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I appreciate the feedback. I'm thinking I'm going to use a variation of the masked avatar, with a different name of course.


After I posted I got to thinking that one simple answer would me draining all the popularity off my user character, therefore in the beginning he wouldn't be the most popular, problem solved. I wouldn't mind pushing my character at the top later on once he's established it just feels weird to do right off the bat.


All I have to say is, be original if you're going to use your user character. I think Spiros the Mighty was actually accepted by most in my old EWA diary simply because:


1. His stats weren't the super whacky ones the Avatars have (though he did participate in the first A match I put on, though good chemistry with an incredibly over Joey Beauchamp helped), otherwise, he was actually a pretty... bad... wrestler at the start.


2. The character felt, to me at least, like he belonged in the world and the promotion. Which, even the name "Avatar" kills that, as it sounds like, well... an Avatar.



The only reason a user character becomes "unavoidable" is because by default they have crazy stats, and most people make their guys with silly stats. Again, make him a worker who realistically would work in the promotion. Heck, better rule, make sure they're not your best worker, or even in the top three. Again, Spiros, pretty good on the mic at the start... pretty meh in the ring. Useful enough to be around, but not the center of the company.

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Guest cmdrsam

How about a what if scenerio? Chicken Fried Wresting at its best, or worst depending on your take. Memphis wrestling joins forces with World Class Wrestling, with some Central States and Florida Wrestling in the 80's.

Vern Gagne and Jim Crockett get annoyed of course.

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What I do nowadays if make my user character the exact opposite to me in many, many ways. I'm white so I make them black. I'm a dude so I make them female. I'm fairly small, so I make them Super-Heavyweight.


So what you're saying is that any future diary of yours is going to feature a big fat black woman?

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I appreciate the feedback self and comrade. it lead me to brainstorming a different way to use the user character that would still be useful to a small company and even a back story i like.


So next question, in the past i have only ever done Sports Ent type feds for diaries since I enjoy writing the storylines. Can you point to a well done diary for a fed that is more in ring focused?

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I appreciate the feedback self and comrade. it lead me to brainstorming a different way to use the user character that would still be useful to a small company and even a back story i like.


So next question, in the past i have only ever done Sports Ent type feds for diaries since I enjoy writing the storylines. Can you point to a well done diary for a fed that is more in ring focused?


Marcel Fromage's 2007 Ring of Fire and 2008 XWA.

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The Timeline


December 31st, 2009 - 11:07 PM


I did it. I really did it.


With a single film project and shrewd and savvy partnerships, I did it.


With a boatload of cash and the manipulation of a gullible media, I did it.


Preying on the pompous and ridiculously egotistical, I made a fortune profiting from the stupidity of corporations that should know better. Sorry Grandma, you can't afford that house and whoever is willing to give you the money to buy it, I'm laughing to the bank while I watch their company burn. Apologies Mr Pharmaceutical Man, you can't do a two month trial and ram your new wonder drug through the approval process and come out the other end with a safe product. If you try, I'm going to have giggle fits watching my bank balance balloon as you're called on the Congressional carpet to repent for your sins. Lookit that, your stock price just plummeted 50 points in a single day. KA-CHING!


I created this phenomenon, but I didn't do it alone. Yes, I'm The Investor but I'd like to think I'm so much more than that. I'm the First Revolutionary, the only person who was willing to ignite the dry brush to create a wildfire of interest.


Yeah, I did that. But in doing so, I painted myself into a corner.


Y'see, I'm not on good terms with one Anne Stardust. She owns a promotion I used to love and even offered to invest in. But she refused, despite the fact that I knew they were having financial issues. She called me a charlatan, a snake oil salesman (by the way, who uses that term anymore?), and told me to get lost. Unfortunately, it seems dementia has set in on the old broad because she couldn't tell passion if it shot her in the eyes. Fortunately, her most trusted advisor at the time could, which is why she works for me now and Anne is left putting on half-decent shows with workers who couldn't pass a piss test with 3 days advance notice.


No, my personal issues are two: zeal and vindictiveness. I want to turn every worker in my employ into an international icon. But perhaps more than that, I want to see Anne Stardust miss a few meals because "her baby" is bleeding her dry. To everything, there is a season. All in the fullness of time. Yadda yadda yadda.


But tomorrow is a new day, a new year, a new decade, and the dawning of a new era. I'll figure a way out of the mess I inadvertently created. In the process, I will turn Queens of American Wrestling and all of its various feeder leagues, into an international powerhouse. Women's wrestling is here to stay and the world had better be ready to welcome its new overladies.


Yeah, I did it but......

