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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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NOTE: This following NOTE has been written post writing the following post. I've been drinking, so the following is a drunken written rant post on my feelings on the TNA product and the industry as a whole. I look forward to reading it tomorrow with you for the first time because chances are I don't even remember half of what it is I wrote.


I apologize for the length. Please point and laugh at me where necessary. And of course, *ahem*, "It's Still Real To Me, DAMMIT!"


So I've watched the last two weeks of Impact nearly all the way through and haven't heard ONE mention of Joe's name. Did they drop this storyline? And if not how the hell can they advance it if they don't even talk about it?


You know, maybe it was a way to ease him out of current storylines?


Joe has become real stagnant ever since TNA ****ed him up. He was built up perfectly up until the end of the Kurt Angle feud. He should of dominated and killed bitches dead, because thats the only way Fat joe looks menacing is with a constant strong Umaga-like booking. The entire Front Line angle killed his heat.


You know, it might be a SMART move by TNA to take Joe away for a while and then bring him back and re-establish him because this guy even more then AJ Styles (who's been the go-to man forever) NEEDS to be the new face of TNA.


Plus with such a stacked card per the moment, there really isn't any room for joe. Let the Ex-WWE guys take the spot light for a while, and slowly start mixing in the new guys we want to push.


Listen guys, I know I'm really coming off as a TNA mark and for that I'm sorry if I seem like an *******. Fact is, watching TNA right now is so incredibly enjoyable that I haven't felt this same way about wrestling since 2004 (where I enjoyed both TNA and WWE up until the end of that year).


I do think it would of been smarter for TNA to have built up their fanbase on Monday Night. Ultimatly though it doesn't matter what rating they pull against the WWE, just so long as they're higher then any show Spike can put in that time slot Spike won't care. And so long as Panda Energy has the cash to dish out, none of this matters but putting on good shows and ultimately time. It'll catch on. Ratings will improve. Fans that know about TNA will switch over to Spike during WWE comerical breaks.


I think someone said earlier they need to advertise more and I think that's a good ****ing point. Whatever TNA's advertising budget is right now it needs a sharp increase. They need comericals during RAW every week because I think ultimately the problem is people don't know TNA exists, that wrestling exists outside the WWE bubble.


And where to put the blame on that? On us. Wrestling fans. Those of us geeky to be "those in the know" we should be doing everything in our power to educate the casuals about TNA. Regardless of weather we like the product or not, who cares? Because I largely believe the casual fan doesn't give a damn about any of the little niche things we bitch about so long as whats on the screen is entertaining.


My proof? in the WWE Universe, a world of MIDGETS LIVE UNDER THE ****ING RING! Think about that! WWE, did an angle, were they expect the viewing public to suspend disbelief that not only does the contests you see in the ring are real but that THERE ARE MIDGETS UNDER THE MOTHER****ING RING!


And yet people like Lance Storm, a man I greatly respect mind you, bitches when Ken Anderson gets knocked out from 1 chair shot. EXCUSE ME, but when the Goliath of the two can do a stupid angle like MIDGET WORLD and not turn off their fan base... well good god, I'm led to believe there is absolutly nothing Vince can do to the wrestling product to ruin it. Nothing. ABSOLUTLY FREAKING NOTHING! Because the casual fan doesn't care so long as it's wrestling and so long as it entertains.


And I think TNA is doing that with their product. It is entertaining, miles more entertaining then anything the WWE is doing. Is it miles ahead then anything ROH is doing? GOD NO! But you know what? The people that watch ROH religiously couldn't enjoy the WWE product anyway so they're not the ones TNA should be trying to attract!


I've been ranting, and I apologize, but the ultimate conclusion is branding. TNA is not a brand name. It as has no worth to the casual market. The only way it'll increase is time. I'm confident that by december they will find their fanbase with the names and talent they have. And if they don't succeed god help us, because TNA is the only thing in Vince McMahon's way from making the wrestling synomous with WWE, and the only thing in Vince McMahon's way from making wrestling entirly mainstream.


