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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Not going to argue about whether RVD getting batted upside the head made him look 'weak', but I have to say I don't like the idea of Van Dam getting hotshotted into an immediate feud. This might just be me, but I don't want to see RVD in 'feuds'. I just want to see RVD kick ass and be awesome. I want to see hint 'Shine' for a while. In the ring, RVD is a beautiful, unique snowflake. A Special Attraction. As soon as he starts getting involved with sneak attacks and swerves and backstage beatdowns and interacting with Bischoff and Hogan and Flair... He becomes just like everyone else on Impact. RVD should be special.


So he should just wrestle meaningless matches and be involved in no angles?

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One thing I haven't seen much on here is that WWE is moving towards wrestlemania, this is their biggest buildup of the year so naturally it should draw people away from watching TNA, just as I would hope raw dips a little while TNA builds towards bound for glory.


And if I'm not mistaken WWE viewership usually drops off a bit after wrestlemania. This should give TNA a good chance to try to get heir ratings back up a bit and draw some new fans, or at least get back to the ratings they had on thursdays.


I think putting epics before impact is a good idea to bring fans in before raw and impact go head to head. Of course I think it'd be better to move impact ahead one hour (semipermanently -until TNA is closer in ratings) and have epics go head to head with the last hour of raw.


My bigger concern is, that with all the big names that they've brought in and thier bigger contracts, what happens if the ratings start to hurt them financially?

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Not wanting to sound like some angsty insider, but I would gather the main reason RVD hasn't been pushed in the WWE is partly because of Triple H. At least, that's what I gathered. H holding the man down because he didn't 'like' him and thought he wouldn't be able to be a top draw, up until 2006 when RVD came back from injury and got tremendous ovations all around, Triple H knew he couldn't holds on no more and finally let RVD run with the ball. I believe Trips admitted that himself through an interview when he was talking about Hogan not letting Randy Orton [and HBK] win at SummerSlam. But even with that, I would figure RVD fits as the Jericho type of main-eventer, the kind of star power always fluctuating between upper-midcardership and main-event. Perfect booking tool to put newcomers/rising stars over and such. But I guess with the things that transpired, it wasn't meant to be.


If you think about it, RVD's win of the WWE/ECW titles was similar to Jericho's Undisputed title win and I'd imagine that much like Jericho, it would be a feat RVD or the announcers would ride off as factual evidence afterwards should he have stayed in the E. Back to TNA matters I just felt the segment was very.. weird. Don't have any gripe with letting Sting get some powerful heat, just Hogan strolling in like Mr. Big **** felt so out of place. But I guess they did a good job of hinting constantly at RVD fighting back.

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One thing I haven't seen much on here is that WWE is moving towards wrestlemania, this is their biggest buildup of the year so naturally it should draw people away from watching TNA, just as I would hope raw dips a little while TNA builds towards bound for glory.


And if I'm not mistaken WWE viewership usually drops off a bit after wrestlemania. This should give TNA a good chance to try to get heir ratings back up a bit and draw some new fans, or at least get back to the ratings they had on thursdays.


I think putting epics before impact is a good idea to bring fans in before raw and impact go head to head. Of course I think it'd be better to move impact ahead one hour (semipermanently -until TNA is closer in ratings) and have epics go head to head with the last hour of raw.


My bigger concern is, that with all the big names that they've brought in and thier bigger contracts, what happens if the ratings start to hurt them financially?


Yeah, I think your on to something. For me, this is the perfect timing for TNA to go head to head, and take their loss's for now while building on the Monday night thing.


However, what I think is going to hurt TNA more then anything is showing Impact twice a week. If they are going to show the same show on Thursday, there is no real need for people to tune in instead of watching RAW. Again, this is probably good strategy, with Wrestlemania around the corner, it gives them a chance to "build" up afterward, and maybe even gain some fans during the E's slow period. However, being on Thursdays is always going to make the ratings worse for them on Mondays, not that they care though.


It's a good time in Wrestling really, it's going to be interesting if nothing else.


EDIT: I would like to see them do a Brand split with it though, instead of showing a re-run, and keep the biggest draws on Impact (monday), yet keep a couple for Thursday as well. Perhaps have AJ/Abyss, etc. on Impact, With Angle on their Thursday night show or something.

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EDIT: I would like to see them do a Brand split with it though, instead of showing a re-run, and keep the biggest draws on Impact (monday), yet keep a couple for Thursday as well. Perhaps have AJ/Abyss, etc. on Impact, With Angle on their Thursday night show or something.


