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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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So, technically not WWE related (although it does include hall of famer Harley Race, Nick Patrick, and allegedly, Del Wilkes, who was the Patriot), but last night, I got to watch the classic special that aired in 1998 entitled "Secrets of Pro Wrestling Revealed" last night.


I have to be honest, I kind of forgot just how bad it was. It was less revealing secrets, and more wrestling for dummies, however ... the costume design was fabulous. It's good for a laugh, if you have an hour to kill, too.

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The one done in the vein of "Magic's Secrets Revealed"? Dug that show as a young 'un. Fun times.


At least Claudio's name isn't too bad. More Italian that I'd expect, but there you go. I got used to Daniel Bryan. I struggled for 5 minutes the other day trying to remember Seth Rollins' indy name. I'll get used to this. As long as he stays European, uppercutting fools, I'll be happy.

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At least Claudio's name isn't too bad. More Italian that I'd expect, but there you go. I got used to Daniel Bryan. I struggled for 5 minutes the other day trying to remember Seth Rollins' indy name. I'll get used to this. As long as he stays European, uppercutting fools, I'll be happy.


I'm still crossing my fingers and hoping the Kings of Wrestling make it to the WWE.

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`at's the one, yeah. I remember watching it when it first aired, and being insulted ... although I don't know if it was because the show felt I wasn't smart enough to pick up on what they deemed secret, or if it was because the physical aspects were brushed off as playing in your back yard. Probably some combination of the two.


When I watched it last night, the biggest thing I remember (besides going "whoa, that's Harley Race!") was the small kid, Slither (who allegedly was Chris Daniels, but I doubt it), kept flopping his feet whenever he landed, and I kept thinking "shouldn't his feet be flat when he bumps?" Didn't find out until just now, which is what prompted my posting it here, that the Pitbulls from ECW, and Mike Modest were on the show as well.

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Apparently Claudio Castagnoli has officially in FCW:




They changed his name, too. :(


(Thanks to the guys at gamefaqs for the heads up)


As much as it pains me that Claudio will no longer be in ROH, I am happy for Claudio. He deserves this opportunity, and although I am struggling to imagine what gimmick he might play on the main roster, I think he has all the tools to make it big.


Wondering whether Hero has signed as well now.

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As much as it pains me that Claudio will no longer be in ROH, I am happy for Claudio. He deserves this opportunity, and although I am struggling to imagine what gimmick he might play on the main roster, I think he has all the tools to make it big.


Wondering whether Hero has signed as well now.


Haven't seen anything that says he has...



That, and he's always struck me as someone that'd completely flop in the WWE. He puts on good matches, that's about as far as I've seen his entertainment value go for me. He's "eh" on the microphone... nothing really there that'd help him stand out in the WWE. Generic look+average microphone skills+at least he rocks in the ring!=not a fit for the WWE. He's a career independent star, and for good reason. Not every indie darling is getting "screwed" by not getting signed and then pushed to the top of the WWE. ;)




Claudio, on the other hand... always been pretty high on him. He has an absolutely fantastic look going for him, great in-ring worker... yeah, good chance he sees some success from this.

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Haven't seen anything that says he has...



That, and he's always struck me as someone that'd completely flop in the WWE. He puts on good matches, that's about as far as I've seen his entertainment value go for me. He's "eh" on the microphone... nothing really there that'd help him stand out in the WWE. Generic look+average microphone skills+at least he rocks in the ring!=not a fit for the WWE. He's a career independent star, and for good reason. Not every indie darling is getting "screwed" by not getting signed and then pushed to the top of the WWE. ;)




Claudio, on the other hand... always been pretty high on him. He has an absolutely fantastic look going for him, great in-ring worker... yeah, good chance he sees some success from this.


Not saying he has to be signed and pushed heavily, or that he even has to get signed (Selfishly, I would quite enjoy him staying on the indies :p) .Personally I just want the WWE to replace the people they have with 'Generic Look + Average Mic Skills + Average In The Ring' with people like Chris, who is actually a great talent in ring.


I would take Chris Hero over the likes of Heath Slater every day of the week.

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I don't know about the rest of you but i would kind of like to see Mark Henry as a monster heel champion.


I think it is time.


The only thing its time for with Mark Henry and the WWE is for them to stop trying. I'm a massive big man mark, that's no secret.




But even I think Mark Henry blows. They've been trying for, what, a decade and a half to get him over? I'll give the WWE credit for booking him well as a monster... but he still sucks.

