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Honestly Richards and Strong just got insanely silly towards the end; they kicked out of WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY too much.


Great iPPV, very fun but very long. They need to cut themselves down to 2 and a half hours really.


Steen/Generico was fantastic.


I'll talk more about this tomorrow but right now I'm way too tired

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Since 1234 mentioned having trouble with GFL at the top of the show, I thought I'd post this blurb I saw on the Observer website:


The gofightlive.tv site crashed shortly before 4:28 PM due to a huge demand for the show. The company added a number of servers and it appears to be working fine for everyone now. It came back up before the first match began.

ROH crashed the site. That's actually kind of awesome. Well, it's awesome as long as GFL is prepared for that possibility in the future. And I will note that once I got the stream up & running, it ran perfectly for the entire show.

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Kept notes while watching the thing for anyone interested... Posted them on Prowrestling.com. Thought I'd post here too.


So the iPPV's done. I'm emotionally exhausted. When I catch them, I usually do a write up of my opinions... so here they are.



- Pictures pretty clear, but my bandwith apparently isn’t desirable. Lots of pauses from my computer. Great.

- Crowd looks good for the ballroom.

- And we’re off with Dave Lagana’ s Video Package 4 minutes late. There appear to be no audio overlap from the arena. That’s good.

- Just realized that the Briscoe/Kings feud lasted a year. It really makes me wish the Worlds Greatest Tag Team were available instead for a title shot.


OPENING CONTEST: All Night Express vs. Adam Cole & Kyle O’Reilly

- Hey, Kevin Kelly wasn’t fired over his controversial statement about Go fight Live! Awesome!

- ANX have new t-shirts. I’m not all that impressed with the design. This should be a good match though.

- The Code of honor is followed. ANX still playing the heels even though they’ll be next in line for a tag shot.

- Cole/O’Reilly are really rather excellent.

- Prazaks mic is out.

- My computer completely freezes for ten seconds. Prazaks mic is going in and out now.

- Miscommunication leads to O’Reilly forcing Rhett to dragonscrew Kenny while being dragon screwed himself.

- CRAPTACULTAR! Kenny King gets drilled withan apron DDT. O’Reilly with rolling butterfly suplexes.

- This match just got really good. Really REALLY good. Rhett Titus is definitely ROH’s most improved wrestler.

- People are chanting “This is wrestling”. I concur.

- ANX win with a blockbuster/powerbomb combo. Really awesome way to open the show.



- Awkward moment after where the commentators have nothing to say. ANX leave with their girls. I’d say they’re both 6’s. 7's with their mouths closed.



- Talk about the “Main Event”: reminding people that ROH is absolved of responsibility.


MATCH: TJ Perkins vs. Colt Cabana

- TJ Perkins comes out first. I remember watching this guys feud with JJ Perez in APW, this guy’s good.

- Cabana comes out with a smile. I do not smell Heel turn…

- Bryce Remsberg is the ref. Awesome.

- Code of honor followed.

- Cabana having fun with Perkins. TJ is not happy.

- This match is comedy-ish. That is, the spots are funny to watch, but they totally make sense. It’s a real match. But Cabana is having fun.

- Lots of innovation here.

- Stream really starts acting up now… crap.

- A couple of strike turn Cabana serious. They’re striking again.

- Shocking pin from Cabana just as the match was heating up. Cabana rolls Perkins up, then holds the wrists so he can’t kick out.

- Perkins shakes hand after. Dissappointed but classy. I think it went short due to Cabana’s hamstring. Not the showing I hoped he’d have but it was good. Definitely innovative.


- Hype video for the womens match.


- Both Daizee and Sara are lovely women – makeup or no.


MATCH: Sara Del Rey and Serena Deeb vs. Awesome Kong and Daizee Haze

- Deeb has hair. Already, I’m disappointed. Still very attractive.

- Daizees out… and they Mash-up Daizee’s theme with Kongs… OMG. Kong and Daize have pseudo-matching attire. Baller.

- Kong looks po’d already. This is gonna be great.

- Aaand stream out again. Bah.

