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Cornellverse ... next step?

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It's a little early for this, isn't it?


Alright here's my North American guesses:


USPW has gone National, finally breaking up the "Big 2" in US.

CGC over takes NOTBPW providing a huge upset there.

4C continues right along but finds surprising competition in the now Regional ACPW



PSW is still struggling along at Regional

CZCW goes Cult.

BSC converts to "real" wrestling and provides serious competition for AAA

AAA stays at regional due to competition from BSC.

FCW stays at regional (or drops to Small with the death of Puerto Rican Power :eek:)

NYCW slips down into small size (but with a strength filled roster so a player could bring them back to Regional, even Cult if they can duck roster raids from USPW).


MAW stays at Small/Regional.

A new small fed opens as development for TCW.

A new "comedy focused" fed (ala ZEN) opens up with a bunch of terrible workers.



SOTBPW takes over, MPWF and OLLIE band together and declare war on SOTBPW.

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There are several unsustainable situations in the TEW 2010 database. Let's start with the United States. SWF is International, TCW is National, USPW is Cult, and CZCW could be Cult by 2012. I cannot fathom a situation in which the current US talent pool could sustain all of these promotions at Cult or higher. The only way to proceed is to assume that one or more of these promotions take a serious tumble. It's hard to say which one will go. If Sam Strong dies early, USPW would likely stall out. TCW's money issues might see a drop to Cult or outright bankruptcy. CZCW could make the foolish decision to expand into Mexico, and then suffer locally. Maybe Richard Eisen falls down a manhole and then Eric and Jerry tear the SWF apart with differing visions. One way or another, the big leagues are going to look awfully different in a couple of years. On a more minor note, I wouldn't be surprised if PSW fails and a couple of smaller promotions rise from the ashes for a second round of the East Coast Wars.


Canada is going to need some major changes as well, from a gameplay perspective. NOTBPW is such a destabilizing force that it needs to suffer a fall from grace to prevent the "Promotion of the Year," "Event of the Year," "Wrestler of the Year" and "Match of the Year" awards from being foregone conclusions. I'm guessing that the wrong Stone takes over, and this allows CGC to take both the lead and a few headliners.


If any other area is going to see a big shift, it's going to be Japan. The country's promotions are distressingly top-heavy, and I can't imagine a way to fix the situation that doesn't start with a couple of major promotions closing or shrinking. This could be a big boon to the indy scene, which could end up littered with a half-dozen different competing promotions.

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BSC converts to "real" wrestling and provides serious competition for AAA


I hope BSC stick to their erotic guns, rise a little, and get a teeny-tiny TV deal, showcasing their very own brand of smut to everyone in the Las Vegas era. They're talented girls. They deserve success.

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I hope BSC stick to their erotic guns, rise a little, and get a teeny-tiny TV deal, showcasing their very own brand of smut to everyone in the Las Vegas era. They're talented girls. They deserve success.


Agreed. They've been hinting at pushing toward a more wrestling-oriented product, but I really hope that just means higher match ratio. They need to remain a popularity based fed to remain interesting.

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Anyone else play Australia?

Either RAW or APW are going to take a giant step forward, most likely to cult, to be the first to dominate the Australian landscape. I'm probably the only one rooting for RAW.

DIW will add a name from RAW or APW... for the sake of the guess, I'd say Montgomery Croft, though I have no reason as to why, to feud with The Comedian and that alone will be a big step towards legitamizing them.



The obvious X-Factor is how ZEN chooses to spend their 7 million. For all we know they could use it to lure in some top international talent.

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There are several unsustainable situations in the TEW 2010 database. Let's start with the United States. SWF is International, TCW is National, USPW is Cult, and CZCW could be Cult by 2012. I cannot fathom a situation in which the current US talent pool could sustain all of these promotions at Cult or higher. The only way to proceed is to assume that one or more of these promotions take a serious tumble. It's hard to say which one will go. If Sam Strong dies early, USPW would likely stall out. TCW's money issues might see a drop to Cult or outright bankruptcy. CZCW could make the foolish decision to expand into Mexico, and then suffer locally. Maybe Richard Eisen falls down a manhole and then Eric and Jerry tear the SWF apart with differing visions. One way or another, the big leagues are going to look awfully different in a couple of years. On a more minor note, I wouldn't be surprised if PSW fails and a couple of smaller promotions rise from the ashes for a second round of the East Coast Wars.


