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I like the product definition splits, but not looking forward to more god damn sliders for personality traits. Unless the new sliders for alcohol/drugs/religion etc have a significant impact on the game, I don't think many modders are going to bother with figuring out if Jake Roberts is a 72 or a 90 on the hardcore drugs scale.
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[QUOTE=unicron;384851]I have to say, it seems a lot of the new features so far are geared towards real world mods without much love for the CVerse. I'm sure we'll see some more entries in coming weeks but I hope Tommy and the gang get some new features to play with soon![/QUOTE] thats kind of a stupid thing to say. And I'm not flamming you or anything. But TEW has always been meant to simulate real life. It uses a fictional world to do so (in itself with illusions to the 'real world'). So basically what you said was. "I have to say, it seems a lot of the new features so far are geared towards the simulation of wrestling based on what the original and never changed purpose of TEW. And for some reason that isnt good enough for me." I'm just curious what do you consider the things geared towards the "real world mods" and how they are not "showing love" the c-verse. Examples please. All that has happened is the game has had added depth now. Thats it.
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;384859]I like the product definition splits, but not looking forward to more god damn sliders for personality traits. Unless the new sliders for alcohol/drugs/religion etc have a significant impact on the game, I don't think many modders are going to bother with figuring out if Jake Roberts is a 72 or a 90 on the hardcore drugs scale.[/QUOTE] Neither, he'd have a Reformed Hard Drug Use of 10 or so (He's almost out of McManon paid rehab in fact, along with Scott Hall). ;) I do agree with what you said generally though, it's hard enough to decide that certain lower level workers have "X in Brawling", let alone how deep into drugs/drink/smoking they are. I could see certain high profile workers and workers whose substance use has become legendary getting done, but in general the function getting ignored. [QUOTE=MrCanada;384861]thats kind of a stupid thing to say. And I'm not flamming you or anything. But TEW has always been meant to simulate real life. It uses a fictional world to do so (in itself with illusions to the 'real world').[/quote] That is the best explanation of the purpose of the C-verse I've yet to see. Nice one MrCanada! :)
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[QUOTE=Blackman;384872]So basically, we can make a One Night Stand PPV, a televised show that focuses more on high-flying action, etc. AND ppv's with almost no angles? Sweet. :D[/QUOTE] The second part of your statement is true but I don't think the first part is. You won't have a different product so if you had a "low" Modern for your product setting you couldn't change to a "high" Modern for your big event settings. From what I gather AI Booking is the types of matches the AI will use (1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, ect..), the match to angle ratio and the lengths of the matches. Everyone was asking for this feature mostly for the match to angle ratios for WWE PPVs but I've done the math and counted up the angle time on Backlash and then put it up against an after PPV RAW (which tend to have the most ang;es) and the ratio was well within the 10% leeway already given by the game. I guess the mmatch lengths will be a nice change as TV main events generally go 20 to 30 minutes while PPV main events can go 45 to 1 hour.
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[QUOTE=MrCanada;384861]thats kind of a stupid thing to say. And I'm not flamming you or anything. But TEW has always been meant to simulate real life. It uses a fictional world to do so (in itself with illusions to the 'real world').[/QUOTE] I may be wrong but I'm sure Mr Ryland has frequently answered certain attacks on the game "not being realistic enough" by mentioning that the game was never meant to simulate reality. There is no WWE sized promotion in the Cornellverse and some of these changes (such as the different products for TV and PPV) seem to be directly affected by the way the WWE runs things in real life. Admittedly there could be a major change in the hierarchy of feds in store. [QUOTE=MrCanada;384861]I'm just curious what do you consider the things geared towards the "real world mods" and how they are not "showing love" the c-verse. Examples please. All that has happened is the game has had added depth now. Thats it.[/QUOTE] The "Openings and Closures" addition in the journal also seems to be geared towards historical mod makers which could apply to the CVerse but seems a little more DOTT inspired to me. The "Potential" entry also seems geared towards the likes of DOTT to prevent major players from the future from creating a fantasy future, far from real life. Let me add that I'm not complaining about these changes at all. I think they will add extra depth to the game and be most enjoyable. I've never had a bad thing to say about the series since I started playing EWR and this is no exception. Just an observation.
