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I'm liking all of these so far. #1: Personality Plus Not only will this make wrestlers have deeper character for all databases and realism for real world ones, but it will make the entire world much more dynamic. #2: Bad Blood More depth and realism, yet not a lot of extra effort, how can that be bad. #3: National Battle This is definitely the best news so far. That extra difficulty I need to keep be interested in the game and adds tons of realism to the unfolding of the world. #4: Injury Realism Settings that get rid of moments that make ya lose immersion in the game are great in my book.
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;371168]This is definitely a good feature, with no downside since it stops whenever you need to do something. I wholeheartedly like this one.[/QUOTE] That's my one concern - Adam likes balanced features. There's going to be a bug in here that makes you hire The Minor Annoyance if you use the feature too often.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;371170]That's my one concern - Adam likes balanced features. There's going to be a bug in here that makes you hire The Minor Annoyance if you use the feature too often.[/QUOTE] You're going to miss a lot of news. Some will affect you, some won't - but if you miss out on signing someone good because you didn't see his release from his written, well...
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[QUOTE=James Casey;371170]That's my one concern - Adam likes balanced features.[/QUOTE] Only game play features (i.e. anything that effects the game world) need to be balanced. Tools like the multi-advance fall under the same category as the auto-save, in that they are purely for the player's benefit and so do not need balancing (as clearly there doesn't need to be drawbacks to being able to save, etc.)
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;371179]You're going to miss a lot of news. Some will affect you, some won't - but if you miss out on signing someone good because you didn't see his release from his written, well...[/QUOTE] Love it. Going to make playing those smaller indies as monthlies a whole lot easier. At the moment, I play them as weekly shows and edit myself to a mil or two to keep them afloat long enough to survive. Too many nothing days to play a local indy properly. Oh and Phantom Stranger, you might be technically right. But at the same time, don't forget this point. "It will automatically stop if an event needs booking, an important e-mail comes in, a pending decision needs addressing, or a diary alert has been set." Therefore if you miss out on signing someone good for multi-advancing, it's as much your fault for not alerting the game you considered his availability important as it is the feature's for not telling you.
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;371199]Love it. Going to make playing those smaller indies as monthlies a whole lot easier. At the moment, I play them as weekly shows and edit myself to a mil or two to keep them afloat long enough to survive. Too many nothing days to play a local indy properly. Oh and Phantom Stranger, you might be technically right. But at the same time, don't forget this point. "It will automatically stop if an event needs booking, an important e-mail comes in, a pending decision needs addressing, or a diary alert has been set." Therefore if you miss out on signing someone good for multi-advancing, it's as much your fault for not alerting the game you considered his availability important as it is the feature's for not telling you.[/QUOTE] Since shortlisting a worker generates an email for him when anything changes, injury, contracts, etc.. That would be how you can avoid missing when someone you want is available.
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So far so good. I'm pretty happy about the national struggle, and the personality pluss. I'm looking forward to what else is going to be included.. I am hoping for the worker area and new worker area to be combined (so that you can include all the relations and such with them). Several other things as well. Really great suggestions in the suggestion area, and I'm feeling like he is including several of them.
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[quote=James Casey;369461]Note also that there may be BB between two members of one family, but that every other family relationship is peachy. On a slight tangent, apart from Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid, what other families have legitimately gone public with their animosity towards one another? Am I right in thinking that Bret's relationship with the other Harts is/was strained at some point?[/quote] Honky Tonk Man and Lawler had beef with each other [quote=D-Lyrium;369498]I know Bret and Teddy don't see eye-to-eye from a ring-style point of view, but I'd hardly call that 'bad blood', so I dunno... The Harts are one massive grey area for me As I recall, Honky Tonk Man and Jerry Lawler aren't exactly best buds these days though. So there's a possibility if you're looking for reasons to use the feature ¬_¬[/quote] Damn, I spoke too late.
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