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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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Knowing full well I'm going to be ignored or even criticised, can't we move on from the AI discussion? I think the three side have been well defined; you either hate it and it's an issue that'll cause you not to buy the game, you're not happy with it on an ethical level but it won't stop you buying, or you're a fan and fervent defender of them. I don't think it's beneficial to try and persuade or dissuade others as although things have been very cordial thus far, as we've seen in the past, things can soon flare up.

Love him or hate him, Adam has always taken the community into consideration and has always been willing to change should an issue arise so now the different sides have been defined, I'm sure he'll take everything into deliberation. There's no point continuing the discussion as I don't think anyone has added anything new to the conversation since the very first round, and there's no real point in revealing which side of the argument one falls. There's now new stuff to talk about, and there's also three weeks of announcements left. Let's move on. ❤️

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Mammoth said:

Knowing full well I'm going to be ignored or even criticised, can't we move on from the AI discussion? I think the three side have been well defined; you either hate it and it's an issue that'll cause you not to buy the game, you're not happy with it on an ethical level but it won't stop you buying, or you're a fan and fervent defender of them. I don't think it's beneficial to try and persuade or dissuade others as although things have been very cordial thus far, as we've seen in the past, things can soon flare up.

Love him or hate him, Adam has always taken the community into consideration and has always been willing to change should an issue arise so now the different sides have been defined, I'm sure he'll take everything into deliberation. There's no point continuing the discussion as I don't think anyone has added anything new to the conversation since the very first round, and there's no real point in revealing which side of the argument one falls. There's now new stuff to talk about, and there's also three weeks of announcements left. Let's move on. ❤️

Agreed. AI is, at best, a hugely contentious issue across society as a whole, and I don't think we're going to do much more to solve the issue here. As you say, all viewpoints have been clearly articulated, and I think we've gone as far as we need to as far as "debating" stuff is concerned.

On a different note, I am excited to hear you are up for the challenge of modding in the new game! Your 2006 RW mod is one of the top 3 imo, alongside 2013 and the current-day RWC updates. Super excited to give it a whirl once it is ready to go!

Edited by Acey
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1 hour ago, Dogking said:

Hey Adam if you can see this, I want to first say, I am so hyped for IX. The TEW series have been my favorite wrestling games for nearly a decade.

I do want to ask though, how will worker unhappiness work for MDE's like say Best Of The Super Juniors? That's a multi-day tournament that typically has no Heavyweights on the shows. So will all Heavyweights be really pissed off?

BOSJ probably shouldn’t be affected by this, since it’s just a standard set of tour shows. It’s not a set of PPV level events back to back (and generally not consecutive days)

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29 minutes ago, Mammoth said:

Knowing full well I'm going to be ignored or even criticised, can't we move on from the AI discussion? I think the three side have been well defined; you either hate it and it's an issue that'll cause you not to buy the game, you're not happy with it on an ethical level but it won't stop you buying, or you're a fan and fervent defender of them. I don't think it's beneficial to try and persuade or dissuade others as although things have been very cordial thus far, as we've seen in the past, things can soon flare up.

Love him or hate him, Adam has always taken the community into consideration and has always been willing to change should an issue arise so now the different sides have been defined, I'm sure he'll take everything into deliberation. There's no point continuing the discussion as I don't think anyone has added anything new to the conversation since the very first round, and there's no real point in revealing which side of the argument one falls. There's now new stuff to talk about, and there's also three weeks of announcements left. Let's move on. ❤️

I think this is for the best as well :)

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Posted (edited)
59 minutes ago, Mammoth said:

Knowing full well I'm going to be ignored or even criticised, can't we move on from the AI discussion? I think the three side have been well defined; you either hate it and it's an issue that'll cause you not to buy the game, you're not happy with it on an ethical level but it won't stop you buying, or you're a fan and fervent defender of them. I don't think it's beneficial to try and persuade or dissuade others as although things have been very cordial thus far, as we've seen in the past, things can soon flare up.

