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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. Well when your gimmick is to have a different gimmick every night, the number of gimmicks used shoots up! None of his gimmicks were as entertaining as Baron Von Stevie however.
  2. They never showed Desmond Wolfe on camera. And Hogan milked that "but I don't want to" for far too long. The segment was poorly filmed. Back to the Orlando Jordan character. I think building him up as a Weirdo Bi Bad Ass could work.
  3. The Rays also had a decade full of top draft picks. They're a well built team, but when I talk about a team re-building the last team I point to, that's turned it around, are the Rays.
  4. The Nets have always been my dark horse to get LeBron.
  5. This is very true. They could have told the entire arrest story in 2 segments instead of 5, and in 5 minutes instead of almost 15. The awkward delay between Abyss getting arrested and Hogan taking his mask off was like nails on a chalkboard to me. I hate when segments aren't doing anything. You're on TV dammit, the show is taped! Edit the segment down! Don't just have Hogan standing with his arm around Abyss for 5 minutes while a few rent-a-cops just stare at him...and stare...and nothing happens. That was the one thing that bugged me most about last night. And with the background segments, just mic em better. I know the feeling is supposed to be voyeuristic, but even ****ty voyeurs have above average mics.
  6. WWE makes amazing music, in comparison TNA looks poor. They're a lot better than some mid-90s WCW were though. Jesus Christ some of those theme songs were just downright un-listenable.
  7. If you ask me, tonight's show was a big step in the right direction.
  8. Desmond Wolfe involved in his own angle!? At least they sorta listened. They are really pushing the title, good to see.
  9. Motor City ****ing rules. It's more likely Nash and Young.
  10. I have to admit, the segment in which The Band win the tag titles wasn't so bad.
  11. I think he's still under contract, just not booked.
  12. Cornette blames Russo for doing more than writing a **** product. He blames Russo for ruining lives, ending careers, etc. It isn't just that he wrote a bad product, it's that he had guys doing stunts that wouldn't draw a penny. Example: Vince Russo is the one who asked Owen Hart to descend from the roof on May 23, 1999. Just giving some perspective.
  13. Because I'm a Phillies fan. I think having Cliff Lee signed to Halladay's deal, Kyle Drabek and Michael Taylor is a lot better than just having Halladay. Ruben Amaro offered Cliff Lee the exact deal he signed Halladay. Lee's agent said "No I want to be a free agent." Ruben trades Lee for 1 and a quarter good prospects, and traded 2 of his top 3 prospects for Halladay. This after getting rid of everything semblance of talent in the upper minors for Lee in the first place. Ruben Amaro has ruined this team. The decline has begun, thanks to Ruben. Every single move he has made as GM has been a poor decision. If it's not poorly thought out, it is certainly poorly executed. TWO more years of Ibanez. TWO! **** YOU RUBEN
  14. If Lee signs for a Halladay deal I am going to burn his house down.
  15. So you think they lose 30 million and then add another 60? Pujols is going to get just below A-Rod money, Cliff Lee's agent wants the deal CC got, and Carl Crawford wants $10 million a year plus. They Yankees don't always sign the top free-agents just because. They don't need any of those guys, they needed the players they acquired last off-season. Just because the Yankees are the Yankees is not a good enough excuse for them to throw bad contracts at multiple players because they can afford to do so. They've tried that before and it bit them in the ass. They will not sign all three of those players next off-season.
  16. The second Pujols is in pinstripes, I will concede that you are correct. Since that moment will never happen, I stick by my points.
  17. Believe it or not the Yankees have a budget. They didn't go crazy last off-season because they just decided to. They went crazy because some huge contracts came off the books and gave them the money to do so. Do you really think the Yankees sign CC, AJ, AND Tex with Jason Giambi ($23M), Bobby Abreu ($16M), and Carl Pavano ($11M) still on the payroll? NOOOOO!
  18. Well at least there was continuity from the Feast or Fired match 6 months ago.
  19. The AL East has been the best division in baseball for over a decade now.
  20. It was a Monster's Ball in name only. I guess that hurts the match's prestige but it wasn't the bloody spotty spotfest they usually are.
  21. Well everyone in that final segment has been retiring for more than seven years now. Jarrett "retired" a few years ago. Hogan "retired" in ****ing 93.
  22. I am so confused by this segment. What does all of this mean? For a second I thought they were making Sting the internet yappers voice complaining about Hogan being the focus. Then Hogan made it about him. Then Sting turned face? Then Hogan protected him? WHAT IS GOING ON!? That was the worst final segment TNA's had on Monday Nights. At least they saved the worst for last.
  23. You get your wish! Why has Sting avoided all the same **** his contemporaries have gotten for sticking around in the spot light too long?
  24. I at least hope this tells them that Wolfe is over and put him in a program with somebody ANYBODY. Hell put him in the X-Division, give him something to do instead of being the guy with the hot chick that looks like he doesn't want to be there. I think the Hogan - Sting confrontation would have been better set as part of the re-debut of TNA Reaction.
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