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TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

You obviously rate TME higher, and I'm guessing Courtney could prove himself, but I could also enjoy him costing them the titles. It would only need to be a short transitional reign for DF.

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

I love my shows packed of jam, should be a great one. 

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TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

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TCW World Tag Team Title Match:
Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event [c] w/ Laura Hocking

Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

Maverick [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson)

Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

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TCW Presents:


Tuesday, February 8th, 2022


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Calling the action: Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders


Overall Rating: 79




We opened with the return, of TROY TORNADO…!!


His last appearance on Total Wrestling was the first episode of 2022… a fairly routine win over the excellent Quentin Queen… Since then, we’ve had a series of vignettes, telling us the ‘Troy Story’… and an ominous message from Tornado at the end of the third video… He claimed that he had seen ‘something’… from ‘someone’… and that he’d call that someone out live… here tonight…

Troy Tornado: “I missed you guys, man… But look… I’m not gonna waste anyone’s time… I’ve seen something… from someone… and I am NOT happy about it… So… SAMMY BACH… Get your ass out here man…!!”

The announce team were shocked, as we waited for Sammy Bach to come out… It took some time, because like everyone, Bach wouldn’t have been expected to come out… but Troy waited… and Bach’s entrance music finally did hit… and he came out looking extremely confused by the words of his fellow fan favourite…


Troy Tornado: “Let’s not pretend… that you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about…!! I SAW you… With a few guys you probably, didn’t wanna be seen with…”

Sammy Bach: “Woa woa woa woa… Woa… hold up, Troy… come on man… you don’t need to tell everyone what you… or who I… look…”

Bach tried to talk his way out of it… acting very shady…

Troy Tornado: “The fans wanna know… but I won’t tell them… YOU will…!!”

Bach looked at the ground, and smiled… before unleashing a big beatdown on Tornado…!!! The crowd booed Bach loudly, as he put the boots to his fellow veteran… He kicked Troy while he was down… in the ribs, and hard on the shoulder, before scrambling out of the ring as fast as he could…!!




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Devine Fortune [vs] The Main Event w/ Laura Hocking

This match was turning into a special one, however, it was ruined as a contest, when Jeremie Courtney showed up with his manager Vita. He slid a folder, or ‘dossier’ as he calls it, in to the ring to Chance Fortune, who looked as shocked as anybody. The distraction allowed Matt Hocking enough time to recover, duck a lariat, and then hit his ‘Hock Shock’ Super Kick out of nowhere – and the Champs retained!

Winners: and STILL TCW World Tag Team Champions: The Main Event
Rating: 64


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Matt Hocking and Roderick Remus couldn’t believe how helpful Jeremie Courtney had been to them tonight… and they stood with Laura Hocking, looking out over the ropes at Courtney and Vita… Even Courtney’s smile is punchable… as the arrogant ‘One Percenter’ couldn’t hide his delight…




Next up, we learned that following their fight in the parking lot last week, The American Cobras and The Behemoths will fight in a tag team match – next week…!!

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Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane caught Killer Shark, Titan and Floyd Goldworthy loading a BODY BAG into the back of a van… and the two tag teams brawled until referees, security guards and backstage officials got between them… Malloy and Spillane then revealed that the body bag was filled with CASH… instead of the body of Aaron Andrews, or anyone else, as we had seen in a previous episode of Total Wrestling…!! The announce team had no idea who had paid The Behemoths… but The American Cobras will be out to punish the two giants… but also to try to survive against them…




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Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen

Two wins in as many weeks for the veteran Bart Biggins here. Quentin Queen is a future star, but tonight he was beaten by the veteran nous of Biggins, who hit his ‘B-Dropper’ (Fame-Asser) to win it.

Winner: Bart Biggins
Rating: 62




Undefeated in 2022… As a matter of fact, Undefeated since losing the TCW Television Title in mid-December 2021… ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn will be in action next week… and his opponent… HUMAN ARSENAL...

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Flynn has said publicly that he would like to win his TV Title back… and he would ALSO like to re-join The Syndicate stable… Next week, he’ll be taking on a veteran in Human Arsenal… in what will be his toughest challenge to date…




Speaking of Human Arsenal, and indeed The Syndicate… Arsenal’s friend: One Man Army headed to the ring next… with something on his mind…


One Man Army: “Alright Doc (Hammond)… This is it, man… It’s time… I’m gonna ask you one more time, and then it’ll come down to violence… QUIT The Syndicate… and come ‘home’… The New Wave can ride again… We can win our TENTH Tag Title together…”


It didn’t take long for Doc Hammond to answer the call… and he climbed into the ring slowly… shaking his head at his former best friend… Guide and Scout… One Man Army and Doc Hammond… stood face to face, and then looked to the fans for their support… Doc looked one way, OMA looked the other… They then looked in the opposite directions… before locking eyes once more…

One Man Army: “QUIT The Syndicate man…!!”