Are you serious? If TNA does a brand split I'll quit watching.

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And Benoit, well, never really liked him from a superstar standpoint (by that meaning the complete package). He was BORING on the mic, and pretty small. Not top belt material in WWE.


The problem with Benoit is that he Kurt Angle and Eddie G. used a lot of the same psychology in their matches and had the whole rolling suplex variations.


It's like seeing the same match three times a week.

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The problem with Benoit is that he Kurt Angle and Eddie G. used a lot of the same psychology in their matches and had the whole rolling suplex variations.


It's like seeing the same match three times a week.


And also the fact that Guerrero and Angle had loads more charisma than Benoit. He would have been fine as an Upper Mid who got the occasional title shot. But a top guy he was not. Maybe in ROH or a smaller outfit.

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It's like seeing the same match three times a week.


I wasn't complaining. :p


Well from Eddie's end it wasn't that noticeable, Eddie drifted well off with his high-flyer Lucha-like variations, as for Angle/Benoit I guess it helped them set themselves apart from the rest of the roster rather than each other. Technical masterpieces in the ring above all else.


And Benoit winning the top belt showed me WWE is willing to step out of their cocoon every once in a while. That in itself got me interested in his title run, even if it lacked in substance.


And ditto on showing their replays every Thursday. I figure Spike TV would at least let them know that.

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So he should just wrestle meaningless matches and be involved in no angles?


Wouldn't go that far, but I'd have eased him into the TNA landscape a little. Big strong first appearance, sure, but then I'd just have him do fun all-but-squash matches for a month or two. Doug Williams. Machineguns. I'd feed him anyone good/over who isn't on an upcoming PPV, to make him look like the greatest ass kicker the world has ever seen, and promote what he can do differently to everyone else. Maybe a few relaxed, laid-back promos about his long-term title aspirations in TNA. Maybe a PPV match against a fellow potential title challenger (Desmond Wolfe springs to mind) but no blood-feuds.


This might sound odd coming from me, a self-professed Sports Entertainment guy who believes with all his heart that TV writers should be writing wresting... but TNA is overwritten. Calm down. Savour every moment. Let RVD settle in for a bit, then go thwack-happy on his with a baseball bat.

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Wouldn't go that far, but I'd have eased him into the TNA landscape a little. Big strong first appearance, sure, but then I'd just have him do fun all-but-squash matches for a month or two. Doug Williams. Machineguns. I'd feed him anyone good/over who isn't on an upcoming PPV, to make him look like the greatest ass kicker the world has ever seen, and promote what he can do differently to everyone else. Maybe a few relaxed, laid-back promos about his long-term title aspirations in TNA. Maybe a PPV match against a fellow potential title challenger (Desmond Wolfe springs to mind) but no blood-feuds.


This might sound odd coming from me, a self-professed Sports Entertainment guy who believes with all his heart that TV writers should be writing wresting... but TNA is overwritten. Calm down. Savour every moment. Let RVD settle in for a bit, then go thwack-happy on his with a baseball bat.


While I see what you are saying,the reason the Sting heel turn worked yesterday was because of RVD.

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One thing I haven't seen much on here is that WWE is moving towards wrestlemania, this is their biggest buildup of the year so naturally it should draw people away from watching TNA, just as I would hope raw dips a little while TNA builds towards bound for glory.


And if I'm not mistaken WWE viewership usually drops off a bit after wrestlemania. This should give TNA a good chance to try to get heir ratings back up a bit and draw some new fans, or at least get back to the ratings they had on thursdays.


I think putting epics before impact is a good idea to bring fans in before raw and impact go head to head. Of course I think it'd be better to move impact ahead one hour (semipermanently -until TNA is closer in ratings) and have epics go head to head with the last hour of raw.


My bigger concern is, that with all the big names that they've brought in and thier bigger contracts, what happens if the ratings start to hurt them financially?


It won't as that is not how TNA makes its money per se. In the US market they have a deal with Spike where Spike pays TNA a base amount for the television right fee no matter what the rating. Then Spike tries to make a profit selling the ads. If TNA delivers better then expected ratings TNA gets a bonus. If worse they still get the base amount. They extended the deal for 3 years late last year. Also the US market is just one of the markets. Is it the most important market? Yes. Is TNA solely dependent on that market? Nope.