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[QUOTE=unicron;384910]I may be wrong but I'm sure Mr Ryland has frequently answered certain attacks on the game "not being realistic enough" by mentioning that the game was never meant to simulate reality. There is no WWE sized promotion in the Cornellverse and some of these changes (such as the different products for TV and PPV) seem to be directly affected by the way the WWE runs things in real life. Admittedly there could be a major change in the hierarchy of feds in store. The "Openings and Closures" addition in the journal also seems to be geared towards historical mod makers which could apply to the CVerse but seems a little more DOTT inspired to me. The "Potential" entry also seems geared towards the likes of DOTT to prevent major players from the future from creating a fantasy future, far from real life. Let me add that I'm not complaining about these changes at all. I think they will add extra depth to the game and be most enjoyable. I've never had a bad thing to say about the series since I started playing EWR and this is no exception. Just an observation.[/QUOTE] The third brand split last time, was in direct relation to WWE having added ECW. The C-Verse has become quite a legendary thing, but the actual reason for it using imaginative place's, and people, is copyright issue's and such. When the original was free (EWR), I don't remember seeing a bunch of C-Verse characters in it. Free products don't have these same legal problems. The C-Verse is built around the game mechanics. That doesn't mean the game is litterally only supposed to be played with the C-Verse in mind, it's actually the opposite.... The C-Verse is built around the Game.
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And to add to this... There have been mods made for C-Verse, I would definately call Historical mods. I believe Adam even officially designated one of them as part of the C-Verse history. So the historical things are there, and will most likely be taken advantage of by C-Verse modders' as well. I'm sure Derek is drooling at some of these options.
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Many of these things have been added by Adam not because he noticed that WWE did something, but by popular demand. People asked for the 3rd brand. People alost asked for the different event product, although according to Apupanchu, there's not really a difference. But it makes it easier or more realistic for some people, and so its in.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;384917]And to add to this... There have been mods made for C-Verse, I would definately call Historical mods. I believe Adam even officially designated one of them as part of the C-Verse history. So the historical things are there, and will most likely be taken advantage of by C-Verse modders' as well. I'm sure Derek is drooling at some of these options.[/QUOTE] Definitely all these features will affect the C-Verse and all these features are a response to popular demand. Perhaps a better way of phrasing the original sentiment would be to say that people who play historical mods and people who play the standard C-Verse have different priorities. If you play DOTT then the ability to have some control over the potential of certain wrestlers is very important as you can't get immersed in a game where certain wrestlers who were huge in real life never do much in your game. If you play C-Verse and don't have any historical comparison to make then while potential might create some new strategic decisions in who you hire, it is not a must-have feature. The same could be said for the drug use sliders or the tv closings. Every thread I've read suggesting these features has come from people who play real-life mods. They will obviously affect the C-Verse in interesting ways but I would imagine that people (like myself) who exclusively play the C-Verse would be much more excited about a new contract negotiation system than accurately recreating WWE's TV/PPV booking. That said the national battle and personality matrix are already big enough additions to gameplay for me that everything else is just icing.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;384917]And to add to this... There have been mods made for C-Verse, I would definately call Historical mods. I believe Adam even officially designated one of them as part of the C-Verse history. So the historical things are there, and will most likely be taken advantage of by C-Verse modders' as well. I'm sure Derek is drooling at some of these options.[/QUOTE] As someone who helped create the 1975 CVerse mod, these changes would make a HUUUUGE difference in the way I/we created data and would've made the data about a million times more realistic (as it were). The great thing about Adam is that he saw what the people who bought the game are doing with it, and then added a bunch of features to help them out and reflect their needs. Is every single new feature going to appeal to evry player, individually? No. But in just reading the list of new features, thee seems to be something for everyone. Can't wait to get in to TEW08.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;385001]As someone who helped create the 1975 CVerse mod, these changes would make a HUUUUGE difference in the way I/we created data and would've made the data about a million times more realistic (as it were). The great thing about Adam is that he saw what the people who bought the game are doing with it, and then added a bunch of features to help them out and reflect their needs. Is every single new feature going to appeal to evry player, individually? No. But in just reading the list of new features, thee seems to be something for everyone. Can't wait to get in to TEW08.[/QUOTE] Definitely agree with you there Peter. There do seem to be entries for all types of players. Folks seeking like more immersion like myself have been thrilled by things like the character habits and expanded personality types. Longer term players, which I haven't managed to be since 04, are pumped about the National Battle. Today's addition is especially good news for mod makers like you mentioned. This is what makes Adam's work so terrific. He thinks of as many segments of his game base as possible and tries to acknowledge them without bogging down in any one group.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;385001]As someone who helped create the 1975 CVerse mod, these changes would make a HUUUUGE difference in the way I/we created data and would've made the data about a million times more realistic (as it were).[/QUOTE] Peter, I really hope yourself, MrT and Sadistic are going to take a crack at C-Verse '75 (08 style!). That and DOTT were the only mods I played (other than the C-verse itself). I love the new differentiating between events and TV. I would rather keep angles to a minimum on PPV or DOTT "End of the Month Spectaculars" and make the TV show more angle heavy with a lot of promos and maybe one decent match :).
