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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I just saw the highlights.  Why is everyone popping online over the Ricochet-Paul aerial spot?  It didn't make any sense to me why they would do that and aside from them both getting a good jump in, I didn't see anything impressive about it.  I find it odd that years ago on tough enough they kicked the one girl off because they botched the move and did a double dropkick, which itself I've seen in a few matches and now stuff like this which looks about as real as when TNA used to have 8 guys (mostly opponents) waiting with their outstretched arms to catch you as you jumped off of a cage or the first time I turned into AEW and saw the young bucks jump over their opponents, who still fell like they got hit.


Reviews seemed underwhelmed aside from the main event.


Any chance they get Dustin back in time for WM?  seems odd Cody is doing the 'First Family" schtick against the bloodline, but he's the only one from his family there and you could easily argue the Anoa'i family is the first family given all the people that have performed and to what level of success.

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7 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

I agree with most of this but reverse the opinions on the Rumbles. The women’s rumble was a botchfest. 

The men’s was very paint by numbers and predictable which while not a death sentence just left me bored. I liked the womens more because there were more potential winners. I had the preshow on while cooking and saw the bloodline segment and read into that Sami wasn’t in the rumble so that left only Cody to win. I knew Rhea was the favorite but there was also Becky I felt like Bayley had a chance, Auska felt like a possibility when she came in which speaking of not sure if it was her new at least to me attire but she looked great. Raquel, and Sonya also felt like they could be surprise winners though when Nia showed up I was worried she was going to win thankfully it went the way it did. 

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Sure, the Rumbles were average perhaps but boy that main event was worth the re-subscription on its own.

Haven't followed the story other than that the Usos crack up from Samy's jokes and that it elevated the latter. Everyone expected the turn and the match at Mania (it can't be Cody vs Roman right?), alongside an Uso brothers match, but the way they delivered it... that was some A*-stuff right there. The way KO crawled towards Zayn at ringside given the history they have... The prolonged doubts of Zayn and the confirmation of the megalomaniac nature of the 'Chief'... At least that's how I interpreted it and it the delivery of everyone involved was brilliant. Apparently their segment went too long on monday and it caused the dropping of a cage match, but given the importance of the storyline I guess that it perhaps a right choice.

Curious at the continuation of the Wyatt family and how it ties in with Alexa. I used to love her 'first' character and missed out on her reinvention to her psycho version, but what she was now was just really dull, so I hope some development will come in the coming weeks.

I was hoping for a Mysterio and son development but I must've missed it somehow (?). They also screwed up the no30 entry for the women's rumble. Nia's appearance and her whole "bitch/angry" persona doesn't work for me. I hope she was just back for the rumble...

I don't like the continued fixation on the numbers and records. People don't care. They care about the moments. The spot with Logan Paul was a highlight. Ripley winning was expected, but there was no need to sell the Phoenix "spear" an hour after it happened like it was some kind of otherworldly move. It makes a mockery of all that happened in the rumble itself.

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Triple H: I know you fans were upset about not having Sami or the Rock in the Rumble, but I'll make it up to you in the women's Rumble.
WWE Universe: Oh?
Triple H: Like a surprise return...
WWE Universe: Oh REALLY?
Triple H: Someone who left the company after a dispute with management...
WWE Universe: Ooh...!
Triple H: Someone who's close with the Bloodline...
WWE Universe: Oh-hoo...!

Triple H: Her name starts with an "N"...

WWE Universe: *squeeee...!*

Triple H: NIA JAX!
WWE Universe: ... You jerk.

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I guess I'm in the minority of actually enjoying the show in general.

Yes, the men's Rumble was predictable. Cody coming out and winning was fully expected, teased, and set up. Which made it very ripe for a swerve which didn't come, much to the apparent chagrin of much of the IWC. However, predictable is not bad. Oftentimes we get predictable and it works...because it makes the most sense. The match was entertaining. It set up a few things going forward that had little to do with the Bloodline (that came later): Rollins vs. Paul, Sheamus and McIntyre against the Judgment Day, Gunther being the biggest badass in the company, and, of course, Rhodes vs. Reigns (I'm assuming he'll still be the champion at Mania). On a side note, I think it would be great if Dustin could be back for Mania. I have no idea what his status is, but it would make me happy.

The Pitch Black thing was...a thing. It gave us a chance to breathe, which feels odd since it was built up so much as a big mover of the needle. It was cool to see Bray look dominant, but I have no idea what any of it meant. The biggest plus of the match for me was that I have no idea where they go from there with Bray or Knight, but I do trust that creative will find something to do with both of them moving forward (and I really hope it's not a continuation of their feud).

The Raw Women's Title match was just...alright. It seems like a lot of sound and fury that would have been better served (at this point in the story and from my perspective) with Alexa not being teased with any kind of Wyatt reunion. Let her coast on the reputation of being the first woman to win both the Raw and SmackDown women's titles, of being a multi-time former women's champion, of being one of the biggest players in the "Women's Evolution"TM. Let that be why she should be able to beat Bianca Belair and win the title. Then, in the aftermath of that loss, she gets a hint of Uncle Howdy or Cousin Bray. I try not to second-guess too much, but it just seems like questionable storytelling.

The women's Rumble was solid. Seeing Rhea win it (and go wire-to-wire, which is apparently the new phrase) was cool. She looked badass, and this sets up not only a solid shot at the title for her, but also a set of future challengers when she wins it. I didn't mind the "legend spot" with Michelle McCool, and I also think there's a place in WWE for Nia Jax, who I think only works in a WWE where she can be a special attraction rather than need to be an amazing worker. So, if creative thinks they have something for her, I'm all for it.

