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NWF: Disrupting The Market

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17 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Great show with that unexpected (at least for me) best match in NWF history in the Main Event. I think if there were any doubts Landon Mallory is ready to defy Silva, the doubts are over. I think I've said before that I'd like Silva to retain when they meet for the first time, but it's just because I fear giving the belt to Mallory too early. Anyway, I think the NWF Heavyweight scene is finally becoming the center of attraction that I feel lost after Silva's first defence.

The hottest storyline for me is Bret's though. Chuck Frisby doing his things and a Cruiserweight Title Match on the horizon. Welsh Dragon is hot right now, he defeated Frisby, he faced Edison Silva, he teamed up with Red Dragon... I think Welsh Dragon has become one of your top guys.

Big Mac is a great addition and I can see him climbing in the ranks very quickly, maybe even faster than Landon Mallory. I think he is the perfect man to face Dangermouth and beat him.

The tag team division is working well and I see many viable challengers, but there's a match I'd like to see and that is Future X vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness.

Thanks @newbiezness. I was pleasantly surprised with the Mallory/Riddick rating. It was definitely a dress rehearsal of sorts for Mallory, as his first time Main Eventing a TV show - and he definitely stood up. I'm excited to see what he can do with Edison Silva as they are likely my two best in-ring guys right now.

I'm really glad people like my stupid Bret going for the cruiserweight title story. Welsh Dragon has done a great job as Cruiserweight champion for sure, I just wish he could talk better! 

I see Big Mac as the Heel parallel to Landon Mallory. Both guys are mega talented, have been successful elsewhere, but would be NWF "home-grown" projects if I can push them up the card (and 21CW leave them alone).

I'm not going to say too much, but I am very glad you said that about the tag division :)

14 hours ago, 619 said:

Interesting role for Big Mac as the network's enforcer. Like @newbiezness, I was surprised you got your best match rating yet just on account of what you said previously about Landon Mallory's perception rising quite slowly, but it suggests you've timed his ascent to facing Edison Silva really well. I'm still really enjoying everything the Heartbreaks, Frisby and Dangermouth are up to. Is Joey Beauchamp still on the roster and just being rested or has The Breeze passed through NWF now?

Thanks @619. Mallory moving from Unimportant to Recognisable seems to have really helped his in ring scores, although that may just be pop growth.

Joey Beauchamp is still with the NWF, he's just been off licking his wounds (in reality I'm bleeding money and trying to rotate through the guys I'm paying travel expenses on - if you ignore signing Big Mac from Australia :P). The Breeze will be back next show.

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On 12/3/2023 at 3:15 AM, John Lions said:

Landon Mallory vs Riddick Jordan
Riddick gets a chance to steal the show in a singles match against your fastest rising babyface

You called it @John Lions! Mallory and Jordan have both gone up in my estimations after absolutely stealing the show in the Main Event!

On 12/2/2023 at 6:30 PM, azzak said:

Taypen & Buzzard vs State Of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)
I do like the concept of State Of Mind, and I know I'm actually giving away a point here, but from my POV Taypen & Buzzard need this win to avoid being cemented as jobbers in the tag team division. I think State Of Mind can look strong in defeat - though I'm actually more sure they win this, I'm going heart over head on this one.

There was a lot of love for State of Mind in the predictions. I had originally just brought them in as a jobber heel team, but given that people seem to like the concept I might have to see if I can do something more with them down the line.


Thank you to everyone who predicted, commented and reacted on the latest episode of National Wrestling! People seem to be really enjoying the Bret/Chuck story, which is one of my sillier ideas so I'm glad it's connected! 


Prediction Results after National Wrestling Episode #13

@azzak 5/5

@John Lions 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@newbiezness 4/5

@kanegan 4/5

@smw88 3/5


Combined Prediction Results

@KyTeran 10/10

@azzak 9/10

@John Lions 9/10

@smw88 8/10

@newbiezness 7/10

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@kanegan 4/5


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 14

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Petey Barnes vs Brilliant White

Red Dragon vs Ultra Violence

Ian Vincible vs Byron

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Petey Barnes vs Brilliant White

I hope that at least one member of State Of Mind wins or they'll look too weak.

Red Dragon vs Ultra Violence

Red Dragon needs this win.

Ian Vincible vs Byron

Byron thinks he still has something left in the tank so...

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

Frisby's will crush Grace Of Fire. I hope this doesn't mean that we will never get to see The Dragons together.

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Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 14

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Petey Barnes vs Brilliant White

Red Dragon vs Ultra Violence

Ian Vincible vs Byron

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

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Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Petey Barnes vs Brilliant White

Red Dragon vs Ultra Violence

Ian Vincible vs Byron

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

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Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Black Country Boys are still young they can lose to the more experienced team.

Petey Barnes vs Brilliant White

At least one member of State of Mind needs a win, and White has an easier opponent than Ultra Violence.

Red Dragon vs Ultra Violence

Red Dragon regains momentum and I don't think Ultra Violence beats Red Dragon at this point.

Ian Vincible vs Byron

Ian is not going to have a good time for two shows in a row.

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

On one hand Welsh Dragon could use to win after losing to Nate, but on the other hand Bali can take the pin and give the Frisby Foundation some momentum, so I'll give this to Frisby's boys.

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Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

JK Lee and Paddy are so good, especially O'Hearne, so I can't wait to see them move up the card a bit more and start getting some meaty storylines to work with.

