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Strange events so far '08

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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;458964]The workers alsp probbaly didnt like working against eachother e.g size and or stlye difference and or the slot in the show and or debut. Watch the airwaves and also watch when it pops up for certain workers. For instance known to some now that in most games Wolf Hawkins doesnt like to work against workers bigger then him and will then need a lot more psychology from the other guy not to get the note.[/QUOTE] Really? I always thought those things were just filler.
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btw: I still didn't figured it out yet. It comes up with smaller workers and workers of his own size, but also in 3 ways / 4 ways, when I include bigger workers. - Or maybe he just doesn't like Main Events, what makes his current situation as no. 1 wrestler and champion of my company kind of problematic. =)
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Yep probably has the main event and or heavy push nerves so move him to uppermid as soon as you got good replacement. And no those things are not just filler heheh also watch out for messegas as so and so is intended to get a big push and the like this indicates high destiny and or potential
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Just had something odd happen. Playing this real world mod (Jimmy Shakerz 2013) and running SHIMMER. I decided I wanted to make a big splash so I decided to go get me a big name to be the authority figure. I get the biggest name possible after a big name that isn't quite as big, plays hardball with me and then breaks off negotiations. So now, I have to "settle" for having Stone Cold Steve Austin as my authority figure since Shawn Michaels thought he was worth more. :eek: What's funny is that Shawn was asking for more of EVERYTHING than Austin, Mick Foley, UNDERTAKER, Jericho, and (well, this makes sense) Sting. Austin: $12,000/month, 25% PPV bonus, 25% merch Michaels: turned down $15,000 a month, 40% PPV bonus, and 40% merch and stated he wouldn't sign without creative control. [B][I]CREATIVE CONTROL[/I][/B] for a non-wrestler?!?
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[QUOTE=Remianen;460176]Just had something odd happen. Playing this real world mod (Jimmy Shakerz 2013) and running SHIMMER. I decided I wanted to make a big splash so I decided to go get me a big name to be the authority figure. I get the biggest name possible after a big name that isn't quite as big, plays hardball with me and then breaks off negotiations. So now, I have to "settle" for having Stone Cold Steve Austin as my authority figure since Shawn Michaels thought he was worth more. :eek: What's funny is that Shawn was asking for more of EVERYTHING than Austin, Mick Foley, UNDERTAKER, Jericho, and (well, this makes sense) Sting. Austin: $12,000/month, 25% PPV bonus, 25% merch Michaels: turned down $15,000 a month, 40% PPV bonus, and 40% merch and stated he wouldn't sign without creative control. [B][I]CREATIVE CONTROL[/I][/B] for a non-wrestler?!?[/QUOTE] Since Michaels is well known to not want to job 99% of the time, the mod maker probably made that part of Michaels default demands, assuming that is possible as I haven't delved that deeply into the database edit options.
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Guest Bolton
[QUOTE=Rocksta;460421][IMG]http://i33.tinypic.com/2m600fm.jpg[/IMG] Aha Joey Flame. 97 Cverse mod.[/QUOTE] Enjoy your retirement Joey. :rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;460156]Yep probably has the main event and or heavy push nerves so move him to uppermid as soon as you got good replacement. And no those things are not just filler heheh also watch out for messegas as so and so is intended to get a big push and the like this indicates high destiny and or potential[/QUOTE] I'm starting to think that this might be a problem I'm having with Jack Bruce of all people. Every single match he's in gets the note. He still puts on great matches, but not as great as some of his Main Event peers. Instead he's putting on "Eric Eisen" level of matches. They're passable, but should be better.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;460512]It just strikes me as an apocalyptically bad idea. Like, "Let's get Jesse Helms to be the keynote speaker at the NAACP convention" levels of bad.[/QUOTE] poser, this is business. I don't care what he does on his own time. Just as long as he performs up to snuff and makes me money. Duh? And the Jesse Helms reference is a bit off because the media backlash would INCREASE the attendance at the convention. NAACP convention isn't really CES or Comic Con, y'see. The title of Bischoff's book is 100% true here in the States. ;)
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[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/SDR.jpg[/IMG] DAMMIT! :( She's only 32! So much for making her the centerpiece of the promotion. On that same screen, Wesna (who I have in FMW, one of my dev promotions) is retiring at 30! Guess I have to get serious now about developing Alexandra Hart and Beth Orndorff. :o
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[QUOTE=Remianen;460677] DAMMIT! :( She's only 32! So much for making her the centerpiece of the promotion. On that same screen, Wesna (who I have in FMW, one of my dev promotions) is retiring at 30! Guess I have to get serious now about developing Alexandra Hart and Beth Orndorff. :o[/QUOTE] Adam made it hard for people to use a woman's wrestling company. Realistic, but hard.
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I fired Big Smack Scott (off course..) and he sign for USPW. In his very first match there he defeated Nicky Champion for the USPW Television title. Now, four months later he's still champion. In fact, he's now a double champion after they decided to team him up with Giant Redwood and give them the tag titles! :D
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[QUOTE=Astil;460684]Adam made it hard for people to use a woman's wrestling company. Realistic, but hard.[/QUOTE] Truthfully, this isn't much of a setback on paper. I have enough stars (potential and otherwise) to easily replace Sara. But....she's practically the icon of SHIMMER. I had planned to push her hard while at the same time, bringing Tiana Ringer up and having them clash at the year end PPV for the world title for a changing of the guard kinda feel. Now I'll have to hotshot the title onto Gail Kim and hope her 37 year old butt can hold out 4 months before SHE retires too. [QUOTE=cyberkitten01;460685]Probably retiring to have babies or something, the heartless b!tch! I hope the father has some strong mat skills or she'll brutalise him[/QUOTE] Yeah well, she doesn't have to retire to have babies. She can go on hiatus. Or maybe Adam can add a gender specific event (ala going to make a movie) for the wimmen. :) Hmm, that sounds like a suggestion.... Oh and I just had Mary Apache announce she's retiring too. Not much of a loss (I always favor Fabi more) but now I have to find Fabi another tag team partner or take her out of the tag team division altogether. But I can't fire Mary once she retires because......Gran (her daddy) is one of my two road agents (along with Lance Storm). :p
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;460959]I made millions of generic new workers to appear in my game, so I'm never without some young girls to develop :) Still, sucks about Sara retiring when she did[/QUOTE] You're the first person to use "develop," "young" and "girls" in a sentence who's still allowed within a hundred yards of a school zone. Good job!
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Wow, PGHW had one stiff event :D Yoshimi Mushashibo out (!!) for 14 months with Major Concussion and Shuji Inukai suffers from Chronic upper back pain :P Two main eventers out, one 14 month and the other in pain.. EDIT: Yes, yes he is :(
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[QUOTE=FINisher;460967]Wow, PGHW had one stiff event :D Yoshimi Mushashibo out (!!) for 14 months with Major Concussion and Shuji Inukai suffers from Chronic upper back pain :P Two main eventers out, one 14 month and the other in pain..[/QUOTE] Not only that, but Yoshi is argueably the best wrestler in the world. That really, really sucks for them.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=dPro;460699]I fired Big Smack Scott (off course..) and he sign for USPW. In his very first match there he defeated Nicky Champion for the USPW Television title. Now, four months later he's still champion. In fact, he's now a double champion after they decided to team him up with Giant Redwood and give them the tag titles! :D[/QUOTE] I wonder who is the more talented guy in that team?
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