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Paragons of Wrestling 2: The Sequel (Thunderverse)

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Main Event

Thom Schultz vs The American Pharaoh (one of him, at least)


Winners Get the Invisible Car, Squared Circle Circus Barred From Interfering!

Deadtective & ??? vs The TPIC


The Other Two American Pharaohs vs KatGroove (Kat & DJ Swizzlestixx) vs Dreamscape: New Nightmare


Xavier Guttierez vs Earl Ray Travis


The Squared Circle Circus vs Michael Washington & Johnny Moore


DISCO Fox vs Trent Brooke vs Super Croak (w/Puma Cool)

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Thom Schultz vs The American Pharaoh (one of him, at least)


Winners Get the Invisible Car, Squared Circle Circus Barred From Interfering!

Deadtective & ??? vs The TPIC


The Other Two American Pharaohs vs KatGroove (Kat & DJ Swizzlestixx) vs Dreamscape: New Nightmare

Xavier Guttierez vs Earl Ray Travis


The Squared Circle Circus vs Michael Washington & Johnny Moore


DISCO Fox vs Trent Brooke vs Super Croak (w/Puma Cool)

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No After Credits Scene, We Promise!


Main Event

Thom Schultz vs The American Pharaoh (one of him, at least)


Winners Get the Invisible Car, Squared Circle Circus Barred From Interfering!

Deadtective & ??? vs The TPIC


The Other Two American Pharaohs vs KatGroove (Kat & DJ Swizzlestixx) vs Dreamscape: New Nightmare


Xavier Guttierez vs Earl Ray Travis


The Squared Circle Circus vs Michael Washington & Johnny Moore


DISCO Fox vs Trent Brooke vs Super Croak (w/Puma Cool)



Time Lord & Dr. Reeka continue their quest!

Nicky Sanders addresses the condition of El Hot Dog and status of Spike Daryl!

The Announcement of Clash of the TRItans 2021!

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Thom Schultz vs The American Pharaoh (one of him, at least)


Winners Get the Invisible Car, Squared Circle Circus Barred From Interfering!

Deadtective & ??? vs The TPIC


The Other Two American Pharaohs vs KatGroove (Kat & DJ Swizzlestixx) vs Dreamscape: New Nightmare


Xavier Guttierez vs Earl Ray Travis


The Squared Circle Circus vs Michael Washington & Johnny Moore


DISCO Fox vs Trent Brooke vs Super Croak (w/Puma Cool)

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Main Event

Thom Schultz vs The American Pharaoh (one of him, at least)

Hard to pick against Schultz given he's one of your top stars


Winners Get the Invisible Car, Squared Circle Circus Barred From Interfering!

Deadtective & ??? vs The TPIC

I'm probably going to regret betting against ???


The Other Two American Pharaohs vs KatGroove (Kat & DJ Swizzlestixx) vs Dreamscape: New Nightmare

KatGroove and Dreamscape are feuding, so I think the Pharoahs can utilize that to steal it.


Xavier Guttierez vs Earl Ray Travis

My head says Xavier, but my heart is with Earl.


The Squared Circle Circus vs Michael Washington & Johnny Moore

Washington seems to have found his ticket to success with his stunt double.


DISCO Fox vs Trent Brooke vs Super Croak (w/Puma Cool)

Brooke's been in a couple main events and an ongoing storyline with Spike Darryl & Thom Schultz, so I'll pick him to go over here.

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Paragons of Wrestling 2: The Sequel Presents

No After Credits Scene, We Promise!


Main Event

Thom Schultz vs The American Pharaoh (one of him, at least)


Winners Get the Invisible Car, Squared Circle Circus Barred From Interfering!

Deadtective & ??? vs The TPIC

The Other Two American Pharaohs vs KatGroove (Kat & DJ Swizzlestixx) vs Dreamscape: New Nightmare


Xavier Guttierez vs Earl Ray Travis


The Squared Circle Circus vs Michael Washington & Johnny Moore


DISCO Fox vs Trent Brooke vs Super Croak (w/Puma Cool)

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Thom Schultz vs The American Pharaoh (one of him, at least)


Winners Get the Invisible Car, Squared Circle Circus Barred From Interfering!

Deadtective & ??? vs The TPIC


The Other Two American Pharaohs vs KatGroove (Kat & DJ Swizzlestixx) vs Dreamscape: New Nightmare


Xavier Guttierez vs Earl Ray Travis

The Squared Circle Circus vs Michael Washington & Johnny Moore


DISCO Fox vs Trent Brooke vs Super Croak (w/Puma Cool)

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Thom Schultz vs The American Pharaoh (one of him, at least)


Winners Get the Invisible Car, Squared Circle Circus Barred From Interfering!

Deadtective & ??? vs The TPIC


The Other Two American Pharaohs vs KatGroove (Kat & DJ Swizzlestixx)vs Dreamscape: New Nightmare


Xavier Guttierez vs Earl Ray Travis


The Squared Circle Circus vs Michael Washington & Johnny Moore


DISCO Fox vs Trent Brooke vs Super Croak (w/Puma Cool)

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<div style="padding: 5px; border: 2px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #A8D8FF; max-width:50%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


Paragons of Wrestling 2: The Sequel Presents

No After Credits Scene, We Promise!

Attendance: 66


We fade in on footage from earlier in the day, a man the POW faithful know and generally despise is making his way across the parking lot to the arena, phone in hand.



“I’m not gonna lie to you, boss, everything’s going pearshaped up here, Daryl’s a complete lost cause. Uh huh? Uh huh? Replacement, huh? Spike ain’t gonna be happy about it but I figure you’ll have him taken care of in time. ...Yessir, I’ll have the red carpet rolled out next month at their stupid tournament. I-oh crap, I gotta go HEY!”


Brooke crams his phone in his pocket and charges the camera which beats a retreat back into the building before we cut to our announcers.



“Welcome everyone to Paragons of Wrestling 2: Now After Credits Scene, We Promise!”



“That idiot Sanders, if he strung along people like that, I coulda beat the traffic outta here after the show.”



“You mean like a couple months ago?”



“Oh you shush.”



“In any case fans, let's get rolling!”



DISCO Fox vs Trent Brooke vs Super Croak


It was a match between three men in a bit of a slump as far as win records went in POW, with one of them in particular being in quite the foul mood about it...or at least in a foul mood about something regarding the POW camera team at ringside considering he spends quite a bit of the match threatening them. Croak and DISCO, however, force Brooke to focus on the bout with a dazzling array of acrobatic moves that worked up quite a sweat between the three competitors. A sweat that Croak called a timeout on by inviting his two opponents to enjoy a frosty Croaka Cola Polar Berry to beat the summer heat! DISCO eagerly takes him up on the offer and to the surprise of everyone so does Trent...who mists it into DISCO’s face and splashes the contents of his can into Croak’s eyes! Kicking DISCO out of the ring he quickly locks in the Thresher Flail on Croak and secures a dirty tap out victory!


Winner by Submission: Trent Brooke


We cut to the private locker room of Michael Washington where-




The man himself and his entourage seem to have finally found the time to celebrate his ‘win’ last month after horribly injuring Missy Sippy.



“Ahh...isn’t this the life, gentlemen? The sweet stench of success is wafting in the air like some arm candy’s perfume and here we all are with the world as our pearl-choked oyster. Truly we are blessed.”


Washington fills a glass with champagne and downs it.



“Mikey, baby, loving the attitude, loving the positivity but I got a little bit of a minor question...where’s Stevens?”






“The young gentlemen we hired to be your stunt double.”