He wants to make wrestlers actors. He wants them in movies and TV shows. He wants his own TV network. And you know what I say? SCREW THAT! I don't want Wrestling mainstream, and if Joe Schmuck thinks he's to beyond to enjoy Pro-Wrestling screw him. Those of us who are passionate about this and stumbled upon it, it's for us and shouldn't be dumbed down for the mainstream to line McMahon's wallet. A mainstream, mind you, that will never EVER respect it as much as we because it has to be dumbed down for them.


All right, I'm done ranting.

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If WCW was losing $100 million, Turner could have thrown it away for years as he was making money on other ventures too and Interest on his money in the bank that would more than covered the "loss". Lets remember it was the WCW that was losing money, not the Turner Empire. That said, they would only have lasted another 5 years because after the stock collapse, Turner lost over $7 billion so I doubt even he would have thought it viable to finance WCW after that if they were still bleeding money. Had all of that not happened, the merger etc... then WCW would still exist today, albeit not in any state to compete with WWE... back on topic though now.


Personally I don't see TNA making "profit" for much longer if viewers keep switching off. Yeah they are getting the crowds at the moment, but I've always been of the opinion, catering for the "casual fan base" as a whole is tricky and dangerous because your hardcore fans are there through thick and through thin, your fairweather fans are there when the product is hot.. if it's not, then they've switched back to Raw. So alientating the fans who in a way helped make TNA as popular as it was is a stupid move. TNA needs to find that middle ground and keep Hogan OUT of the ring (in terms of wrestling). It is called Total Non Stop Action, yet has less in ring action than Raw. I'm not a lover of Raw, and very rarely do I watch it, but in the same breath TNA moving to Mondays at the moment is nothing more than a Death March. They are gonig into battle without the required weapons and are going to get slaughtered. People who are bored with Raw may tune in to see this action packed show and see Hogan and Flair bumbling around the ring, Bischoff messing with Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley... click. Back to Raw. Hogan and Flair do have a place in TNA, I mean they're living legends, but Flair managing Styles I can just about stomach, and Hogan as the on screen authority. Bischoff as an on screen authority too is just muddying the waters, then Dixie Carter getting in on it too... stop now please. Hell, they say booking a show isn't easy, I can understand that, but if you've been doing it as long as Bischoff has it should be second nature by now and the crap being churned out is something I'd expect from an upcoming promoter whose never done the job before!


Damn I kinda went off on a tangent there... my apologies! :D

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You know, it might be a SMART move by TNA to take Joe away for a while and then bring him back and re-establish him because this guy even more then AJ Styles (who's been the go-to man forever) NEEDS to be the new face of TNA.


I used to think that too. Now, not so much. And definitely not in terms of the current TNA product.


In a wrestling based fed that highlighted the X Division? He's an absolute stud who can work good matches with wrestlers that have a variety of styles and comes off as a legit bad-ass


In TNA's sports entertainment fed of today? He's a tubby guy of average height with limited marketability and just so-so mic skills.


They'd be better off pushing Morgan, Wolfe, and The Pope.


And where to put the blame on that? On us. Wrestling fans. Those of us geeky to be "those in the know" we should be doing everything in our power to educate the casuals about TNA. Regardless of weather we like the product or not, who cares? Because I largely believe the casual fan doesn't give a damn about any of the little niche things we bitch about so long as whats on the screen is entertaining.


Haha...what? No fan anywhere is obligated to do a f***ing thing for TNA


They have a major cable TV slot and a billion dollar energy company bankrolling them: they need to market themselves better and put out a more appealing product.


And I think TNA is doing that with their product. It is entertaining, miles more entertaining then anything the WWE is doing.


See? You say this, and yet...the numbers don't bear that out.


TNA's own fanbase is pulling away since the Hogan/Bischoff re-launch.


And I hate to say this: but just because the Net fans of the world dump on the WWE, does not mean that it's a 'bad product.'


It just appeals to a different - much larger, and much more reliable - audience.


It's like with movies: who cares if critics say the plot is bad when the movie is shattering box office record world wide?


And if they don't succeed god help us, because TNA is the only thing in Vince McMahon's way from making the wrestling synomous with WWE, and the only thing in Vince McMahon's way from making wrestling entirly mainstream.


As far as most people go, the WWE IS synonymous with wrestling. Welcome to 2002.


