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Best wrestler to never win a title


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I think a big name is arn anderson. I know he won titles but never won "the big one". I think that is a shame because he was always super talented and could work the mic. I guess it was because he was always trying to "protect" flair. A big part of his gimmick was for him to keep the belt on flair.
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Okay quick question that I have always wondered what people thought as well



The Rock and Austin are the most over (arguably) wrestlers from the 90's and 2000's, hell people still want to see them wrestle. Now my question is do you think this pisses Triple H off. I mean he has busted his A** and to me anyways, better title reigns. They both have left the company (yes Austin is still somewhat there but I believe 50% of that is for how bad the movie did) and don't wrestle anymore where Hunter bust his a** as well and even married into the family and still isn't as big of a name as them, even Taker and HBK are bigger.


If I had to do a list of wrestlers that would excite me to see them it would go like this. (Now I am still doing alive)


1) Rock (saw him in three matches and never was bored)


2) Bret Hart (Only because he was the only wrestler I never got to see)


3) Austin


4) Hogan


5) Flair


6) Taker (I went to the last Smackdown show in Tampa he was at and man his entrance still gives you chills)


7) HBK


8) Raven (promo king to me)


9) Jeff Hardy (huge mark for the guy :D)


10) Sting (I've been to 4 TNA impact tapings and it's amazing how he still does this into his 50's now and still could put on a great match, man would I mark out huge if he ever came to WWE even if it was for like 4 matches)


11) Triple H (works his a** off, but I wonder with out the relationship just how many times would he win?)


12) Edge (loved the Hardys and Edge and Christian growing up I hope before Christian leaves again :rolleyes: they do at least one more TLC match, even if it's Jeff and Christian vs. Edge and Matt)


13) Randy Orton (Sells his gimmick so well)


14) Chris Jericho


15) Blade Hart (okay the reason I say this is because I heard his dad has been training him along with the rest of the family and Lance Storm, maybe he would be as good as his father one day, but would he ever go to WWE?)

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I mean he has busted his A** and to me anyways, better title reigns.


Or he busted Stephanie's. >_>


8) Raven (promo king to me)

Really liked Raven, just never had that main event quality to me in terms of holding a major heavyweight title.


9) Jeff Hardy (huge mark for the guy )

Never really saw it, especially for main eventing.


10) Sting (I've been to 4 TNA impact tapings and it's amazing how he still does this into his 50's now and still could put on a great match, man would I mark out huge if he ever came to WWE even if it was for like 4 matches)

Sting used to excite me, and when he first came to TNA I was happy to see him come back. After attending Bound for Glory every year and a couple other PPV's... I'm sick of him to the Nth degree. If Sting could put someone over at a big PPV... I dunno, just sayin'.


12) Edge (loved the Hardys and Edge and Christian growing up I hope before Christian leaves again they do at least one more TLC match, even if it's Jeff and Christian vs. Edge and Matt)

I'll NEVER EVER understand what makes him popular. He's utterly horrible. Just terrible. It's like I woke up one day in bizzaro world.


And as for someone saying Owen earlier. Owen was never more than a mid-card wrestler too. He gets glorified in death so much it's ridiculous, you'd think he was one of the top ten workers of all time. Owen had tremendous talent and was fun to watch, but much like some others... mid-carder and not a main eventer. Some people just have roles.

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The Rock and Austin are the most over (arguably) wrestlers from the 90's and 2000's, hell people still want to see them wrestle. Now my question is do you think this pisses Triple H off. I mean he has busted his A** and to me anyways, better title reigns. They both have left the company (yes Austin is still somewhat there but I believe 50% of that is for how bad the movie did) and don't wrestle anymore where Hunter bust his a** as well and even married into the family and still isn't as big of a name as them, even Taker and HBK are bigger.


It probably bothers Hunter a little, but I'm sure he knows that Stone Cold & The Rock were utter freaks. Personallities and characters that were in the right place, right time, played by the right people with the right skills. He can't compete, and I don't think he should lose any sleep over that.


Plus, absence makes the heart grow fonder. If Austin and The Rock hadn't left, if they stuck to wrestling year after year without reinventing themselves, they'd have lost their impact too. They'd have become stale and their stars would have lost their shine over time.