Doc Hammond: “You’re the one who has to quit… QUIT asking me…!!”

One Man Army: “You want me to quit asking…?! You’re going to have to MAKE me…!! At The WAR To Settle the SCORE… We never lost at that pay-per-view… it was OURS… and this year… it’s me and you… 1 on 1… IN AN I... QUIT... MATCH…!!”

Hammond’s mouth was wide open… he spoke off mic, that One Man Army doesn’t want to do that…

One Man Army: “Oh, don’t I…?! Listen… I’ve thought about it… I QUIT MATCH… If I win… If I make you quit… you will QUIT The Syndicate… But if you win… I will not only quit asking… I will quit… TCW…!!”

One Man Army’s words hung in the air… He said if he couldn’t team up with Doc one more time, then he will retire… He said, he’s 44… he’s tired… tired of fighting… tired of fighting his ‘brother’… when he could fight, alongside, his brother…!! Hammond shook his head… and muttered: “how could you do this to me?!”… before walking out of the ring, and leaving One Man Army confused…




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T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate

T-Bone Bright is riding a wave of momentum right now, and aside from losing to Wolf Hawkins at Malice In Wonderland, he looks unstoppable. He seems to be able to stop The Syndicate in most matches too, because they are a constant menace at ringside – tonight, he was aided by the arrival of Tana The Mighty, who ran Wolf Hawkins off, before brawling with Jaylon Martins! T-Bone was able to hit his ‘T-Bone Lariat’, where he runs off the ropes and crosses over with his opponent in the middle of the ring to deliver a wicked clothesline!

Winner: T-Bone Bright
Rating: 67


After the match, the brawl on the outside of the ring, peaked the interest of T-Bone Bright…

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Wolf Hawkins watched on from the stands, as T-Bone and Tana took out the rest of his crew… He was absolutely seething, but decided to live to fight another day and let his boys take a beating from the two big men… Once the fan favourites were finished and happy with their work, Tana decided to climb over the guard rail and go after Wolf… who took his leave through the crowd and ran to the back…




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Maverick [vs] ‘The Man With No Nickname’ Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed

Big win for the shooter, Seth Whitehead here, over a well-travelled competitor in Maverick. Seth’s tag team and relationship with Marc Speed looks to be extremely beneficial to the young grappler, and he’ll be delighted to have won this one with his excellent ‘Minnesota Stretch’ (Double Chicken Wing) submission hold.

Winner: Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed
Rating: 47




Backstage, three Texan competitors at very different stages of their careers, were sat in the trainer’s room… as Bradley Blaze was getting some treatment following his match with, and subsequent post-match beatdown from, ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth last week…

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Bradley Blaze: “Listen, thanks y’all for savin’ my bee-hind last week… Appreciate you…”

Dazzling Dave Diamond: “You’da done the same for us…!! That ‘Nasty’, No Good, Nick Booth is nothin’ to be frightened of… He’s all hat an’ no cattle… So next week, Duke… You ready ta FIGHT ‘eem…?!”

Duke nodded… the youngster was stoic and defiant… and promised to batter Booth for his attack on Blaze…

Dazzling Dave Diamond: “Well there y’are then… and boys… I’ll be ready to ride out there an’ fight him if he gets silly again… Once we beat ‘im… we need to come up with a plan to reveal our new business venture…”

The three Texans agreed… and next week, it’s going to be Duke Freeman versus Nick Booth…




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Benny and The Foxx [vs] The Elite (Nate Johnson & Eddie Chandler)

Two well tenured and former TCW World Tag Team Champions did battle here, and it was a close contest that could have been won by either team. Benny and Foxx were quick, and could stay out of Johnson and Chandler’s grasp with ease early on. However, once The Elite began to click, there was only going to be one winner. Chandler locked in his ‘Fabulous Stretch’ (Cattle Mutilation) and Benson tapped.

Winners: The Elite
Rating: 58




Backstage, Tana The Mighty was walking through a corridor, when his former tag team partner: The current TCW Television Champion Mighty Mo, was leaning on some backstage equipment… waiting for him…

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Mighty Mo: “SO… You like T-Bone Bright now, do you…?!”

Tana The Mighty: “Eyyyy Mo… come on, man… I DON’T like The Syndicate, that’s all it is… Sure T-Bone… Big guy… Talented guy… Nothin’ to NOT like about him… but we have a common enemy, that’s all…”

Mo turned his head to the side, and told Tana that he’d be extremely disappointed if the big Samoan supported T-Bone… OVER him…

Tana The Mighty: “There ain’t no sides, man… It ain’t like that…”


At that, T-Bone Bright arrived on the scene… and thanked Tana for his help earlier… before looking at Mo, as the TV Champion turned tail and walked away… Lots of beef between Mo and T-Bone…!!