“Hah, yeah him, I gave him the night off.”


Moore and Xavier:



Washington arches an eyebrow.



“Watch the tone please. Look we don’t have to worry about anything tonight, we’re fighting two freakshow clowns and a hillbilly, it’ll be easy.”



“The same clowns and hillbilly that you-”



“Trounced completely after some creative editing! But uhm...I think you’re underestimating the utility of Mr. Stevens?”



“Look I’m getting close to expending my allowance for this quarter and it was either him or the bubbly here. Sacrifices needed to be made.”



“Your allowance. The four billion one your father gave you? You’ve almost spent it all in three months???????”



“Heh, yeah, gotta admit he’s really tightening the purse strings is old Papa Washington but don’t worry, you’re on special retainers. I would never dream of letting you two slip through my fingers.”



“Back to the subject, Mr. Stevens is useful for...pain deflection puproses? That’s the entire reason he was hired aside from actually being good at wrestling was it not?”



“And with that hillbilly out for blood-”


Washington glares at the two of them.



“Don’t go questioning me, you two, you’ll stay employed longer. As for that inbred hick Travis, I’m over him entirely. What’s he gonna do? Be poor at me? It’s laughable.”






“No buts except the one my star power puts in the seats out there. Cue up the cameras, boys, we’re about to start on the winning streak that’ll catapult me to the stars.”


Washington leaves the room as his underlings share a look and follow after him.



Michael Washington & Johnny Moore vs The Squared Circle Circus


It was a tale of contrasts in the entrances to this match as Washington and Moore (Xavier in tow) were all smiles -one more forced than the other- while Kayo and Mime were filled with a nervous energy clearly brought on by the stakes of Deadtective’s match later in the show. Still their prodigal automobile was the least of their worries as this match saw Washington show a level of confidence that he hadn’t prior to y’know breaking someone’s arm like a degenerate-



“No editorializing in the match writeups, you swine!”



“Wha? What are you talking about?”


Fine, spoilsport. Washington’s heightened ego gave way to a dominating performance, effortlessly dominating the clown and mime for all to see...until the cameraman wandered over to the Circus’ corner to find whichever one wasn’t being beaten up by Washington was getting directions from Moore, the documentarian offering them big voice roles in the next Flixar movie. It wasn’t until Mime overheard Wesley wondering aloud how a Mime was going to get work in a voice acting gig that the plan turned sour and the silent turned violent with a big bulldog on the cocky ‘patriot’. From there Kayo and Mime put Washington on the backstep as Moore shouted at Wesley for ruining his negotiations until he got enough wherewithal to trip Kayo as he attempted his patented Bum Rush on Washington! Summoning up enough awareness to roll up Mime when he tried to go to his partner, Washington locked hands with Xavier on the outside to claim a dirty victory over the two comedic grapplers.


Winners via Pinfall: Michael Washington & Johnny Moore


Post-match Xavier enters the ring to congratulate Moore and Washington when-



“Well well well...howdy, ya lily-livered yellabellied varmints!”


Missy Sippy, arm in a sling after last month steps out from the back, mic in her other hand. Washington smirks at her while Moore and Xavier immediately start looking around for Earl.



“Oh mah Earl’s on his way, Mr. Guttierez, ya’ll ain’t gotta worry about that. But you, ya high-falutin’ no good dressed-up meadow muffin can wipe that smile off yer face because I got a proposition for ya.”


Washington leans over the ropes, pointing a finger at Missy threateningly.



“Now ah don’t know how much ya’ll know about this here promotion but next month is a little event they call Clash of the TRItans and it’s a tournament for three on three bouts-or trios as they call ‘em down south of that there border. Winners get themselves a big ‘ole prize and I figure that’s the kinda glory a rotten feller like you’d drool over.”


Washington...does get a little drooly at the prospect of winning some kind of physical reward, yes. Xavier helpfully dabs his mouth with a handkerchief.



“But y’see, my Earl’s gonna be in that tournament too, and he’s not comin’ alone. So ya’ll better hope ya lose before you meet ‘em because sonny boy, yer in for the beatin’ of a lifetime.”


Missy drops the mic and grins wide as-



Earl Ray Travis comes out from the back, hitting the ring and leaving Moore and Washington to scatter. Xavier looks aghast as his employer and colleague run past Missy to the back, shouting hurried good luck wishes to the lawyer.



Xavier Guttierez vs Earl Ray Travis


Guttierez tries to halt Earl’s fury by citing that according to Illinois state athletic laws section 32 paragraph 8 subsection C as pretains to lucha libre in the city of Chicago that all contests of acrobatic grappling must begin with a handshake. Xavier extends his hand to the skeptical Earl, then recoils in revulsion when the hillbilly spits in his hand and offers it to the lawyer. Xavier angrily slaps Earl across the face then gets his own medicine and then some when the spat on hand claps him across the jaw! Guttierez is sent sprawling out of the ring, trying to rub the spit off his cheek when Earl comes flying off the top rope to the floor with a crossbody!


This sets the tone for the rest of the match as Xavier is put firmly on the backstep against the Harlan, Kentucky native with only a few chances to breathe thanks to a lucky eye rake or foot stomp. Shockingly, Xavier manages to almost land his X-Out Finisher (a straight jacket powerbomb) but is distracted too long making a snide remark to Missy at ringside and gets back body dropped for his troubles. Trying to take refuge in the corner, Xavier is victim to a yakuza kick followed by a Hillbilly Splash (frog splash) that puts him out of his misery.


Winner via Pinfall: Earl Ray Travis



“An impressive win by Earl Ray Travis here tonight, and a measure of vengeance for Missy! I wonder who Earl will have join him for Clash of the TRItans, Hazard!”



“Hmph, probably some more redneck trash, Johnson, the only people Travis could be close to are people in his own family tree. And I mean very close. Frankly the fact that he’s got this brainless cowgirl to marry him might be the first time that family tree has forked in ages!”






“No no I’ve got more material. Missy should honestly have looked at what happened last month as a sign that being around a loser like Earl Ray Travis is not good for her health as well as her standing. I mean if I were her, I’d have ditched that zero and gone with Washington, the American hero.”



“Doc, ix-nay on the Ashington-Way!”



“Come on, I’m on a roll here! It’s not just that, I’d bet Washington’s not only the better wrestler, he’s the better lover of the two as well. I mean I ain’t saying Missy’s a gold digger, but-”


Hazard is suddenly whipped around in his chair and face to face with a very angry Earl.



“Ya’ll got somethin’ else to say, Doctor Funnyman?”



“Uhm...oh look at the time, remember how I said I wanted to beat the traffic, Wesley?”


Hazard springs out of his seat and runs to the back, Earl and Missy in pursuit as Wesley shakes his head.



“One of these days he’ll learn not to run his mouth. Oh well, guess I’m at the booth alone tonigh-AAAAAAGH!”


Wesley recoils, suddenly realizing the void at the announce desk has been filled.



“The harsh wind whips clouds across the face of the moon. A harbinger of hard times.”



“I uh...hello...Mr. Schism, sir. Haven’t seen you in a-uh-long time.”


Schism, elder statesman of cruiserweight wrestling and...generally unsettling human being is sat on the announce desk. Not at. On. Well, less of a sit more of a squat, kind of perching on it as he gives the ring a thousand yard stare.



“What uhm...what brings you here?”



“Where go the ravens, so too go I. A feast of battlefield dead. The decaying husk of a proud beast. Also, seventy dollar pay per appearance contract.”



“Huh. Well this should make for an interesting night, welcome to the announce desk.”