Hail to the Queens, baby!

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The Future's Bright, The Future's Orange




SWF Supreme TV


Tonights show opens with an obvious sense of excitement within the crowd. They've heard, they've seen, they know that change happened over the New Year. After Richard Eisen stepped down as owner of the Supreme Wrestling Federation due to allegations of adultery and the numerous affairs that came to light, the entire wrestling world was in shock, and in wait.


And now, this shade of Orange, it hangs upon the ring apron, it glows from within the Jumbotron, it is in the hands of the announcers, as they adjust their microphones. In the crowd we see new signs being handed out, a tangerine symphony ripples with the seating of the audience.


There is no more Blue, only this Ochre light that blinds.


A pyro display starts, beginning with blue smoke from the entrance ramp. With the machine slowly gasping to a stop, allowing the smoke to cling onto the air, symbolising the SWF, the Blue, the Old, the Undead and the Stagnant. It is the remnants of a dead emperor, and now the Empire is set to change. A Large Golden Flame Erupts from within the ring, the very heart of this wrestling stadium has been reborn, a light among the mist, a ray of hope among the darkness. The crowd is in suspended disbelief, all cheering the large flame, the flame that looks like it will engulf the ring if let to burn. The Fire then stops.


A spotlight pierces through the smoke and the remnants of the blue smoke, making all seem a blur in comparison. A frenzied crowd now waits to see who will emerge, all waiting for news on their Eisen, all wanting the Orange explained.


A figure emerges...






Just wanted to say, despite the implied change, the product is kept the same, and there are only a couple of signings.


Any feedback would help, and this dynasty should start within a week!


If you've read any of my previous dynasty's I feel that I have really evolved since then, the way I have been setting out my storyline's and the way I have attempted to make the SWF feel larger than life makes it an entirely different, but better experience. I have fully dedicated myself to this, and it would take Hell, High Water or a new TEW for me to stop this. I've even written down a schedule on my calendar. :)


Please, feedback, as that is the one thing that helped me improve last time, and I like reading that nice font all of you are using these days. :D

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<p>J Silvers next dynasty? Possibly.</p><p> </p><p>


My name is Jacob Stranton, and I am, despite what others may tell you, a very promising, upcoming writer for television. I've only recently come up with the best idea of my entire career and today is the day I pitch my pilot to my boss.</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Look Mr. Washburn, I know you told me to just keep my young, ignorant gob shut and do my job-</span>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">And why the hell aren't you?</span>" <em>When do I ever?</em></p><p><em>


"<span style="color:#0000FF;">But I think I finally got it. A show that could give our network a chance in the ratings.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Shut your ignorant gob and get back to doing your goddamn job Jacob!</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Now today's youth still enjoy superheroes, but market research shows that they just can't relate to their messages of good will towards your fellow man, doing the right thing, being selfless, stealing is uncool, eat your vegetables, or thou shalt not kill or Superman will superpunch you in the balls.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Jay, at this point I could get a monkey and it would be more productive than you.</span>" <em>I concede to the monkey in productivity and cleanliness, but it just won't have the way with words that I do.</em></p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Yeah, well just make sure it doesn't have the pox. Anyhow, todays youth want an edgy superhero, one they can relate to. One who steals, does drugs, makes love to a woman and never calls them again, insults people for no reason other than 'because I can' or 'look, he's different', drinks and parties hard, and who never actually accomplishes anything due to procrastination.</span>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Jay, if you don't stop pitching me these stupid pilots I'm going to fire you.</span>" <em>No, you won't.</em></p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Just hear me out on this one, it's perfect to capture the coveted 8-34 year old market.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">We have a good viewership in those markets.</span>" <em>Yeah, 200 people. The only advertiser that wants a piece of that action makes cheese in his moms basement.</em></p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">But Mr. Washburn, it's a superhero show. It's a lot better than the crap that you have on now. It's called...</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Get ready for it....</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Get excited....</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Pretends there's a drumroll here.....</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

Tension~!....</span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

</span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>'The Adventures of Negativity-Rex and Douche-Lad!'</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#0000FF;">

