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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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One of the best yet IMO.


I have found gimmicks to be meaningless in the past and therefore have tried to make my product one that doesn't require them.... however with this i might change my mind.


I especially like the idea of Brute.... I often pictured American Buffalo in that role but found it hard to get over.


I hope their are road agent notes to provide info on the gimmick too.


good work

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I can say this: this feature is not fluff. It makes it very easy to create Khali and Umaga type workers, who you build up based on Menace so your champion can beat them for the boost on PPV. It'll also work very well with DOTT scenarios (making it a little easier to build up workers via the squash match route).


The downside is that a lot of RW mods with the mishmash of 1000 gimmicks all imported from different pre-existing mods (like with 'Unique Charismatic' in two different categories with one misspelled) will need a pruning. :)

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I love the two latest features, divisions is something I really wanted for a long time as I would love to organise my workers better than they are at the moment. And the new gimmick feature is great and will add alot more realism to the gimmick system.
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Love the gimmicks update, even though it'll mean even more updating to do :p


Although, not to open a can of worms, but I'm just wondering if perhaps the penalties of a brute/realistic gimmick losing to a comedy worker should be negated in a comedy key-feature promotion?

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I'm just going to have to disagree completely with the whole don't run brute gimmicks in a comedy fed vibe I'm getting. While brutes or serious-as-a-heart-attack fighters may not be able to deliver comedy, they can be on the recieving end of and react to it just as well as anyone (think the straight man in a two-person comedy duo).


While I guess I can see the reasoning in it if it's to ensure that the AI and users have comedy wrestlers main-eventing their comedy feds, having them lose to a comedy wrestler (who could very well be the biggest deal in the eyes of the fans) in a comedy promotion doesn't seem to me like it'd be any more damaging to their cred than if a non-comedy person beat them.


Otherwise, say I wanted to have a worker with a Monster like gimmick, but despite his ferociousness he still gets beaten by blow-up dolls.. or for another example, I bring in a legitimate MMA crossover and then have him get KO'ed by an invisible hand-grenade. Their non-comedy gimmicks would actually emphasize the wackiness and comedy as opposed to detract from it.. yet they would get penalized for it (unless you created a work-around gimmick for it).


At least that's how I'm seeing it atm. Definitely not a big problem, but just thought I should get it out in the open and see if there's something I'm overlooking

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