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Chris Hero is a top-level talent when it comes to wrestling. His mic work can be very entertaining and funny but Hero's main problem is that he looks out of place in the glitzy world of the current WWE product. If this was the early-to-mid 80s then he'd be a great fit but the look and the style they like isn't what Hero does best. The fact he does look out of place would be a strength in that it makes him stand out and that helps in getting you over with the people because you're unique. The trouble with that is WWE don't want people standing out or being unique. They like a certain style, a certain look to their talent and anything that doesn't fit that is deemed as 'wrong' and doesn't get a real chance.


Claudio would probably get a lot of chances to make it because he has height but at the same time he has the tag of being an 'Indy darling' and WWE do like to take people like that and turn them into jobbers or otherwise make them jokes so they can 'prove' that such people can't hack it in the big leagues.


"Secrets of Pro Wrestling Revealed" was just awful tripe. Absolutely terrible on every level.


Mark Henry is a career midcarder at this point. I think the time for him to have a credible run as a monster heel champion has long since passed. If this was five or six years ago, it might have worked, but he's been in the midcard slot for so long that that's where most people see him. He's firmly in the position of the monster midcarder who gets the occasional big push so that the current top babyface can look strong in vanquishing him back to the midcard.

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Really baffled by anyone that couldn't see Hero fitting in with WWE's current direction. I mean I guess he's not 25, but other then that I don't see where he's all that different from what WWE wants out of their workers. He has a far better look and is stronger on the mic than Daniel Bryan, he's gotten himself into great shape without looking like a wellness policy violation, and he can work. I mean I don't think anybody would be too excited about signing 2002 Chris Hero, but 2011 Chris Hero looks like he could realistically main event after a couple years in WWE. I guess he could always be a bust, but his upside is pretty high.
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Really baffled by anyone that couldn't see Hero fitting in with WWE's current direction. I mean I guess he's not 25, but other then that I don't see where he's all that different from what WWE wants out of their workers. He has a far better look and is stronger on the mic than Daniel Bryan, he's gotten himself into great shape without looking like a wellness policy violation, and he can work. I mean I don't think anybody would be too excited about signing 2002 Chris Hero, but 2011 Chris Hero looks like he could realistically main event after a couple years in WWE. I guess he could always be a bust, but his upside is pretty high.


Agree 100%.







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As much as it pains me that Claudio will no longer be in ROH, I am happy for Claudio. He deserves this opportunity, and although I am struggling to imagine what gimmick he might play on the main roster, I think he has all the tools to make it big.


Wondering whether Hero has signed as well now.


What pains me the most is that he won't be wrestling for Chikara anymore. :(

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So it turns out Rock really is wrestling at Survivor Series. They really need to be careful with this or it will take a lot of shine off of Wrestlemania.


Haha never been so happy to be so wrong :-)


Yep the fact that they are teaming up I think is pretty awesome. I agree though if the Rock looks a lil too rusty or gets some botches it's gonna hurt more than it helps them I think.



That said, as a fan, I'm insanely excited.

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Bryan and Fake Sin Cara put on a nice aggressive match. I hope one of the Sin Cara's will get a costume soon so they can wrestle. Funny that Cole is giving Bryan credit and Booker is still supporting Fake Sin Cara.


Barrett's improving in the ring lately and Gabriel is coming along nicely.


Bourne v Truth was a good teaser for the first tag championship match in a long time I actually care about. I think Air Boom will win and the rivalry will continue.


That was fun seeing Henry decimate Orton and all the SD jobbers.


My avatar will show you who I want to be the World Heavyweight Champ before the year's out.

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So it turns out Rock really is wrestling at Survivor Series. They really need to be careful with this or it will take a lot of shine off of Wrestlemania.


This is my biggest problem. The allure of the WrestleMania match, to me, is the fact that it will be more than 8 years after he last wrestled. Now that he's wrestling at Survivor Series, and probably the Royal Rumble, the match won't feel as big. It will still be huge, but it'll feel more like Cena vs. Orton than Rock vs. Cena.

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Spoiler regarding The Rock's role at Survivor Series (most probably know anyway, but I figured I'd highlight it in white anyway for anybody who wants to know as little as possible):


The Rock and Cena will be allies in a 5 vs 5 match.


I don't think it will take too much of a shine from The Rock at next year's WrestleMania. I doubt he'll even be in the ring for too long.

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Rock vs Cena will sell regardless.

It'll still sell, but it would have added something special for it to be Rock's first match back in eight years. You can say that the match at Survivor Series has it now, but that specialness is not going to mean as much when it's an elimination match rather than the main event of Wrestlemania. And is it really worth taking something away from the Wrestlemania match just to artificially boost the buy rate of one PPV in a gesture that is going to ultimately mean nothing in the long run because the same problems that are causing the downturn in numbers are still going to be there?

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