The main event was a tremendous match (which was expected), and an even better aftermath, which, in retrospect, we should have seen coming. The build always had to go this way to get us to Mania with Sami and KO on the same page. It's going to take some time to get them back together and trusting each other. The question is where do they go with Jey and how does his insecurity affect Roman, Jimmy, and Solo. That should be a lot of fun to watch.



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I also enjoyed the show for the most part. I did really enjoy Graves, Cole, and Pat on commentary. There were some lines on commentary that sounded right out of Bobby Heenan's repertoire. Pat being super passionate and just having fun helps me have fun while watching. He's such a genuine fan of WWE as a whole and he has a ton of chemistry with Cole. Plus, it's nice that someone interrupts Graves. Graves is super hit and miss on commentary, but I hope these three are the PPV team going forward personally. 

I loved Cody and Ripley winning. I have less than zero desire to see Nia Jax wrestle ever again tho. I LOVED Piper Niven coming back! She's a very solid hand and has a unique look and backstory. 

Main event was a highlight of the show, but the post match stuff was brilliant. I legitimately cheered outloud when Sami hit Roman with the chair. 

My biggest complain is that Peacock is stupid and doesn't let you start the show from the beginning while the show is on. I didn't get off work until 10:30pm, but couldn't even start the show until almost 1am. They really need to fix this. Wasn't an issue on the actual WWE Network. 

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1 hour ago, Matt_Black said:

If they do Sami vs. Roman at Elimination Chamber, could you imagine the pop if Sami wins? Montreal would go BANANA like they never have before!

That’s when Jey will turn on Sami. HEAT!!! I don’t know if it’ll be a Road Warrior Chicago situation where it’s the wrong heat. Where the people won’t wanna comeback cause they wanted Sami to win. I’m not sure but that’s what I believe will happen to set up the tag title match at mania.

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Sami Zayn fighting the Usos for the tag titles as the denouement of this 6+ month long slow burned story would be as unsatisfying as when the Festival of Friendship set up a match at 'Mania between Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho... for the U.S. Title, because Vince thought Brock/ Goldberg needed the Universal title.

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On 1/30/2023 at 12:49 AM, Jaysin said:

I also enjoyed the show for the most part. I did really enjoy Graves, Cole, and Pat on commentary. There were some lines on commentary that sounded right out of Bobby Heenan's repertoire. Pat being super passionate and just having fun helps me have fun while watching. He's such a genuine fan of WWE as a whole and he has a ton of chemistry with Cole. Plus, it's nice that someone interrupts Graves. Graves is super hit and miss on commentary, but I hope these three are the PPV team going forward personally. 

I loved Cody and Ripley winning. I have less than zero desire to see Nia Jax wrestle ever again tho. I LOVED Piper Niven coming back! She's a very solid hand and has a unique look and backstory. 

Main event was a highlight of the show, but the post match stuff was brilliant. I legitimately cheered outloud when Sami hit Roman with the chair. 

My biggest complain is that Peacock is stupid and doesn't let you start the show from the beginning while the show is on. I didn't get off work until 10:30pm, but couldn't even start the show until almost 1am. They really need to fix this. Wasn't an issue on the actual WWE Network. 

Pretty sure you can manually rewind to the beginning. Not ideal, but it works. Haven't tried starting from the beginning when the show is on, but I thought it was available for other events (e.g. Sunday Night Football).

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51 minutes ago, CQI13 said:

Pretty sure you can manually rewind to the beginning. Not ideal, but it works. Haven't tried starting from the beginning when the show is on, but I thought it was available for other events (e.g. Sunday Night Football).

You can only rewind a certain amount of time. I tried to do that when I got home and it would only go back Brock's entrance. 

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16 hours ago, Jaysin said:

You can only rewind a certain amount of time. I tried to do that when I got home and it would only go back Brock's entrance. 

Interesting. Seems criminal that in 2023 that is not a standard feature for all of these streaming services that are offering live programming.

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1 hour ago, CQI13 said:

Interesting. Seems criminal that in 2023 that is not a standard feature for all of these streaming services that are offering live programming.

I'm assuming it's because Peacock has live sports and those games aren't able to be watched on demand for legal reasons, but you'd think that they'd find a way to make the non sports shows able to be rewound

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On 2/2/2023 at 3:59 PM, Jaysin said:

I'm assuming it's because Peacock has live sports and those games aren't able to be watched on demand for legal reasons, but you'd think that they'd find a way to make the non sports shows able to be rewound

Are you suggesting WWE isn't a real sport?




I keed! I keed!

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22 hours ago, St. Templar said:

Anybody catch Vengeance Day? I thought it was a bit of alright, but I was wondering about other opinions.



I thought it was pretty good. Nothing extremely noteworthy or amazing though.

I'm confused about the booking decision in the 2/3 falls match with Apollo and Melo though. I know that it's predictable for those matches to always go to a third fall, but...

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1 hour ago, Captain Kayfabe said:

I thought it was pretty good. Nothing extremely noteworthy or amazing though.

I'm confused about the booking decision in the 2/3 falls match with Apollo and Melo though. I know that it's predictable for those matches to always go to a third fall, but...

I just figured that it was a way for a guy who's already been the US and IC Champ to put over an NXT guy. I'm guessing there's a lot of respect or friendship or something...or Apollo's just being a company guy, and the idea is to build Melo to be the next big challenger to Bron Breakker and the NXT title.



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