...Well?</span>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">.... Get the hell out of my office.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Now I know this may not seem to fit the companies image-</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">We're a sports network, not trash TV like Pop.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">But I really feel that people will actually watch this instead of the crap we already air.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Again Jay, we're a sports network.</span>" <em>Hah!</em></p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Yeah, and a second-rate one to boot.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Don't call my network second-rate.</span>" <em>Third-rate any better, boss?</em></p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">But it is. Sports America: Airing the crap GNN won't. We don't get football, we don't get baseball, hell we don't even get hockey. We get badminton, indoor kart racing, eXtreme figure skating, Segway Polo, Pro Wrestling, Women's Basketball, and curling. Curling for f***s sake. Even Canada doesn't want curling.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Have you ever actually watched curling?</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">No. Have you? And I'm pretty sure that making me goes against the cruel and inhumane torture act.</span>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Jacob, let me tell you something. You're lucky that you write the best captions for the website out of anyone else here.</span>" <em>And an easy task really. I mean what other job is going to pay me this well to insult people?</em> "<span style="color:#008000;">But if you don't focus on getting that done I'm not going to keep you around. Understood?</span>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">I understand sir.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Good.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">And thinking about it I don't think Sports America should be a sports network anymore. I mean not that it ever really was in the publics eye, more of a joke for D-list comedians to make fun of to feel better about themselves. I digress on that point though. You're in charge around here, you can totally do that.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Jay, firstly think about our stockholders.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">You mean the cow farmer in Arkansas and the Eskimo blubber hunter? They're loyal to us Mr. Washburn. I mean they'd have to be. They bought stock when it was $ .24 and it's now down to $ .11 a share. I really don't think they expect us to improve much as is.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">We have more stockholders than those two Jay. Apart from that we appeal to a very loyal audience.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">And a very niche one at that. Public Access beats us in the rating on a regular basis. Public Access!</span>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Jacob, I'm going to count from five. If you're not out of my office before then and back at your desk doing your job I will fire you. Do you understand?</span>" <em>No comprendé.</em></p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">No, not really. I'm just trying to help out here Mr. Washburn.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Five, four, three...</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">I really feel my skills could be better utilized than just writing captions.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Two, one...</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">I feel my skills can be used to tell a great story, and I just can't see any realistic way to spice up Segway Polo.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Zero. You're not gone.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Nope.</span>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Clean out your desk.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Am I fired?</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Jacob, go clean out your desk.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">So, when will I get my severance pay? Or do I just collect unemployment? How's this going to work?</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">...Your new boss is going to work that out with you.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">New boss? You lost me there Mr. Washburn.</span>"</p><p>

"<span style="color:#008000;">Jacob, you're not being fired, you're being transferred to a show that I think your 'unique' talents will be better utilized.</span>"</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

"<span style="color:#0000FF;">Oh, cool. Wait, what show? Please don't let it be curling sir, please no, anything but that sir! Anything...</span>"</p><p>


Coming Soon-ish to a dynasty forum near you. Probably. Possibly. Maybe. In all likelihood.</p>

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I've always wanted to do a diary and with the inspiration and ideas from this and other threads, I think might actually give it a try. One of things holding me back was finding a diary format I was comfortable with but I think I've found one. I also had the same problem with the C-Verse that most people have when dealing with an entirely fictional universe. However, I've found a way around that that also adds characters to a fictional universe that I am familiar with. I decided to add a number of fictional wrestlers from the old days of Play-By-Mail games. I don't know if anyone here remembers them or was even involved in any, but I used to play several and over the course of those games I became familiar with a number of wrestlers and their personalities and for me, adding them to the game world will add a sense of familiarity to some of the wrestlers that will make the game more enjoyable and allow me to better get into the diary. Knowing it's a good idea to have the first few entries on tap before starting, I've already written a backstory and the first show, and after a few more shows, I'll see about taking the plunge and starting a diary on the board.
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Part of what's likely to be the second or third in PWHits ongoing series on Richard Eisen...


PWH: The belt – the World title – is with Eric Eisen at the moment.


SK: Yeah. He got injured at just the right time, didn’t he?


PWH: Meaning after the Election storyline?


SK: Yeah. Out for a year just when it looked like his career was over, near enough. Then he comes back and BANG, World champion. Full credit to Peter, that was a hell of a story. Blew TCW out of the water.


PWH: I’m surprised to hear you say that.


SK: We had injury problems last year, we’re the alternative to the most popular company in the world, and we’re not as easy to get into as SWF. We’ll always need to pull something special out of hats to catch up, and when you get the Man Under Pressure storyline... forget it. I couldn’t wait to see how that turned out.


PWH: How much input did you have in the Election storyline?


There’s a long pause as Keith stands up and walks over to the cabinet, inspecting the work. He picks up one of his many title belts – the old SWF title, in fact. He looks at it for a long moment, before coming back.


SK: It wasn’t my idea. I argued against it, because Jerry was a non wrestler, and no matter how it played out, giving him that much screen time was a mistake. He’s not that good on the mic, and back then no-one gave a damn about Eric. The whole thing was going to be a disaster.

