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I can't recall ever seeing a thread like this; are there any guys who aren't over at all that you always push the hell out of, and how do you do it?


Personally, I've been messing around with USPW (doing multiple one-month runs since I don't have the full game) and I always sign Taylor Kidd and see how over I can get him by the end of the month. This time I paired him with Sam Strong as a protoge of sorts, having him follow Strong around and not be rated in any segment Strong is in.


How about you guys?

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Actually in my TCW game I cant seem to get Troy Tornado over after three months. When I put him in A rated angles, everyone else improves but him, I have him dominate people/keep strong people which works for other guys, not him. I managed to get him up to B+ by having him beat RDJ who has at A (I had enough by then) then had him lose a four way for the title and he dropped back down to B! His only loss in 3 months! So yeah, pet projects are fun, its kinda crazy when you get obsessed to get someone over lol


also Champagne Lover is always a pet project of mine, however he always seems to get over fast so its not hard, just fun to see how fast you can get him to the main event

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I tend to find a Big Heavyweight or bigger to try and give a "Goldberg push". Usually it ends badly, but sometimes I can get flying with a guy with good menace who can work a brute gimmick. Currently that project is Mutant... he debuted in the CVerse in 2013 graduating from the Piledriver School of Wrestling.


His stats aren't horrible at all: Ent (C-), Perf ©, Phys (C-), Cam (B-) so I think it should work splendidly... I hope. :o

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The nearest thing to a long-term pet project in my CGC game is with two DeColt Power House graduating rookies, Skip Beau and Blockbuster. Renamed "The Blockbusters", I am determined to make Beau and Boris into the greatest tag team the world has ever seen. Every show, they team up and lose a dark match against whatever Main Eventers I have free. Their popularity is practically non-existant, but their skills and tag team experience are quickly increasing.


One day they will rule the world. It won't be for a few years, but one day... one day...

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I always, always, always sign Johnny Gargano. Well, except the game I'm playing now seeings how it takes place in 89 and he'd only be two years old :p


Kevin Fertig is another one I always sign. I get him pretty over usually though. I always pair him with Shelly Martinez.


Rob Terry is a recent one. Though, I usually start out as TNA and he's already on the roster. I always send him to development and then after his skills get a bit better I bring him back up and have him raise hell.

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For me, in my SWF game, it's Robbie Retro. I've involved him in a bunch of angles with Eric Eisen, Lobster Warrior, Enforcer Roberts, Runaway Train, Jack Bruce, Rich Money & Eric Eisen. He's also been involved in matches with the above.


Currently, he teams with Lobster Warrior and the pair have been providing back-up for Jack Bruce & Rich Money against Eric Eisen's 'Supremacy'. I'm hoping that his involvement with main-eventers improves his popularity and his involvement with Money, Bruce, Lobby & Roberts helps improve his ability.


The plan is to get him massively over then for him to drop the Retro gimmick for something more serious using one of his un-retro'd alt.

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Nomad is usually a pet project of mine. I usually bring him in whenever it's feasible. In my longest-running game with MHW, he's currently up to upper midcard going into 2013, and we're at high regional now. He's leading a Flock-like stable consisting of El Sucio, DeCipher and the Cano brothers. Just waiting to pull the trigger on a big feud with my champ, Cique Jr.
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I'm trying to get the Fighting Irish into the HOI in my NOTBPW game - not going too badly, 2 time tag champions and Ed Henson Memorial Cup holders. They're my biggest 'pet project' atm.


It's actually interesting that you mention that. I tried the same thing with NOTBPW (I'm now National with them) and I brought in Merle O'Curle to work on a Stable with them. All Three men are now Solid Midcarders, and Merle has won the NOTBPW International Championship Twice, and the Fighting Irish have won Tag Team gold Once.

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Actually, some of my primary goals with any game, (other than sliding Sammy Back into that coveted Numero Uno spot on the Power 100), is getting a few younger guys I like, (Flash Savage, Frankie Perez, Flemmy Lemming, CH Threepwood, and a few others), as good as i can, and as over as i can.
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Right now, with EWCW (that awesome little company in 1997 Europe), I'm working to turn Wolfgang Klose and Otto Hammerschmidt (as Der Münchener-Express) into stars. Figure it'll be possible THIS early in their careers!