Love him or hate him, Adam has always taken the community into consideration and has always been willing to change should an issue arise so now the different sides have been defined, I'm sure he'll take everything into deliberation. There's no point continuing the discussion as I don't think anyone has added anything new to the conversation since the very first round, and there's no real point in revealing which side of the argument one falls. There's now new stuff to talk about, and there's also three weeks of announcements left. Let's move on. ❤️

I fully understand where your coming from and I can see how annoying it is, and how hostile it could get, the problem is, everyone dropping the issue is far more beneficial to the people who are for it than against it, it's only been a day and a lot of people likely haven't seen it yet, or haven't gotten around to making their feelings heard, and even if it's the same points, more people making them makes it clearer that it's a concern that's important to a lot of people. with that said, I've personally said my piece and unless someone responds to me in a way where I feel a response is necessary for clarification or something, I have nothing else to add.

Edited by Peppermint Rage
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25 minutes ago, Peppermint Rage said:

I fully understand where your coming from and I can see how annoying it is, and how hostile it could get, the problem is, everyone dropping the issue is far more beneficial to the people who are for it than against it, it's only been a day and a lot of people likely haven't seen it yet, or haven't gotten around to making their feelings heard, and even if it's the same points, more people making them makes it clearer that it's a concern that's important to a lot of people. with that said, I've personally said my piece and unless someone responds to me in a way where I feel a response is necessary for clarification or something, I have nothing else to add.

That's fair, and I hope you don't think my post was targeted at you specifically. I had only just got online and caught up, so I was trying to address the issue as a whole (expecting it to continue today) and not anyone in particular. It just occurred to me that it might have felt otherwise considering I posted just after you had been talking about it. 😅

Personally, I don't think it's beneficial to any party because all sides have been well established. I'm very confident that Adam has been watching this develop and has been given food for thought without the conversation continuing. If he wanted an idea of numbers on the various sides, I'm sure he could approach it with a poll or such like (like he did on the conversation of allowing users to take up other peoples work if they hadn't been active on the forums for a number of years). It's also highly beneficial, I'm sure, that we now have the new "like" system on the forum. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's also paying attention to which side of the argument is getting the most traction that way as it's a good indicator of peoples opinions without them having to actually post, or add fuel to the fire.

Anyway, I'm glad you didn't take my post in the wrong way. Yesterday just gave me an almighty headache and we weren't actually getting anywhere so I wanted to try and address it. People, as we know, are going to do as they like, and I'm not an arbitrator of the rules. I just like peace and love, man. ☮️ 🤣

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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, Mammoth said:

That's fair, and I hope you don't think my post was targeted at you specifically. I had only just got online and caught up, so I was trying to address the issue as a whole (expecting it to continue today) and not anyone in particular. It just occurred to me that it might have felt otherwise considering I posted just after you had been talking about it. 😅

Personally, I don't think it's beneficial to any party because all sides have been well established. I'm very confident that Adam has been watching this develop and has been given food for thought without the conversation continuing. If he wanted an idea of numbers on the various sides, I'm sure he could approach it with a poll or such like (like he did on the conversation of allowing users to take up other peoples work if they hadn't been active on the forums for a number of years). It's also highly beneficial, I'm sure, that we now have the new "like" system on the forum. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's also paying attention to which side of the argument is getting the most traction that way as it's a good indicator of peoples opinions without them having to actually post, or add fuel to the fire.

Anyway, I'm glad you didn't take my post in the wrong way. Yesterday just gave me an almighty headache and we weren't actually getting anywhere so I wanted to try and address it. People, as we know, are going to do as they like, and I'm not an arbitrator of the rules. I just like peace and love, man. ☮️ 🤣

I have no problem with you, but I do disagree, I think the numbers matter, and since continuing as is, is typically the default assumption, as someone who wants to see the change I belive it would require enough people also saying that they want that change. "This bothers a lot of people" is a big point in and off itself and only gets stronger the more people actually say something, with that said a quick clarification I think if anyone wants to add that they agree with points made that's cool, but if you've already made your case, unless you have something new to add, there's no need to stoke the flames, I think we can all agree that this conversation is no fun, but while I doubt I'll get the change I'm hoping for, I feel like it's nessesary for that to have a chance of happening.


Edit: I didn't think you were targeting me specifically, I thought it was pretty clear it was the overall discourse you were done with

Also I somehow completely missed the likes point, I agree likes are helpful in that regard, but I still think they have less of an impact than actual posts


Edited by Peppermint Rage
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So far I feel like the focus of the dev diary have been backstage or modding. What are things you want to see addressed? My concerns are for longevity of saves 

-workers retiring when skills diminish 

-in game economy. Would like to see bigger companies not have to ignore cash flow. 