- CM Punk chant for Serena. Prazak laughs a little.

- Prazak: “Ah, women’s wrestling. It can be okay sometimes.” Both Ironic… and true.

- They’re building for the Kong hot tag… obviously.

- Also obviously, better womens wrestling then either of the two bigger promotions.

- Serena Deeb looks great in the ring actually. Real basic heel style.

- Prazak shills shimmer. Obviously.

- ”…As Daizee Haze wrapped in the tree of Joey [that dude from blossom]… Whoa.” I love prazak.

- Miss about a minute of the match. Thank you stream.

- Deeb and Del Rey win after Deeb spears Kong out off her feat and Del rey plants Haze with a piledriver. As stated, a better womens match you won’t find in the big two… without a gimmick.

- And Kong carries Haze to the back on her back. It’s adorable.


MATCH: Sonjay Dutt vs. Eddie Edwards.

- Sonjay is really bald.

- Eddie Edwards is really over.

- Code of honor followed.

- Nice sequence from Dutt and Edwards.

- Dutt pure heel after a fake-out handshake.

- Sonjay went under the ring to hide. Comes behind a frustrated Edwards. Edwards catches him.

- Eddie Edwards has a shining wizard in his arsenal? I like him more everyday!

- Good stuff from Sonjay on the outside.

- Pretty good match so far. Back and forth action. Nothing crazy.

- Match kicking up now. Edwards clutching his elbow.

- Eddie Edwards wins… some kind of way. Looks like he set up an Alt leg Gods Last Gift type fisherman driver… thing. I don’t know. The stream cut out on the finish. Can I blame GFL?



Intermission.. Already? We’ve only been here an hour. Hmm.


Stream has completely clonked out, I’ll try to get it back up in a minute.


Back up.


- Worlds Greatest Tag Team to appear regularly for ROH. I’m stoked.

Hey, ThatWrestlingShows El generico/Steen hype video is included. That guy is really awesome. I hope ROH is paying him.


- A F*** John Cena chant during intermission for no reason. It’s over quickly. Less than ten fans. It’s official. John Cena is no longer as hated as he once was. Incredible. -_-‘


- And, ThatWrestlingShows El generico/Steen hype video is played again. It’s awesome. But we saw it already. But now we know TWS’s Name! Alex… something. Drat.


- The second half starts with… I assume Mike Bennet coming out to watch the match. He looks like he should be on NXT. A “Who are you?" chant from NY.


MATCH: Christopher Daniels vs. Homicide.

- Daniels has a new intro to his normal TNA mix. It starts epic… and then it was just the TNA theme again. I wish they got one of those young rap guys to mix his sound a little.

- Pop of the night is Homicide.

- Homicide just added the Bennie Segal(?) intro to his TNA LAX theme (with Konnan for some reason). I also don’t like that.

- SMOKES!!! Julius Smokes returns to ROH!

- I’m calling Homicide to win this. Smokes AND Bennet at ringside? Come on dawg.

- And appropriately, an F*** TNA chant. Daniels turns it to an ROH chant

- No code of honor followed! Interesting.

- SMH. Prazak is tweeting.

- Interestingly, I think Daniels is working Heel. It’s appropriate I guess, Homicide is home. But still.

- They nearly give a cameraman a heart attack with false irish whips.

- It’s a kinda a slow deliberate match.

- Triple Suplexes… Thank you Eddie Guererro, we miss you.

- TOPE CON HILO! J-Train loves it. It makes me wish Don West was on the booth.

- It’s a decent match, but it feels kinda like it would be better on a regular tv program.

- Julius Smoke makes the match that much better. Screaming to the top of his lungs when Homicide is pinned. Hilarious.

- Awesome submission hold by Homicide, I don’t know how to describe it. Daniels counters into a crossface.

- Hmm ref bump. Homicide takes the shirt off. Throws it at Daniels. Homicide with the Ace Crusher.

- Kinda a tainted win there. I’m not sure, but Daniels may have had his feet under the ropes.


- Bennet in the ring. Streams really acting up. Bennet taunts Daniels and hands him the TV belt.