I would love to have seen The Rock wrestle live. That's the only one I can really say "Man, I wish I'd been there for that."


Or he busted Stephanie's. >_>


Dude. High five.


And as for someone saying Owen earlier. Owen was never more than a mid-card wrestler too. He gets glorified in death so much it's ridiculous, you'd think he was one of the top ten workers of all time. Owen had tremendous talent and was fun to watch, but much like some others... mid-carder and not a main eventer. Some people just have roles.


I'll admit to bias in my mentioning of Owen. I loved him as a kid. I just related to that "overshadowed little brother" character so damn much. He was always a midcarder, but I would have liked him take that step to Main Event. I'm sure they could have done it with him. I'm sure there was some story you could tell that would have put him up there. "The Game" was originally supposed to be him, not Hunter (although I'm sure the gimmick would look different on him) so who knows?

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Christian held the NWA WHC twice, in that brief 5/6 year period it counted as a real world title again, so he doesn't count.


Kendrick and London are mine. Two guys with unlimited talent, but they're too small to get anywhere in the industry. Kendrick went from his mega push to jobbing, for no apparent reason, and London's not even with the company anymore.

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Very nice ACC that could be very possible lol


And Self to your thing about Rock I am sorry. Rock was just one of those people you had to see atleast once.



And for Austin and Rock's act growing old I don't know, they manged to change each other and keep themselves fresh. Austin was very good about changing his gimmick/attitude mid show sometimes. plus everyone wanted to see them, those two could carry WrestleMania themselves, what would the buyrate for their last wrestlemania match been?

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I'm amazed we got to page 3 without this name coming up: Barry Windham.


I don't count his 'WCW/NWA World International' title reign as a proper world title - the NWA belt at that point was a nothing strap.


He was an incredible worker in his day, from the early 1980s to around 1993, and seems to almost be the forgotten man of NWA/WCW - given his size, look, charisma and talent it never ceases to amaze me how he never made it, and I do wonder if his early 90s injuries might have killed off a major push for him.


Besides: Rap is Crap. Come on, there's not a person alive who didn't love that song :p

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Kendrick and London are mine. Two guys with unlimited talent, but they're too small to get anywhere in the industry. Kendrick went from his mega push to jobbing, for no apparent reason, and London's not even with the company anymore.


They just dont have that "IT" factor to be a major player in any major wrestling company


And it doesnt look like William Regal is ever going to get major title push

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I'm amazed we got to page 3 without this name coming up: Barry Windham.


I don't count his 'WCW/NWA World International' title reign as a proper world title - the NWA belt at that point was a nothing strap.


He was an incredible worker in his day, from the early 1980s to around 1993, and seems to almost be the forgotten man of NWA/WCW - given his size, look, charisma and talent it never ceases to amaze me how he never made it, and I do wonder if his early 90s injuries might have killed off a major push for him.


Besides: Rap is Crap. Come on, there's not a person alive who didn't love that song :p


Count me among the Barry Windham marks. I get him in every TEW game I've ever played and always utilize him, even into the early 2000s. Love the guy. The Rap is Crap World Tour is one of the highlights of my wrestling fandom. I hated Konnan and I hated the Rey Mysterio megapush and I hated rap music and I hated the stupid "No Limit Soldias" and I hated Master P...HATE HATE HATE!!!



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I don't know if this guy ever won a world title, and I'm not sure really how much of a main eventer he was because when he was in his prime I was just a little kiddywink so what I remember of his prime was from old tapes that I used to love watching, like all the Hogan tapes, some old summerslam,suvivor series,royal rumble, etc.


Anyway, maybe I am alone but (if he didn't win 1) Big Boss Man I could have seen as holding the belt at least once, even if just for a short reign.

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Also, is Andre the Giant disqualified from this?

He did officially win the title, but in a somewhat dubious scenario.

Hired by Ted Dibiase to win the belt for him.

Won the belt from Hogan in a match where Dave Hebner was supposed to be the ref, but wasn't and instead Earl was ref with the story being that Ted Dibiase had paid for plastic surgery for him to look like Dave. Earl subsequently counted the 1....2....3 when Hogan's shoulders weren't on the mat.