I disagree. The US & Canada scene in the CornellVerse has a ton of young talent. A ton. Plus some talented vets who could be snapped as well. Given that even at Global, neither the SWF nor TCW build up huge rosters (compared to what the WWE and WCW carried at times), I don't think you would see a drastic decline in the quality of the rosters of three national-plus promotions with a fourth at Cult. You would, however, end up taking a great deal of the talent from the remaining regional promotions. That's where the hit would be, I think. Taking guys like Steven Parker, Matthew Keith, Davis Wayne Newton, Mainstream Hernandez, Jacob Jett, Kirk Jameson, Hell's Bouncer, Sayeed Ali, The Ring Generals, Bradford Peverell, Nelson Callum and others would likely leave a dearth of talent for smaller promotions.

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Canada is going to need some major changes as well, from a gameplay perspective. NOTBPW is such a destabilizing force that it needs to suffer a fall from grace to prevent the "Promotion of the Year," "Event of the Year," "Wrestler of the Year" and "Match of the Year" awards from being foregone conclusions. I'm guessing that the wrong Stone takes over, and this allows CGC to take both the lead and a few headliners.


Given the hints (blatant or otherwise) Adam has dropped, I think it's safe to say that whenever NOTBPW faces itssues, it'll come from the SWF rather than CGC. I'm thinking that either TCW takes the lead, forcing the SWF to do things it wouldn't have contemplated otherwise in order to regain the initiative (like expand into Canada) or Richard Eisen steps down/is forced out and whoever takes over decides to expand the company northwards. Hell, maybe even both.

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ZEN - Will have the biggest positive change. Probably moving up the chain after they finally get some good quality females on the roster that promote its gender equality and give it even more of a "something different" feel from the rest.


RAW - Will likely stay the same, but feel a bit of pressure as ZEN continues a fast climb towards it.


APW - Like RAW, I don't see any big changes. Mostly feeling the pressure of ZEN gaining steam and making it from a big two, into a big three.


DIW - I think will likely have the worst outcome, because they are so not what APW and RAW are, or outrageouslingeously different like ZEN. They'll take a beating and maybe need to correct the product a bit, but looking good


Other Thoughts - Not really too much. I think that covers it.




4C - They'll continue to plug along, but not really make any progress.


ACPW - Whatever is left over is what ACPW will get, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. But I wouldn't expect them to move up quickly at all.


Other Thoughts - ACPW could blaze through Small really quickly if they manage to make good shows all the time.




EWA - Like UCR I think EWA will expand to be the #1 in Europe. They'll definitely beat everyone else without a problem and become the strongest brand.


UEW - Is going to fall behind EWA, but still be a solid #2 and we'll get a European version of SWF vs TCW between EWA and UEW.


VWA - Will need to not make the same mistakes as INSPIRE did in order to stay afloat. I honestly can't see a singles only federation surviving, but hey, you never know.


Other Thoughts - I think VWA will be the wild card. Hybrid style allows them to pull just about anyone into the shows, and as long as they don't make INSPIRE like mistakes, I can see them making this a three way battle and them leading.




5SSW - Still continuing strong since there isn't another female promotion in Japan, yet...


BHOTWG - I just continually see them getting strong and becoming the defacto federation of Japan. I can't see anyone harming them anytime soon.


GCG - I'm going to predict that GCG manages to right its ship finally after so long and begin to make a push back to relevance. I think they'll likely catch a break with a star and ride the wave of success with it.


Hinote Dojo - Still just a dojo, nothing to see.


PGHW - I think they'll make the mistake of not fixing the product and toning it down, therefore decimating themselves even further and allowing someone like GCG to move back up the food chain. Until they do tone the product down, I think they'll hurt themselves big time.


Pro Wrestling SAISHO - Still just a dojo, nothing to see.


WEXXV - I think that Kajahara will end up retiring and the WEXXV that we all know will close its doors. It'll either be remade or totally redesigned into a new federation.


World Level Wrestling - I think they'll drop some more before finally being re-stocked with a ton of good young talent and begin their climb back up. I don't think they'll ever get beyond their height of popularity.


Other Thoughts - If PGHW tones it style down, I think everything stays the same. Though I think they probably wouldn't want to do that at first because they are that way and will stubbornly refuse to change.



Mexico - This I can sum up nicely, there's not going to be a whole lot of change at all. It'll probably stay the way it has and unless a big signing or trade or something occurs, we'll still see it the same way.



UK - Just like Mexico, I think nothing really changes, except that 21CW continues to hit the high waves and becomes bigger and bigger.