Kelly: Lets see what leads us to this six-man match up.

Prazak: Pecker-heads

Kelly: :-O



MATCH: KOW w/Hagadorn vs The Briscoe Family.

- KOW have some Hiroshi Tanahashi inspired robes coming to the ring. They look good. Del Rey comes down as well looking adorable.

- Why does Hagadorn look like Eddie Kingston?

- The Briscoes… are getting booed. In New York? Whoa… I never thought I’d see the day…

- I think the KOW are going to play accidental faces here.

- Lots of Boos for the Briscoes. I feel bad. It’s like… Cena ’06 heat right now.

- And the Confederate trunks again… As a black man, I have trouble getting behind you guys.

- Papa Briscoe looks like he’d legit beat the crap out of people.

- I think the issue here is that the feud is stale.

- Man is Claudio over.

- You should have brought Are$ Claudio.

- Hagadorn is clearly the weak link for the KOW. Botching (in storyline) several double teams.

- Papa Briscoe vs Claudio is interesting… Crowd clearly with Claudio.

- Streams out.

- Sara Del Rey is ejected when I get back. Prazak says she’s been violated. Aparently Papa Briscoe made out with her at ringside.

- F-The Briscoes chants. Total Cena ’06 heat.

- Prazak: Why would anyone go to New Jersey?

- En Namen De Brudershaft Claudio!

- The story is that everything Hagadorn does, the Briscoe no sell, and he quickly tags out.

- Match wise, it’s very good. Papa Briscoe is used for short moments, Hagadorn for comedy. That said… Nowhere near their earlier classics.

- Papa Briscoe and Hagadorn.

- A low blow… no DQ? Hmm…

- I get a feeling this match is gonna get thrown out.

- Papa Briscoe threatening to go over the rope. Hagadorn saves him.

- Stiff Rolling Elbow to Papa Briscoe by Hero, and the crowd loves it.

- Papa Briscoe with a Stone cold Stunner! Epic!

- Papa Briscoe to the top for the Doomsday… AND HE HITS IT!!!! WHAT!?!

- Briscoes Win? Hmm…

- Good match. Not Great. The Ending moment was pure WOW, but that’s it. Kings PPV Winning streak is over.


- Crowd respects Briscoes after, but they aren’t warm to ‘em. I hope both teams can move on now.


ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: Roderick Strong vs. Davey Richards.

- I’m nervous. Big fight feel here.

- They announced a Sixty Minute Time limit. If they do another Broadway I riot.

- Davey Out. Fans clap off beat. I laugh.

- Davey is joined I believe by Kyle O’Reilly. Funny, I would have though Edwards would be out here.

- Davey pseudo-emotional. I don’t know if its Kayfabe or not… but I’m getting goosebumps.

- Roddy out with Truth… He doesn’t carry himself as Champ. It’s sad.

- Richards praying in the ring. I’m getting real excited.

- Whatever happens Gents… Thank you both…

- No Code of honor. Roddy backs off.

- And we’re off.

- It’s interesting. Davey came into his title match with Tyler full of confidence bordering on arrogance. Here, he’s pure babyface determination.

- Mutah lock by davey. Roddy out with elbows.

- Stronghold attempt, reverse to anklelock, Roddy gets the ropes.

- Cross Arm breaker, Roddy’s out.

- Lots of submissions. Davey’s gotten the better of every exchange.

- Truth Martini shenanigans early. Almost messed up, Sinclair kinda saw it and had to turn around so it looked like he didn’t notice.

- NY fans trying to get over with chants I don’t understand.

- MMA elbows ala Danielson from Roddy.

- Fish-hook from Roddy

- And here come the chops.

- Handspring Enziguri scouted with a dropkick. This match is stiff.

- Stream…

- Richards into the crowd after a wild sequence. He’s going to kill someone one of these days.

- Missle Drop kick.

- Backdrop. Kickout-to-Kimura from Davey!

- Alarm Clock!

- This match is intense.

- Stronghold!

- Davey is over.

- Gibson Driver attempt.

- Stiff forearm Yay! Boo segment.

