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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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the daniles wolf match was great....That is one of the better matches they have had on impact in a long time....the time limit draw killed it a little bit but i would have hated to see one of the two loose so i guess that is better then a double dq or a double pin or something stupid like that. That submission holds were insane looking.
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The sad part about Cody Deaner is he's actually a really good wrestler. (he's another guy from the Shelley/Sabin/Williams/Roode/Young batch). I've had the joy of seeing him for years up here in Ontario and he's had 20-45 minute classics with some of the above named as well with Derek Wylde, Shawn Spears, & Jake O'Relly. In fact him vs. Shawn Spears in a 20 minute match in Niagara may be the best match I've ever seen live (sans Hogan-Rock WM18).


I wished that TNA would of used him right as he would of been a perfect breath of fresh air into the x-division that I think TNA needs. He already has chemistry with most of their X-Division guys anyway (see the above) and has typically been considered the best wrestler to come out of Ontario. (yes, I realize though that Bobby Roode & Shawn Spears have the best sports entertainment upside)

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Plus Nash seems to be high on him and probably D'Amore is as well given his Canadian connection. Still getting the fired briefcase wouldn't mean he would be gone just repackaged which would not hurt in Deaner's case seeing as Jethro is gone now making that a non option. As far as the WE go I think Terry will be gone soon as they are sowing dissension Kiyoyshi should stay seeing as he is the only Japanese dude and Bashir is using that sick finisher now and has had a decent run before joining WE so he should stay. I would say Nash should try to screw them back though giving them a leaner and meaner stable.


BTW Terry is not all bad in the ring his webmatch against Kip was quite serviceable for a "big man" contest. He could then become backup for Wolfe or feud on his own for a while or get released. Anyone else reminded of A-1 when looking at him?


Other possibilities is Roode winning the case, Storm distancing himself worried it will be the fired one. Turns out its a world championship single and/or tag shot. Storm and Roode are pissed at each other. Return of Harris and AMW which has been semi teased!


Other nice swerve would be to have Nash get the fired briefcase but get reinstated by Hogan if they want to go the heel route with Hogan.

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What is the point of this Black Machismo Invitational? I think the guy has huge potential, I really enjoy his matches. So why have him squashed over and over by hasbeens? Where is this going?


I have no idea. I can only hope that it is intended to lead to the end of Black Machismo character. Sure I liked it at first, but it has went on way too long (the character not the Invitational).

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Other nice swerve would be to have Nash get the fired briefcase but get reinstated by Hogan if they want to go the heel route with Hogan.


I'd suggest that this would kill the stipulation, but after the Daniels/Loki thing year 1 and the Daniels/Curry Man thing year 2, I'd be shocked if it isn't dead already.


Watched a Hamada vs Sarita match earlier. Too short, but good stuff. Something about Sarita is just... There's a slight awkwardness to it that I'm digging. Not her ring work, but her entrance and her posing seem just that little bit forced... and I'm utterly charmed by that.

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I'd suggest that this would kill the stipulation, but after the Daniels/Loki thing year 1 and the Daniels/Curry Man thing year 2, I'd be shocked if it isn't dead already.


It being a poll match kills it. Along with having to wait till Impact or multiple Impacts to find out who got what also kills it. You don't use PPV to make people watch the TV show (odds are if they pay for the PPV they already watch the show), you use the show to sell the PPV.

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I may be one of the few, but I would hate to see Kiyoshi get the fired case. I know he's being wasted right now, but I would love to see them do something with him. Maybe push the Muta angle that they had first used when he showed up would be nice. I mean in the least he brings variety to the roster but of course I liked No Limit as well.
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Maybe I'm just not a fan of work-shoot angles, but the stuff about the issues between Jarrett and Angle last night on Impact didn't make for particularly comfortable viewing for me. It felt similar to the "you're with me or against me" speech Dixie Carter gave to the roster a few weeks back - it just like dirty laundry being aired and something that fans shouldn't really be seeing.
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Still not to knock Kiyoshi but there is better Japanese talent around isn't there who could take his role?


I'm sure there is but why not take advantage of the fact that they already have him in TNA? To be honest I don't know too many Japanese wrestlers unless they've been shown in TNA or were in WCW or WWE. Of the few I've seen though, I'm a fan. I love the style they wrestle with and I liked the Global Impact they had with TNA against (was it New Japan?) unfortunately I was unable to watch the entire thing but I liked what I saw.


I guess wanting to see Kiyoshi do something in TNA was the ties they gave him to the Great Muta. One of my fondest wrestling memories was Sting against the Great Muta. I don't remember a ton from than but it had me hooked all those years ago.

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Maybe I'm just not a fan of work-shoot angles, but the stuff about the issues between Jarrett and Angle last night on Impact didn't make for particularly comfortable viewing for me. It felt similar to the "you're with me or against me" speech Dixie Carter gave to the roster a few weeks back - it just like dirty laundry being aired and something that fans shouldn't really be seeing.

I can see what your saying but I liked that part of IMpact this week, but I've always marked for the worked shoot so...

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Yeah I liked the stuff with Jarret and Foley and Angle, Dixie not so much though and overall thought it was a very strong show. Good angles, good matches in the time given and good build for the ppv only gripe was the Main Event going cluster pretty quick and short because of that.


PS it seems that Lauren is gone from TNA and will be focusing on her golf channel stuff, she will be missed as I liked her BP and Abyss interactions. At least Christy is a decent replacement and Lauren got the last laugh by b*slapping Lacey von Erich.


Edit: And of course Roxxi is back for good now and looking good imho, glad she is back.

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PS it seems that Lauren is gone from TNA and will be focusing on her golf channel stuff, she will be missed as I liked her BP and Abyss interactions. At least Christy is a decent replacement and Lauren got the last laugh by b*slapping Lacey von Erich.