AAA - Will still be the #1 for woman's wrestling, but I think some things will make that become questionable.


BSC - With them going to a more match based show, I think BSC will likely move up quickly and get a Cult/Late Night TV Slot. While not being as good as AAA in terms of talent, I think BSC will become the more well known product.


CZCW - Tries to add Lucha Libre to its product and actually hurts it. At least at first, because people aren't used to it. I think it will eventually help them, but it's gonna be painful.


FCW - I think FCW will be beyond Puerto Rico and have a good hold on the South East side of the US. Probably just either close to or hitting Regional, as they've got a roster that can make that happen (with a few additions).


MAW - Still just the developmental place for the future greats. I can't see Rip Chord trying to make them bigger than that.


NYCW - I think they'll keep the traditional based federation, but with a modern twist. It won't alienate the old fans, but bring in many new fans and that's always a good thing.


PSW - Will likely not be as successful as DAVE was, but inch a little bit higher.


RIPW - Still just a dojo.


Now then...


Let's be honest folks. We can see it coming and its painful. But Total Championship Wrestling isn't going to survive to the next game in its current incarnation. It just won't happen unless they do something totally drastic, but there's nothing you can really do other than take the lead when you've only got 1 million in the bank and you've got probably one of the best rosters out there.


Its the end of the road for TCW and Tommy Cornell as an owner. It was a great ride and he did the best you could do under the circumstances, but it was just too much for him.


At least, at the moment.


You see, my prediction on this matter is this. SWF is going to try to get TCW on the cheap, because there's no one else who would possibly try buying out TCW, right?


Wrong. USPW will announce that they've managed to sign an agreement with TCW to merge and create a new super giant company. This new company will actually overtake SWF as the #1 company and slowly begin to get away from them. This is because while Sam Keith manages the owner aspect, Tommy Cornell still holds the head booker position and the two prove to be the ultimate combo.


This leads to Richard Eisen's forced retirement and Eric Eisen's arrival as the new owner. Eric at first is totally overwhelmed by the job and its why USPW/TCW manage to overtake them, but then Eric pulls the greatest "what the f***" by orchestrating the hostile takeover of NOTBPW and succeeds.


With the takeover complete, this splits the Stone family into two halves. One half that wish to prove the legacy of NOTBPW in SWF, and the other cursing the Eisens so badly that they join their former arch rivals the DeColts in CGC.


This returns SWF to its #1 spot, turns Eric Eisen into the ultimate heel (even more so than what he did to Jack Bruce), the new USPW/TCW makes a hell of a combo for #2 in the world, Canada's wrestling scene becomes a bunch of Regional/Small based feds with the destruction of its #1 federation, and the (half) Stones vs the DeColts in CGC.


Ok, I'll admit that's fantasy booking at that point, but that's my prediction.

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It's way to early to say anything about a new TEW at this point because my guess is a new version won't come out till 2012 (which I am fine with because 2010 is a great game However if it comes out earlier I will be fine with it.) I could see NOTBPW having money problems because whenever I play as them in 2010 I run into problems with money. I could also see USPW taking the number two position away from TCW as they seem to do so in my watcher games that I run. Like I said though its way to early to talk about this sort of thing because I don't see a new TEW coming out until 2012 and hopefully before then I can get the hold 10,000 matches achievment in 2010.


Also the biggest shock in 2010 at least to me and maybe to more people was the fact that Steve DeColt was in NOTBPW. I could see something similiar happening this time with one of the Stone Siblings defecting over to CGC. It would definately make the Canadian Scene more interesting. Hell since Ricky and Jack eventually go from CGC to NOTBPW I could see that happening in the next version as well leaving Alex the only DeColt left in CGC.

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Wrong. USPW will announce that they've managed to sign an agreement with TCW to merge and create a new super giant company. This new company will actually overtake SWF as the #1 company and slowly begin to get away from them. This is because while Sam Keith manages the owner aspect, Tommy Cornell still holds the head booker position and the two prove to be the ultimate combo.


I ain't gonna lie, that's the absolute worst thing that could happen to the C-Verse. Merging the greatness that is USPW with the soullessness of TCW, thereby bastardizing USPW? Count me out.


You hear me Ryland?! You do that and I riot.

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I ain't gonna lie, that's the absolute worst thing that could happen to the C-Verse. Merging the greatness that is USPW with the soullessness of TCW, thereby bastardizing USPW? Count me out.


You hear me Ryland?! You do that and I riot.