Petey Barnes vs Brilliant White

Petey Barnes is a great vet who just needs some more popularity and Brilliant White is a jobber IMO

Red Dragon vs Ultra Violence

Could copy/paste my commentary for the previous match for this one

Ian Vincible vs Byron

Could also copy/paste my commentary for the previous two matches for this one

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

Bali seems like he's here to be the fall guy - my prediction would be very different if it were the Dragons teaming up together. I think Dwayne's tension with Chuck will be at a slow boil, especially since I think they will keep winning together

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #15

Wednesday W4 January 2021


Show Rating: 52


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to NWF National Wrestling, streaming exclusively on demand at WrestleWorld GB. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie, we are one week removed from the best match in NWF history and the question on everyone’s lips is ‘will Landon Mallory get his shot at Edison Silva’s title’ at London Calling?”

Jackie Goldstein: “”The Springbok” is on an eleven match winning streak, and after last weeks Main Event it just feels like it is his time to step up and challenge for the gold!”

Melanie Florence: “But does Mo Adebola have any tricks up his sleeve to protect his client?”



Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) VS JK Lee & Padraig O’Hearne

This match showcased two exciting young teams that could well be the future of the NWF tag team division. Despite being the smallest man in this contest, JK Lee was the man who took control of proceedings early on. His intensity overwhelmed his larger opponents, and “The Bulldog” controlled things on the ground.

Vedmore and Robson had a few brief flurrys of bright offence, but once Padraig O’Hearne hit the ring he played to his strengths and turned the match into a brawl – regaining control of proceedings for his team. He tagged JK Lee back into the match, and “The Bulldog” was able to lock in his Crossface and Mickey Robson had no choice but to tap out.

Rating: 45


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Leo Price was talking animatedly backstage with his new protégé Dangermouth. The former NWF commissioner and the grime star looked in good spirits, until their conversation was interrupted by Byron.


Byron (to Price): “You know for someone who claims to be ‘all in’, I can’t help but notice your little protégé hasn’t done a lot of wrestling over the past few weeks…”

Dangermouth (smiling): “You wanna talk about me, you can talk to me yeah? And for man who considers man like me beneath him, I keep finding your nose in my business.”

Byron: “You need to learn some respect. Now, keep quiet while the grown-ups are talking.”

Dangermouth (getting in Byron’s face): “You know what, you’re right about one thing - I don’t respect you. I don’t care what you did 15 years ago. Now I watch you breaking every rule in the book just to get through your matches. I would respect the hustle, but you’re facing men half your age and losing as much as you win. You’re done, just accept that it’s time to hang up the boots old man.”

Byron: “I’m not going anywhere…”

There were a tense few moments where it looked like the two men may come to blows, but cooler heads prevailed as Leo Price stepped in to lead his young charge away.

Rating: 51



“The X Factor” Petey Barnes VS Brilliant White

This high flying encounter was Petey Barnes’ debut singles match in the NWF. As always, Brilliant White entertained with his daredevil style as his willingness to use his own body as a weapon was on full display. The momentum went back and forth, until Brilliant White went for one risk too many and crashed and burned – allowing Petey Barnes to land an X-Press Superkick for the win.

Rating: 57


Landon Mallory got a great reaction as the South African’s music blared over the speakers. Last weeks Main Event saw “The Sprinbok” defeat “Unstoppable” Riddick Jordan in what most observers are calling the best match in NWF history.


Landon Mallory: “Last week I issued an open challenge to anyone in the NWF locker room. A challenge that was accepted by “Unstoppable” Riddick Jordan, and I think it’s fair to say we tore the house down…”

The South African paused as the crowd cheered in agreement.

Landon Mallory: “So with that in mind, I have just one question for Edison Silva and his ‘legal representative’: How was that for “quality”?”

The crowd cheered the South African, but the cheers quickly turned to boos as the NWF British Heavyweight Champion’s music filled the arena and Edison Silva walked out with his legal representative, Mo Adebola.

MoAdebola.jpg.fa35962bd2bca3a73830a80387e89530.jpg EdisonSilva.jpg.e15874aba234b684e5f6c1ed456f6b5e.jpg

Mo Adebola: “Yes, yes, yes, we all saw your little match last week… but let me ask you a question Landon: Do you really think one match is enough to impress the most dominant man in this company?”

Adebola had to pause as boos filled the arena. Adebola and Silva began walking down towards the ring as the legal representative continued.

Mo Adebola: “No… one match won’t be enough to impress us Landon. But don’t worry, because you’ll have another chance to impress… right now!”


Boos filled the arena again as “Big Mac” Nathan McKenzie’s music blared over the speakers, and the big Australian joined Edison Silva at ringside. Both men slid into the ring, and began circling around Landon Mallory. The South African looked in real trouble, until Nate Manchester came flying out from the back to even the odds and cleared the ring. Silva and Big Mac regrouped outside the ring, seemingly uninterested in engaging in a fair fight. Mo Adebola led his charges to the back, as the fan favourites celebrated in the ring.

Rating: 53



Red Dragon VS Ultra Violence

This was the first time we had seen Red Dragon since coming up short against Edison Silva at Out With The Old. Ultra Violence seemed slightly limited in this non-hardcore environment, and the 21st Century World Champion was able to control the pace of the match and hit the Moonsault for a routine victory.