“Still waters hide the deepest abyss. Let the riptide reveal all!”



“Yeah! Yeah...that.”





KatGroove (Kat & DJ Swizzlestix) vs The American Pharaohs vs Dreamscape: New Nightmare


Injecting a wrinkle into the ongoing issues between the Familia and Party Animals are two of the American Pharaohs, presumably the clones from other timelines with the genuine article fighting in the main event. Wesley wonders aloud if they’ll team up with Dreamscape to face off with the tecnico duo but some rather loud accusations of witchcraft directed at the ghoulish pair put that to bed and the contest is just as violent between them as it is with the Animals. Conspicuous by their absence at ringside are Adelina and Creepsly, in fact Wesley notes nobody has seen both them OR The Time Lord and Dr. Reeka at the building, Schism weighs in with words of wisdom.



“Upon a crooked path does this quartet walk. A cloud drifts across the shining stars. Passed them on the commute down from Canada, westbound upon the interstate.”


Still despite the lack of their guiding hand it seems as though Dreamscape’s enmity with KatGroove is enough to keep them focused on the match, creating a very chaotic atmosphere as all three teams smash into each other like a demolition derby. At one point one of the Pharaohs gets tossed out of the ring by Kat who proceeds to deliver a suicide dive onto him, when both of them stagger to their feet Frightening comes off the apron with a senton that sends them all tumbling. When the now trio of luchadors manage to stand again, a second Pharaoh throws himself from the top turnbuckle to the outside with a crossbody that wipes them all out again. Scaremare in the ring looks ready for his own maneuver but finds himself running directly into a heel kick from DJ! Looking to the fans, Swizzlestixx climbs to the top rope and hits the Full Volume (Swanton Bomb) for the pin and the win!


Winners via Pinfall: KatGroove


After both the victors and losers filed out (licking their wounds and basking their triumph, respectively), we’re joined by the mind behind the nonsense:



“Hiya folks!”


Nicky Sanders-with all the gravitas of a Spencer’s Gifts proprietor that just stepped on one his store’s whoopie cushions and thought it was an omen for a good day-strides out from the back with a briefcase in hand. Smiling wide he enters the ring and waves with the hand holding his microphone to the audience.



“Good evening boys, gals, and enby pals! I hope you’re all enjoying the show tonight, I know I am! But I’m not here about tonight, I’m here about next month. I’m talking about one of our biggest shows, the grand tradition: Clash of the TRItans!”


The crowd cheers the return of the beloved tournament.



“Eight teams of three in a special one night tournament for one of the most coveted prizes in the...well in the general Chicago area at least. Guess what I got?”




Nicky holds up the long lost POW Trio’s title, smiling wide.



“The winners of the tournament will receive three of this lil buddy as a sign of their victory to hold onto for a whole year! Stay tuned to our website for updates on who will be participating in the tournament for their shot at glory! Now, well, onto less happy news…”


Sanders sighs.



“At the end of the last show our beloved El Hot Dog was attacked and nearly suffered a career-shortening injury at the hands of Spike Daryl.”


The crowd boos at the mention of the heinous invader and his tack-based attempt to end El Hot Dog’s career.



“We at POW have banished Mr. Daryl from the promotion this month and while I would LIKE to keep him as far away from here as possible, El Hot Dog has reached out to me and challenged Daryl for a match at TRItans after he’s recovered. We have contacted Daryl and he has agreed on the condition that the match is held under a stipulation that...I am sad to say Hot Dog has agreed to. Next month in a special grudge match separate from the tournament, El Hot Dog will take on Spike Daryl in our first ever...THUMBTACK MATCH!”


The crowd is aghast at this news. Such a violent match is usually the purview of classic PWSUX or House of Horrors. Sanders fishes in his coat pocket and takes out-



The thumbtack from last month!



“Specifically this one. This thumbtack will be placed in the ring for the match and whoever slams their opponent onto it first will be declared the winner. Until then I am keeping this horrible weapon on my person to ensure nobody else can be hurt by it.”


With all the reverence and care of someone handling The One Ring, Nicky puts it back in his pocket and exhales.



“That’s all for now everyone, please enjoy the rest of the show!”


Sanders places the title back in his briefcase and heads to the back, a look of dread on his face at the prospect of such a heinous and violent match occurring next week…



“Good lord, Schism, a thumbtack match? How barbaric!”



“Barbarism. Savagery. Words to describe the necessary spilling of blood...or popping of inflatable suits. Only one man will be standing at the end.”



“And the other will be hopping up and down because gosh that’s gonna smart.”



Deadtective & ??? vs The TPIC


Prior to the match head official Shinji Kato works with a crew to bring up the invisible clown car belonging to the Squared Circle Circus above the ring via invisible winch and invisible rope. With the prize in place and ensuring no sneaky getaways, it’s time for the battle to begin!


The TPIC enter to a chorus of boos, the cocky duo confident they have this one in the bag. After all, Deadtective’s only known allies were the Circus and they’re banned from ringside. What was he gonna do? Hire somebody? The two of the smirk confidently and point to the invisible car floating above, the one that will soon be all theirs.


”This was it, time to do or die...again. The stakes couldn’t have been higher, and everything from the fate of the car to my paycheck was on the line. All that stood between me and justice were two rotten scammers with bad attitudes. I-”





As if in answer Deadtective steps out from behind the entrance curtain, hands on his hips as he starts making his way to the ring...


”The two robbers seemed pleased with themselves, like cats who’d caught the canary. I didn’t have the heart to tell them Sylvester’s win/loss record against Tweety.”





Deadtective enters the ring and squares off with Big Lando and only Big Lando, not even acknowledging Robin who is extremely annoyed by this.



“HEY! What am I chopped liver!? How come I don’t get a staredown?”



“You are. You’re just not paying attention to them.”



“Stop talkin’ in riddles, weirdo, there’s nobody there!”


”My partner was a patient person, they’d been by my side since those two clowns had come into our office. Always analyzing, always watching and waiting, never overstepping their bounds. But when push came to shove, it was always the ones you least expected that had the best capacity for violence…”



“Man screw this, ring the bell so we can end this sucker!”





”You heard the man, partner.”


Robin’s head jerks back as though she’d be punched, then again, then again and again until she gets driven into a corner, hands up in a guard that would disgust a rookie boxer. Lando looks over at this scene, clearly confused before turning back into a dropkick from Deadtective! The crowd is amazed (or at the very least amused) as Robin wrestles someone invisible while Deadtective brawls with Orlando. Soon enough Deadtective and Orlando spill out of the ring and give Robin and Deadtective’s mysterious partner the floor as Robin resorts to cheap tricks to overpower her invisible foe. Eye rakes, back rakes, hair pulls...at least we assume that’s what she’s doing, for all we know she’s raking the back of the head, the other person’s chest, and pulling their ears. Still an attempted flagrant low blow is caught and Robin is soon...uh snapmare’d? Enzugiri’d? Whatever it is makes her tumble from the ring which is soon reoccupied by Deadtective and Lando.


”Rampage was the biggest thug I’d faced so far but Ladno wasn’t that distant a second, to beat him I’d have to be quick, cunning, and-”



“Not monologue your every move you weirdo!”


Lando smashes Deadtective with a lariat that knocks him directly out of his monologue. Blasting the private eye with power move after power move, Lando shows while he’s the premier muscle in POW-2. However, he doesn’t notice Robin get her head banged off a ringpost outside as he hefts Deadtective up for a powerbomb only to suddenly get taken off his feet by a spectral chop block that leaves Deadtective to land on his chest for a nearfall! Deadtective goes to stand but finds himself dragged from the ring by a recovered Robin who beats on him with all her might as Lando takes a knee in the ring. Lando immediately starts taking punches from the invisible fighter again and again before lashing out and goozling them, standing to his full height he goes for a chokeslam only to lose his grip and get shoved into the ropes, stumbling back into a huricanrana for another nearfall.


