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Everything posted by BrokenCycle

  1. Would anyone be willing to do a Cheetah Boy that looks heelish but not too heelish that the pic doesn't work as a babyface? I feel like the character is super weird as a "Wiley Veteran" heel character.
  2. Welp, never doing a 16 team Sam Keith Classic tournament again. Pretty sure that took a total of at least 2 hours to set up and book.
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RosettaStoned" data-cite="RosettaStoned" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49903" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>because I got penalised for doing a No DQ match, </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am positive this isn't a problem with your product, but a problem with the match type in the mod. There's no way a standard No DQ match would be at the level of risk that would warrant a penalty in the product.</p>
  4. Anyone else think the TEW 2020 logo resembles a certain disturbing internet meme featuring two hands and a very wide... you know?
  5. My expectations for this game eclipsed the final product but the game is a'ight. I like all the major improvements.
  6. The coding language is irrelevant to me. I actually think the game looks fine. I don't expect much from this genre of games. What really gets me is the lack of foresight to veer off course in development. You're telling me that in 18 months not a single person said "These new lists are ****ing annoying", or there was no thought to pull the rip chord and go back the lists from every other game? In the few weeks this game has been out, I have not read a SINGLE post saying how good the new colored lists are. It is universally panned across the board. There are ZERO advantages to them, other than being able to see who your champions are...
  7. He used one period in his 146 word post-- you're not going to convince him.
  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="natey2k4" data-cite="natey2k4" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49635" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wow... that's ridiculous. How is it not in a contract screen? It would make more sense to click on the "click here to see full contract"</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> 'Cuz it's not related to contracts?</p>
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Totalwarfare2020" data-cite="Totalwarfare2020" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49591" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>No scroll on angles is the worst to me.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You can though. This was fixed quite a while ago.</p>
  10. TEW and WMMA have some overlap with each other but they're mostly different experiences. In TEW you have a lot of moving parts and there's an underlying amount of creativity and storytelling going show to show. WMMA is basically mindlessly wasting time and has no creative outlet whatsoever. but the biggest draw of WMMA is that it's wildly different every time you start a new game and it's really fun seeing how everything plays out.
  11. You are not a "long term player." You haven't played TEW 2010 in several years and are "testing" the DRM on a game you had no intention on playing anyway, just in case the hypothetical situation of you wanting to play TEW 2020 in the year 2030 comes up. Stop blowing things out of proportion. ELicense is a dumb system and I think it sucks and wish this game is on Steam but ELicense has literally affected my life about 3 times since 2004 in the collective amount of time that Arlie responds to my e-mails-- an hour total, maybe? This crusade you're on is very unnecessary and you really want to make a big deal of this to prove some point.
  12. Well the first few posts were pretty low effort but I'll try... MAW is consistently one of the most fun promotions to play in the Cornellverse. The premise of the promotion is that you take a bunch of promising talent and give them exposure and make them ready for the big leagues, or you try and polish your turds. Now with TCW making them their dev territory, you should see more of an impact on their careers. If you play the promotion as its intended, it's fun seeing your stars spread their wings.
  13. I have kinda changed my stance from a few days ago. I think the game from a gameplay standpoint is very fun, but I am very much disappointed with this new demo and will probably wait to buy this (I have bought every TEW game and every WMMA game in their zero hours). Just from a fundamental video game level, the lack of simple quality of life things are massive nitpicks, admittedly, and massive problems with me because I assume an unwillingness to change them. It's been three weeks-- and much longer. It makes it worse when these sorts of things are in other games Adam has created. This kind of stuff is not related to Adam's vision of how the video game should be, such as the lack of custom products or how matches are calculated and whatnot. This is pure QoL things that make the game annoying to deal with. Since day one people have suggested "Can you please have a confirmation page in case I accidentally click the 'Start Show' button?" Still nothing. How long does this take to do? I have made suggestion after suggestion, such as "Hey can you add a confirmation box in case I accidentally click 'Start Unemployed'?" and "Can you add a confirmation box when I ask someone to come out of retirement or change his style or take steroids and whatever else?" Still nothing. This is basic, basic stuff that make the game look amateurish without them.
  14. Unlike the hundreds of other games I've bought without playing beforehand.
  15. As was said, it's unclear from reading the bios. I think it's reasonable to think that, after years of financial stress as the owner of a large company and after your stake gets bought out, you would GFTO and go back home.
  16. Uh, of course he was being sarcastic... These people are braindead. The mods are not deleting criticisms of TEW. If anything they're organizing criticism of TEW. There is plenty of criticism on this forum about TEW. If 20 threads are created all saying the exact same thing, that's not deleting criticism.
  17. I have a list of my upcoming pay per view. Each show, I will go down the list making sure to create pre-booked matches that will end up advancing the storylines for the pay per view. I start with the main event, then the opener, then another good match, then I'll book a few matches that suck for crowd management purposes. From there I'll make a mental note of how each storyline for my upcoming pay per view will play out on my show, such as promos that advance the storylines or match interference, and make mental notes of it all. It's a lot but not that hard to remember all of it. Then I'll put the pre-booked matches on the show with any interference or post-match attacks on I planned beforehand that lead to the next PPV. Most of the angles I create are done on the fly to fill in the gaps, either time wise or storyline wise. Something I also do is book 2 hour shows as 90 minute shows. I will also book the show in half-- I aim for the 45 minute mark, then finish the show at 95 minutes.
  18. Sometimes I'm stunned at the amount of people that want this game full screen. I actually think it's a flaw of the game, for me personally, that it's a higher resolution, because there's a little bit of room on the side and I have to watch YouTube or WWE Network on my second monitor. This game is meant to be played as a "hang out" game, mindless entertainment as you do something else.
  19. I could easily just wait a couple days and the feeling of wanting to buy it will pass, but I'm about 90% sure I will, very slightly begrudgingly, buy it. There's enough there to feel like a step up from 2016 and I like this year's Cornellverse. I also feel the price tag to hours plays ratio is very good. However, the hype I had for this game doesn't match what this game is. I guess I have come to the conclusion that these are the games that Adam makes, and these are the games that Adam knows how to make. As an artist myself, it's hard for me to fault someone for their "style" and their own individual skillsets they have built for the past couple decades, but ALSO as an artist the lack of growth is a little puzzling, as well as an apparent lack of any influence from other games in the genre.
  20. Do you actually have 2004 working on your computer? That game has vanished.
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