Rating: 34



Next up we are introduced to Mark Moore, the owner and operator of Moore’s Sports Agency. Moore explained that business had been tough in the UK wrestling scene since the demise of ROF & MOSC, but the rise of the NWF was now providing new opportunities for both wrestlers and sports agents like himself. With that in mind, Mark Moore introduced us to the first signing to Moore’s Sport’s Agency…


“The Prodigy” Darin Flynn

Flynn gets a good reaction from the crowd, as the former 21CW wrestler was introduced as one of the brightest prospects in British wrestling. The 22-year-old is one of the star graduates of the famous National Wrestling School. Moore explains that he brought “The Prodigy” to NWF to maximise his undoubted talent and to allow the youngster to show what he can do right at the top of the card…


This statement prompted the return of an angry looking Joey Beauchamp, who hadn’t been seen since his loss to Nate Manchester at  Out With The Old.

Joey Beauchamp: “Well, well, well… what do we have here? Another failure who couldn’t live up to their own hype, who thinks they can walk in and go straight to the front of the line? Well I’m not having it! You want a spot at the front of the line, you’ll have to go through me!”

Mark Moore explained to Beauchamp that Darin Flynn’s NWF in-ring debut was already booked in for next week, but that his client would be happy to face “The Breeze” at London Calling – an offer Beauchamp was more than happy to accept.

Rating: 41


MoAdebola.jpg.fa35962bd2bca3a73830a80387e89530.jpg EdisonSilva.jpg.e15874aba234b684e5f6c1ed456f6b5e.jpg

We cut backstage to find Mo Aebola walking down the hallway with his client Edison Silva, the pair were deep in conversation until Rachel Dearheart ran into shot with microphone in hand.

Rachel Dearheart: “Hi Mo, could I get your initial reaction on the announcement that the NWF board have officially announced that Landon Mallory will face your client, Edison Silva, for the NWF British Heavyweight Championship at London Calling?”

Mo Adebola, who looked slightly caught off guard by the news, replied testily through gritted teeth: “No comment.”

Rachel Dearheart (moving her microphone towards Edison Silva): “Maybe a word from the champion then?

Mo Adebola snatched the microphone back and looked furious as he responded: “My only statement at this time is to repeat what I said last week – my client is the most talented, most dominant and most impressive man on this roster! Now if you will excuse me I have business to take care of.”

The pair had walked to the front door of NWF executive Frank Finkleton’s office. The lawyer opened the door, letting Edison Silva in, before slamming the door in the face of Rachel Dearheart and the viewer.

Rating: 60



Ian Vincible VS Byron

After his interaction with Dangermouth earlier in the night, Byron was in a foul mood for this one. The former ten time World Champion made short work of Ian Vincible here, putting his fellow veteran away with an Upper Class (European Uppercut). Byron refused to have his hand raised, and instead yelled at the crowd that they needed to start showing him the respect he deserved!

Rating: 37



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We cut away to a pre-recorded segment with Bret Heartbreak, Chuck Frisby and Holly Leves in a kitchenette. Chuck Frisby was throwing ingredients into a blender, while animatedly explaining that while the old staples of consistent diet and exercise was more than enough to solve England’s obesity epidemic – he had something special planned for Bret’s requirements.

Chuck Frisby: “It’s a master cleanse! We’re going to detox your entire body over the next week, then you’ll have a few days to feed yourself back up to regain your strength ahead of your title match!”

Holly Leves rolled her eyes as the personal trainer threw more ingredients into the blender.

Chuck Frisby: “You’ll start your day with a ‘saltwater flush’, then you’ll have 10-12 cups of this lemonade we’re making to get you through the day…”

Holly Leves (aghast): “You’re saying Bret’s not going to eat any food for an entire week?”

Chuck Frisby: “No solids, but this lemonade’s got loads of great stuff in it. Lemons – obviously – loads of vitamin C and potassium in them. Maple Syrup, for energy, and most importantly – loads of Cayenne Pepper! This stuff boosts your metabolism, increases fat burning and aids digestion. This is the holy grail of spices - the pounds will drop right off!”

Holly Leves shakes her head as if she can’t believe what she’s hearing.

Holly Leves: “Right, I’ve had enough of this. Bret, you’re not fasting for a week just before a championship match – it’s madness. Let’s leave this fraudster to it.”

Chuck Frisby: “Let me remind you that this ‘fraudster’ was the man who secured your Cruiserweight title shot in the first place… and I’ve just confirmed that two of my other clients, Stuart Wilson – the Olympian I remind you – and Dwayne Dark are now the number one contenders for the NWF British Tag Team Titles.”

Frisby looked agitated as he placed the blended lemonade down in front of Bret Heartbreak.

Chuck Frisby: “So if you want to impress daddy by winning yourself a title, I suggest you drink up…”

Bret Heartbreak hesitated and looked from Frisby to Holly Leves, who shook her head. Bret took a deep breath and looked apologetically at Leves, before picking up the lemonade mixture and downing it. Bret Heartbreak screwed up his face at the taste, as Holly Leves stormed out of the kitchen.

Bret is now all in, but with less than two weeks to go – the race for him to make weight is on!

Rating: 42



Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) VS Frisby’s Foundation Of Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

We cut back live to find a much more cheerful Chuck Frisby leading the new number one contenders for the NWF British Tag Team Titles to the ring. Despite their newly confirmed number one contendership, there was still visible tension between Stuart Wilson and Dwayne Dark as both men looked to one up each other throughout the match.

This nearly cost the team, as Dwayne Dark looked to show off his power by overhead pressing Welsh Dragon ten times – with Chuck Frisby counting every rep. Unfortunately for Dark, when he looked to drop Welsh Dragon to the mat with a Gorilla Press Slam, the Cruiserweight champion was able to land on his feet. Unaware of this fact, Dark mouthed off at Wilson before turning into an unexpected Dragon Kick that rattled the ripped middleweight.