- Davey wearing out Roddys chest with kicks.

- Davey punts Roddy in the chest. German for two.

- Roddy may be bleeding from the mouth. I can’t tell.

- Stiff chops from roddy.

- BELLY-TO-BACK SUPERPLEX! No cover. Probably not a good idea.

- This match is awesome!

- Truth Shenanigans. Roddy taps, ref doesn’t see. This isn’t going toend well

- Shooting star for 2.

- Man oh man…


- Roddy tosses davey throught the table, Gibson on the floor, He wants a count out victory.

- FANS Are Helping Davey up! AWESOME

- Davey in at the last second

- I may have a heart attack.

- Dueling ankle-locks… CLOVERLEAF!

- Roddy with the Labell lock.

- I’m literally shaking my head at this match.

- Richards gives Roddy the Gibson driver.

- Richards lets go of the Ankle lock… somethings weird.

- Roddy retains. Davey’s out. I didn’t see a tap.

- No traditional champ for roddy.

- I think something happened to Davey. He’s out. I’m really nervous. He’s out out man… The crowds quiet.

- Excellent match marred by a completely out Davey at the end. He’s bleeding from the ear. I’m not sure what happened. He’s moving, so I think that’s good. But I don’t think this is kayfabe. He’s really out. He may have a concussion. I think that’s what happened. Which kinda explains the weird finish. It was rushed.

- Davey looks like he doesn’t know where he is.

- He’s up. No concussion. Storyline. He passed out.

- Some issues with Eddie and Davey. Davey being inconsolable about the loss. Eddie trying to help. They leave together though.

- Standing O for Davey Richards. I’m starting to think that… Maybe the Anniversary Show is the REAL wrestlemania for ROH… Cause I smell a rematch.

- I wouldn’t say it’s as good as the Tyler/Davey match. But it was a darn fine match.


Final Battles technically over… The Fight Without Honor is now!

- Bobby Cruise explaining the rules. This match will have explicit contend… We have been warned.

- Steen out first. I think he’s wearing an old Steenerico shirt. Symbolic.

- Generico out with new music. Starts with a Slow piano to begin, then into the modified Ole he uses on TV… I feel like when I first saw Sting/Hogan for the first time.

- Generico with black trim mask and trenchcoat, looking BadA**. His music is still upbeat and happy though, so it doesn’t fit.

- Feud of the year chant? Suspend disbelief people.

- Steen using the shirt to get into Generico’s head.

- Steen offers a handshake. Generico spits in his face.


- And we’re off.

- Generico with a chain. He’s whipping and Choking Steen.

- I think something went wrong, Generico looked for something under the ring and couldn’t find it. Said no and went back to the chain.

- Steen is bleeding.

- Generico has a table. Slams it into steens head.

- Steen is busted bad.

- Generico… with a LADDER!?! He hits steen in the face.

- Powerbomb on the ring apron from Steen

- Steen using the blood to write on his hand… Then he licks it off. That can’t be healthy.

- Steen exposing the barricade. Burying Generico under the signs, then frogsplash.

- Steen has retrieved the full barricade… and almost kills Generico by tossing the barricade at him.

- Powerbomb reversal. Generic throws the ladder.

- Backdrop through the ladder by steen! Generico is down.

- This match is sick.

- Ladders broke too.

- Steen is painting on Generico’s back with blood.

- Steen jaw jacking with the crowd while completely in control.

- Steen harasses the broadcast team. Steen steals the announce teams chairs.

- Steen breaks a chair across Generico’s back.

- Steen total rudo. Tearing at the mask.

- Generico is very Spiderman post Green Goblin fight right now.

- Codebreaker/Chair assist.

- More jaw jacking from Steen to the crowd.

- Generico’s busted now.

- Steen wipes Genericos blood… then licks that too. And uses it as hair gel. Man is disturbed.

- Steen harassing Kevin Kelly: "Hey Kevin Kelly!? How do you like this? Does it turn you on?” Poor Kevin Kelly.

- Steen kisses generico!