Momentum on their side the phantom wrestler goes to haul Lando up again but eats a harsh headbutt to the...well the general size of Lando says gut is the most likely location. Lando hoists his foe up on his shoulders and locks in a torture rack which referee Shinji Kato has a...difficult time telling if they tap or not. Frankly the logistics of an invisible wrestler is a complicated thing and-oh ok, they clearly broke out if Lando’s stumbling is any indication!


Meanwhile on the outside Deadtective gets his fedora crammed over his head and bludgeoned roughly by Robin Banks. With Kato distracted trying to make heads or tails of what’s happening in the ring, Robin uses this opportunity to grab a chair from ringside and charge with it at the debilitated Deadtective-




Deadtective bends over to paw at his fedora just in time for the first swing to strike the ringpost! Robin growls and raises it over her head-




Deadtective stumbles away and the second hits the guardrail. Shrieking in frustration Robin charges at Deadtective…


And gets back bodydropped through the announce table! Schism leaps out of the way just in time to avoid a collision with the flying gangster! Deadtective takes time to catch his breath…


”That was one hoodlum down, but my partner needed help, that much was certain. They’d had the two scoundrels jumping at ghosts so far but they couldn’t stand up to a brawl with the big man for long...perhaps it was time I gave Lando and Robin what they wanted…”


As Deadtective staggers to one of the cornerposts, Lando gets the better of a punch exchange with the mysterious invisible partner and shoves him into a corner, signalling for a big splash when-



“Hey Lando! You want this car?”


Lando’s head jerks to Deadtective and glares...then realizes where the private eye is standing.



“Then you can have it!”


Deadtective slams a fist into the invisible winch they used to hoist the invisible car up above the ring and Lando immediately crashes to the mat, struggling and writhing under the invisible weight of that clown car!


”We had to act fast, Lando was clearly able to lift that car from all the time he’d made his escape with Robin!”


Doing just that, Deadtective climbs into the ring and up onto the top rope. He nods across the corner where his partner had been shoved to and we see the first ever one man double elbow drop through an invisible car onto Big Lando! Deadtective (and presumably the partner) cover!








Winners via Pinfall: Deadtective and His Partner!


The crowd go wild as Lando peels himself out from under the car and goes to regroup with Robin on the back. The pair of thieves limp off to fight another day as the Squared Circle Circus come down to the ring to hug it out with Deadtective and his Partner (Mime naturally embracing the ghost person). Kayo and Mime inspect the damages to the car but shrug it off, going to raise the hands of the victorious duo, as they do the screen goes grey again.


”We’d done it, Lando and Banks were on the run and their ill gotten gains were back in the hands of the rightful owners. I had a paycheck coming my way that’d handle our rent for months to come, but in the end it wasn’t about the money. It was about justice, it was about standing up for the little guy be he squeaky-nosed or silent. It felt good to close this caper on a high note...but I had a feeling this was only the beginning. There were plenty of nogood scammers and thugs in this city and not even the heroes of POW could keep them at bay. It wouldn’t be long before someone would have another case in store for…





“Wow, what an end to that caper, huh Schism? Schism? Uhm…”


Wesley looks down to find Schism lounging in the shards of broken announce table, hands on his belly and gazing up at the ceiling.



“You...comfy down there?”



“Within the rubble one finds the greatest clarity. A new perspective among the ashes. Slight discomfort in the lower back region.”



“Well you do you buddy, I’m gonna enjoy our main event.”



“The spotlights shine bright upon gladiators nonpareil. One shall stand. One shall fall. Please not on me though, that would suck.”




Thom Schultz vs The American Pharaoh


With his other two selves vanquished earlier in the night, the OG Pharaoh (we assume) came into this match with something to prove. Thom Schultz meanwhile seemed to be on a major roll, coming to the ring with the fans on his side once again against the resident regime change specialist, game for some competition. Schultz started the match in firm control of the momentum, flummoxing his opponent at every turn with technical acumen and general ring savviness that had the patriot almost blowing his lid in frustration. Catching Pharaoh in a rather embarrassing leg split hold, Schultz couldn’t help but slip out a crack about Parting the Red White and Blue sea before working the hold, much to Pharaoh’s growing rage.


The fun and games ended however when Pharaoh countered an axehandle from the top rope with (ironically enough) a European Uppercut he shouted was NATO approved after the fact. Taking advantage of Schultz’s slip, Pharaoh tossed him from pillar to post with power moves he’d picked up in his CIA training before driving him to the mat with a powerbomb that Schultz only barely slipped out from in time to beat the count. Not willing to let the veteran slide back into control of the bout, Pharaoh tried to take the bout to the outside where he threatened another powerbomb onto Schism who showed his first bit of true emotion the whole night by begging the agent not to do it. This gave Schultz enough time to fire off some punches to the face of Pharaoh, who threw him back onto his feet on the ring apron! Taking advantage of this, Schultz hit a picture perfect Asai Moonsault that brought things back into his control.


The fans chanting his name, Schultz rolled Pharaoh back into the ring for a two count and began setting up for his patented Superkick. However, Pharaoh had it scouted and caught the leg, spinning him around in a 360 and looking for the Sarcophagus Drop before Schultz shoved him back into the ropes. Pharaoh quickly attempted a Shock and Ra but whiffed as Schultz ducked it, trying to lock arms from behind him for the backslide that turned into a pseudo-test of strength between the two ment until Pharaoh managed to break free and run for the ropes. With Schultz stumbling to regain his footing, Pharaoh managed to catch him full on the chin with the Shock and Ra for what many would consider an upset victory!


Winner via Pinfall: The American Pharaoh



“Incredible! A come from behind victory for the Pharaoh, and clean as a whistle to boot. Fans are not gonna be happy about that one but you gotta admit Schism, on this night Pharaoh beat one of POW’s most seasoned competitors on his own merits!”



“A new star rises among those upon the spangled banner. Is that red glare of liberty, or destruction? Super glad he didn’t powerbomb that guy on me, btw.”



“I’m glad he didn’t either, sir, in any case fans thank you all for watching and goodnigh-”


We cut abruptly from the arena to a view inside a stretch limousine cruising through the countryside of western Illinois. Inside it we see a rather taciturn trio…



“A bit strange for the base of operations for the Night Mob to be located so far out in the stix, is it not?”



“What can I say? Pops has a great affinity for the styx.”


Time Lord:

“Indulge me, why exactly did you put down roots here of all places?”



“Have you ever heard of the concept of Forgottonia?”



“The satiric secession movement from the 20th century?”



“Why yes, dear nerd, how long did you trawl wikipedia to get that little factoid?”



“I plead the fifth.”



“But yes, Forgottonia, a lovely name for this region. A land of rural poverty neglected by both the state and federal government, seems a bit odd no?”


Time Lord:

“...is that a serious question or-?”



“Fair point, but in this case it was by the design of my dear father, the more people who forget about this place the better it becomes for our kind to use it as our Headquarters. use it as a base of operations…”





Reeka catches a look from Time Lord.



“In a morally reprehensible sort of way. Also…what happened to your voice? Your lingo’s gotten a bit less millennial brat, more Edwardian…brat.”


Adelina smirks.