Next up, we saw a promo video hyping The War To Settle The Score… the next Pay-Per-View from TCW, which will air in a few weeks - on Sunday 27th of February 2022…


So far, we know we’re going to see One Man Army and Doc Hammond fight… in what could be an I QUIT Match… and it looks like T-Bone Bright and Mighty Mo are on a collision course as well… There’s also known issues between Greg Gauge and Jay Chord… plus Troy Tornado and Sammy Bach… Every match is scheduled to be 1 on 1… so there’ll be no tag team feuds settled this time around…




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Greg Gauge [vs] ‘Yoshi’ Joshua Taylor w/ Masatochi Kamimura

Fantastic Main Event here, and the best Television match of 2022 so far. Joshua Taylor looked awesome out there, and is now in a ‘mentor’ role for the young Japanese star: Masatochi Kamimura – who seemed to pay close attention to everything his new master was doing. He also got involved late on, pulling Gauge’s leg as he hit the ropes looking for a lariat. Kamimura timed it to perfection, and it almost paid dividends for Taylor, who was able to hit a brilliant knee strike to follow this up, and score a closer than close 2-count. The finish came just moments later, with Gauge avoiding a second knee strike, and locking in the ‘Proton Lock’ (Bridging Scorpion Deathlock), and Taylor holding on as long as he could, before eventually tapping out.

Winner: Greg Gauge
Rating: 86


After the match, the exhausted Greg Gauge showed respect to Joshua Taylor – who surprisingly reciprocated – wanting to set a good example for his young apprentice… After Taylor and Kamimura left the ring, Gauge grabbed a microphone…

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Greg Gauge: “JAY CHORD… You know what I’m capable of… and you are ducking me… What do I need to do… To get another Title Shot…? What’ll it take…?”

Chord’s music hit… and the TCW World Heavyweight Champion must have been ready and waiting…


Jay Chord: “Greg… Impressive win… and I WILL accept your challenge… IF… You agree that if you lose… you won’t get another chance, as long as I am World Heavyweight Champion… I respect you… but you have to understand… if you keep losing, you have to go to the back of the line… So... One more chance Greg…”

Greg thought about it for a bit… with the crowd egging him on… he looked conflicted…

Greg Gauge: “All or nothing, huh…?! All… or nothing… YOU’RE ON…!! See you at War To Settle The Score…!!”





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Tuesday, February 8th, 2022


**Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast**


We start with big news coming from RAW in Australia and PGHW in Japan… Probably my favourite RAW worker: Blake Belushi, walked out on them a couple of weeks ago… Interest in ‘Beautiful’ Blake’s services are said to have come from all corners of the wrestling world… but it his Pride Glory Honor Wrestling out of Kansai Japan, who won the race for his signature… He averaged 83 in his four matches in RAW this year – which puts him second, behind only Swoop McCarthy for their top performer… and he had a match on ALL FOUR of RAW’s January episodes… This guy has all the talent in the world, but I must say, I’m surprised he went with Japan… We’ll see how his run goes…

Now, to recap TCW Total Wrestling from earlier tonight… some big things happened on this episode… Once again, I cannot go through all of it, but we’ll start with Troy Tornado and Sammy Bach… The ‘Troy Story’ series has been great… People love Troy Tornado, and we’ve all loved seeing his backstory… Kinda felt at times like he was approaching retirement, and he may well still be thinking in those terms… but now he’s called out Sammy Bach… The most recent former TCW World Heavyweight Champion… So he’s aiming high with his first feud of 2022… which is just great to see… What I wanna know, is what does Troy HAVE on Sammy…?! Who did he see him with…?! The Syndicate..?! I’d love to see them go 1 on 1, one more time…

Jeremie Courtney helping The Main Event with his ‘dossiers’ is interesting to me… They retained the TCW World Tag Team Titles again over Devine Fortune… with Jeremie’s help as a lot of TCW fans predicted…

American Cobras versus The Behemoths II is coming next week… I could watch that match again and again… Since Malloy and Spillane arrived in August of last year, they haven’t really done a lot… but now I’m desperate to see them beat Killer Shark and Titan…!! This feels like something they could really get their teeth... or fangs... into!!

One Man Army versus Doc Hammond – I QUIT MATCH – has been confirmed by TCW Management… If Doc loses, he must QUIT The Syndicate… if One Man Army loses… He’ll quit asking Doc to do that… AND… quit wrestling…!! MAN… this story is getting me right in the feels… One Man Army should win… I can’t lose him, and lose the chance of one last New Wave run… Equally, if he’s breaking down, he should retire… and give the ‘rub’ to his best friend… Doc Hammond would become a major heel if he ends One Man Army’s career in this way…!!

