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Scraping the bottom of the Barrel: Can I get an AMEN?

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One promotion

Two legends of professional wrestling

One and a half million dollars from investors (who are definately not laundering money)

One mission: To save as many wrestling lives as possible (or so they said to get the initial funding)


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Big Smack Scott (CEO)    Giant Redwood (Booker)




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36 minutes ago, The Otter said:

I have no idea what this is, but colour me interested

I heard it's some sort of cult run by heathens and blasphemers, I for one will be staying well clear. No sir, don't expect to see me in here. 

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Posted (edited)


The camera is facing a stage. Smoke hangs low. Side lighting reveals the outlines of musical instruments, and four men waiting in the dark, heads hanging low.

“Ladies and gentlemen, from Göteborg, Sweden, please welcome…”

One after the other, a single spotlight shines down on each individual band member, on cue with the announcer.

“...on drums, Smashing Sven Sleaze!”

“On bass, Björn the Bat!”


“On lead guitar, Ragnar Rock!”


“And on vocals, Vincent Vampire!”


“They… are… E.V.I.L.S.!”


Flames shoot out of the stage and the band launch into a thunderous musical performance



In my youth, I learned the Truth, PURE METAL was the only way!
Glam rock can suck a c**k, it's strictly for the closet gay!
Burning bright, my wheels ignite, burning to the other side
Exodus was f**king right, all the posers must die!
When you were Shouting at the Devil
We were In League…


Edited by DarK_RaideR
Image tweaks
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0py0f6w.jpg   z5HGY3g.jpg

Have these two men found salvation in Christ?

It was reported a few days ago that two of professional wrestling's most notorious men, Big Smack Scott and Giant Redwood, have managed to ensure a significant amount of funding from undisclosed investors, in order to promote shows in the South Eastern United States. According to the little information available at this time, this new initiative will be done under the banner of AMEN, which stands for "Atoning Men of an Evil Nature" and its mission statement will be "To educate audiences, young audiences especially, about the importance of Christianity in their every day lives, as well as to help those in the professional wrestling industry unfortunate enough to struggle with the Darkness within them, overcome adversity and return to the light of the Lord". Whatever that actually means, remains to be seen.



It is rumored that prior to signing a deal with USPW, the man known as Texas Pete was a prime candidate for the new promotion's roster, perhaps even one of their flagship stars and given his past, it would stand to reason. Mr. Pete could not be reached for a comment at this time. Who else will be working for this new promotion still remains a mystery, as no names have been announced, no show card or matches, as the promotion seems to be relying solely on the name value of the duo helming it and the uniqueness of its premise.

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58 minutes ago, Pteroid said:

Forget AMEN, the real blasphemy here is trash talking Glam Rock >:C

That just means they're doing a great job as heels ;)

First show has been written out, just need to do the editing and formatting. Hold onto your pews!

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Posted (edited)


AMEN presents: Born Again
Broadcast live (11.681 viewers, 195 attending in Baton Rouge, La) on Sunday, 9 January 2022 and available On Demand on WrestleWorld

The camera is facing a stage. Smoke hangs low. Side lighting reveals the outlines of musical instruments, and four men waiting in the dark, heads hanging low.

“Ladies and gentlemen, from Göteborg, Sweden, please welcome…”

One after the other, a single spotlight shines down on each individual band member, on cue with the announcer.

“...on drums, Smashing Sven Sleaze!”

“On bass, Björn the Bat!”


“On lead guitar, Ragnar Rock!”


“And on vocals, Vincent Vampire!”


“They… are… E.V.I.L.S.!”


Flames shoot out of the stage and the band launch into a thunderous musical performance

In my youth, I learned the Truth, PURE METAL was the only way!
Glam rock can suck a c**k, it's strictly for the closet gay!
Burning bright, my wheels ignite, burning to the other side
Exodus was f**king right, all the posers must die!
When you were Shouting at the Devil
We were In League…


It sounds too good to not be a playback, but it’s well practised and with a little creative camera work avoiding clear shots of fingers on frets, it doesn’t stick out. As the song ends, an alarm comes on the speaker system

Holla if you hear me!

Big Smack Scott comes out the entrance way, cocky as ever like the band were playing to hype up his entrance. Scott heads to the ring and is quickly handed a microphone by the ringside crew. Also, now that the lights are properly on, this seems to be like some Church-adjacent Community Center of sorts.

“Alright you Bible-thumping idiots, shut up and sit down! When the Big Smack Scottie Daddy speaks, you pay attention! We got a pretty big show lined up for tonight and you better tell your friends, spread the word about it. I’m just gonna take a seat at the announcer table over there and call the action. You wanna hear my insight, you get yourself a WrestleWorld subscription and see the show there. Again! Give us some views on that thing, I’m told it’s pretty important, like, the TV ratings of this day and age. Anyway, I’ve wasted enough of my time talking to you, here’s Giant Redwood!”