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World Wide Canadian Wrestling



Some chuckled at the rumors but no one ever thought Dunton Hall would actually get into wrestling, but here I was about to head in a meeting with his new board of directors at World Wide Canadian Wrestling. Of course the first questions on many minds is why Canada?


I learned early on not to question Dunton Hall when he seeks out a business venture. I learned early on not to question him at all. Not that Hall has ever really treated me unfair or rude if I did, it’s more of a case that he is usually in the right. Hall is known throughout the world as one of the smartest and business savvy men alive today. If Dunton Hall says Canadian wrestling is where the next “big thing” is then more often than not it is.


So here we are late November 2010, we arrive in Mr. Hall’s personnel jet in Ontario, Canada. With the collapse of the wrestling business everyone became a free agent. I have spent 3 months working on building our roster with Mr. Hall’s guidance, we didn’t get everyone but we did quite well. In we come surrounded by Mr. Hall’s new board of directors, that is one thing Mr. Hall is great at he is a genius but even he knows he is new to the wrestling business. So he put together a group of directors to help assist him in the wrestling world. As a long time wrestling fan I am a familiar with everyone in there and a fan to some.






The Board of Directors


Dunton Hall: Of course the owner is part of his table. Mr. Hall may not know much about wrestling but he is a fan and he knows a good idea when he hears one. Not to mention he is great at taking ideas and improving on them.


Angry Gilmore: One of the first signees for our promotion. Mr. Hall was very adamant about getting him and why not great ring work, good on the mic, and one of the most solid wrestlers around not named Tommy Cornell. Too my surprise Mr. Hall had other plans for Gilmore as well. Head Booker. To my knowledge Gilmore has never booked anywhere but Mr. Hall assured me that his people tell him that Angry Gilmore has one of the best minds for the business. So once again who am I to question?


Peter Michaels: Considered one of the best announcers ever. Peter is known for his great ability to portray a storyline like few others and known for his long time job as head booker for SWF. In any other promotion he would be considered a shoe in for head booker. Maybe his desire to bring in large muscular men which seemed to go against Mr. Halls vision is the reason.


Jack DeColt: If someone asks you if you’re a wrestling fan in Canada and you say yes, the very next question is Stone or DeColt?(For me the answer is Stone but no one hear needs to know that) So it was only natural that we went after one of the biggest names in Canada. Mr. Hall seemed to lean more towards the DeColt side of things (maybe he isn’t right all the time). With Jack DeColt on board we have a big time Canadian star that grew up with the business all around him, not to mention the last CGC World Champion.

Me: As a big wrestling myself I have become the right hand assistant to Mr. Hall in matters dealing with wrestling at least. More on how that happened later.



So here we were five men who would try and go on to change the business of wrestling forever!

OOC: First off I know my grammar sucks and my spelling is suspect. I try to read through everything a couple of times to try and fix any errors I can. This fed will be using the C-Verse draft data that is ongoing so the back story is the wrestling business collapsed and now is coming back in 2011. I am just looking for some input on the writing style and beginning storyline comments and anything else you great readers may suggest. I am also looking for anyone who could do some belt renders and/or logo's. thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg</span><p> </p><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/C5bsAec7z5U?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Waterproof Blonde - Just Close Your Eyes"></iframe></div></div> happy in a thrown together tag team?<p> </p><p>

SWF: WIRE</p><p> </p><p>

7 days</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>To accompany the new BSC images I'm posting up in the Alt Pic thread, here's a preview of the project they were originally intended for.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/BSC/zbscframe3.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

That's right. I just got Photoshop. Basically these would replace the headshot-vs-headshot way most folks (including myself) present matches. Babes of Sin City is a largely cosmetic endeavor, so the diary would try to mirror that. A highly visual story leaving as little as possible to the imagination. An explosion of vibrant imagery. A tale of fun and eroticism.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm still having fun with the play-around-with-pictures stage, so don't hold your breath for this. It'll take me a while to get all my visual ducks in a row, if they ever line up properly. I just liked how this turned out, and felt like sharing.</p>

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What did

do to become the most hated wrestler in the company?




6 days


He existed? With BSS, that's probably enough.


Can't wait, JC.


And awesome image, Self.

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Full credit to bigpapa for the way he used music in GenS. Of course, a lot of credit has to go to the tvtropes Crowning Music page as well.


Music won't be a huge part of my diary (I really hate doing links - the barebones MAW style I've used these last two years will be retained) but the odd moment here and there will be assisted by the speakers.


Apologies for taking over the Preview thread, incidentally, but hey - this is helping me get amped up for Sunday, if no-one else :p

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