- Body slam-to-ladder attempt, reverse. MICHUNOKU DRIVER ON THE SIDE OF A LADDER!

- There have been no pinfall attempts. I don’t know how this is going to end!

- T-Bone suplex into the ladder. The thing is mangled beyond recognition.

- Half Nelson suplex onto the ladder. First pinfall attempt. 2 count only.

- There is so much blood…

- This is hard to watch man…

- Steens set up the ladder across the ring apron and the barricade.

- Powerbomb to the barricade.

- Another table in play. Steen set the table on the ladder.

- Generico dives through the space… DDT!

- This is awesome chants. It is…

- Superkick from Steen.

- Steen looking for a package piledriver through the chair. Reverse, Half-nelson. Brainbuster. Two.

- Man.

- Generico on the table-on-the ladder, off. HE TOSSES STEEN THROUGH IT!!! He has to be dead!

- Generico looks like he’s having convulsions.

- Generico tosses Steen in (who also tosses a chair in).

- Package Piledriver from Generico.

- Cover. Two.

- Steen has yet to attempt to cover. I’m not sure He wants to.

- Brainbuster on the apron. Corino stops the count. Steve Corino has arrived in a suit. I’m sure Cabana will be out soon. Corino lays out the ref. He has the same chair Steen wrote on at GBH.

- Cabana has Corino. Cabanas in the ring. Cabana has the chair. Heel turn imminent? No! He hits Steen? Interesting.

- I smell a storyline coming.

- Steen kicks out of the chair shot.

- Refs out again. Nut kick. Package piledriver

- Brice in. 2 count. Steen nutshots Brice and lays him out with a Package Piledrive too.

- We’re in overrun territory.

- Package Piledriver through the chair. Paul turner in. 2 count.

- The bloods stoped flowing on Steens face. It’s dry and disgusting.

- Fans Chanting Ole.

- Steen looking for the BRAINBUSTah reverse.


- 2 count only!!!!!!!!!!!!

- No ones ever kicked out of the Brainbustah!!!!! And STEEN kicks out. Man…

- Steen has the original mask. Generico stops.

- Steen pleading off. Generico drops the mask. SLAMS STEEN WITH THE CHAIR Cover!!! 3count!!!!

- Generico wins.

- Steen loses.

- Steen is out of ROH.

- It’s over. The feud that defined ROH in 2010… is over.

- I know its cliché, but I want a hug center of the ring. Doubt I’ll get it.

- Generico has his real mask on. We end the PPV with Generico in the ring staring at the black mask with Cabana, while Corino checks on Steen. Hell of a match.


PPV of the year? Probably. Death Before Dishonor had a better main event I think, as far as match quality anyway, but I loved the show. Not a bad match to be found. The stream issue was annoying for me, but honestly it wasn't as bad as it usually was from Go Fight Live. I thing Kevin Kelly doesn't have to lose his job. The Tech problems were kept to a minimum. If you haven't gotten it, buy the replay. It's well worth it. Hope that was helpful.


Anyone else have thoughts on this event?



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Kept notes while watching the thing for anyone interested... Posted them on Prowrestling.com. Thought I'd post here too.






Having to avoid spoilers so sorry if someone has already summed it up, but how was the picture & audio quality? Were there any major problems?


Thinking of ordering a replay tomorrow but wanted to make sure it is worth it. Also is the commentary ok? When I get a roh DVD I turn off the commentary because I feel hearing the crowd more adds more to the matches than the commentators, are they at least decent?

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Having to avoid spoilers so sorry if someone has already summed it up, but how was the picture & audio quality? Were there any major problems?


Thinking of ordering a replay tomorrow but wanted to make sure it is worth it. Also is the commentary ok? When I get a roh DVD I turn off the commentary because I feel hearing the crowd more adds more to the matches than the commentators, are they at least decent?


First, order the replay. The last two matches are worth it alone.


As far as picture and audio, this is the best I've seen GFV. My stream had some issues, but once the second half hit most of them were gone. Aside from a brief moment where I think Prazak knocked his mic out audio is pretty good as well.


