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C-Verse's Trish Stratus?

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Who do you guys think is the CornellVerse equivalent for Trish Stratus? At first, I was thinking Alicia Strong. She has the skills, the marketability, the look like Trish did. But her updated bio in 2020 hints more towards her being the C-Verse's Charlotte Flair. I think a case could also be made for Belle Bryden. 

What do you guys think? 

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Yeah Alicia Strong is second generation wrestler and daughter of an icon so much more Charlotte.

SWF didnt have a womens division so the closest approximate for SWF alum might be Jessie?

But of womens wrestlers i think the closest is Catherine Quine, Canadian womens wrestler, born 1972, 100 star quality, "gets a lot of media attention on the grounds she is incredibly hot", Irrepressible impossible not to like attitude.

Edited by Kamchatka
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I don't think there is one.

To me, Trish Stratus was someone who by all rights should have been 'just another Diva' (fitness model practically picked out of a catalogue who debuted on national TV having never worked the indies) but went above and beyond, learning and improving more than anyone expected, more than she had to, to become an mainstream wrestling icon. 

Most of the top C-Verse women of that era were either second generation talent (Alicia, Victoria Stone) or fought their way up through the indies and were extremely talented years before they hit mainsteam TV (Quine, Bryden, J-Ro). 

Maybe Alicia is the closest. Headlined the division on mainstream TV, and worked way harder than she needed to.

It's possible the C-Verse doesn't have an equivalent because the C-Verse never had a era like the bra & panties Diva era in a national promotion for a Trish to rise out of. 


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Its hard. Trish was around in the 90s. She started when women were eye candy and proved that she could go in a company that for most of her tenure treated women's wrestling like crap. None of the major comapnies in the Cverse had women's wrestling until USPW got into the big three and had a women's division. So comparing a woman who went through Trish went through and grew how Trish grew in a hostile enviornment is near impossible,

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5 hours ago, Irish Wolf said:

Its hard. Trish was around in the 90s. She started when women were eye candy and proved that she could go in a company that for most of her tenure treated women's wrestling like crap. None of the major comapnies in the Cverse had women's wrestling until USPW got into the big three and had a women's division. So comparing a woman who went through Trish went through and grew how Trish grew in a hostile enviornment is near impossible,

She debuted in 2000 actually. 🤓

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/8/2022 at 6:55 PM, Matt_Black said:

I'd say the closest analog, background wise, would be Alexis Lee Littlefeather.

That was my thought too, in terms of eye candy-turned good worker


Although Zoe Ammis always reminds me of Trish. Started off as sex appeal (I assume with the gimmick agent 69) but eventually became a more serious wrestler and then developed into a top worker.


Both Canadian too

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/29/2022 at 2:07 PM, lavelleuk said:

That was my thought too, in terms of eye candy-turned good worker


Although Zoe Ammis always reminds me of Trish. Started off as sex appeal (I assume with the gimmick agent 69) but eventually became a more serious wrestler and then developed into a top worker.


Both Canadian too

She's the only female to graduate out of the DeColt Dojo. She's basically been the daughter George never had. Which is nothing like the Trish story of "Trashy blonde pin-up hired to be a valet and then be a homewrecker for Vince McMahon, takes out fake breasts and goes brunette after her run to become a generational-level worker."

Mostly because, she still hasn't gotten over on a mainstream level, or worked for a big company at all. She is also an actual wrestler. In order for this comparison to work you've gotta literally go from zero to hero. 

Closest is probably Belle Bryden. But even as Wanda The Dish, she won the Femme 5 times and was an indie darling when she got her call. None of the BoSC girls made it, which is surprising, I was expecting Dharma Gregg to wind-up a big star and be this kind of character. But nope. 

Adam is too uptight to actually put over a "trash bag ho." 

Edited by Makhai
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8 hours ago, Makhai said:

She's the only female to graduate out of the DeColt Dojo. She's basically been the daughter George never had. Which is nothing like the Trish story of "Trashy blonde pin-up hired to be a valet and then be a homewrecker for Vince McMahon, takes out fake breasts and goes brunette after her run to become a generational-level worker."

Mostly because, she still hasn't gotten over on a mainstream level, or worked for a big company at all. She is also an actual wrestler. In order for this comparison to work you've gotta literally go from zero to hero. 

Closest is probably Belle Bryden. But even as Wanda The Dish, she won the Femme 5 times and was an indie darling when she got her call. None of the BoSC girls made it, which is surprising, I was expecting Dharma Gregg to wind-up a big star and be this kind of character. But nope. 

Adam is too uptight to actually put over a "trash bag ho." 

Oh yeah, I understand she is 100% not Trish...unless Trish secretly trained at the Hart Dungeon? lol. It's just for some reason it has always been how I've seen her, maybe it's the Blonde render tbh!

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19 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Miss American Pie DID train with BoSC, so that's kinda close. I get the feeling USPW hired her for her looks and gimmicks, and it was just dumb luck on their part that she's actually a decent worker too.

Miss American Pie trained with AAA. She was specifically one of the workers hired by BSC to teach the other girls.

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I'd make the case Joanna Silver is the comparison. Now is she as good as Stratus? No, she isn't there yet. However, I do believe we'll probably see her at the top of some big company eventually. As she continually improves her wrestling and has a great amount of charisma to go along with her improving skills.

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10 hours ago, Dorian said:

I'd make the case Joanna Silver is the comparison. Now is she as good as Stratus? No, she isn't there yet. However, I do believe we'll probably see her at the top of some big company eventually. As she continually improves her wrestling and has a great amount of charisma to go along with her improving skills.


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