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[QUOTE=James Casey;426165]Just re-reading the Journal, and noticed this. Does the AI have access to the game's hidden stats? I'd presumed not, but if call-ups are based on stats caps and destiny in particular, it seems that this is a distinct advantage to the AI.[/QUOTE] It would still need to be programed to look at those hidden stats while booking shows. Just because the a.i. knows to look at those stats for that purpose doesn't mean it knows at others. Not that it may not be programed too, but that instance doesn't nessecerily mean it is true for all a.i. choices. It isn't SkyNet............yet. And as DJ said we can tell ourselves, if not the exact value.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=Gigas;426363]The only potential problem I see with this is if Wrestler X signs with SWF for $100k when TCW was offering $250k. All because Cornell makes $500k.[/QUOTE] Not nessecarily, I think it takes into account overness and talent as well as personality. So, a guy Cornell would be making boatloads because he is amongst the most over and talented workers in America while someone like Liberty or Enygma would be making significantly less because their talent isn't at the smae level.
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I agree, very good to see that that TV has been worked upon a little bit. Especially this: [QUOTE]So, you could look at Network X and find that they have a very strong line-up on Thursday nights; running a wrestling show on a Thursday night on a different network may hurt your ratings as a result. This programming quality grid changes each season.[/QUOTE] This just adds yet another thing to think about when putting a TV show together. A sense of strategy that will make your game fun (and in depth) no matter how far you are into the game. This way you'll have to take into account what you may be going up against and whether or not you can still come out well in the ratings area.
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I have a question. With the discarding of development contracts (Atleast I think thats how I read it), will development talent's contract be automatically set to the parent promotion. Because if it is, does that meen that we will have to send all our development talent which should start down, down to our child company at the start of every game, because that could be quite annoying?
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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;426587]I have a question. With the discarding of development contracts (Atleast I think thats how I read it), will development talent's contract be automatically set to the parent promotion. Because if it is, does that meen that we will have to send all our development talent which should start down, down to our child company at the start of every game, because that could be quite annoying?[/QUOTE] I have no idea where you got development contracts being discarded from...
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There is something im wondering about todays entry.. With the re-debut of tv shows.. Will you get an initially higher viewing rating as people tune in to see whats changed.. Real life examples could be the 2005 version of Dr Who and the new Gladiators series. Both had intially high first shows before settling down
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[QUOTE=rajde;426622]I doubt that. You know what would be cool though to see quarterly hour ratings.[/QUOTE] Or even segment ratings! That would be great. Or maybe if it was a message just saying whether a segment or match lost or gained viewers.
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I was kinda hoping to read about the possibility to run shows like SNME and have a few extra hour specials for tv shows per year, but the update was nice. And I love the way how other TV shows are now being handled. The previous form was a pain in the ass for mod makers like myself.
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[QUOTE=W3LSHY;426587]I have a question. With the discarding of development contracts (Atleast I think thats how I read it), will development talent's contract be automatically set to the parent promotion. Because if it is, does that meen that we will have to send all our development talent which should start down, down to our child company at the start of every game, because that could be quite annoying?[/QUOTE] Dude, you really need to re-read that journal post, because you got something seriously twisted.
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I just think he thinks that the develop workers aren't automatically working for the development company as their contract is with the parent. I guess Adam made it possible to assign workers to development in the editor.
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[QUOTE=Hurrikane;426630]Or even segment ratings! That would be great. Or maybe if it was a message just saying whether a segment or match lost or gained viewers.[/QUOTE] The thing is, segment / match ratings would basically replicate the viewer rating, making them redundant.
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That is true but I think there are some factors maybe that should make segments different. An example of what I am thinking is in real life just because a segment is good doesn't mean that it gets good ratings, an example is Benoit vs. Hart which drew one of the worst ratings on that time peroid. I think in real life Looks has a lot to do with ratings since people flipping channels would be more likely to stay tuned. Also, gimmick ratings and momentum would also have an effect on ratings.
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[QUOTE=The Bus;426668]I just think he thinks that the develop workers aren't automatically working for the development company as their contract is with the parent. I guess Adam made it possible to assign workers to development in the editor.[/QUOTE] would make sense since he said you can send them down at any time instead of having to negotiate a new contract with them. Which often times they refused to go to development which made the whole thing a waste.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;426948]would make sense since he said you can send them down at any time instead of having to negotiate a new contract with them. Which often times they refused to go to development which made the whole thing a waste.[/QUOTE] I'm pretty sure sending certain people to Development might get you some "Hate Mail" now as well. That would be my guess with the new customizing of character.
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