I liked the commentary, but then again I'm a bit of a Kevin Kelly fan, so...

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Having to avoid spoilers so sorry if someone has already summed it up, but how was the picture & audio quality? Were there any major problems?


Thinking of ordering a replay tomorrow but wanted to make sure it is worth it. Also is the commentary ok? When I get a roh DVD I turn off the commentary because I feel hearing the crowd more adds more to the matches than the commentators, are they at least decent?

I had the same problem you did at the beginning of the show, so I missed most of the opening tag match. Once I got connected, though, it ran great. No problems with the picture or the audio, and no lagging with the steam whatsoever. It ran so well that I pretty much forgot that I was streaming it on a computer that was plugged into a TV.


I haven't been very impressed with Prazak's commentary since Lenny Leonard left, but even he seemed inspired by this show. This was the best I've heard from him in years. And Kevin Kelly is a huge upgrade over Hog, and whoever that dude is that does the DVDs with Prazak.


I would definitely recommend the show. It was a very fun show, and the last two matches absolutely delivered. I think this may have been a better show top to bottom than DBD, which I really enjoyed.

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I had the same problem you did at the beginning of the show, so I missed most of the opening tag match. Once I got connected, though, it ran great. No problems with the picture or the audio, and no lagging with the steam whatsoever. It ran so well that I pretty much forgot that I was streaming it on a computer that was plugged into a TV.


I haven't been very impressed with Prazak's commentary since Lenny Leonard left, but even he seemed inspired by this show. This was the best I've heard from him in years. And Kevin Kelly is a huge upgrade over Hog, and whoever that dude is that does the DVDs with Prazak.


I would definitely recommend the show. It was a very fun show, and the last two matches absolutely delivered. I think this may have been a better show top to bottom than DBD, which I really enjoyed.


That's good news as my plan is to play it through a tv, wasn't expecting brilliant quality as it will ge played through a 40 inch screen, but good to now the quality is good.


Pretty sure I will be ordering so will post thoughts after watching, going to stay out of this thread now to ensure I don't read any spoilers.

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Very well put. Roddy/Davey was a better match, but Steen and Generico told a fantastic story. That was one of the greatest feuds I've ever seen, and the ending was perfect.


Maybe I'll post more on the show later, but for now, I'm drained. I definitely got my $7.50's worth...and then some.


Yeah, so definitely worth the money. I feel like I used to feel the day after Wrestlemania when I was a kid. ¬_¬ As you could probably tell by the insanely cobbled-together post above that I kept editing during the show. ¬_¬.


I wasn't able to follow Raven/Dreamer back in ECW, but now I've seen Steenerico, I'm kinda ok with that... And that was definitely the way to handle the tricky situation where your main event isn't your title match... pretend you have nothing to do with it and it's not part of your official card. That way, as far as the card is concerned, the title match is the main event so your title's prestige remains unblemished, but the fans get a fantastic main event spectacle too. Not that Davey/Rod wasn't a fantastic main event spectacle, but if they'd done it the other way around, it would just've been weird.


Honestly Richards and Strong just got insanely silly towards the end; they kicked out of WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY too much.


You think THEY kicked out of too much? Steen and Generico pretty much killed every finish ever used in the history of wrestling. :p I could buy kicking out of the Brainbustah! if it was JUST the Brainbustah! But by that point, he'd pretty much kicked out of everything else as well.


As I said in my initial post (though I wasn't clear on which one), there was only one false-finish in the title match that actually had me going, and that was Davey's SSP after booting Truth Martini off the apron. But in context with the story (of the match, and the feud), it makes sense for Davey to kick out of more stuff than you'd normally expect.


Since 1234 mentioned having trouble with GFL at the top of the show, I thought I'd post this blurb I saw on the Observer website:



ROH crashed the site. That's actually kind of awesome. Well, it's awesome as long as GFL is prepared for that possibility in the future. And I will note that once I got the stream up & running, it ran perfectly for the entire show.