He wants to make wrestlers actors. He wants them in movies and TV shows. He wants his own TV network. And you know what I say? SCREW THAT! I don't want Wrestling mainstream, and if Joe Schmuck thinks he's to beyond to enjoy Pro-Wrestling screw him. Those of us who are passionate about this and stumbled upon it, it's for us and shouldn't be dumbed down for the mainstream to line McMahon's wallet. A mainstream, mind you, that will never EVER respect it as much as we because it has to be dumbed down for them.


You're right. It IS real to you. lol ;)


EDIT: and re-read that last paragraph. Because everything that you're 'accusing' the E of doing is exactly what TNA wants to do.


They are NOT a wrestling company. They are an angle based sports entertainment company. Are you watching the same shows I am? They want to do the exact same thing the WWE is doing; they just don't have the same talent behind the scenes to make it work as consistently.


All the TNA fans who are hoping for a return to Total Nonstop Action, and a bunch of X Division matches should just quit now and watch ROH because TNA is not doing that any more: They have a crapload of angles, a bunch of short matches (which are actually more like angles anyway), most of their matches end in run-ins, and maybe MAYBE one decent match of the night.


All their stuff pushes to the PPV where we actually get to see wrestling.


OH yeah..nothing like the WWE. And definitely a million times more entertaining.

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Oh, I think it might be possible that the TNA product is in and of itself more entertaining than anything WWE is doing; the only problem is that WWE is doing it with Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker, and TNA is doing it with AJ Styles and Abyss. Not a slight against AJ or Abyss, just saying.


Also, I think TNA's biggest problem is perception. Wasn't in Vince that always said "Perception Is Reality"? I think it was anyway. Anywho, EVERYTHING on Raw is geared to show that WWE is by far the greatest sports entertainment empire the world has ever seen; A LOT of things on Impact seem geared to show that WWE is the greatest sports entertainment empire the world has ever seen.


Once again, just saying.



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Trump might be able to buy Panada Energy but Vince can't afford it. Panda>WWE by a big margin.


Also Shawn sarcasmetc unfortunatly doesn't work well on boards like these.


It doesn't work if the users don't chill out a litlle. No one should ever interpretate anyone's words literally all the time in just about...anywhere...wether in a forum or any other place. Sure, we have to explain ourselfs perfectly on our posts and we have to be clear, bla bla. But for God's sake...there is always room for a good joke, or healthy sarcasm, humour, irony, etc.

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It doesn't work if the users don't chill out a litlle. No one should ever interpretate anyone's words literally all the time in just about...anywhere...wether in a forum or any other place. Sure, we have to explain ourselfs perfectly on our posts and we have to be clear, bla bla. But for God's sake...there is always room for a good joke, or healthy sarcasm, humour, irony, etc.


We kinda have to take you literally because a) we may not know you better as of yet and b) this is a wrestling baord and there are SOME fans who make insane and illogical assertions and are being 100% serious.

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We kinda have to take you literally because a) we may not know you better as of yet and b) this is a wrestling baord and there are SOME fans who make insane and illogical assertions and are being 100% serious.

True, i'll give you that much. But i think it's pretty obvious by now that i am not one of those guys. :D

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I used to think that too. Now, not so much. And definitely not in terms of the current TNA product.


In a wrestling based fed that highlighted the X Division? He's an absolute stud who can work good matches with wrestlers that have a variety of styles and comes off as a legit bad-ass


In TNA's sports entertainment fed of today? He's a tubby guy of average height with limited marketability and just so-so mic skills.


They'd be better off pushing Morgan, Wolfe, and The Pope.


I disagree. Look at what Umaga accomplished in the E. Joe can provide that same value to the company. Though I do agree Morgan, Wolfe, and Pope should be groomed to be TNA's top stars.



Haha...what? No fan anywhere is obligated to do a f***ing thing for TNA


They have a major cable TV slot and a billion dollar energy company bankrolling them: they need to market themselves better and put out a more appealing product.


I was a tad drunk when I wrote that sir, and when I drink my emotions get the better of me. However I do think that's true, they need to market themselves better, and for what ever TNA is choosing to not do that. I don't why, unless their planning on TNA catching on through word of mouth.



See? You say this, and yet...the numbers don't bear that out.


TNA's own fanbase is pulling away since the Hogan/Bischoff re-launch.