With Dark down, Welsh Dragon made the tag to Bali Daljit. Daljit headed straight for the top rope and delivered his incredible Shooting Star Press, a move he executes with rare grace. The crowd were on their feet and counted along with Roy Worrall 1… 2… NO! Stuart Wilson broke up the pin just before the three count. Wilson pushed Daljit off of Dark, before roughly dragging his partner back towards their corner. With Dark still down from the Shooting Star Press, Wilson tagged himself into the match.


Welsh Dragon looked to get involved, but had his feet pulled from under him on the apron by Bret Heartbreak who had appeared through the crowd. With Welsh Dragon on the floor, a depleted Daljit could do nothing to prevent the Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam) to give the victory to the Frisby Foundation for Fitness!

Rating: 50


Jackie Goldstein: “Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness pick up the win, but there’s some clear issues between Chuck Frisby’s clients…”

Melanie Florence: “Frisby has a on his plate right now. Can he get Bret Heartbreak under the weight limit ahead of his potential title match at London Calling? And can Stuart Wilson and Dwayne Dark co-exist against Future X?”

Jackie Goldstein: “It sounds like a lot to do with only ten days left until London Calling! Can Chuck pull it off? Join us next week to find out!”

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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I didn't expect Big Mac to appear in the main event scene so quick. We'll see if he can live up to the expectations in that high profile 2vs2 match that you teased.

I'm happy that Frisby's Foundation For Fitness are #1 contenders. Maybe a loss in the title match could break the faction, but as @John Lions said they are winning and they'll probably keep winning. They are stronger together and they still have a lot of stories to tell. Break the faction would be a risky move, but maybe you think Stuart Wilson and Dwayne Dark have benefited enough and you want to use Chuck to put over someone else idk.

I like Beauchamp's role, I see him as a gatekeeper in NWF.  Mark Moore seems like one of those characters that you'll make special and I think that sports agency thing is another good starting point for many potential stories.

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11 hours ago, newbiezness said:

I didn't expect Big Mac to appear in the main event scene so quick. We'll see if he can live up to the expectations in that high profile 2vs2 match that you teased.

I'm happy that Frisby's Foundation For Fitness are #1 contenders. Maybe a loss in the title match could break the faction, but as @John Lions said they are winning and they'll probably keep winning. They are stronger together and they still have a lot of stories to tell. Break the faction would be a risky move, but maybe you think Stuart Wilson and Dwayne Dark have benefited enough and you want to use Chuck to put over someone else idk.

I like Beauchamp's role, I see him as a gatekeeper in NWF.  Mark Moore seems like one of those characters that you'll make special and I think that sports agency thing is another good starting point for many potential stories.

I have high hopes for Big Mac, so I'm throwing him in at the deep end to see if he can swim. Long term I'm hoping he can provide another top of the card Heel who can go in the ring as well as on the mic - as Edison Silva is currently the only guy in that role.

Chuck has certainly got a lot on his plate going into London Calling. The Bret Heartbreak storyline has been fun, but I also wanted to make sure Wilson and Dark were kept centre stage and not lost in the shuffle while their trainer worked with a new client. Can Frisby keep all the plates spinning, or has he taken on too much? I guess we'll find out next week :)

Beauchamp and Byron both seem to have fallen into the grumpy veteran role, but with slightly different angles on it. Neither has quite lived up to my expectations in the ring, but at least Beauchamp seems like he can be dragged to a decent match by my top guys - so I think he can do a good job in the gatekeeper role. At least for now.

Mark Moore is an interesting one. I had no plans to sign him (I'll be honest I didn't know he existed) until Darin Flynn became available. I'm trying not to just sign every 21CW release, but Flynn is just so good in the ring I couldn't say no! I went hunting for a manager for Flynn, and came across Moore and a few things clicked together quite quickly. I'm excited to get started with both Flynn and Moore's Sports Agency.

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Every Frisby Foundation and Dangermouth-Byron interaction is so good. I've never played a UK save before but love this roster so much just from how you present them. Mallory-Silva is building up nicely, and feels fresh enough that I think you can get multiple months out of it if you want, especially with Big Mac on the periphery. I'm also intrigued by Leo Price's role going forward: if he'll continue to serve as Dangermouth's mentor (which has plenty of mileage in itself, especially if he ends up crossing Silva and Adebola's paths again) or if he returns to a position with oversight of the full roster. This episode instantly made Darin Flynn seem like a big deal with a manager, TV debut and first big match already lined up, and also created plenty of intrigue around your upcoming tag and cruiserweight challengers.

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23 minutes ago, 619 said:

Every Frisby Foundation and Dangermouth-Byron interaction is so good. I've never played a UK save before but love this roster so much just from how you present them. Mallory-Silva is building up nicely, and feels fresh enough that I think you can get multiple months out of it if you want, especially with Big Mac on the periphery. I'm also intrigued by Leo Price's role going forward: if he'll continue to serve as Dangermouth's mentor (which has plenty of mileage in itself, especially if he ends up crossing Silva and Adebola's paths again) or if he returns to a position with oversight of the full roster. This episode instantly made Darin Flynn seem like a big deal with a manager, TV debut and first big match already lined up, and also created plenty of intrigue around your upcoming tag and cruiserweight challengers.

Thanks @619! I had only run a short lived RTG game in the UK prior to this save, so my presentation of some characters may be off. I've enjoyed working with "blank slates" that I haven't used previously and using the bios/job history to help to flesh out the character in my mind.

