i have a few </p><p> </p><p>

i mostly play c-verse 2005 </p><p> </p><p>

John Greed - usually starts a stable of young rookies called Greed is Good, and they pick on veterans who they want to retire so they can take the limelight</p><p> </p><p>

The Awesomeness, Aaron Andrews, Lassani Makutsi, CV2 and Carlos Gonzalez was the latest group but recently split during a draft </p><p> </p><p>

Burning Exile - i have a save for a company called Luchasaurus which is like a comic style storyline and angles, and i always have him as outcasted from Japan to find the man who turned his master into a vampire, after three years he finally found out it was Randy Bumfhole who was turned by The Vampire, after staking the head vampire he now guards the streets of Dark City for any evil, the newest threat being the Black Hat Gang led by Black Hat Bailey a off shoot of the corporation who disbanded following Phil Vibert and DAVE invaders burying Boss Man Brayfield in cement, who is now the Ghostly GM of the Underground brand </p><p> </p><p>

Hell Monkey - in the first episode he escaped a lab deep in the mountains, chased by the Men from the mountains (Henry Lee, Giant Redwood and Larry Wood), he is an experiemnt that escaped the laboratory owned by Chess Maniac, after blowing up Henry Lee and sealing Chess Maniac in a coffin, he finally leanrt how to be a part of Dark Cith and joined a super hero group called the animal Kingdom with AAmo Del Gato and Panda Mask, Amo was found dead and finally finding the man responsible hired gun Tasuku Lesada it was revealed that he was created to become Mono de la Muerte...the death monkey </p><p> </p><p>

i have loved booking these three completely and Greed's very slow transition to main event is one of my key reasons to keep playing</p>

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  • 4 months later...
C verse or real world, who do you love booking?


I’m a 21CW man and love booking Edward Cornell. I’ve got such a strong idea in my mind what he’s like. I also love the idea of him being related to basically the greatest wrestler of all time. It makes for a fun booking dynamic.


Demelza Wade/Nadia Snow. I reunited them in my TEW 2020 as "The A List" and they are by far the hottest things going on the show. Demelza is in her 40s now, so she doesn't have long left, so I'm really grooming Nadia Snow to become the next big thing in my women's division. I even brought in women's tag team titles for them specifically.

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I'll keep my list brief, because I have a lot of favorites.


- Morgan Malone

- Jack Griffith

- Whippy The Clown

- Keith Adams

- Dynamite Narahashi

- Sayeed Ali

- The DeColts

- Brendan Idol

- Thomas Morgan

- Robbie Retro


- Jumbo Jackson

- Jim Force


I might miss CGC a bit.

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In real world, Raven was one of my favorite wrestlers and I enjoy making him the star he should've been.


In Cornellverse, I've always liked making The Silencer into a star. In my mind, The Silencer is very much like Kane but with a special ops gimmick instead. No talking, just pure brutality and chaos. He has had two championship runs in my current save and only one promo.

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<p>Black Diamond - how I envision Tamina should have been (without the knee injuries and blandness). Big enough to work a monster type gimmick but skilled enough to mesh with multiple styles. I tend to build my promotions around her, as the successor to whoever the top babyface is.</p><p> </p><p>

Brooke Tyler - easily the best heel stable leader on the women's side. She can carry her lesser stablemates (and opponents) to decent to good matches in all match types. She also comes tailormade for feuds with....</p><p> </p><p>

Alicia Strong & Lucy Stone-McFly - The legacy storyline can easily go for two years and pull great ratings, given the skill levels of all involved. </p><p> </p><p>

The SNP girls (Joy, Khloe, Kitty Katz, Kourtney, Laurel Wreath, Marbella) - I like the challenge of developing them into real managers, ala Trina Michaels.</p><p> </p><p>

Akemi Shiskikura, Aki Kamio, Spider Isako, Kichi Mochizuki, Yayoi Kurmochi - I will sign any Hatoyama Dojo grad but Akemi's my favorite, followed closely by Spider.</p><p> </p><p>

All the AAA alumni - I just love making them more popular in six months than they've ever been in the entirety of their run in Seattle.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Real world is a lot more limited. Sumire Natsu, Jungle Kyona, Jordynne Grace, Mandy Leon, Utami Hayashishita, Io, Kana, Sara-Marie Taylor, ASUKA, Kairi, Mayu Iwatani, Kay Lee Ray, Shanna, Xia Brookside, and Toni Storm.</p>

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Thomas Morgan is a good one.

I dig all the Brooke Tyler love as well.

Mikey Lau, Martyr, Phobia, Edwin Velasquez, Marco Gonzales, Doctor Tecnico, Rey Soldado, Jay Silver.

Some others to a lesser extent.



Real world is Hiromu Takahashi. I still have a saved database set in 2028 or so where he is the #1 wrestler in the world after a game where I used him a figurehead and went Global. The TimebombVerse is a good place to live. :p

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