“A concession to father dearest, to him THIS is how the youngsters sound. If I tried talking in my regular manner he wouldn’t understand a single word I said.”


The limo comes to a stop and the door is opened in short order.



“Mistress Dracula, esteemed guests.”



“Thank you, Creepsford.”


Adelina steps out of the car as Reeka and the Time Lord look at one another.



“CreepsFORD? Where’s Creepsley?”



“Creepsley is the butler, Creepsford is the chauffeur, do you have YOUR servants do multiple jobs? How barbaric.”


Shrugging, the scientifically inclined duo make their way out of the car and look up at the spacious gothic mansion that stands before them. Their reverence is broken by a snap of Adelina’s fingers and an ushering forward by Creepsford who stays behind to mind the limo. As they step into the house the entire place seems to creak with every step, a trip up the stairs of the grand foyer lead to an opulent and imperial sitting room adorned with all sorts of spooky paraphernalia from unnerving paintings to taxidermied owls and bats to an ornate coffin framed in moonlight at the far end of the room.






“Yes, mistress.”


Time Lord & Reeka:



Time Lord and Reeka jump as the butler steps out from behind them.



“The time has come, summon father.”



“At once, Mistress.”


Creepsley steps over to an organ in the corner and commences playing Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, slowly the coffin creaks open and at the crescendo a dark figure emerges...illuminated as it rises by the moonlight to reveal:





Count Dracula, the most imposing of all the creatures of the night, the lord of darkness, the king of vampires, patriarch of Familia Nopții.


Wearing a cooking apron emblazoned with the words ‘Kiss the Count’.



“I vish you had phoned ahead, I vas just modeling this outfit for our Fourth of July cookout.”


Adelina facepalms.



“Satan give me strength. Father I had the misfortune of bargaining with these two mortals, they were owed an audience with you for their victory.”



“Ahaaaa I see I see, do you vant me to drain their vital essence from their living bodies? Ve do need a new gardener…and fertilizer.”


Dracula looms over the two eggheads threateningly, Time Lord stands in front of the cowering Reeka protectively.



“No no, they are under my protection, regrettably. Make your proposition, mortals.”


Time Lord:

“Ahem, Count Dracula, I have come to bargain. My colleague and I battle with a dangerous enemy, we seek an artifact within your possession: The Sacrophagus of-“



“Ooh hoo hoo hoo~! Say no more say no more, I know exactly vat you speak of, mortals. Such a peculiar thing to desire…vat are you playing at?”


Time Lord:

“Its mystical properties in conjunction with our science could turn it into a weapon powerful enough to stop our foe and save this timeline from disaster. If left unchecked we could collide with a reality where World War 2 never ended, where the Cuban Missile Crisis plunged us into nuclear disaster, where Ronald Cohen won the presidency!”


Even Dracula shivers at that thought.



“Hmm…very vell, mortal, very vell. Then…to my fee.”



“Wh-what is it your want?”



“My terms are simple…before you set to work upon the sarcophagus, you must release its occupant upon your little combat ring!”


Time Lord:

“Release that-that thing!? But that’s-!”


Dracula looms over them once again.



“Considering you’ve used duplicity against mine progeny to even get here, I believe I am being very very magnanimous. You vill honor this deal or you vill leave vithout vat you came here for. Test my patience further and you vill leave vith even less than you came vith. Am I clear?”


Time Lord opens his mouth but Reeka cuts him off.



“It’s a deal!”


Dracula claps his hands together and laughs.



“Vonderful! Creepington, be a darling and give these gentlemen the Sarcophagus of Pharaoh Slamses XVIII! Adelina, be a dear and stay vith me, I need someone to test my new blood sausage recipe!”


Adelina screws up her face but motions for Time Lord and Dr. Reeka to go, which they do with a third ghoulish servant. Dracula’s face falls from its former smile and he regards his daughter.



“Var are you playing at, daughter. Vhen I sent you with our acquisitions to that pathetic little league I expected you to accomplish your mission in record time, not muck about vith the affairs of mortals.



“The state of the Grand Championship remains a mystery to me, father. If those two succeed it will remove a rival to our plans from the board. Take heart, soon we will have what we need to spread eternal night across the planet.”



“I should hope so, you do not vish to end up like your sisters…”


The two of them flick their eyes towards the taxidermied bats then back to each other.



“But of course you vere always the best among them, I have faith that behind your bark lies the bite of a true Dracula! Now…about those sausages!”


The camera fades out from the mansion of Dracula, dark things are upon the horizon, but for now our heroes have part of their weapon against the forces of evil! What will they unleash upon POW-2? Who will stand tall at the end of Clash of the TRItans!? WHO IS GETTING PRICKED BY THAT THUMBTACK!? All these questions and more shall be answered…next month! Same POW time! Same POW channel!</div>