Leo Price is an interesting one, I initially had plans for him to build his own little army of future prospects to build up to take on Silva/Adebola. Him taking on Dangermouth as a protege backstage shifted those plans, but it's still something I could go back to in time. For now 'The Network' seem to be running the show, so it could be tough for Price to work his way back into a commissioner role.

I'm glad Flynn came across as a big deal. His bio indicates he's meant to be a future star for 21CW, given his match with Cornell and his nickname, so I see his signing as a bit of a coup for the NWF in universe! I would have loved to have a longer build into the Beauchamp match, but he was released from his contract the day after the previous episode of National Wrestling. I think the motivations are pretty clear for the match though, so a longer build isn't necessarily needed.

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On 12/5/2023 at 7:45 PM, KyTeran said:

Petey Barnes vs Brilliant White

At least one member of State of Mind needs a win, and White has an easier opponent than Ultra Violence.

On 12/5/2023 at 5:43 PM, newbiezness said:

Petey Barnes vs Brilliant White

I hope that at least one member of State Of Mind wins or they'll look too weak.

I guess I should explain this one. When I brought in State Of Mind it was as a jobber team, and I had already booked these shows out in game before I saw that people liked the idea of the team. If I had been booking 'live' with the comments, I would have used them differently - and I plan to bring them back in down the line as a regular team rather than just as jobbers.

On 12/7/2023 at 4:00 AM, John Lions said:

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

Bali seems like he's here to be the fall guy - my prediction would be very different if it were the Dragons teaming up together. I think Dwayne's tension with Chuck will be at a slow boil, especially since I think they will keep winning together

On 12/5/2023 at 7:45 PM, KyTeran said:

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

On one hand Welsh Dragon could use to win after losing to Nate, but on the other hand Bali can take the pin and give the Frisby Foundation some momentum, so I'll give this to Frisby's boys.

On 12/5/2023 at 5:43 PM, newbiezness said:

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

Frisby's will crush Grace Of Fire. I hope this doesn't mean that we will never get to see The Dragons together.

You all seemed to pick that Bali was the fall guy here. I've already said that one of my plans for Red Dragon was a tag team run with Welsh Dragon - finding chemistry between Welsh Dragon & Bali has put this on hold, but doesn't mean it's off the table completely...


Thank you to everyone who predicted, commented and reacted to the latest episode! Sorry it took a little longer to turn around than normal, I was travelling with work last week then had friends over this weekend. Good luck to everyone for predictions on the go home show!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 15

@John Lions 5/5

@newbiezness 4/5

@smw88 4/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@KyTeran 4/5

@azzak 4/5


Combined Prediction Results

@John Lions 14/5

@KyTeran 14/15

@azzak 13/15

@smw88 12/15

@newbiezness 11/15

@Wrestling Machine 8/10

@kanegan 4/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 16

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Padraig O'Hearne

Eric Future vs Stuart Wilson w/ Chuck Frisby

Petey Barnes vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Dangermouth vs Ultra Violence

Landon Mallory & Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie & Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola

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Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Padraig O'Hearne

Eric Future vs Stuart Wilson w/ Chuck Frisby

Petey Barnes vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Dangermouth vs Ultra Violence

Landon Mallory & Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie & Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola

I'm going to take the risk, I assume Big Mac has the lowest popularity in this match, there's a small chance that he take the pin

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Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Padraig O'Hearne

Padraig loses to help establish Darin Flynn and the new Moore's Sports Agency.

Eric Future vs Stuart Wilson w/ Chuck Frisby

Petey Barnes vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Commenting on the above two matches, considering the tension occurring with Dwayne, I can see him losing and Stuart winning leading to more tension for Frisby's Foundation for Fitness.

Dangermouth vs Ultra Violence

Ultra Violence remains a jobber for now.

Landon Mallory & Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie & Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola

I still remember Nate having to get a dq win against Welsh Dragon because he refused a draw.  While I can see Nate losing to Edison, I don't know about Nathan.  My theory is that either Landon gets a pin on the champ or the match ends in either a count out or disqualification.

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Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Padraig O'Hearne

Eric Future vs Stuart Wilson w/ Chuck Frisby

Petey Barnes vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Dangermouth vs Ultra Violence

Landon Mallory & Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie & Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola I mean I don't see BigMac and Silva losing their first tag match together, maybe with Nate taking the pin

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #16

Wednesday W1 February 2021


Show Rating: 57


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to NWF National Wrestling, we are streaming exclusively on demand at WrestleWorld GB. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie. We are only four days away from ‘London Calling’, and we have a blockbuster Main Event with the NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva teaming with “Big Mac” Nathan McKenzie to face #1 Contender Landon Mallory and Nate Manchester – the man who “Big Mac” attacked on his NWF debut!”

Jackie Goldstein: “On top of that, both members of NWF British Tag Team Champions Future X will be in singles action against their challengers this Sunday – Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness. Which team can grab that all important momentum heading into Sunday?”

Melanie Florence: “But before all of that, we have the NWF in-ring debut of the man they call “The Prodigy”! Darin Flynn debuts against Padraig O’Hearne in our first match of the night!”



“The Prodigy” Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore VS Padraig O’Hearne

This was a fantastic opening contest between two of the brightest young talents in all of British wrestling. Darin Flynn looked great on debut, with “The Prodigy” showcasing the prodigious technical skills that saw him labelled by many as one of the star graduates of the prestigious National School of Wrestling. Padraig O’Hearne was also able to showcase his own impressive technical skillset, in a match that went back and forth and Worked The Crowd with a series of near falls. The match built up to a climax and, after a few earlier failed attempts, Darin Flynn was able to lock in his Prodigal Pressure submission hold in the middle of the ring. Padraig O’Hearne had nowhere to go, and the Irishman had no choice but to tap out.