-attributes being given to trainees being a setting would be nice. 

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I've been happy with everything so far, except for the AI art (but I agree with Mammoth, we've had more than enough on that already). But I'm a HUGE fan of the day 4 announcements, already can't wait to get my hands on this. Looking forward to learning about some of the new modding tools.

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25 minutes ago, JrSquared said:

So far I feel like the focus of the dev diary have been backstage or modding. What are things you want to see addressed? My concerns are for longevity of saves 

-workers retiring when skills diminish 

-in game economy. Would like to see bigger companies not have to ignore cash flow. 

-attributes being given to trainees being a setting would be nice. 

Perhaps just a promo consistency skill. Even The Rock or John Cena have fell flat on promos once in a while. MJF is a frequent offender but at the same time you don’t want to underrate them, nor should they crank out 100 rated segments before they even get to the arena.

That would alter the rate at which people get over, amongst other things. 

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I am so, so, SO FREAKING HAPPY that the real world calendar is finally returning to the series. It has always been nonsensical and annoying for me as a diary writer to have to present an event as Week 1 July instead of say 6 July or July 6. It has always taken a tinge of realism out of it for me. 

So, thank you so much Adam for making the commitment to this change. I am loving what I am reading thus far. And I am even more hopeful that the game will get deeper for us that want to even more accurrately sim what it's like to run the real business of a wrestling company and not just book a show. 

Thanks Adam!!!

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11 hours ago, Larrikn said:

my only take on the AI stuff, is the same as my general take on it. I don't mind the idea of AI being used for smaller/personal/independent projects that would otherwise never happen. But think that there becomes a certain responsibility for larger companies to hire people to fulfil services.  I think it's good that this has been a pretty healthy discussion on the topic here. I'll see how i feel when it comes the playing CVerse but it won't affect my desire to buy TWIX.

This is very similar to my opinion. I'm a writer, but I haven't written a lot, because without corresponding art, even a little, it ain't gonna sell. Furthermore, it's hard to me to focus on things. With a few pieces of AI generated art, I've written more in the past year than I have in the last decade.

Yes, ideally you SHOULD actually hire a person instead of using AI, not unlike how people should hire an editor instead of using their computer's spellcheck. BUT, for those of limited means, the latter is acceptable until such time as the former is feasible.

Now, certainly there are legal, ethical, and environmental issues to consider. Those should be answered by the government; all the energy being put into arguments online would be better served by writing your elected representatives.


Nothing much else to add at this time except I echo the sentiments that the women's wrestling scene in the C-Verse this year is a bit more robust than what we got in 2020. As someone who fell in love with the game in 2016 thanks to AAA and QAW, the women's scene in 2020 broke my heart.

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Real world calendar is also something I have wanted for years. I never used "Week 3, 2020" in my diaries and always needed to look up the real date from years ago 😂 Love it. Good journal so far!

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This is more a general statement than continuing AI but shutting down ethics conversation because thats the job of the government is eliminating the responsibility of a consumer in ethics. Stopping the convo because it ran its course is both understable and at this point advisable. Stopping the conversation because its not the venue for it is just inaccurate in my opinion. Especially regarding a yet to be released product.

Carrying on the conversation I wonder if On This Day will be set like Narratives or auto pull.

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Real excited for the new game and some of the announced features.

And it seems to me that TEW IX won't be the last game in the series. Otherwise I don't see any reason why they would change the naming scheme if it was the last game.

As for the AI rendering: Ethical issues aside, I'm not sure I will like the AI-generated pictures. Those that I've seen on these forums are not really my cup of tea. I hope the renders in the game will look much better.


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Real world calendar is a big change, I love how we are changing fundamentals of the system with IX.

I hope/wish touring system is improved as well, because I would love to kickstart a puro save with real world dates!

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The multi-day event thing got me thinking: can we book, for example, Sunday Night Heat before PPVs like how WWF/E used to without a hassle? Or do we still have to suck it up when somebody who wrestles on Heat complains about being left off the PPV (pretty sure this doesn't apply if you just the regular pre-show feature)?

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