So don't worry, unless Dixie or Bob throw their hands in the air TNA isn't going anywhere. And even if they do who is to say they sell to VKM?



Edit: on the big contracts: Yes some of those contracts will hurt financially, but they also pay themselves back via merchandise etc, also remember that a lot of the TNA roster work on a ppv type deal or with a very low downside where they can work outside of TNA as long as its not the E hehe. Kind of a weird written ppa contract in TEW terms.


Edit: On the second show, maybe a one hour non split B show. But for now if I was TNA I would rather have a stacked roster and 100 percent focus on the main show to increase fan-base. Is the roster overstacked atm? Yep but that is another discussion.

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While I see what you are saying,the reason the Sting heel turn worked yesterday was because of RVD.


Absolutely. I was thinking more in 'ideal world' fantasy booking. In reality, Sting needed a 100% babyface to mercilessly beat down. It's just a shame TNA don't have likeable enough babyfaces of their own.

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Absolutely. I was thinking more in 'ideal world' fantasy booking. In reality, Sting needed a 100% babyface to mercilessly beat down. It's just a shame TNA don't have likeable enough babyfaces of their own.


I'm not sure there are that many at all to be honest. Outside of legends, who in the entire business can an ultimate babyface that is a legend himself like Sting beat up that will turn him? Even in the E.

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I'm not sure there are that many at all to be honest. Outside of legends, who in the entire business can an ultimate babyface that is a legend himself like Sting beat up that will turn him? Even in the E.


Totally. It's tough. Sting is one of those beloved veterans that people don't want to boo. So much so that it's going to be an uphill struggle to keep him Heel. Not impossible, but really tough.


I'd say the closest thing to an ultra-babyface today would be Rey Mysterio. Maybe Shawn Michaels. I would say Undertaker if not for the size thing. Jeff Hardy depending on the crowd... and yes, Van Dam. He's in that 'legend' catagory, but Ric Flair could have been the babyface depending on the context.

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Preview of a London and Kendrick shoot interview. Warning viewer discretion is advised.




very funny imho.


wow.......ok i knew kedrich was a herb head but man......londone looked messed up the entire video........that is to funny. I have not seen alot of high spot videos but i am a little surprised them showed the smoking ;).

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Highspots, the company that sells the Youshoot DVDs of New Jack, Missy Hyatt and my personal favourite: Bob Holly? Yeah, they'll show whatever is put in front of them lol



By the way is anyone else feeling that the videos on Highspots are taking forever to load? I really want to watch the Bryan Danielson Vs Kenny Omega comedy match but it's just not loading much at any rate.

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It won't as that is not how TNA makes its money per se. In the US market they have a deal with Spike where Spike pays TNA a base amount for the television right fee no matter what the rating. Then Spike tries to make a profit selling the ads. If TNA delivers better then expected ratings TNA gets a bonus. If worse they still get the base amount. They extended the deal for 3 years late last year. Also the US market is just one of the markets. Is it the most important market? Yes. Is TNA solely dependent on that market? Nope.


So don't worry, unless Dixie or Bob throw their hands in the air TNA isn't going anywhere. And even if they do who is to say they sell to VKM?



Edit: on the big contracts: Yes some of those contracts will hurt financially, but they also pay themselves back via merchandise etc, also remember that a lot of the TNA roster work on a ppv type deal or with a very low downside where they can work outside of TNA as long as its not the E hehe. Kind of a weird written ppa contract in TEW terms.



Valid points, and I'll admit I know nothing about the current contracts, but I'd also suspect that if viewership drops (and it has to an extent already)so will merchandise and PPV sales, so they still get hurt financially.

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Preview of a London and Kendrick shoot interview. Warning viewer discretion is advised.




very funny imho.


Maybe it's all the Mad Men I've been watching but Paul London is working the Don Draper look. TNA needs to bring him in as a constantly smoking, liquor drinking, suit-wearing bad-ass who gives fiery speeches that make no sense. God if TNA did that they could give Brooke the knockout championship and I'd still think they were the best thing ever.

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This is directed at anyone bitching about there not being enough wreslting on TNA. I fully do believe in Russo's train of thought that it doesn't really matter what the promotion is doing so long as it's entertaining.


****, the highest rated WWE segment was The Rock and Mankind's this is your life segment. In fact, when vince gave away Christian/RVD for the IC title in a ladder match and Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle 60 minute iron man match for the Undisputed Championship on free tv ratings? THEY ACTUALLY WERE POOR! AND THIS WAS WELL BEFORE THE E GOT STAGNANT!