Rating: 57


Next we joined Frank Finkleton and Mo Adebola in the network executives office. Finkleton looked relaxed sat at his desk, but Adebola was pacing back and forth across the room. The NWF British Heavyweight Champion stood stoically in the background, with his title draped over his shoulder.

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Mo Adebola: “And you’re absolutely sure there’s nothing you can do to change their minds?”

Frank Finkleton: “We’ve been over this Mo. I control the day to day, but what the network board wants the network board gets… and right now they want to see Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva.”

Mo Adebola: “Can you not stand up to them? Tell them it’s a bad idea…”

Frank Finkleton: “It’s more than my jobs worth my man… but that doesn’t mean we can’t make things a little more… interesting for Mr Mallory tonight.”

Mo Adebola: “I’m listening…”

However, before Frank Finkleton can elaborate on his plan the camera fades to black and we head back to ringside for our next match.

Rating: 57



“The Man Of Tomorrow” Eric Future VS “The Celtic Hammer” Stuart Wilson w/ Chuck Frisby

This was the first of two singles matches between the members of Future X and Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness ahead of their NWF British Tag Team Title match on Sunday. Stuart Wilson held a huge size advantage in this one, and Eric Future relied on his speed to duck in and out of range of the big heavyweight. This worked well for the Tag Team Champion in the early exchanges, but eventually he was caught by the former Olympic Bronze medalist and made to pay. Wilson threw his smaller opponent around the ring, and delighted his coach as he hoisted Future above his head and pumped out ten overhead presses before dropping Future to the mat with a Gorilla Press Slam. “The Celtic Hammer” hoisted Future onto his shoulder, looking for the Bronze Bomber – but “The Man Of Tomorrow” was able to slip out of the back and a low dropkick to the back of the knee dropped the former Olympian to one knee.

Looking to push home his momentary advantage, Future looked to bounce off of the ropes – but was tripped by Chuck Frisby at ringside! Future staggered to the middle of the ring where Wilson hoisted him up for a big Body Slam. The crowd booed as “The Celtic Hammer” hoisted Future onto his shoulder for a second time, and this time delivered his Bronze Bomber to secure a victory for the Frisby Foundation for Fitness ahead of the title match at London Calling.

Rating: 49



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We cut to a pre-recorded video from earlier in the week, showing Bret Heartbreak back at the Frisby Fitness Centre. Bret was on a bench press, red faced and desperately trying to push a bar back off his chest. The bar clearly wasn’t moving, but Frisby refused to help Bret lift it despite the pleas from Holly Leves. After a few moments, Dwayne Dark stomped over and lifted the bar up for Bret with one hand. Dark shot Frisby a disapproving look, before stomping away again.

Bret Heartbreak: “I don’t understand, a month ago that weight was barely a warm up set…”

Holly Leves (angrily): “You haven’t eaten anything for a week. It’s no surprise you’ve got weaker!”

Chuck Frisby: “But you’ve lost the weight…”

Holly Leves: “And what good is losing the weight if he can barely lift a feather? How’s he supposed to win a wrestling match in this condition?”

Frisby looked slightly affronted, and took a moment before answering: “Now I know it doesn’t look great now, but it’s all part of the process. We’ve got the weight off, and now we have a week to build that strength back up! So we’ll get Bret back on solid foods and…”

Holly Leves: “Won’t the weight just go back on?”

Chuck Frisby: “No… the magic of the ‘master cleanse’ is that it primes the body for weight loss. Now that Bret’s body is primed, he can go back to eating solid foods and his body will stay in weight loss mode! It’s science!”

Holly Leves didn’t look convinced, but dropped the subject. Bret Hearbreak just looked relieved at the prospect of eating solid food. Frisby took the pair through Bret’s meal plan for the final week before the title match as the camera faded to black. With less than a week until his big title match – the race for Bret to build his strength back is on!

Rating: 38



Dangermouth VS Ultra Violence

This was Dangermouth’s first match since confirming his commitment to focus exclusively wrestling, and the grime star looked a changed man. There was no music performance during his entrance, no entourage and no dramatics as he entered the ring. His performance once the bell rang matched this new focus, as Dangermouth controlled the contest before hitting a series of Flying Shoulder Tackles. With Ultra Violence off balance, Dangermouth was able to hit his Flatliner (Reverse STO) to secure a victory that was sure to impress his new mentor Leo Price.

Rating: 32


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We cut away to a pre-recorded video showing Byron and Joey Beauchamp sat in tweed suits in the living room of a large old manor house. A whisky decanter sits in the middle of an old oak table, and both men hold a tumbler in their right hand.

Joey Beauchamp: “It’s just ridiculous, these kids think they can just walk in and demand title shots left right and centre. Have they not heard of a pecking order? Back when I started you fought and scrapped for every crumb of opportunity you could find. The thought of walking in and demanding a title shot was unheard of… preposterous!”

Byron: “The world’s changed Joey… and not for the better. These kids don’t know the meaning of hard work. It’s all this social media… instant gratification. They haven’t got the attention span to learn the history of the sport, so they have no respect for it.”

Joey Beauchamp: “Come Sunday I’ll teach that punk Flynn a lesson he’ll never forget…”

Byron: “Even if you do, there’ll be another Flynn. Another Darius Moss. It’s an epidemic. No matter how many we knock down, another will appear.”

The two men fell silent, and looked deep in thought as they sipped their whiskey until a smirk appeared on Joey Beauchamp’s face.