And I hate to say this: but just because the Net fans of the world dump on the WWE, does not mean that it's a 'bad product.'


It just appeals to a different - much larger, and much more reliable - audience.


It's like with movies: who cares if critics say the plot is bad when the movie is shattering box office record world wide?


I certainly don't feel the WWE product is bad in anyway, just boring. Stagnant. Same old same old. The reason I'm so fond of TNA, most likely, is because it's fresh and exciting. I've always felt that way when TNA is good, and there have been times I stopped watching TNA because I couldn't stand it. Russo's gimmick matches, how I couldn't understand any of the BS that was going on, feuds not ending on their logic closeur point. Russo is a very creative guy and I like that about him. Once he joined the promotion got very angle heavy, and they needed that, but he needs someone like Eric Bischoff/McMahon/Heyman to wade through the sea of crap and find the good bits.


Ratings actually went up a tad on Thursdays when Hogan/Bischoff took over. Certainly the product got better to by miles (But up to that point if they did anything right it would of been a step in the right direction) and why is it going down now? Cause their going against the WWE machine, of course the rating was going to go down. I still say give them time, because eventually it will catch on. There is absolutely no reason why it wouldn't.


Who wouldn't at very least flip flop channels during the commercials?


As far as most people go, the WWE IS synonymous with wrestling. Welcome to 2002.




You're right. It IS real to you. lol ;)


EDIT: and re-read that last paragraph. Because everything that you're 'accusing' the E of doing is exactly what TNA wants to do.


They are NOT a wrestling company. They are an angle based sports entertainment company. Are you watching the same shows I am? They want to do the exact same thing the WWE is doing; they just don't have the same talent behind the scenes to make it work as consistently.


All the TNA fans who are hoping for a return to Total Nonstop Action, and a bunch of X Division matches should just quit now and watch ROH because TNA is not doing that any more: They have a crapload of angles, a bunch of short matches (which are actually more like angles anyway), most of their matches end in run-ins, and maybe MAYBE one decent match of the night.


All their stuff pushes to the PPV where we actually get to see wrestling.


OH yeah..nothing like the WWE. And definitely a million times more entertaining.



And? I'm a sports entertainment guy. I don't care if the ratio of matches to angles on the free weekly tv show is toward one side or the other so long as it's entertaining me. I enjoy that soap opera. And like you pointed out, the wrestling is on PPV, which for the most part, is where it should be.


I come down hard on Vince McMahon because he's trying to take the industry from what it is currently and make it all Disney. He wants to make movies and television shows, and that annoys me. Because he is the industry leader, and if he does this and succeeds with it, it'll probably change wrestling as it is pretty significantly and I don't necessarily want that. It's a petty gripe but it's how I feel none the less. I'm also very deeply afraid the industry will collapse and be replaced by MMA in our life time. The only thing I can see that'll save it is if TNA is successful in building up a small but good enough rating by December.

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Turner would keep feeding WCW...but eventually he would have to pull the plug unless he wanted to ask for a morgadge on his house. LOL. So even if the merger did not happen, WCW would be out of business nowadays and some guys who entirely blamed the merger back then, will have no excusses for failing now, wheter that failure includes goign out of business or simply not overcoming WWE . That's my point!


If that isn't a LOL...don't know what it may be! LOL


General rule of thumb, if I say something thats meant to be taken lightly I throw in a smiley or an LOL. Ah the joys and wonders of text communication!


I know the joys and wonders of text comunication, as you call them, LOL and as you see althoug i didn't use a smile or LOL in all of my jokes, i did use a LOL on this one (wich was the most criticized), wich doesn't mean i have to use them all the time i make a joke. I didn't even had to use them on the mortgadge joke...cause it's obvious that Turner would never let things get to that point. But i understand what you mean, and i know your right. Sadly there is people who say stuff like that...in a serious way. But if you did not knew...now you know i'm not one of those guys.