The only trouble I had was during the Women of Honor match (plus a bit of choppyness during Dutt/Edwards). The rest of the time it was absolutely fine. And the quality, while obviously not fantastic, was good enough to ignore and forget you're watching a streaming internet feed. And now they've got a HD stream up (which is included in the price if you've already bought the event), which is fantastic. So you really can't argue with that.


I'll definitely be ordering the next one, that's for sure. Just slightly miffed that I can't watch the TV shows. :(



Edit: Actually, come to think of it, it was a bit of a theme last night... kicking out of finishers, I mean. Didn't Daizee kick out of the Royal Butterfly AND the first of Del Rey's Piledrivers, too?

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Actually, I'm pretty sure HDNet asked him to stop posting the shows a few months back.


correct. rohbrazil is no more. No good place to see them.


I think ROH may of recently jumped the shark as far as its matches go. I think they are just as systematic as WWE or TNA now just in different ways. Every match is basically the same and then at the end they kick out of 20 moves they shouldnt kick out of, not false finishes, simply kicking out of finishers. "You hit me with a flipping tombstone, a shooting star press, and a punt to the head, I kick out, stand up, kick you in the head, package piledriver, senton bomb, spike you on your head again, you kick out." Rinse and repeat until smarks cream themselves and people shout match of the year.


I just get sad sometimes. I want ROH to be the promotion to change the business, but they just havnt seemed to rebound once Punk and Joe left. Now its more people just like them because they hate WWE and TNA (and I'm not denying thats not maybe a good reason).


I just go back and watch all the old cruiser matches and stuff from the attitude era (see anything with Mysterio, Guerrero, Helms, Benoit, Melanko, Angle, Jericho, ext) and compare it to today and it just makes me sad.

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Sonfaro your show recap sums up all my thoughts perfectly.


ANX vs Cole/O'Reilly was a great opener that had me believing ANX could lose, although my brain kept telling me it wouldn't happen as ANX have a title shot coming up. But great match that had me believing the upset could happen.


Cabana vs TJP was good for what it was, a short joke match. Didn't particularly help TJ but Cabana showed glimpses that he could be a real competitor and not just a joker. Surprised about the roll up finish.


Womens match didn't exceed my expectations, decent but not better. Kong was exposed as she is best on offence and isn't a great seller.


Dutt vs Edwards was good given the short preparation time. Dutt showed more in this match than he did in his ROH run last year. Good match but weird finish, never seen Eddie use that move before, maybe I am just a bit behind.


Homicide vs Daniels didn't particularly help either man out, and Homicide sneaking the win was bizarre as when he returned it seemed like he would be the face to challenge Roddy. Bennet could have used a prematch promo, as I don't think many people knew who he was.


KOW vs Briscoes was surprisingly made good by Papa Briscoe. He brought some good crowd heat in, and both when Hero nailed him, and when he hit the Doomsday there were huge pops. Don't see the importance of this match or what it will lead to, only real development that could come out of the match is the Kings expelling Hagadorn.


Davey vs Roddy. Good match, screwy referee to set up a rematch...but with all those false finishes the only way the rematch can top this is if Davey wins the title. Great match overall, and exactly what should have happened last year.


Steen vs Generico started off disappointing but boy did it deliver, and the ending was so symbolic: Steen repenting for his sins but it was too late and the reverse of last years chairshot, nice. Only problem is Steen is done at least for now, and how could he return without re-igniting the fued with Generico which would have to end even bigger next time, which I think is impossible. And Generico didn't really gain anything from the feud, I still don't see him as a title contender.

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Watching the replay. Big fan of Kyle O'Reilly and Adam Cole, so I really dug the opener. I liked how they played up O'Reilly's connection to Richards, and would like to see more of that. To me, Cole & O'Reilly are going to need something extra character-wise down the line, but for now they're fun rookies.


Much to my surprise, I loved a Colt Cabana match. Usually I can't stand the guy, but his match with TJP was what I consider a perfect undercard match. Different from everything else on the card, purely focussed on a particular aspect of wrestling, and containing a sense of fun. I think I've loved every TJP match I've seen in the last few months, so don't think I've turned a corner on Cabana.


Daizee's outfit was adorable.