Joey Beauchamp: “What if we’ve been looking at this wrong?”

Byron (looking up curiously): “Hmmm?”

Joey Beauchamp: “I think I have an idea, that might help with both of our problems.”

Byron: “Oh? Care to share?”

Joey Beauchamp: “Trust me. I am cool, I am the Breeze!”

With that Beauchamp downed his remaining whiskey and leapt to his feet, leaving Byron alone. The former ten-time world champion sighed, muttering that the whiskey was expensive and meant to be savoured, before continuing to sip his drink as well as the camera cut away.

Rating: 46



Petey Barnes w/ Eric Future VS Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby & Stuart Wilson

Following Chuck Frisby’s interference in his match earlier in the evening, Eric Future decided to join his partner at ringside for this one. In response, Stuart Wilson also joined Dwayne Dark at ringside – although Dark look far less happy about his partner being at ringside than his opponent.

Much like his partner, Petey Barnes had a major size disadvantage here and looked to overcome it by coming out of the gates swinging. Barnes took to the air with Flying Forearms and a Flying Cross Body to rock his opponent. However when Barnes went for a second Flying Cross Body, Dwayne Dark showed off his impressive strength by catching Barnes right out of the air before delivering a huge Body Slam. Hauling Barnes to his feet, Dark lifted his opponent above his head and pumped out an impressive 20 reps – all while staring directly at Stuart Wilson at ringside. Chuck Frisby counted along happily, seemingly oblivious to the tension between his two clients, while Dark delivered the Gorilla Press Slam. Dark didn’t take his eyes off of Wilson, and showed off a muscle pose that accentuated his ripped middleweight physique. Wilson did not take kindly to the taunt and hopped onto the apron to get in Dark’s face, causing Frisby to jump up to act as mediator. After a lot of pleading from Frisby, Wilson stepped down of the apron – but he continued to stare down his tag team partner. Dark grinned down at Wilson, telling him to walk away – before turning back to the match, straight into an X-Press Superkick from Petey Barnes! The tag team champion made the cover, and Dark was only able to kick out just after Roy Worrall made the three count!

Rating: 57


Having tied up the score between the two teams for the evening, Petey Barnes immediately cleared the ring and made his way quickly to the back with partner Eric Future before Frisby and Wilson can get into the ring to ambush them.


Stuart Wilson roughly hauled Dwayne Dark to his feet, but was immediately thrown off by his tag team partner as Dark got back in the Olympic Bronze medalists face. Chuck Frisby tried to step in between the two men, but being a full head shorter than both of his clients he had limited success in pulling them apart. It momentarily looked like the two would come to blows, until Dwayne Dark seemed to notice that Frisby was desperately trying to separate the two of them. Dark shot Wilson a sour look, before stomping to the back alone.

Wilson and Frisby were left alone in the ring, and the question on Jackie Goldstein’s lips was – with tensions running this high, how could the two men co-exist this Sunday?

Rating: 47



Nate Manchester & Landon Mallory VS Nathan McKenzie & Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola

These four men facing off only four days before their respective singles matches created an interesting dynamic. Edison Silva seemed intent on not overexerting himself, and only tagged himself into the match for brief periods. This left “Big Mac” Nathan McKenzie to do the heavy lifting for his team and, luckily for Silva, the size and power of the Australian proved a great leveler to the numbers advantage held by Mallory and Manchester.

This power was particularly evident when “Big Mac” caught Nate Manchester out of the air during an attempted Flying Cross Body, and dumped “The Real Angel Of The North” over the top rope hard onto the floor outside. This drew boos from the crowd, which quickly turned to cheers as McKenzie turned back to the ring right into a Springbok Ram (Gore) from Landon Mallory! The Australian rolled out of the ring to prevent Mallory from following up on the move, and for the first time in the match Edison Silva had no choice but to engage with the South African.

 Silva looked to utilise his MMA striking background, but a fistfight suited Mallory down to the ground and “The Springbok” soon took control of the brawl with heavy right hands. Sensing he was in trouble, Silva retreated to the outside and lured Mallory to chase him. “The Springbok” looked to be catching up to the British Heavyweight champion when he turned a corner right into a big Clothesline from a recovered “Big Mac”. The Australian looked to unload on “The Springbok”, but Mallory was able to regain his feet and a wild brawl between the two powerhouses ensued as they made their way away from the ring and up the ramp.

Rather than helping his partner, the ever-opportunistic Edison Silva instead opted to roll Nate Manchester back into the ring. Silva looked to haul Manchester to his feet, but the Geordie had been playing possum and caught the champion with a surprise Roundhouse Kick! The crowd rose to their feet as Nate Manchester headed to the top rope, and roared as “The Real Angel Of The North” positioned himself for the Manc-Sault… but before he could the Geordie was struck from behind by a heavy right hand.

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The Northern Lights had appeared through the crowd, and with referee Roy Worrall distracted the brawl between Mallory & Big Mac on the outside, the duo were able to set up a prone Nate Manchester for their Lights Out (Doomsday Device). With Manchester down, Vicious and Riddick cleared the ring as Edison Silva crawled into the cover. Mo Adebola got the referees attention, and Roy Worrall counted the three.

Rating: 58


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With the match won, the Northern Lights refocused their attention on the brawl between Landon Mallory & Nathan McKenzie. With the brawl now 3-on-1, The Network (McKenzie, Vicious & Riddick) quickly overwhelmed “The Springbok”. The trio dragged Landon Mallory back to the ring and fed him to a cocky looking Edison Silva, who added an exclamation point to the beat down with a KO Knee Strike.

