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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Someone on a forum used by people/alumni from my school posted this which I pretty much agree with (& assume many others would):

[Lesnar] needs to keep the belt and be built as unstoppable. I don't mind Cena and Bryan winning the US and IC titles if it means Brock is going to be Mr. Invincible for the next 3 years. WWE needs a spectacle and there are plenty of people he can go against (Orton, Rusev, Ziggler, Wyatt). Brock transcends face/heel if done properly. Let the US and IC titles be the focus for the shows and bring Brock out every few months for a big PPV to remind people he's the real deal. then in a year or three, whoever eventually goes over him will be made. that's how you build the next Austin or Rock, not this shit they're doing with Reigns (and have done with Cena).


I don't necessarily agree that it's how you build the next Austin/Rock (Rock's mic work & otherworldly charisma are what got him over and while Austin certainly got help from the Bret Hart submission match, I feel it was his character, intensity & believability that really got him over), but I do agree that building Lesnar like that & then having someone eventually go over him would help to get that person over & WWE would have up to 2-3 years to find the one person they want to give that push/rub to


Maybe sometime in the next 2-3 years, someone breaks out of the scripting crap & actually bothers to show some personality & gets the crowd behind them (and if said person isn't a 5'9 bearded guy then maybe WWE will be happy that they got themselves over?). If so, then you've got a ready made huge event awaiting for them in being the one to take down Lesnar


Also, the idea that Heyman turning & siding with Reigns will help him isn't something I'm buying. When's the last time Heyman got someone over who wasn't already over? Maybe I'm forgetting someone, but I don't recall it happening once in the past decade (no offense to Heyman, but awful and repetitive storylines, piss poor even stephen booking & only a handful of "superstars" exuding personality makes getting over damn near impossible in the current WWE landscape)


Of course, all this talk is for naught b/c I fully expect WWE to throw good money after bad & keep trying to force Reigns ("Vince said that night that he would rather have a half full arena cheering for the guy that he says to cheer for than a full arena cheering for whoever they want.".)

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Honestly a Lesnar title reign should basically be


PPV 1: Contender Match ME

PPV 2: Lesnar vs Contender

PPV 3: Contender Match ME

PPV 4: Lesnar vs Contender




Just throw guys like Sheamus, Cesaro, Ambrose, Rollins, Orton at him. 6 matches still keeps him a rare enough occurence yet by having guys fight for the right to challenge him he's stays an important part of the show. Film various training montages, promo videos, etc. and play them when he isn't on Raw.


I just hated the fact that for months everyone acted like Lesnar and the World Championship didn't exist.

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Honestly a Lesnar title reign should basically be


PPV 1: Contender Match ME

PPV 2: Lesnar vs Contender

PPV 3: Contender Match ME

PPV 4: Lesnar vs Contender




Just throw guys like Sheamus, Cesaro, Ambrose, Rollins, Orton at him. 6 matches still keeps him a rare enough occurence yet by having guys fight for the right to challenge him he's stays an important part of the show. Film various training montages, promo videos, etc. and play them when he isn't on Raw.


I just hated the fact that for months everyone acted like Lesnar and the World Championship didn't exist.


that idea is sound as anything, would make the match feel bigger in general, even if the opponent wasn't the most over


my only fear is that Lesnar has dominated everything, just to make Reigns that much stronger when he beats him at Wrestlemania, the man who destroyed Cena, beat the streak, dominated WWE beaten by the only man who could do it Roman Reigns


i just can't get into Reigns, not when you could have someone with a great character or even great look like Ambrose or Harper, Reigns looks like one of those generic creat a wrestlers you make when you realize you can't be bothered to fully make the wrestler you wanted

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I figured out right away that "leaked" script was totally fake. It made me laugh though. It's almost on the same level as that big middle finger pic of the Wrestlemania 31 ramp and layout.


That Axelmania poster is awesome! I'm honestly surprised that Vince let him keep going with that gimmick for this long until that segment with Snoop Dog and Hogan made me bang me head on the wall!

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I figured out right away that "leaked" script was totally fake. It made me laugh though. It's almost on the same level as that big middle finger pic of the Wrestlemania 31 ramp and layout.