Giant Redwood comes out and takes a moment to look around at the audience while Big Smack Scott takes a seat at the commentary table, next to Dane O’Hara.
“That’s Commissioner Redwood to all of you punks! I’m calling the shots around here and I say enough talk, let’s get to it!”

A cheap knock off of AC/DC’s “Back in Black” comes on the speakers and Giant Redwood takes a step back as it is announced that “the opening match is set for one fall with a fifteen minute time limit!” Out comes a grumpy middle aged man with a bright red streak of colour down the middle of his hair and a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand, from which he takes the occasional swig as he heads down the ring. “Introducing first, weighing 251lbs, from Salem, New Jersey…” holy crap, is that…?


"Tank Bradley!"

Bradley flips off a few audience members as part of his entrance, then the music quickly changes to the most generic chad bro country butt rock imaginable.

“And his opponent, also weighing 261lbs, from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jerry Pepper!”


Pepper jumps the gun soon as the bell rings and -pun intended- peppers his opponent with a flurry of punches and strikes. Bradley takes a bit of abuse, including a bridging suplex for a near fall, but his veteran instincts soon kick in and he recognizes the youngster’s weakness in his enthusiasm. With a few well-timed dodges, he uses Pepper’s momentum against him and assumes control of the match. The manly moustached competitor shows a lot of fire constantly kicking out of pin attempts though and Bradley’s getting frustrated. On a whim, he reaches out for some liquid courage from that bottle of Jack on the apron, but that only gives his opponent an opening. Pepper shoves him head first onto the corner and as Bradley reels back to the centre of the ring, still hunched over, Pepper traps the head between his legs and delivers a crunching piledriver that is enough to score him the three count! Lesson learned, don't drink and wrestle, kids. Or drink and do anything else. You know what, just don't drink at all, mkay? Alcohol's bad for you.
Wrestling: 21 (Pepper 21, Bradley 20. Great chemistry between them)
Crowd reaction: 12, fans were still white hot and riding high from the intro.
Overall: 25


Three young men are skulking backstage, like children about to do something they’re not allowed to.


“Hey Lucas, you sure about this? My pastor says these guys are satanic. If he finds out, I’m gonna be out of the church choir!”


“Oh shut up Harvey! Didn’t you see them rock earlier tonight? These guys kick ass, they’re totally radical!”


“D’you guys think they’ll have any chicks backstage? I bet there’s gonna be some. Just don't start talking about Dungeons and Dragons again, Lucas, you nerd.”

A trunk-like arm, muscular and tattooed, swooshes into the frame and blocks the three boys. The camera follows their widening eyes, up the arm and to the face of the man it belongs to.


He is standing next to a door with the label E.V.I.L.S. on it. From the shadows on the other side of the door, steps forward another intimidating man, despite his dapper suit and tie.


“You boys lost?” the man says in a deep, gravelly voice.

“Uhm, no sir” the rainbow-haired one identified earlier as Lucas, responds. “We’re just really big fans. We were hoping we could, you know… pay our respects?”

The tattooed man grunts. The red haired one raises an eyebrow. “Is that so? Well that’s all fine and dandy, but this isn’t how it works.”

“Pardon sir” Harvey the choir boy interjects. “See, we’re also wrestlers ourselves. So, technically, we’re all part of the same locker room tonight and…”

“E.V.I.L.S. have their own exclusive locker room” the red haired man cuts him off. “Standard part of every contract.”

“Listen man,” Jason butts in, clearly running short on patience “it’s wrestling etiquette, okay? People go to court for not shaking hands, wrestler’s court I mean. You wanna land us in trouble for not following the rules?”

“Is that so?” the suited man says with a smile. “Tell you what then. Me and my associate here. We’re wrestlers too. You can shake our hands.” With that, he offers his hand. Somehow, it feels like dire things might happen if he’s left there hanging. Lucas nods and then shakes the man’s hand. “How about we shake on this, since you two are wrestlers, you meet us out in the ring tonight. If we win, you let us through to meet the band.”

“I never shake hands without it involving some kind of deal” the red haired man says sardonically, as if prepared for this. “We’ll fight the three of you. And if we win, whoever gets pinned… comes with us instead.”

Lucas confidently shakes the hand. In the background, Jason seems perplexed at what this all means, while Harvey looks terrified. The trio leave, their argument overheard in the distance.

“What the hell you got us into, Lucas?”

“Relax, we got this. I know what I’m doing.”

“Know what you’re doing? Did you see the size of those guys?”

“Relax, Harvey. I just made sure we’re on WrestleWorld tonight. Besides, there’s three of us and only two of them!”

The camera cuts back to the two massive men, snarling. Between their shoulders, a third figure steps out of the shadows. It’s hard to see, but it appears its face is somehow deformed. The red haired man in the suit looks back at it with a wicked little laugh.