Back to topic: I still don't know why did TNA have so much rush in moving to the monday time slot...I mean, first they should have increased their fan base to an acceptable level, only then it would make some sense to think about the monday night wars. They are worrying too much with the E instead of looking at heir own backyard.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TommyDreamerFan" data-cite="TommyDreamerFan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I disagree. Look at what Umaga accomplished in the E. Joe can provide that same value to the company. </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Midcard jobber to the star? meh...</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I certainly don't feel the WWE product is bad in anyway, just boring. Stagnant. Same old same old. The reason I'm so fond of TNA, most likely, is because it's fresh and exciting. I've always felt that way when TNA is good, and there have been times I stopped watching TNA because I couldn't stand it. Russo's gimmick matches, how I couldn't understand any of the BS that was going on, feuds not ending on their logic closeur point. Russo is a very creative guy and I like that about him. Once he joined the promotion got very angle heavy, and they needed that, but he needs someone like Eric Bischoff/McMahon/Heyman to wade through the sea of crap and find the good bits. </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'll give you that. But to be fair, they are a publicly traded company with shareholders to answer to and the fact that they are going with only the most reliable draws and only the most heavily run stories...you kinda can't blame them.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="shawn michaels 82" data-cite="shawn michaels 82" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I know the joys and wonders of text comunication, as you call them, <strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">LOL</span></em></strong> and as you see althoug i didn't use a smile or LOL in all of my jokes, i did use a LOL on this one (wich was the most criticized), wich doesn't mean i have to use them all the time i make a joke. I didn't even had to use them on the mortgadge joke...cause it's obvious that Turner would never let things get to that point. But i understand what you mean, and i know your right. Sadly there is people who say stuff like that...in a serious way. But if you did not knew...now you know i'm not one of those guys.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> When i referenced the mortgage thing, i didn't think "Oh boy, this guy really thinks Turner would need a mortgage?", i just used the same metaphor for "running short of money" that you did. Obviously, Ted Turner's idea of running short of money is different to the average person's (where they <em>would</em> need to get a mortgage).</p><p> </p><p> If anything, you're the one who's misinterpreted what's been said <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>They basically let Lashley go without really telling him. Of course he couldn't make the last over seas tour and his time in MMA training has been taking up any time he would have to be wrestling. </p><p> </p><p>

He recently said in an interview "I guess I'm not part of TNA anymore" which would lead me to believe that he was just quietly let go.</p>

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<p>I think they panicked when they saw this week's rating and desperately made the change this week. They'd planned to run a no-replay policy though. </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt=":o" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/redface.png.900245280682ef18c5d82399a93c5827.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>They changed their mind on Wednesday (I think, not Tuesday but no 100%) their reasoning was last weeks rating did so well Spike wanted to show it again but I think alot more of it has to do with Monday's rating being .8 since Spike as "major" movies in their time slot for the upcoming weeks. However more people will probably have watched Impact than Predator</p><p> </p><p>

I wouldn't be surprised if it got a 1.0 beating Monday. The move to Monday was purely to gain some hype, everyone in the company knows they arent going to get a 3.7 rating and "beat" RAW as TNA Hardcore's say "OMFG Impact is going to beat RAW! Well maybe not now, but in a year totally!"</p><p> </p><p>

I honestly didn't see anything wrong with their Thursday time slot, a lot of people watch RAW on Monday then TNA on Thursday. Time will tell if they can pull people away from RAW and make it in a Monday time slot ( I'd say they need to pull of 1.5's consistently by December to consider it a success) otherwise what was the point?</p><p> </p><p>

I think the "time" excuse is hilarious to me though, Dixie pulls that card out all the time. TNA has been on Spike TV for awhile now and in their two hour slot since late 07, any casual wrestling fan that would look into other wrestling options has probably heard of them and checked them out at least once and plain and simply do not like them enough to keep watching. Spike's size isn't an issue either as some point out since RAW was getting about the same ratings on Spike as they are now.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TommyDreamerFan" data-cite="TommyDreamerFan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't think every wrestling fan has though, I bet the majority of them are in the dark and only the geekiest like us know about them. And of course the WWESheeple aren't going to want to watch TNA no matter how good it is because it's simply not WWE.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think the "WWESheeple" (are you one of the people who smugly type out WWECW?) aren't going to watch TNA because all the ads told them is "WE HAVE HULK HOGAN WATCH HIM <span style="font-size:8px;">he's totally not 60</span>!!!!"'</p><p> </p><p> And if they by chance tuned in on Monday, boy, TNA didn't give them much reason to keep watching did they?</p>
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