It's gone nicely so far, as they've actually (and miraculously) churned out some of my best midcard matches, churning out a solid amount of D- matches. That alone has been enough to propel them from F overness to E- over the course of a year, and their in-ring skills are very quickly developing into "even more solid and average" than they were to begin with. Have to say, I'm proud of them so far. And as an added aid, I've had them in an angle every post-show with Faustino Flash in order to try and develop their charisma. Anything to turn them into better workers!


Oh, and they have Minion as a manager. He doesn't do much, other than occaisonally lose in dark matches, but he too is showing some surprising potential to actually be, well... more than The Gimp from Pulp Fiction.

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Homicide is my WWE champ and most over and consitant performer......I signed him to a development deal and then called him up to fill a midcard need on SD....after firing a few workers for drug related issues I started pushing him up the card a little and unexpectedly he got so over I have put the tiltle on him and he has reigned as champ for 7 months consistently putting on the best or second best segment every show
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Running Wolf and Roger Monteiro.


I team them up and have them wrestle dark matches, unless I have a dev fed in which case I let them develop first.


Dude me too that is the perfect team for a small fed. I tried a MAW game that didn't last long and I brought them in to form a stable with Ace Youngblood.


For me, in my SWF game, it's Robbie Retro. I've involved him in a bunch of angles with Eric Eisen, Lobster Warrior, Enforcer Roberts, Runaway Train, Jack Bruce, Rich Money & Eric Eisen. He's also been involved in matches with the above


I put him in a bunch of angles with Joe Sexy running a two wild and crazy guys type gimmick. He had his own feud getting crushed by Runaway Train but he would help Joe try and win over Emma Chase and out maneuver Brandon James.

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Roger Monteiro, The New York Doll (Spike) and Samoan Machine.


I know Machine is popular in Japan, but I am trying to make him a beast in the US too.


With the lack of tag teams I manages to bring Machine and Umaga into NYCW and they rocked up the rankings.

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The Brisbane Devil (Renamed Dingo) and Tombstone are two guys I've been giving undefeated streaks too, and I'm hoping to have a showdown beteewn the two at DIW first big show in a title versus title match. Dingo has been rocking a man-beast gimmick, and Tombstone has been my Taz ultimate fighter dude.
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Sadly, I still haven't seen anyone as awesome as my duo of Wolfgang Klose and Otto Hammerschmidt.


"The Hamburg Hammer" is the greatest, as is his partner, what else can I say?




In my RAW game... I guess I don't have anyone yet. The roster starts so bloated, after all, and there's more pressing priorities (like getting my top stars over enough to help carry the company to Cult, and then hopefully start making enough cash to not go under!)


I guess the closest so far would be, uhh... Manhunter? He already starts sorta near the top, but is by far my favorite member of the roster (and one of the lucky few I've had the time to turn into a solid star in Aussieland).

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In past games, it was Yori Toyoshima. In 2010, it's Olivia Diamond and the team of Chiyeko Kita and Yukiko Matsumara (collectively known as 'Confection Infection'). The approach is simple (and proven when testing the mod). I build up Clare South and Cheyenne as co-authority figures (heel and face, respectively). At game start, Clare has her own tag team (Assault & Battery - Emma Bitch and Viv Jacobs) and uses them as her muscle to get her way. Eventually, Cheyenne gets sick of it and brings in her own team. They feud, bringing the entire midcard into it at some point (like a hurricane does to multiple states), crossing over into several other storylines (as the connecting point) and starting two to three others (as the flashpoint). By the end of it, both teams are crazy over (despite not even coming near the tag titles) and when that program is over, each branches off into another feud (the one time I got that far, CI developed a beef with Recipe for Success and Clare had issues with Affliction so sent A&B after them).


As for Olivia Diamond, perhaps in spite of her skills, she gets over playing what is essentially DDP's gimmick.

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My current project is Ekuma the Hawaiian Strongman. i teamed him with my last NYCW project Sammy the Shark. Since I have a performance/pop split fed, just overusing menace angles probably wont get me where he is a true main eventer and headliner, as Ekuma is atrocious in the ring. But even losing most of the time the first few months, he has gone from E- to E+ pop and auto pushes midcard/ upper mid depending on how many are on the roster.
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