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I just have to say that I absolutely love reading this! There's just something so wholesome about it, and it isn't just Paragons of Wrestling, but I feel like it has a lot to do with your writing as a whole. I can't wait to see what happens next with the Paragons of Wrestling crew, but rest assured, I am on the edge of my seat. :)
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Before we can continue our tale of Hot Dogs and Deadtectives we must travel to a world far more dreary. One where the villains are far less interesting and far more likely to get what they want. It is a world of grey skies and 9-to-5's where platforms of communication have turned into text-based melees of misinformation and ad hominem attacks...</p><p> </p><p> Yes, we're talking about the reeeeeal world. Specifically Squawker.</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="uLuk0TR.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/uLuk0TR.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53361" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div style="text-align:left;"><div><strong>@AllmanOfficial</strong><p> Of course Paragons of Wrestling couldn't just die, it's a cockroach like that. I am calling on all WRESTLING fans who like WRESTLING with WRESTLERS to boycott this TRASH IMMEDIATELY. Invisible men and vampires have NO PLACE in PRO WRESTLING! #Integrity #BlacklistDeadtective #KillWrestleX</p><p></p></div></div><div></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <img alt="OgyHRwz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/OgyHRwz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53361" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:left;"><p><strong>@RealValleau</strong></p></div><p> When I was growing up in the great state of Montana, I learned that the wrestling is about big men with big muscles using their muscles on other men. Parallelograms of Wrestlings has women fight the men? Invisible and Visible? Not cool, no no no not cool at all. 0/5 Stars, Not Awesomeoness. #ValleauBrand</p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <img alt="OPNnlF4.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/OPNnlF4.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53361" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:left;"><p><strong>@NagataUPJ</strong></p></div><p> [JAPANESE CHARACTER PLUGIN NOT INSTALLED]</p><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Behind the screen of a computer a man watches this all, a wry smile spreading across his face as he opens his email and begins composing a message...</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="RHyPLZm.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/RHyPLZm.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> "Heh heh heh..."</p></div><p></p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>"WELCOME TO THE RESISTANCE, YOUR LIGHT IN THE DARK WORLD OF PRO WRESTLING"</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><img alt="t2vRdwA.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/t2vRdwA.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong> "WITH YOUR HOST: THE SYMBOL!"</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Symbol:</strong></p><p> "Welcome to the show, I'm the Symbol if you're a new listener then no I did not do that to Cesar Kaslow's lawn and yes I did orchestrate all those 'Timothy C***' signs at Mayday Melee 2020, you're welcome. But we're not here to talk about my glory we're here to talk about what makes the wrestling world go round that sweet sweet drama. Recently Shane Allman popped his head out of his ass like Punxsutawney Phil and declared six more centuries of salt when he found out Paragons of Wrestling is back, specifically when a match involving a 'tag team' with an invisible man went viral on squawker. I mean I understand Allman's frustration, what the hell is that invisible guy doing wrestling for POW when he's meant to be in the stands for PWI's shows?"</p><p> </p><p> "But things got a little more interesting when Johnny Valleau joined in on this dogpile saying that he thought it was wrong for POW to put on intergender matches. The favorite son of Budapest, Ohio has a lot of room to talk about tasteless things considering he puts us through Devastators matches week in, week out and has the tungsten steel cajones slot in Kay-f***ing-Pasa as Hunter Wolfe's new tag partner and think nobody would notice. Maybe if that creep made the AWF roster intergender he'd actually start caring about the Starlet's division."</p><p> </p><p> "But enough about all that, this is a platform of love, everyone knows that, so in the interest of giving a little something to the little guy I have in my possession the inside scoop on the eight teams for this year's Clash of the TRItans event so with the permission of a certain Mr. Sanders I'm gonna preview this batsh**tery. Join me, won't you?"</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53361" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TEAM #1: Familia Noptii (Adelina Dracula & Dreamscape)</strong><p> <img alt="Z0q0gic.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Z0q0gic.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="I7oaYPF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/I7oaYPF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="SUklydk.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SUklydk.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> "A standout group since POW's reboot, Adelina clearly has big plans in the future if the fact that we just found out she's literally Count f***ing Dracula's kid didn't tip you off. Dreamscape have a new look and new moves and being former winners of the tournament themselves definitely give this team an edge."</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53361" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TEAM #2: The Party Animals (DJ Swizzlestixx, DISCO Fox, & Kat))</strong><p> <img alt="APGETAw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/APGETAw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="x28D38c.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/x28D38c.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="G5LIPh8.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/G5LIPh8.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> "Consisting of two indy stalwarts and a member of NCW's women's division, the Party Animals have been a pain in Adelina's goth ass since the start of the reboot, it's almost guaranteed the two teams will meet at some point in the tournament so expect fireworks."</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53361" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TEAM #3: The American Pharaohs (American Pharaoh but three times)</strong><p> <img alt="IM9fZsc.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/IM9fZsc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="IM9fZsc.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/IM9fZsc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="IM9fZsc.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/IM9fZsc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> "Another ongoing storyline in POW-2 so far has been this walking middle finger to the CIA ripping different timeline versions of himself to cheat his way to victory. Some people would be convinced this is a joke but the main pharaoh got a clean win over Thom Schultz last event so they clearly see something in him."</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53361" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TEAM #4: Time Lord, Dr. Euan Reeka, & ???</strong><p> <img alt="RUT4ikT.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/RUT4ikT.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="psWL3tE.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/psWL3tE.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0QpX3VX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0QpX3VX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> "Opposing the Pharaohs this whole way through have been The Time Lord and Dr. Euan Reeka who recently made a deal with Count Dracula in order to get a sarcophagus for some kind of plot to defeat the star spangled weirdo but in the process had to take along whoever or whatever was in the sarcophagus as part of the deal. Yeah this place is weird what did you want me to tell you?"</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53361" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TEAM #5: Washington: A True American Success Story (Michael Washington, Johnny Moore, & Xavier Gutierrez)</strong><p> <img alt="dzUQL6s.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/dzUQL6s.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0jNYQLY.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0jNYQLY.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="sfeBy0N.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/sfeBy0N.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> "So yeah not to be confused with the patriot gimmick from last go around here we have a guy PRETENDING to be a patriot in order to hide the fact he's a gross capitalist who hates everyone that isn't as rich as him. Kinda like companies on pride month. Anyway he's got a lot of heat for snapping Earl Ray Travis' fiance's arm and a confrontation is definitely in the cards."</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53361" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TEAM #6: The Dreadcoats (Lord Thimbleby Thunderghast, Private Daniel Modsworthy, & Sgt. Stevens)</strong><p> <img alt="AWhHNjz.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/AWhHNjz.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="D6AnTMN.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/D6AnTMN.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="1EiZtb8.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1EiZtb8.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> "Well can't say I expected a team of honest to god Redcoats to be brought in for this tournament but this is POW so if I had to guess at least one of the American squads is taking these goofballs on. The Sgt. seems familiar but I'm kinda wondering if Modsworthy's bosses know he's here. Maybe they just ain't paying as well in the California Colony, hint hint."</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53361" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TEAM #7: THE INTERSTELLAR KAIJU ARMY (King Kongor, Lobster Warrior, & Yukito w/Martian Queen)</strong><p> <img alt="t7T6wgL.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/t7T6wgL.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0B5Jqf6.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0B5Jqf6.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="rE4dS55.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/rE4dS55.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="QPsMp1N.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QPsMp1N.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> "YEAAAAAH BABY! I knew these freaks were going to show up at some point, it's no secret Sanders and Jerome Vas-er I mean Geoffery C. Westminster have been chummy since the beginning so it's a no brainer we'd be getting some kaiju showing up. Wonder how they're gonna explain giant monsters in a tiny building in Chicago..."</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53361" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TEAM #8: Earl Ray Travis and...somebody!</strong><p> <img alt="KR9oWW5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/KR9oWW5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0QpX3VX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0QpX3VX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="0QpX3VX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/0QpX3VX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> "Going into this I was not expecting this gaping hillbilly to be the source of the most intrigue but here we are. Earl's vowed to bring two friends of his to Clash of the TRItans with the express purpose of making sure Michael Washington doesn't win. So who's it gonna be? I have no idea but I'm sure it'll be worth watching."</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> "And there we have it, a field of no less than 24 of the weirdest bunch of loonies and outcasts on the wrestling circuit today. Shane Allman says stuff like this kills wrestling but lemme make one thing clear: Allman, you've been on top for years now and the business has never been more in the toilet. Maybe stop complaining on Squawker and start trying to figure out WHY stuff like POW and WrestleX has a loyal fanbase while people are flocking away from your homogenized workrate snorefest. Eli Morton can put on all the clinics he likes but you give me the choice between him and Mercury for the umpteenth time or a man in a hot dog suit potentially getting slammed onto a thumbtack and I know what I'm going to watch...doesn't hurt that POW doesn't cost out the ass. That's all for today folks and remember:"</p><p> </p><p> <strong>"YOU CAN'T KILL A SYMBOL!"</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><img alt="i64bjd3.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/i64bjd3.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p><strong>

Paragons of Wrestling 2: The Sequel Presents</strong></p><p><strong>

Clash of the TRItans 2021</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="iWPs0Im.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/iWPs0Im.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Who Will Win The POW Trios Title!?</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Also Featuring:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

First Ever Thumbtack (Singular) Match!</strong></p><p><strong>

El Hot Dog vs Spike Daryl</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Thom Schultz vs Creepsley</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<div style="padding: 5px; border: 2px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #A8D8FF; max-width:50%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


Paragons of Wrestling 2: The Sequel Presents

Clash of the TRItans 2021

Attendance: 66


Oddly enough we start our show in complete darkness, the crowd are murmuring among themselves when a spotlight comes onto our announce desk:






“We’re in for a glorious night to be sure, Johnson, eight teams of three are here to claim the most prestigious trios title north of the border but only one will be able to take it for their own!”



“Let’s get this gravy train rolling with our opening con-”





“-test...what was THAT?”





“Oh drat and blast did I leave that earthquake machine I was working on running?”


The two announcers are jostled again by an unseen force before their spotlight goes out, sputtering back to life we’re greeted to the scene of the ring being filled with...buildings? In the center stands the POW arena and it’s realized what we’re seeing isn’t a miniature but the very city of Chicago! Just as the audience realizes what’s going on,

and the city is suddenly under assault!