Edit: And of course Roxxi is back for good now and looking good imho, glad she is back.


Well that stinks that Lauren is gone, but like you said at least Christy is not that bad.


Yeah Roxxi was looking good and plus I have to love a fellow New Englander. Why do you think I love Velvet Sky so much?:D

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PS it seems that Lauren is gone from TNA and will be focusing on her golf channel stuff, she will be missed as I liked her BP and Abyss interactions. At least Christy is a decent replacement and Lauren got the last laugh by b*slapping Lacey von Erich.


Edit: And of course Roxxi is back for good now and looking good imho, glad she is back.


Count another who's disappointed that Lauren's gone. She's probably the best female interviewer I've seen since the days of Bonnie Blackstone. Christy may have played a wannabe rock star in the Rock & Rave Infection. But she's having to follow a woman who was one. At least in the modern figurative sense. Other posters have mentioned her selling of abuse. But the heels didn't even have to get personal with her. Her frustration with their whole attitude was well played. And her kinship of spirit with the face Knockouts felt very warm and genuine. She just exuded credibility and made the company's story world so much easier to embrace. Christy's a cutie and it should help her transition that she's been with TNA for a good long while. But it will be ages if ever before she's of Lauren's caliber.


As for Roxxi, I'm of two minds here. From a gimmick perspective, I too am glad to see her back. She should be able to have a really emotional rivalry with ODB since the drunken one is turning heel. And I can't wait to see her come across the The Beautiful People and see her in character reaction to Angelina being gone. Lacey determining to show Roxxi she can be just as mean as Angelina could be some good material as well.


But her new look just doesn't work for me. It's not that she isn't attractive or anything. In fact, I found Roxxi to be the sexiest she's ever been in TNA. But it just isn't her. She's the Hardcore Knockout and she looks a little too girly for a blood and guts bruiser. What it could do though is be the perfect set up for the return encounter with the Beautiful People and to spark Lacey's feeling underestimated by Roxxi. TBP could suggest Roxxi has lost her edge and is having an identity crisis because she's cleaned up like this. Sort of the flip side of ODB's beef with Tara if you will.

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Nick and Matt Jackson, known as The Young Bucks, who have been working ROH, PWG and Dragon Gate USA will be getting a TNA tryout at the Monday TNA tapings.

This is from Ewrestlingnews


I've seen these guys wrestle and their pretty good they have a fast paced MCMG kind of style.

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I can see what your saying but I liked that part of IMpact this week, but I've always marked for the worked shoot so...


I don't dislike worked shoots as a whole. It really depends on the exactly context of the situation. Some stuff is personal enough that I just don't think it should be used. It is compelling and interesting? Sure is. But drama doesn't have to be "real" to be compelling.


As far as I'm aware, TNA has never previously acknowledged the specifics of the issues behind Angle and Jarrett. Internet fans, like us, knew. But did the fans who don't go looking for dirt and rumors on the Net? To my mind, that's likely a significant percentage of the viewing fanbase. Which means the use of the real issues was only that compelling to a part of the fanbase. So to my mind, it would have been equally as effective to do a bit of decent writing to create a reason for the tension between Angle and Jarrett.


I guess maybe it can pay off in the long run if they turn Angle-Jarrett into a nasty blood feud, but otherwise, I think it was a waste to air the dirt laundry. It didn't ruin the episode of Impact for me - actually enjoyed it quite a bit this week - but it definitely wasn't an aspect I enjoyed.

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I think if all people are ok with it a worked shoot is ok.......but this is super personal and i can't see kurt or his kids being ok with it. What could this lead to? a return of karen and battle her ex.......yah that won't be hard on the kids or anything at all.
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I think that it would be cool if TNA brought Tajiri in and put him in a team with Kiyoshi. It might just be me, but Kiyoshi seems to have the same style of wrestling as Tajiri.


I don't know. I've never been much of a Tajiri fan. He's always struck me as the heavy lumber kicks, a couple other notable spots and a lot of boring. Then again, as ex-"mutants" are so apt to point out I did only see him in WWE. I could think of worse plans for Kiyoshi. Like the way he's currently being used for example.


I think if all people are ok with it a worked shoot is ok.......but this is super personal and i can't see kurt or his kids being ok with it. What could this lead to? a return of karen and battle her ex.......yah that won't be hard on the kids or anything at all.


I wasn't too big on this as a worked shoot. It felt a little too much like I was sitting in on Jarrett's therapy session. But then I had the same issue with some of the stuff Sting and Nash did about the lack of respect they felt from the young talent. So maybe I'm not the best one to ask about this topic either.

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This is from Ewrestlingnews


I've seen these guys wrestle and their pretty good they have a fast paced MCMG kind of style.


I LOVE the Young Bucks. I've been watching ROH on HDNet on occasion, you know, picking and choosing the matches that appeal to me and I'll always watch a Young Bucks match. Their match on the first DG-USA PPV against CIMA and Susumu Yokosuka was also really cool. I was having a stressful day and thought "I'll put on a match from DG-USA, maybe that'll brighten my spirits". When the Bucks came out I popped bigger than I have in years.


Psychologically there are problems, and their selling needs work, but I just find their matches incredibly fun.

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I don't know. I've never been much of a Tajiri fan. He's always struck me as the heavy lumber kicks, a couple other notable spots and a lot of boring. Then again, as ex-"mutants" are so apt to point out I did only see him in WWE. I could think of worse plans for Kiyoshi. Like the way he's currently being used for example.




Tajiri is a fantastic worker. Don't be fooled by WWETajiri. In fact, don't be fooled by WWEanyone.

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