That Axelmania poster is awesome! I'm honestly surprised that Vince let him keep going with that gimmick for this long until that segment with Snoop Dog and Hogan made me bang me head on the wall!


Of course they let the Axelmania gimmick run, its doing its job of disguising the fact that Cena is also doing his best hulkamania impression against Rusev.

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So I know Finn Balor is crazy good at what he does and all. But how does taking that Double Foot Stomp not absolutely hurt? How does that bump even work? I assume he lifts his feet at the moment of impact to reduce it somewhat but I mean... based on my limited knowledge of physics that weight still comes down on the chest eventually. Especially depending on the way it lands.


I mean I've seen smaller guys do it like Low Ki and all but Balor's probably a legit 205 lbs at least. That move just has to hurt.

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So I know Finn Balor is crazy good at what he does and all. But how does taking that Double Foot Stomp not absolutely hurt? How does that bump even work? I assume he lifts his feet at the moment of impact to reduce it somewhat but I mean... based on my limited knowledge of physics that weight still comes down on the chest eventually. Especially depending on the way it lands.


I mean I've seen smaller guys do it like Low Ki and all but Balor's probably a legit 205 lbs at least. That move just has to hurt.


I've taken a couple of them. They're not too bad. The trick seems to be collapsing on impact. Bending your knees so most of your weight is going down onto nothing, and leaning forward/back, rather than going in like a pencil, straight down. It still 'hurts' to a certain extent, but then so do a lot of moves.


And I'd guess Balor's about 180-190lbs. I've been surprised at how small he looks compared to the other NXT guys. The dude is slender.

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I've taken a couple of them. They're not too bad. The trick seems to be collapsing on impact. Bending your knees so most of your weight is going down onto nothing, and leaning forward/back, rather than going in like a pencil, straight down. It still 'hurts' to a certain extent, but then so do a lot of moves.


And I'd guess Balor's about 180-190lbs. I've been surprised at how small he looks compared to the other NXT guys. The dude is slender.


Makes sense :) Thanks man! I guess I (wrongly) figured Balor a bit bigger as last time I saw him, i'd have put him at about 185ish. And he's bigger on NXT than he was then. But I mean I'm not going to argue over it you'd be able to size a guy up better than I would.

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NXT Review:


Bliss vs Sasha (Women's Championship) - Good match. Bliss still needs a lot of polish but she's developing nicely.

Emma & Bayley - Emma turned heel by slapping Bayley to prove a point to her "friend." Becky should be next in line for a title shot while they build up Bayley to take down Sasha.

Balor vs Owens (NXT Championship) - Quality hype videos earlier in the show. Balor was unpainted. 20+ minute MOTY Contender. These guys are so good they could be main eventing Mania next year. It would be hard even for WWE to drop the ball with these guys on the main roster.


Verdict: A rare 2 match show and it was great. The 2 man announce team was refreshing. Only negative was way too many commmercials. If you already own the Network you don't need to be sold on Wrestlemania: Play Button.



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So I'm not sure if you guys saw the Grantland interview Michelle Beadle did with Heyman and Reigns, but I think it definitely plays up the Heyman turning on Lesnar "theory".


They teased a future alliance between Rollins and Heyman on Smackdown a couple of months ago. Just keeping their creative options open. If anything Heyman would pretend to buddy up with Reigns (whenever Reigns wins the title off Lesnar) only to reveal he's really allied with Rollins and help him cash in. Although Rollins doesn't need another mouthpiece since he's already capable on his own and has Trips and Steph. Finn Balor also posted a pic on Twitter of him and Heyman titled "Tempting..." That of course was just a joke.

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Hideo Itami won the NXT Axxess tournament against Balor. He's in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale at Mania. I'm not so sure he's being fast-tracked to the main roster. My guess is it's a cover so they can debut Neville, Breeze or Balor on Raw next week without spoiling the surprise.


Itami also used the GTS for the first time at a live event in San Jose. That's a pretty big deal.

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Talking about the pre-show, there's also the Battle Royal which apparently didn't make it into the main show. No surprise there. I hope we still get to see the Mizdow segment.


And is Lesnar now supposed to win or what? I might actually decide to get hyped for the event based on the fact that I don't know who'll win. Or not. :p

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