Andre then sold the title to Ted, but the deal was discounted and the title was declared vacant by the WWF


So, like I said, does this disqualify Andre?

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Dude. High five.

High five.



Ted DiBiase is the only guy coming to mind for me right now. But as I said earlier. Full blame to Honky Tonk for that. I could be wrong as my brain is a bit fuzzy on the full details but I believe it went something like this:

DiBiase was supposed to win at Wrestlemania IV, Savage was supposed to defeat Honky for the Intercontinental, but Honky refused to drop the belt to Randy. That put the WWF scrambling for new ideas about what to do... low and behold they just give Savage the title, screwing DiBiase, and Beefcake took the IC Tite bout vs. Honky be decision allowing him to retain.


So all in all, I hate you Honky.

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If we're talking promotions, then definitely Paul London in ROH. He was over as hell in ROH, and people may say he doesn't have it, but in the ring and when he plays the right, quirky, gutsy type, I'd say he definitely has it. Of course, I'm a London fanboy definitely, doesn't make him any less great :p
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If we're talking promotions, then definitely Paul London in ROH. He was over as hell in ROH, and people may say he doesn't have it, but in the ring and when he plays the right, quirky, gutsy type, I'd say he definitely has it. Of course, I'm a London fanboy definitely, doesn't make him any less great :p


This has more to do with him leaving for the WWE. That's why we are discussing major titles. It's hard to give the title to someone leaving for the WWE. That's why they gave him his farewell match vs. Samoa Joe for the title in what was a great match. It was his reward before going off.

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i.e Austin with the World Title in ECW or WCW. Yes Austin wasn't in ECW long enough to become a true contender, and he was still somewhat new in WCW. but that's what I meant.




Austin was in WCW (I restrained myself from using a Lawler type de-acronisation) for years, just never got a push outside the Hollywood Blondes and even that was crapped on.


As for his time in ECW, Paul E was going to make him champ. Austin opted out (apparently for storyline purposes but I get the feeling he knew Vince was scouting him).


Really liked Raven, just never had that main event quality to me in terms of holding a major heavyweight title.


Time for me to go off on one :rolleyes:.


If used correctly, Raven could have been champ anywhere. He is (at least, in my mind) the best talker ever in the business (yes, this has come up before but he did something different, never before seen/heard). Plus, he is phenomenal in the ring. Sure, he can't fly (or couldn't later on) and he wasn't a technical genius but he had the best grasp of psychology I've ever seen and, my word, could he sell. Those, for me, are the two things you need to be a great wrestler; everything else is gift wrapping.


I always cite the match he had with Goldberg on Nitro (one of the few WCW shows I've ever seen). He looked like such a cowardly prick that Goldberg came off looking like a god... it's the best heel performance I think I've ever seen.


That's all you need as champ. Make him a weaselly champion who evades true competition and cheats to retain the title and it will get your faces over big time (basically what I've done in Worldwide :D). He could have run with the ball anywhere, he was just overlooked.


Quote The Raven


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I agree with you Nevy


I watched the fall of ECW awhile back, and Paul E spoke so highly of Austin so if he stayed longer it wouldn't surprise me if he won.


And I completely agree about Raven, he could tell a story like no other. You do great things for him, he reminds me of a smaller Triple H (and before anyone says anything listen)


He is good in the ring; also he always had a stable that helps him.


But the one thing that he always stood out above the rest was, he ability to cut a promo, Paul E even said it that this man could tell a story like no one else and he was scared when he left because he never thought he would be used properly


People always think that all he was, was a hardcore guys, but he good put on a decent match as well

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Time for me to go off on one :rolleyes:.


Don't know why you are rolling your eyes. It's my opinion. I've never (with the exception of ECW) seen him as a major player. I just think his role in the big two as a midcarder fit him.


I am a big Rick Martel fan, but I don't think he should have had a title reign. He is one of the best to never have one in my opinion, but I don't think he should have had one.


Like I stated previously. I liked Raven. Was a fan. Just, me, myself, personally, my own opinion, trying not to offend you like I so obviously did :rolleyes:, don't think he should have had a world title run.

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