Klaxons blare and people scream in terror as the beasts thunder onto the scene, smashing buildings in their way as they attempt to make it towards the POW arena!



“My god, Hazard, we’re under siege! That...that’s the Interstellar Kaiju Army! They were scheduled to be part of the tournament but I thought-”






“That voice, could it be!?”





The Martian Queen, despot of the red planet and leader of the Kaiju Army, brings up the rear of her invasion force, microphone in hand and smirk on her face.



“Pathetic humans, cower before me for I have come not to compete but to conquer! Your foolish leader, Nicholas Sanders agreed to allow my kaiju to join your tournament not knowing our power and now your precious Trios Title Belts shall be mine to display in my trophy cabinet!”



“She’s seriously going to have her minions compete with such a size advantage?!”






“Yes, my queen!”



“Do it!”


King Kongor stomps over towards the POW-2 arena in the ring and lifts his gargantuan foot over it.



“Yes, fools, surrender to me your title belts this instant or be destroyed! THE BUNIONS OF DAMOCLES HANG OVER YOUR HEADS, SURRENDER OR PERISH! OHHHHH HO HO HO HO~!”



“That insensitive, Kongor have no bunions…”



“Now that’s quite enough of that I’d say.”



“Huh? That voice-”






“Don’t interrupt me, scientist!”


A tv on a wheeled cart is scooted out onstage, Queen is taken aback before contorting her face in anger as it turns on to reveal.



“Toodle pip!”





Geoffery C. Westminster, former POW Grand Champion and leader of the Wrestlesaurus X Air Force smiles wide on the screen.



“Ahh, your majesty, pugnacious as your kaiju are pungent per usual!”



“You insolent airman, do you think you can stop me!? I know you remain at your base in New York, you have no power here!”



“Mayhaps, but when our scientists tracked your army’s movements on the radar I had one of my old friends in the train service ship a secret weapon to your opponents...activate Macro-Belt #1!”





“...huh, well howdy do.”


The Kaiju jump back...except Yukito who waves until his fellows yank him back to their side.






“Macro-Belt #2, activate!”





“Cousin Earl I gotta visit more often, ya’ll have the wildest times up here in Chicago.”



“NO, NOT YOU! ANYONE BUT...wait, who are you?”



“Howdy, name’s Kenny Rich, Earl here’s cousin. We’re here to beat up some moneybags yankee with Earl’s fiance’s uncle-”






“Oh crumbs, quickly activate the third belt!”


A voice comes from offscreen.



‘Hol yaself ‘fore ya roll yaself blotha, mah mamaw’s biskits made a bellyajelly that en’t quickleh tamed by no belt!”


Everyone stops and looks down at the POW arena, utter confusion on all their faces. The fans however would recognize that manner of speech anywhere and start buzzing.



“Did...did you recruit your own alien? I KNOW your usual alien doesn’t sound like...THAT!”



“Naw he just talks like one.”



“Even by our standards.”





“HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWEE! Lemmetellyanow that there magicky belt made me so biiiiig Missy’s mamajamma gon’ have me eatin’ no nothin’ but fruigetables ‘til the cows come home, know what’m sayin’ I know ya do boys!”


The crowd pops huge, the lovable tub of blubber known as Fargo Korben is here!



“Here, huge, and nobody’s stooge, mah blotha!”



“Oh no not another fourth wall breaker!”



“So’s if my F-Ray binocueyes do not deceeeeive me, we gots ta be puttin’ a hurt on a seafood special, a big’ole chimpanzini-”



“Kongor gorilla! Also alien! Alien Gorilla be Kongor!”



“-and a big fuzzy wuzzy dinosaurus!”



“...yes? It’ll help save the city!”



“Also if we don’t we don’t get to beat up that feller who broke Missy’s arm.”



“Oh ho ho ho ho~!”






“What we waitin’ for, blothas, let’s show these kaijujubes how southern boys do that sweet sweet bammalamma grapstling!”


Backed up by his cousin and uncle-in-law, Earl gladly leaps into the frey and the battle is on!



“Remember three minutes ago when the Kaiju were the weirdest thing we’d seen?”





The Foggy Mountain Beatdown (Earl Ray Travis, Kenny Rich, & Fargo Korben)


The Interstellar Kaiju Army (King Kongor, Lobster Warrior, & Yukito)


Needless to say this was a match of massive proportions considering…it’s the size of a city but the inclusion of fan-favorite weirdo Korben definitely put the fans on the side of the FMB (along with the threat of annihilation). Notably Westminster was replaced on the big screen with referee Shinji Kato trying to keep up with the action seeing as he wasn’t supplied with a Macro Belt of his own, leading to some rather suspect nearfalls thanks to him having to commandeer a taxi to get to where the pin is happening. An early spot sees King Kongor pick up a rushing Earl and press slam him into a replica of the Cohen Colosseum business building (“We’re Gladiators For Finance!”) which brought the crowd briefly around to his side with ‘Thank you Kongor!’ chants only being cut off when he threatened to splash the POW arena again.


As the fight wears on it becomes clear that the Queen didn’t bring much thought into her team composition as King Kongor quickly tries to claim authority from the front while Lobby just continually tries to eat Earl, Kenny, Kenny’s hat, Fargo, Fargo’s beard, and Yukito before the entire enemy team save the hapless dinosaur from the fate of far too many humans. Having enough of his shenanigans, Kenny produces a rope from his duster and tackles Lobby to hog-tie the crustaceous kaiju and take him out for the time being while Yukito recovers from his near death experience. Kongor haplessly tries to give more orders, breaking down into shouts of ‘HEAR KONGOR AND OBEYYYYY!’ before turning around into the waiting arms of Fargo Korben who delivers one bionic elbow-





-another bionic elbow-





-a big belly bash into the ropes-





-and a big black hole slam on the rebound!






The crowd is on their feet as Fargo backs off and points at the top rope where Earl has climbed and delivers a big Hillbilly Splash! The crowd holds their breath and looks to the tv where Shinji Kato hang-glides down to the scene of the pin and counts the 1 2 3! CHICAGO IS SAVED AND THE FMB IS MOVING TO THE NEXT ROUND!




As the FMB are led away and the lights go down again we join Wesley and Hazard back at the announce desk.



“Phew, that was a close one, huh Hazard?”



“Hold on, Johnson, I’ve got business to attend to. Come on, pick up...pick up...PICK UP YOU USELESS FOO-JIMMY HELLO! Yes it’s the doctor, I need a favor! There’s a massive lobster hog-tied on the southside of town that I need you to go get genetic samples from. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE IN SHEBOYGAN! THEN DRIVE, MAN, DRIVE!”



“Ahem, you realize your favorite wrestler’s on next, right? He’d be very upset to find you on the phone during his match.”



“Oh drat, Jimmy get it done blast you or it’s the piranha tank! I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE! *click*”





The Dreadcoats (Lord Thimbleby Thunderghast, Pvt. Daniel Modsworthy, Sgt. Stevens)


Washington: A True American Success Story (Michael Washington, Johnny Moore, Xavier Guttierez)


From a kaiju invasion to a British one, Lord Thunderghast leads his team of redcoats out from the back with the private following after playing Rule Britannia on a flute (badly), and an oddly familiar man known as Sgt. Stevens following after. Once in the ring his lordship drills his two subordinates ahead of the bout until they’re interrupted by the arrival of the only man that could make a crowd of American cheer for some literal redcoats: Michael Washington. Waving a plus sized American flag with gusto, the most detestable man in POW-2 is greeted with boos as Johnny Moore films his walk to the ring and Xavier Guttierez tries to shout about how booing an American facing a group of Brits constitutes high treason. Ever the officer and gentleman, Lord Thunderghast attempts to shake hands with Michael and gets slapped in the face for his troubles, he promptly removes his white glove and returns the slap with it, Xavier Guttierez immediately trying to call for a DQ via assault with a foreign object. He is overruled.