The rest of the card... Good, but the mise en scene of RoH started to get to me. I struggle to care about of lot of these guys, despite their skills. Briscoes, Roderick, Richards... I just can't get into their long matches. The audio levels are also atrocious; the crowd is too quiet, and the awful commentary too loud. Kevin Kelly is a perfectly fine commentator, but the other guy (totally forgotten his name) is awful. Just awful. Granted, he was having voice issues, I can forgive that, but his "heel commentator lol" character is insipid, irritating, and counter-productive to an otherwise pure-sports product.


Main event to go, but it's quite telling that while Richards/Roderick was on, I was typing this post.

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The rest of the card... Good, but the mise en scene of RoH started to get to me. I struggle to care about of lot of these guys, despite their skills. Briscoes, Roderick, Richards... I just can't get into their long matches. The audio levels are also atrocious; the crowd is too quiet, and the awful commentary too loud. Kevin Kelly is a perfectly fine commentator, but the other guy (totally forgotten his name) is awful. Just awful. Granted, he was having voice issues, I can forgive that, but his "heel commentator lol" character is insipid, irritating, and counter-productive to an otherwise pure-sports product.


Main event to go, but it's quite telling that while Richards/Roderick was on, I was typing this post.


On commentators : For me both were acceptable, which makes a change as ROH commentary usually makes me cringe. Prazak is fine, but has a slightly annoying voice. Kelly just seemed lost, particularly when the camera was on him.


On main eventers : Out of the people you mentioned the only ones I can't get behind are the Briscoes, who have become so settled in there roles that have become stale. I would say a heel turn could help, especially if they went to the Embassy (If Nana returns) but that wouldn't leave much in terms of face teams.


Surprised your not enjoying Roddy vs Davey as it was a great match IMO, not MOTY candidate but a strong buildvup into the next battle between the pair.

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I can see it was a good match, but I'm simply not emotionally invested in the characters and situation. Despite recently evolving into a workrate-obsessed indy-mark (boo WWE etc) I still need the characters to speak to me on some weird level, in order to really enjoy something. I have to feel an emotional connection. I don't feel it with those guys, nor most of the RoH roster. Which largely isn't their fault, I mean, I don't watch their television. Some wrestlers speak to me right off the bat, Davey & Roddy didn't and haven't. Great at what they do, but not something that touches me in my special place. Not yet.
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After reading comments here, I'm thinking of watching the replay of this show. That would be my first ever RoH show, maybe not the better introduction I could get I guess, but I've become interested in the Steen vs Generico feud after the came in my hometown for a totally unrelated wrestling event and reading about them. Steen is from three area, he's here every month for a local show and he's really impressive (and a nice guy too!). I think our local promotion also uses Steen contacts to get top American independant wrestlers to come over once in a while. I've had the pleasure of seing Corino, Cabana and Davey Richards recently in our very own bingo hall.


If I had to pick any other event as an introduction to RoH, what would you recommand ?

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- And the Confederate trunks again… As a black man, I have trouble getting behind you guys.


Yeah why do they even do that? They are from Delaware, that is not even a former Confederate state. Not that if they were from the South it would justify them wearing and waving the Confederate flag but it would make more sense.

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  • 1 month later...

So I finally have HDNet and ROH isn't going to be on there anymore...awesome.


Anyway, I'll check it out while I can.


The first match was Cole & O'Reilly vs the Bravado Brothers. Two things to say about this. Cole & O'Reilly were awesome, Bravado Brothers were one of the worst things I've ever seen on a wrestling show. I mean, that's a gimmick that WWE would throw in the dumpster and they had Jesse and Festus! Even their in ring work wasn't anything to write home to mom about. Plus, they're so goofy looking...


WGGT vs ANX was pretty good.


I'm excited for next week's though to see Daniels vs Edwards.

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Now wait...the Bravados did have the funniest line of the night:


"And, after our grandmother cooks us breakfast, she tells us that we're gonna make it in this business."


Man, I love ROH. Great comedy team that will consistently try to join the ranks of TWGTT, The Briscoes, and The Kings of Wrestling.

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