T-Bone Bright versus Mighty Mo is heating up… Tana’s involved… The Syndicate are involved… Will we get a 1 on 1 match between those two incredible talents soon!?

Gauge versus Chord II… set for The War To Settle The Score… I can’t wait… Their first match was an absolute banger, and Gauge NEEDS to win the Title this time… If he doesn’t, he can’t challenge again as long as Chord is Champion… In my eyes, they HAVE to go with Gauge… or this delay could cost them… If Chord wins, and ends up having a lengthy run, where does that leave Greg…?!

So much to be excited about going forward here…




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Monday, February 14th, 2022


Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski


Coming up this week, on TCW Total Wrestling…


Troy Tornado will respond to Sammy Bach attacking him last week, but will the veteran reveal what he knows about ‘The Elation Sensation’…?! Bach has a lot on his plate right now, with a match against Greg Gauge also scheduled for this week… If he can beat Gauge, he’ll surely be next in line to face the winner of Gauge/Chord II at The War To Settle The Score… But will Troy allow that to even happen…?! And will what Troy knows, destroy any chance of Bach getting ‘back’… to the top of the TCW card…?!

Speaking of Greg Gauge and Jay Chord, we’re hearing that Jay will be LIVE on TCW Total Wrestling, and is reportedly going to be sitting front row to watch Gauge versus Sammy Bach in the Main Event…

Elsewhere on the show, One Man Army versus Doc Hammond – the I QUIT MATCH – will be confirmed, and delved into…

PLUS… The American Cobras take on The Behemoths, following weeks of fights between the two very different tag teams… A number of weeks ago, the two giants attacked Malloy and Spillane post-match, after they scored a big win on Television for the first time in 2022… They clashed in a Tornado Tag soon after… only to be fighting once again two weeks ago, when The Cobras found The Behemoths loading another Body Bag into their van… this time, it was full of cash… and the interaction was full of punches and kicks…!!

Personal highlight for me, is to see Masatochi Kamimura in singles action for the first time in TCW… His regular tag team partner: Daigo Goya, has gone back to Japan following his ‘Excursion’ to the United States… but Masatochi, is currently staying put… and now looks like he’s some kind of ‘young boy’ to the man who calls himself ‘Yoshi’: Joshua Taylor… It’ll be interesting to see their dynamic… but The Masked Mauler VII is a very tough first opponent to test that out on…



Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, February 15th, 2022

The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach




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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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Damn I have not caught on to TCW yet so still figuring things out in the predictions here. Let's see how I do this time...


The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy
My original hunch that Benny & The Foxx were being heated up for the next PPV tag title shot was a miss, so I'm pivoting and guessing the Cobras get this win (they have had a lot of screen time and are very talented) and move on to a feud with The Main Event.

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn
I could see Flynn winning, but I think keeping the vets warm is the call

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth
Booth gets a push-by-association as he works his way up to a big match against Dazzling Dave Diamond.

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate
Martins is a star for the future, so if he's not beating Maverick after joining the Syndicate then I'm going to be a bit sad

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor
I went with Kamimura thinking he might get a big push, I'm just going to assume he's on a losing streak instead

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach
If the title match wasn't already announced, I might be tempted to pick Bach... but I think Gauge needs to win this one and stay red hot for the big rematch with Jay.

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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach


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Damn that Sammy Bach. 

Really good show. Things are motoring along now. Looking forward to seeing how Greg loses again! 

The Behemoths. I think.

Chris Flynn

Nick Booth


Kamimura - which will be one more win than I gave him in his entire excursion! 

Great main event. Greg to win. Troy to cost Sammy. 

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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy (Draw)

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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Come home Doc 😢



The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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I haven't got round to commenting in a while but I really admire the pacing from show to show: how you've taken your time letting stories like OMA-Hammond, Gauge-Chord and the now overlapping Sammy and Troy character arcs build.

It felt like a lot happened on this latest episode between the I Quit challenge which really fits that story, especially the added reveal he might quit entirely, the shocking nature of Bach's sudden attack and Chord finding the bargaining chip with which a Gauge rematch can be justified.

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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

A sympathy vote here, as Duke's out majorly injured in my NYCW game and I feel bad for him

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

(need to regain some momentum.)

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

You got big plans for Flynn it seems, so gotta go with him.

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

poor Maverick. Hopefully he can find a gimmick or something to get him some wins

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, February 15th, 2022

The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn

‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth

Maverick [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate

The Masked Mauler VII [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor

Greg Gauge [vs] ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach

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