“Oh but there won’t be just two of us…”


Back in the ring, two teams are already waiting. One consists of a man in full camouflage, the other is in a firefighter’s uniform. Across the ring, a slimy hispanic man with greased hair, clearly the brains of the operation, is giving some last minute instructions to his much larger goon.


Everyman Heroes vs The Cartel
The match is a pretty by-the-numbers tag team affair. The good guys start strong, bringing the fistfight to their smaller opponent, although the fireman also delivers the occasional slam for some proper wrestling. The heels try to keep the big man in, with the smaller guy directing traffic from the apron and tagging in for a few opportunistic shots when things are going his way. A crucial distraction of the referee allows the heels to cut the ring in half and isolate the soldier on their corner for a beatdown. He endures it heroically and even finds a chance for the hot tag to the fireman, who comes in like a house on fire. A flurry of offence makes it look like he’s about to win the match, but his smaller opponent smartly ducks under a spinning back fist and grabs his waist on the way back up for a flapjack that lands the young fireman throat-first on the rope. Gasping for air, the babyface finds himself in a cover, with his exhausted partner unable to save him, while the big man pulls the legs of his teammate to add extra leverage, out of sight of the referee who’s down on the mat counting the three!
Wrestling: 19 (Fireman 12, Soldier 24, Big Heel 24, Small Heel 17)
Crowd reaction: 7, fans weren’t sure who these guys are and were starting to come down from the high of the show’s start.
Overall: 23


A video is shown of two men playing cards in a dimly lit room, a scene straight out of a detective noir or a crime drama. One of them is wearing a Stetson hat and seems focused on his cards. The other is older and sucking on a comically large cigar, which he rests on an ashtray next to a glass of whiskey.

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“I’m really thankful you hooked me up with this gig, Don” the younger of the two says, trying to fake confidence. “Been a while since I earned any money wrestling, it’s all been gambling thus far.”
The older man takes a sip of whiskey and nods in agreement. “You should be thankful, young Nathaniel” he says in his best impression of a Vito Corelone accent. “It’s a pretty big deal. They got a contract with WrestleWorld. That means it’s not just fans in the arena, but everyone in the US and Canada watching you. Some big opportunities for big money if you’re smart.” He then lays down his cards. Four of a kind, all aces. “And a little lucky” he adds with glee.
The man in the hat puts down his cards and, clearly frustrated, observes his opponent gather all the chips from the centre of the table. “Well I better make some money, Don, cause you just took my last” he says, barely mustering a smile as he stands up to leave.
“The game doesn't have to end here” Don says, pausing to take another sip of his drink, then suck on his cigar for an uncomfortably long dramatic pause. “I set you up to get paid to wrestle. How ‘bout you put some of that future pay on the line?”
The camera does a close up on Nathaniel’s face, his reason clearly struggling with his desire, then cuts off.





Harvey, Jason and Lucas vs ???
Back in the ring, given the two sides’ looks and demeanors, it feels less like a match and more like an execution about to commence. The two massive, menacing doormen are joined by a (comparatively) smaller third partner in a rather cheesy rubber mask, who seems to be the spark plug of the team. This is showcased during the match as he’s the only one to do a bit of risky high flying, even if at times that involves his teammates launching him like a living projectile. As for the face team, they all take a beating but are still given little openings to showcase their character and style: Harvey the choir boy is the more well rounded of the three, but also the one most unsure, afraid even. Jason is a typical jock, all bravado and brawling. Lucas is the reckless daredevil of the three, but something about his balance and timing seems a bit off. After about eight and a half minutes total, Lucas goes to the well one too many times and just as he climbs the top turnbuckle, the massive red haired man just reaches out, grabs him by the throat and plants him on the mat with an impressive chokeslam, retaining the grip for the three count.
Wrestling: 20 (Jason 21, Lucas 19, Harvey 21, Red Haired Man 23, Masked Man 16, Tattooed Man 17)
Crowd reaction: 7, still very hot but decidedly not lit on fire from what they were seeing.
Overall: 23

After the match, the heels just have at it and it seems like a post match beatdown is about to go down….


All four of the E.V.I.L.S. come out, with singer Vincent Vampire at the helm and a mic in hand.
“Now then, ve pay you to keep that tvash away from us. In that sense, you’ve eavned your pay alveady. There’s no need to go above and beyond. We’ve not gonna give you any bonuses, by the way.”
Bassist Björn the Bat leans over the mic to speak his mind as well. “As a matter of fact, you’d be cösting us möney here. Even if there’s nö charges pressed, yöu’re diminishing öur fanbase.”
Guitarist Ragnar Rock just straight up grabs the microphone to speak his mind. “Is this a bands meetings? Do we gets to votes? Because I don’t minds them beating up dudes, I just wants ‘em to let the chicks in backstages, know what I means?”
Before the drummer can say his part, a chunky guitar cuts him off. It’s pretty much the most generic dad rock imaginable, but for whatever reason it’s also got a choir singing some sort of hymn in the background. Out comes a guy in jeans and a white shirt. Imagine Scott Stapp during peak Creed, only blonder, with a rosary instead of chain, plus a single earring featuring a dangling cross.