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;385019]Peter, I really hope yourself, MrT and Sadistic are going to take a crack at C-Verse '75 (08 style!). That and DOTT were the only mods I played (other than the C-verse itself).[/QUOTE] I haven't touched base with MrT or SB in awhile, but I'm sure they've thought about it. The addition of [I]Potential,[/I] the combined Worker/New Worker file, and the openings/closures feauture would all make the 08 version of a 75 Mod run much smoother. Plus the Hall of Immortals would give you a chance to look back and see how closely the careers of the big names reflected what "really" happened in CVerse terms. And even to see if some surprise names end up achieving more than expected. Very excited.
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Different Angle/Match ratios for TV as opposed to Big Events is a great addition in my book; not only does it appeal to players who want to simulate WWE-esque PPVs, but it also gives C-Verse and other mod players the opportunity to create huge, match-oriented PPVs. I like it, and it's something I'd felt had been missing from 07 maybe just a bit. Good times, and looking forward to reading tomorrow's. :)
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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;385043]Different Angle/Match ratios for TV as opposed to Big Events is a great addition in my book; not only does it appeal to players who want to [B]simulate WWE-esque PPVs[/B], but it also gives C-Verse and other mod players the opportunity to create huge, match-oriented PPVs. I like it, and it's something I'd felt had been missing from 07 maybe just a bit. Good times, and looking forward to reading tomorrow's. :)[/QUOTE] People keep saying this but the current match ratio system already allows for this. I did backlash and the RAW after it. The RAW had 62% matches while the backlash had 74% matches. If you set the match ratio to 70% then you can have anywhere between 60% to 80% matches. I think people have this concept that the PPV's don't have anywhere near as much angles as the TV but in truth they aren't really that far off and the current system already allows for a difference of up to 20% which is a lot of time. I may not care for the addition, but I know a lot of people have been asking for it and I give it up to Adam for putting in the things the people have been asking for. I'm just commenting against the reason people have been asking for the match ratio difference.
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I definately love this new feature, especially after I just ran my first PPV in a new game (WWE again)- did Wrestlemania, every match was rated from B to A*, the card got a C- because not enough angles were used, which annoyed me because I'd already had to cut back on the MITB match amongst others. But anyway, to get this back on topic before I go off on a huge rant, I love this addition and most so far. The graphical additions for PPV carriers etc. will be nice, nothing massive but definately a welcome feature. EDIT: Self, I guess that's true, but even then they generally don't last longer than 4 minutes, unless it's one of the Big 4 (for WWE at least). I suppose there are videos to hype each match right before it happens, but that still doesn't take up say 40% of the show. Not having a go by the way lol, just offering another view.
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[QUOTE=RKO_HBK;385071]EDIT: Self, I guess that's true, but even then they generally don't last longer than 4 minutes, unless it's one of the Big 4 (for WWE at least). I suppose there are videos to hype each match right before it happens, but that still doesn't take up say 40% of the show. Not having a go by the way lol, just offering another view.[/QUOTE] Generally not only is there a video hype before each match (I found one for everysingle match except the first on backlash.) But they are usually pretty long the one for Edge vs Mysterio was like almost 10 minutes long. On top of that there as also announcer hype for almost every match as well. Then you got guys like flair who did a 4 minute self hype before his match with MVP. It didn't go over 40% it was actually 26% angles. I think because the matches are so long (like a 45-60 minute main event in comparison to a 20 to 30 minute main event on TV) people don't think about the angles as much, but they are there.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;385083]Generally not only is there a video hype before each match (I found one for everysingle match except the first on backlash.) But they are usually pretty long the one for Edge vs Mysterio was like almost 10 minutes long. On top of that there as also announcer hype for almost every match as well. Then you got guys like flair who did a 4 minute self hype before his match with MVP. It didn't go over 40% it was actually 26% angles. I think because the matches are so long (like a 45-60 minute main event in comparison to a 20 to 30 minute main event on TV) people don't think about the angles as much, but they are there.[/QUOTE] Yeah that's true. I dunno though, I guess it's just personal preference. I like all matches on PPV to be at least 12-16 minutes, with the 2 or 3 biggest matches getting anywhere between 25 minute and an hour. I generally have about 6-9 matches on a card, so it can get pretty crowded, especially working within the product ratio. For my diary, I've simply got an 80% match ratio (I think) for every show, which fits my new vision for WWE, but in the new game I've started (with WWE's default product in T-Zone), booking PPV's how I want/perceive them proves difficult/fustrating.
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Speaking of naming features from WMMA... I wonder if we'll get the Nickname field? Guys like "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, "Instant Classic" Christian Cage, "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels... not that I need to list people or anything. But while there's enough space in the regular name field, it gets a bit cluttered if you put them all in, and of course throws out the alphabetical order. So it would be great to have the nickname field to seperate it out. Personally, I was supposed to work on pushing a guy called "Tank from the Bank" Reed Bronson, but since his name in the game is just Reed Bronson, he gets totally overlooked by me. It's just a weird mental thing.
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