Initially the redcoats run rampant over their opponents, with Lord Thunderghast directing traffic and Private Modsworthy showing an impressive display of technical acumen as he ties Washington in knots. Moore and Stevens disappear in an apparent brawl at ringside as Xavier tries to intervene declaring that since Washington is a civilian and Modsworthy is an enlisted man the Boston Harbor Crab the former was in constituted a war crime! We once again go to Wrestling Court (Martial) with Judge Shinji Kato presi-hang on a minute Stevens is back in the ring and he hits a big backstabber on Lord Thunderghast! Modsworthy releases to try and intervene but eats a superkick from a returning Moore, sending him stumbling into a One Percenter (Cross Rhodes) from Washington for a completely dishonorable victory for the True American Success Story.





“I cannot believe this, it’s that stunt double again, he’s gone and won it for Washington!”






“Of course you’re fine with this.”



“Why do you hate your country, Johnson? Washington’s American as Apple Pie.”



“And about as full of artificial crap.”



“You might as well be one of those English commies he just sent packing-”






“Uhhhhh, no I said Cromulent...it’s French, probably.”


American Pharaoh:




“How foolish of me…”


The American Pharaohs make their way to the ring and present a united front against their sworn enemies in Time Lord and Dr. Reeka...who step out onto the stage dragging a large ornate sarcophagus behind them.



“Well uhm, shall we release him?”



“I would first of all like to say this is a heinously bad idea.”



“Agreed but this is a three man contest, he is our third man.”


Time Lord:

“He is a monster, not a man, Doctor.”



“Granted but consider we need to take him out of the thing anyway to do what we want with it.”


American Pharaoh

“Allow me to be the decider here, as I am in all things.”


Reeka and The Time Lord look at each other as Pharaoh looms from behind them and promptly knocks their heads together. Pharaoh inspects the sarcophagus and laughs.



“Not often your own enemies bring tribute to you! Come my fellows, let us seek the treasures within!”


The other two American Pharaohs join their leader around the sarcophagus and go to lift its lid...and immediately get thrown back as the lid is shoved off from inside! As the Pharaohs try and recover they find their new attacker dragging himself out from the sarcophagus…







The bandaged behemoth beats a slow but steady march after the fleeing Pharaohs as Time Lord and Reeka drag themselves back up.


Time Lord:

“Leave it to that guy to bring about his own beating…”



“Well, Genie’s out of the bottle...or I suppose Slamses is out of the Sarcophagus. Should we help him?”


Reeka and Time Lord look to the ring where Slamses is handily using one Pharaoh as a bludgeon on the other two.


Time Lord:

“I say we use our time wisely and work on the device, did you bring your tools?”








The American Pharaohs


Tachyon Team 2000 (Time Lord, Dr. Euan Reeka, & Slamses XVIII)


What was meant to be a trios bout in effect became a 3 on 1 handicap match as Time Lord and Reeka blew off the proceedings to do...something with the newly vacated sarcophagus. Slamses wasn’t complaining however as 1) I don’t think he has the physical capacity to and 2) He seemingly had things well in hand the whole bout. A combination of brute strength and a complete lack of sensation in his reanimated body made the mummy a force to be reckoned with as he mercilessly tore through the patriotic pretenders to his ancient throne (if a quite literally brainless engine of destruction can think in such poetics...or at all). The Pharaohs repeatedly attempt to rally and assault their enemy but Slamses has none of it, tossing them all like lawn darts all around the ring until only a single one remains.


The fans cheering him on, Slamses brings the remaining Pharaoh up onto his shoulders in a torture rack, working him furiously as Shinji checks for any signs of submission from the dominated wrestler. Desperate to save him the other two Pharaohs chop block Slamses onto his back, inadvertently letting the third one get slammed in a pseudo-samoan drop! The trio stomp brutally onto the mummy even as he goes to get up, switching to clubbing blows when he rolls on his back and gets on hands and knees but quickly get thrown off by his sheer brute strength! Each feed into a headbutt from the merciless mummy, two tumbling from the ring and the third stumbling into the ropes, Slamses advances but Shinji tries to get in the way and eats a headbutt of his own! Slamses is an unstoppable beast and goes to yank his remaining foe into a bearhug that the Pharaoh has no choice but to tap out from! The bell dings!


Time Lord:

“Wait a minute...he won!?”



“HE WON!?”









“Yeah that’s right, the Pharaohs win, not you!”


The American Pharaohs slowly recuperate and raise their arms in victory…





At once everyone realizes that TELLING the angry mummy he lost is maybe not the best idea.


Time Lord:



The Pharaohs, Shinji, and the duo of Reeka and Time Lord (carrying the sarcophagus) quickly beat a retreat with Slamses in pursuit!





“What in the world have those two unleashed on POW-2?!”



“Ah the great Slamses XVIII, I’ve heard legends of him. Glad to see he’s still a force to be reckoned with in-y’know-undeath.”



“You KNOW about that monstrosity, Hazard?”



“Well I’m pretty sure Guy Lothario won his first title belt off the guy. HEYOOOOO~!”



“Oh for goodness sake, now how are we gonna continue the tournament?”



“Get the Martian Queen out here and give out decisions by royal decree?”



“I never wanna see that lady again in my life!”



“Well we can possibly just-”






Over the announce desk like an extra in a wild west brawl comes-






“Look out, Hazard, I don’t think our next two teams are going to wait for the Shinji to give Slamses the slip!”





Familia Noptii (Adelina Dracula, Frightening, & Scaremare)


The Party Animals (DJ Swizzlestixx, DISCO Fox, & Kat)


It’s odd to see a match go on for most of its length without officially beginning but with Shinji Kato out to pasture there was little recourse for that, not that either team minded as the sheer chaos of the bout probably wouldn’t have been helped with a ref of even Shinji’s caliber on the scene. Bodies fly everywhere as the grudge between these two teams hits a fever pitch, neither gaining the advantage for long as the momentum swings like a manic pendulum. Noticeable in his absence is Creepsley, who isn’t on hand to give Adelina any of her suspect milkshakes she uses to keep her energy up, something that comes back to bite her as she’s eventually taken out by an assisted Canadian Destroyer via Fox.


Minus their leader Dreamscape are left without a tactical method to their madness and while they certainly put a fight, when Shinji Kato finally ran down to make the match official it was mostly a matter of counting the pin after a big Full Volume from the top rope. The Party Animals celebrate their big win as Adelina shrieks in rage at her two minions, knocked out at the first hurdle after her promise to her father at the last event, surely there will be heck to pay back at the Familia’s mansion…





“A big win after a positively pandemonic bout for the Party Animals!”



“Oof, Adelina’s on the warpath, thank goodness I’m not Creepsley right now, wonder where the little cretin is…”



“Well we’re about to find out because up next is-”









Shinji Kato has stormed up to the announce desk looking positively stressed out of his mind.






“My program here doesn’t say anything about-”





Shinji storms off in a rage and Wesley adjusts his papers.



“Well uhm...best do what the man says, we don’t have any other refs available.”



“Ooh, get me some of those funnel cakes they’re making at concessions, Johnson, I gotta go check and see if Jimmy got me those samples yet…”



“We’ll be right back, folks!”




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