Out of a rather large pocket in his wide jeans, he produces a microphone.


“It doesn’t really matter what you and your goons decide to do though, does it?” the man says, his accent so American it just convinced part of the audience to go to their nearest recruiting station after the show. “Because that’s the thing with the Devil’s music. No matter how vile, how despicable, how low you go, these people will still offer you their hearts and minds because such is the lure of the Devil!”
Smashing Sven Sleaze has the band’s microphone by this point and is fiddling with it in his hand like a drumstick. “Michael Møsher… I thøught we kicked yøu øut the band før gøød. And in case yøu haven’t been paying attentiøn, we’ve føund anøther lead singer already, sø nø, we wøn’t have yøu back.”
“I don’t want to rejoin your Army of Darkness”
Mosher snaps off. The audience are starting to really cheer for this guy too, finally a strong confident babyface they can get behind. “Matter of fact, I regret ever being a part of your group in the first place. But I’ve confessed my sins and I’ve found salvation. Now I have come for vengeance, for the Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers! (Matthew 13:41)”
The bible quote really gets a pop from the audience, so there needs to be a moment for them to calm down again before Vincent Valentine can speak.
“Have you now… Vell, you chose the vong time to do so. There’s seven of us and only one ov you. But tell you vat, I’ll make you an offev. Either you walk away now and never veturn, or you find even a single pevson that buys your pveaching and come to the ving for a match against two ov us. Main event, of couvse, we’re stavs, it’s our natuval place.”
Fans cheer at the idea and slowly start a “fight!fight!fight!” chant. Michael Mosher milks it for as much as he can, looking around in a “should I do it? you want me to do it?” kind of way, until he finally shouts “Fine! I accept!” on the mic, to another loud pop.



Fiasco Fierce vs Jebediah
Very much a character driven match, as the degenerate urban gangsta takes on the kindly amish giant. Most of the action is stand and bang, pretty basic brawling but the two men mix it up when they inevitably end up fighting outside the ring. Fierce is the first to introduce the occasional foreign object into the match as soon as the ref takes a bump. Jebediah holds his ground and responds in kind, quite comfortable himself in this unruly situation, except the part where a fan hands him an iPad to smash over his opponent’s head; the amish reaches out for the object out of habit, then soon as he realises what it is, acts like he got struck by an electric eel! It’s a fun comedy spot and the guy who handed him the item was either a troll or a plant, but either way it adds to the match experience. Soon after, a replacement ref comes down (AMEN only employs two of them anyway) and the action returns to the ring, where Jebediah manages to hit the Sundown Splash and score a pinfall win.
Wrestling: 22 (Jebediah 31, Fierce 14)
Crowd reaction: 8, again not much introduction to these people, but it was an easy concept to get behind anyway and the excitement was maintained to a good level.
Overall: 27


“While you were shouting at the Devil” blasts on the speakers again and out come the two representatives of the E.V.I.L.S. for the main event match. Apparently it’ll be drummer Smashing Sven Sleaze and guitarist Ragnar Rock. Attention however is on the entrance ramp and whether Michael Mosher has found a partner. AMEN sure do not fear repetition, because that Christian dad rock choir tune is heard again and Mosher walks out with a smile on his face.

“I bet you bozos thought I wasn’t going to find anyone with the courage to stand up against you. And I’ll admit, some great talent in that locker room, but no one I could trust to pull off this monumental task. But then I had my meeting with the Heavens up above and they told me, Michael, you were saved from the debauchery of E.V.I.L.S. through the force of faith, so you need to once again call upon the FORCE… OF… FAITH!”



Holy f**king sh*tballs!



THE FORCE OF FAITH (Michael Mosher and The Force) vs E.V.I.L.S. (Smashing Sven Sleaze and Ragnar Rock)
Fans’ minds are blown to see the former USPW and SWF megastar live and in the flesh, wrestling in the main event! The wrestling itself becomes kind of secondary and The Force goes through his greatest hits routine, which the crowd eats up, while also making sure to let Michael Mosher get some of the shine. There was never really any doubt how this would end, no sell comeback, setup moves of doom, Full Force finisher on Ragnar Rock, one two three!
Wrestling: 34 (Force 55, Mosher 16, Turner 34, Manna 30
Crowd reaction: 27, the main event was just on another level
Overall: 41

Show rating: 38

Edited by DarK_RaideR
Image tweaks
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