And I'm not a TNA mark, though I am a fan. I've never been bored watching their shows since Hogan took over, and if I have any complaint, it's that I'm to over-stimulated! So much **** flying at you at once, they really need to learn to pace themselves and not burn out the crowd.


Also it was fine for this time, but I *NEVER* want to see Flair or Hogan in a match again... Okay maybe Hogan, but only on PPV, only with a kick ass storyline, only with a worker that can carry him, and only if it's done to put over the worker. I can only see Hogan wrestling in TNA if it's ala Terry Funk "I'm an old man, I don't got what it takes anymore" gimmick.


Ah yes, so you promote yourself as "the alternative" to Sports Entertainment (defined and embodied by which promotion?) and then try to out-SE the personification of the concept. That makes a ton of sense. :rolleyes:


"The alternative to surgery!"..."We'll make the incision here...."


I enjoyed the show, it's the start of the Monday Night Wars II and obviously both WWE and TNA each took a small share of the other's usual audience on the night. Again there's way too much negativity for TNA, WAY too much! You have to have perspective folks and look at the positives - TNA on Mondays, LIVE every other Monday, RVD in TNA, one of the most over wrestlers in the world in TNA now (Jeff Hardy), Ken Anderson in TNA, Sting return, X Division etc....lots of things to be positive about.


Got a question. With all those people you listed off (and the ones you didn't), where are they going to find time to give the X-Division some shine? My opinion (and I doubt I'll be proven wrong): they won't. Now before someone jumps out with the 'there was an X-Division match...' tripe, that's not the same thing. Just because you have a match for the division doesn't mean you're developing characters and storylines for and around said division. It's like saying one Knockouts match per show is enough to say the Knockouts are featured. They're not. Seeing as how the X-Division is the only thing TNA has that WWE has nothing even vaguely resembling, you'd think they'd want to press that advantage. But to do so, Knobbs and Saggs and Waltman and Hall have to give up TV time (and that's not gonna happen).


Looking at other shows with similar genre's... Family Guy & South Park for example. Sure, there's some hardcore loyalists on t'internet fighting for each show's dominance, but I reckon at least 50% of their audience is like me. They like adult cartoon comedy, so they watch both. CSI & Law & Order, same thing. If you like procedural cop shows, why wouldn't you watch both? Why does wrestling have such a war-like mentality?


I dunno what it's like outside the US, but in the States, you cannot compare CSI and Law & Order. They're not even in the same solar system, ratings wise. Law & Order has been in decline for years now and NBC has tried its damndest to keep it relevant, including launching/developing multiple failed concepts (Crime & Punishment, Trial by Jury, Conviction, and soon, Los Angeles). On the other end of the spectrum, CBS has been begging Jerry Bruckheimer to produce another CSI and he refuses each time. Their audiences seem to have little in the way of overlap.


Dreamer & Sabu should NEVER be mentioned as people who Vince should have pushed heavily. They are not top talents. Certainly useful as pieces of the roster, but not someone that should be headlining WWE. And Benoit, well, never really liked him from a superstar standpoint (by that meaning the complete package). He was BORING on the mic, and pretty small. Not top belt material in WWE.


On the Benoit note, I was never a huge fan either (just not the sort of guy I relate to) but I agree with Nedew on the intensity factor. That, and the selection of talent he could have awesome matches with, made him worthy of the top-spot. For a while at least.


Yeah, I suppose some people think that a worker who could get a watchable match out of a can of Benjamin Moore paint are automatically inferior to people like the Great Khali because....OMG Khali is BIGGER. :rolleyes: There is more to being a headliner than size. Otherwise, explain why Chris Jericho is...well, Chris Jericho and the Great Khali is a proven insurance risk.


And Hyde, that is a serious oversimplification of TNA's relationship to Spike. It's deeper than that and not just for the US market. In addition, Spike still subsidizes some of their more onerous contracts. There's a lot involved with promotion and cross-pollination if you will, among all of Spike's properties. If you attend any UFC event (especially the ones Spike broadcasts "for free"), you will see no fewer than six (and up to 15 on at least one occasion I remember) TNA workers in attendance, especially if the event is held in a major city (the 15 occurred at a UFC event at the O2 Arena in London). Obviously, WWE's contract with USA isn't structured the same way.


I don't know what the new deal's specifics are (and I can't even be arsed to ask) but I don't think it would be vastly different.

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