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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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Is it really that mysterious? Here's what's up.


Say I find that Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio have good chemistry as Tag partners, while I'm running WWE.


Then, Bourne refuses to renegotiate and leaves for TNA.


By Default, the overall chemistry file now would not display that chemistry, because one half of it no longer works for this promotion which I am running.


The very mention of default implies that you will be able to "untick" or "unfilter" so that it can display all chemistry you have found, whether you moved on to another promotion, or some of your workers did.

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Loving the Chemistry Store as a phenomenally helpful timesaver.


My dream would be for this page to also show the results of proven (via house shows) neutral chemistry. That way I could just check the page to see whether I have or haven't already tried testing a certain combination and I wouldn't have to waste time digging through all those old email chemistry reports.

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for a second i thought the last journal entry called Chemistry Store was some sort of lame EA sports type feature where users can PURCHASE CHEMISTRY for two workers and assign it. all through additional downloadable content fees of course. thank god TEW hasnt gone the way of console games yet
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I have to say, I love this. It's another feature that keeps things in-game that I currently run out of a separate spreadsheet. The less I run out of the spreadsheet, the less my wife mocks me for playing a game that requires me to use a spreadsheet...


Now, as soon as we get that good ol' quick roster in, we're gold. I'm long since sold on buying the game. Quick roster would just be gravy.

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Loving the Chemistry Store as a phenomenally helpful timesaver.


My dream would be for this page to also show the results of proven (via house shows) neutral chemistry. That way I could just check the page to see whether I have or haven't already tried testing a certain combination and I wouldn't have to waste time digging through all those old email chemistry reports.


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Not exactly true. The AI doesn't NOTE chemistry but many times, it'll ride it til the wheels fall off. It just won't go out of its way to take advantage of it (like a player would).


I've always assumed that chemistry has to be present for the AI promotions. Just seemed the easiest way to explain oddly low or high match grades that happen occassionally between two given workers, and seem to consistently happen with them.

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/nod. But I guess if you're not working the shows you can't tell what's good booking and what's chemistry.


True. You can never know for sure... But its sometimes a pretty safe guess. For example, watching TCW while booking SWF. Tommy Cornell consistently pulls B or better matches against everyone, title or not. Typically B+ or better, actually. But he has repeated C and C+ matches against one worker who is as popular and talented (if not moreso) than the other workers Cornell is facing. It was Brent Hill if memory serves and he was B- popularity at that point. The reason that one sticks in my mind is that I meant to ask about it on here but never did.

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Quick question. In features for turning things off in game, can you turn off worker happiness being affected by losses, or worker happiness in general?


Realistically Masahiro Chono could lose every single match on a tour without getting pinned(through tagging with a young lion), then win a big Singles match at the end of the tour. In real life Chono would be perfectly happy with that, but in game he'd bitch and complain saying he's appalled you'd book him to lose so many times. I mean it's not that bad, but it's hard to keep even half your roster of main eventers happy if they're dissatisfied with not being pinned but not winning in a tag match.


Especially considering in Japan on tours most times it is Top star + Midcarder vs Top Star + Midcarder with one of the midcarders taking the fall to build momentum to the end of the tour Singles match between Top star and Top Star.


I just find it kind of ruins my plans to run more than one show a week for a tour because I want to keep my top stars happy. It also forces me to book my tours much differently than they'd be booked in real life. Basically I have to bring in people from Mexico/America who I never wanted to use and job them to my top stars to keep happiness up. I mean I understand Midcarders being semi-frustrated(and I truly mean SEMI) with taking the fall

all the time, even though they're getting a rub, but I don't think it's realistic for Misawa to get bent out of shape because his partner keeps losing.


Also how much popularity is affected from Misawa in say Misawa & Ogawa vs Takayama & Omori if say Omori pins Ogawa?

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Quick question. In features for turning things off in game, can you turn off worker happiness being affected by losses, or worker happiness in general?


You bring up some good points, but I'm guessing that you can't turn off the worker happiness/losses correlation because it wasn't mentioned in that particular post. I think if we go into too much detail on the subject Adam is likely to tell us to take it to the Suggestions forum. In light of that, I'll pre-empt that moderator action and start a new thread:



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You bring up some good points, but I'm guessing that you can't turn off the worker happiness/losses correlation because it wasn't mentioned in that particular post.


- Worker morale effects are turned on


You can turn off Morale, which means that workers won't get sad or angry over anything. Including but not limited to... losses.


Workers will still argue in the booking screen if they feel like they shouldn't lose, and momentum/popularity will still come into play (unless you turn momentum off too, then it's just popularity)... But happiness will not be a problem.

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I am very impressed with the list of updates that will be included in the 2010 edition. It is mind blowing to see that with everything already included there is still room for this wide of an expansion. I really love the idea of bringing back some of the fun and random activities of the old E W 9000/EWR days that got people like me hooked on these sims to begin with. Great work Adam.
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It's now hit the point where I'm struggling to start a new TEW08 game, because it's lacking features announced for TEW2010. Which is a shame, because I'm about to have 10 days off of work and I have nothing to do.


Bidding wars are cool.

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It's now hit the point where I'm struggling to start a new TEW08 game, because it's lacking features announced for TEW2010. Which is a shame, because I'm about to have 10 days off of work and I have nothing to do.


Bidding wars are cool.


I felt the same way with 07 when 08 was announced. And now i like you are that way again with 08 after seen some of the features that will be in 2010.


And so far as to what im seen how can 2010 even be topped.

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I felt the same way with 07 when 08 was announced. And now i like you are that way again with 08 after seen some of the features that will be in 2010.


And so far as to what im seen how can 2010 even be topped.

This always happens to me. TEW 08 is so ancient and so last year. :D I simply can not start a new TEW game until 2010 comes out because 08 doesn't have all the features I want. :p And TEW 2008 is a GREAT game! Honestly, one of the best ever. It's just that the new features announced for the next version with all the Eras, Bidding Wars, National Trends, Forced Chemistry and whatnot sound so sweet that they make 08 seem almost like some sort of a demo version of 2010.


I can't wait for 2010. :)

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Bidding Wars, eh? Sounds good, though I think of it more as an improved version of an EWR feature rather than the WMMA series (which I never played). I still remember trying to sign someone and seeing "Promotion A has matched your bid" and being annoyed, especially when it reached the max amount of money and you could no longer sign him (something that's obviously improved in this version of it!)
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Great, now if i play as TNA i can steal stars from WWE instead of waiting for any releases.

I hope that the mercenary personality trait comes into play here, as someone like Kevin Nash, who's only in the business for the money, doesn't care where he works as long as the pay is the highest possible. So a WCW can sign Nash, despite never turning profit before, simply because of Ted Turner's bank account.

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Please note that the journal will be suspended over Christmas. The remaining two entries for this block of five will appear on the 29th and 30th of December, and the journal will then revert to the normal five-a-week as of January 4th.


But what will fill the empty void :(

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