Frank Finkleton joined Adebola in the ring and the two men shook hands as boos rang around the building. Finkleton lifted the arms of the Northern Lights, making it clear that he had sent them to interfere in proceedings. The camera panned out to show The Network and Edison Silva stood tall over the fallen bodies of Landon Mallory & Nate Manchester to close out the show.

Rating: 57


Jackie Goldstein: “First Nathan McKenzie, now The Northern Lights… it’s quite an army Frank Finkleton is building up.”

Melanie Florence: “Don’t forget his alliance with Mo Adebola and the NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva… they always seem one step ahead.”

Jackie Goldstein: “Edison Silva landed the first shot tonight, but can Landon Mallory fight back and take the NWF British Heavyweight Championship on Sunday? Be sure to join us at 8PM this Sunday for London Calling – steaming live and on demand exclusively on WrestleWorld GB!”

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Every segment in Bret's losing weight story is great.

On 12/12/2023 at 1:09 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Chuck has certainly got a lot on his plate going into London Calling. The Bret Heartbreak storyline has been fun, but I also wanted to make sure Wilson and Dark were kept centre stage and not lost in the shuffle while their trainer worked with a new client. Can Frisby keep all the plates spinning, or has he taken on too much? I guess we'll find out next week :)

I'm leaning towards Chuck has taken on too much at this point. I think everything is going to blow up in Chuck's face at London Calling.

Byron and Beauchamp doing their thing, going after the youngsters. The old school guys that don't like anything about the new generation. I think they'd be the perfect choice to feud with Future X when they lose the titles, their characters are perfect antagonists.

The Network's alliance with Edison Silva and Mo Adebola is one of the most interesting things that have happened in the Main Event scene, we'll see what happens. Nathan McKenzie has made an instant impact.

Edited by newbiezness
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I was interested in how you would play out that tag main event with it feeling too early for McKenzie to lose but Mallory being on the winning run, so what you did made sense with Manchester eating the fall and Network expansion being the cause.

Like @newbiezness, I wondered if the Byron Breeze conversation was setting them up as Future X's next opponents, just perhaps for the titles if Frisby's Foundation prove a bigger danger to themselves than their opponents. I also loved the latest Bret Heartbreak skit: thanks for the science lesson 😆

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9 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Every segment in Bret's losing weight story is great.

I'm leaning towards Chuck has taken on too much at this point. I think everything is going to blow up in Chuck's face at London Calling.

Byron and Beauchamp doing their thing, going after the youngsters. The old school guys that don't like anything about the new generation. I think they'd be the perfect choice to feud with Future X when they lose the titles, their characters are perfect antagonists.

The Network's alliance with Edison Silva and Mo Adebola is one of the most interesting things that have happened in the Main Event scene, we'll see what happens. Nathan McKenzie has made an instant impact.

8 hours ago, 619 said:

I was interested in how you would play out that tag main event with it feeling too early for McKenzie to lose but Mallory being on the winning run, so what you did made sense with Manchester eating the fall and Network expansion being the cause.

Like @newbiezness, I wondered if the Byron Breeze conversation was setting them up as Future X's next opponents, just perhaps for the titles if Frisby's Foundation prove a bigger danger to themselves than their opponents. I also loved the latest Bret Heartbreak skit: thanks for the science lesson 😆

Thanks both! Glad you're still enjoying the Chuck/Bret stuff! London Calling certainly feels like it will either be the making or breaking for Chuck! 

The Future X comments are an interesting one. Their in-game bios/gimmicks still suggest that they are upcoming future stars, but they are 36/38 years old and 18/20 year veterans now, so don't really fit the mold of the 'new generation' that Byron & Beauchamp have the problems with. Not to say that they won't feud down the line, but they may not be the pairs initial targets.

The Network has certainly made an impact over the past couple of months, and it seemed logical that a character like Adebola would make sure he was on the right side of that power shift.

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6 hours ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

The Future X comments are an interesting one. Their in-game bios/gimmicks still suggest that they are upcoming future stars, but they are 36/38 years old and 18/20 year veterans now, so don't really fit the mold of the 'new generation' that Byron & Beauchamp have the problems with. Not to say that they won't feud down the line, but they may not be the pairs initial targets.

Oh, I didn't know that. I thought they were younger. What a pity, it would have been perfect. I guess we'll have to wait to see what Beauchamp has in mind.

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2 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Oh, I didn't know that. I thought they were younger. What a pity, it would have been perfect. I guess we'll have to wait to see what Beauchamp has in mind.

Agreed it could have been a fun starter feud. Not to worry though - there are plenty of disrespectful "young guns" in the NWF for Beauchamp and Byron to get their teeth into!


Thank you to everyone who predicted, commented and reacted to the latest episode of National Wrestling! Next up is London Calling, hope to see you all back for the PPV!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 16

@azzak 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@KyTeran 4/5

@smw88 3/5

@newbiezness 3/5


Combined Prediction Results

@KyTeran 18/20

@azzak 18/20

@smw88 15/20

@John Lions 14/15

@newbiezness 14/20

@Wrestling Machine 13/15

@kanegan 4/5


Predictions for London Calling


NWF British Tag Team Title Match: Future X (C) vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness (Stuart Wilson & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Joey Beauchamp

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon (C) vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Chuck Frisby

Nate Manchester vs Nathan McKenzie

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Landon Mallory vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Tie Breaker: What will the top 3 rated matches be on the night?





(Optional Bonus): Who's merch would you be buying if you were were attending the show? (descriptions welcomed!)

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