Iits still going to be Sam Keith running the show, just Cornell's booking. I don't think you'd have a bastardization at all.

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Iits still going to be Sam Keith running the show, just Cornell's booking. I don't think you'd have a bastardization at all.


You'd take USPW and essentially make it 50% TCW. It goes from being a popularity based, family friendly, cartoonish character filled company into one that's based at least partially on solid wrestling and slightly serious characters.


Either you essentially destroy one company and put some of its roster in the other, or you bastardize both's products to create something else. And, I'm sorry, but USPW is far too unique in the C-Verse (or anywhere) to suffer that fate. It would become something utterly different and likely only a shell of either companies' former selves. Right now, both fill their own niche in the USA. If they merged... well, the niche TCW fills would probably be the one to win out. Any semblence of what was USPW would just serve as a reminded of what once was.


Therefore, bastardization.

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It would be called merge in name. I should've said that instead of subtly (and failing) to hint that with parenthesis. There's no way for USPW to actually outbid SWF, but a merge with TCW would get the job done and be financially stable.


This would lead to the end of TCW as we know it though, or at least until Sam hands the reigns over to Cornell, but I think Tommy would only make some small tweaks, because why screw with a good thing?


I apologize for not stating this earlier.

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I love these threads lol anyways....




-An Career ending Injury to a major worker. most likely to someone that is well liked and normally hired by most TEW players.


-A new womens promotion opens thats a mix of both AAA and BSC and is an instant threat to both.


-SWF gets a second show and somehow brings in a brand split. Brings up a number of wrestlers from development and does a mass recruitment drive that weakens a number of smaller promotions. Signs someone Major to help head up the new "brand"


-CZCW runs into money troubles and is brought by Fox Mask who returns to CZCW after leaving for a career in Japan in 2010.


-Jeremy Stone becomes Owner of NOTBPW who is flirting with the idea of renaming the Promotion to North American Pro Wrestling (NAPW). Jeremy for years has had the Idea of expanding into Northern USA something his father was strictly against.

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HIW will have debuted in the UK and gone global within 6 months due to sheer brilliance.


Everyone else has shrunk to regional at best


In other news, UK workers to have jumped ship to the big leagues:


Adam Matravers is in TCW

Danny Patterson is in USPW

Rod Todd is in CZCW (!)


21CW has had a revolution where their product is based more on skill than pop. Leigh Burton, Ricky Storm and Wade Orson are battling against the established guard of Joss Thompson and Leo Price.

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I consider that the most likely shakeup lies with the retirement of Dan Stone Sr, which has been coming for a long time. I've not run - or seen - a game so far where he doesn't leave in 2010.


One of the kids will take over, but it's a question of who, and what ambitions they have. Stay still and not really change the formula? Draw in tight so all the Stones are back home and focus on just being great in Canada? Aggressive expansion so that the next big war is between NOTBPW and SWF?


Given that NOTBPW took a tumble in '10, it seems Adam has them set for a major change next time around, but what happens from there is anyone's guess.


Oh, and Rocky Golden will move to SWF. Let's be honest, it's destined to be.

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I could see TCW falling back to Cult, and USPW raiding their roster on their rise up to the big #2 spot. THAT would be hilarious, USPW raiding TCW for once :D


USPW is going to go from strength to strength. They're in a key position that all the "old" SWF and TCW stars can "retire' to USPW, allowing almost constant waves of "new" popularity into USPW while SWF and especially TCW struggle to replace their aging main event.


I can see SWF botching a golden opportunity (ala the WWE Invasion style) and as they cherry pick talent from the falling TCW, they mis-manage terribly. Richard Eisen refuses to retire but goes a little senile, resulting in smoe very odd decisions, resulting in Big Smack Scott having a 6 month World Title reign of terror that leaves broken bones and terrible morale in it's wake. It's like Enygma all over again, only far, far worse. SWF stalls and doesn't go global despite having strong footholds in UK, Canada, and Mexico.


I predict that PSW falls to small as their main event scene retires (Johnny Martin, Alex Braun, The Wolverine etc.). Still around and financially strong, just with no popular/skilled workers anymore.


CZCW could go any way needed. It could continue to grow due to it's strong roster, get raided to hell by desperate TCW/SWF looking for young talent, or tread water. FCW I think will stay where it is, perhaps bump up to regional but right now it's in a perfect niche. Not too small as to be unprofitable, not to big that would attract unwanted attention from the knife fights going on in the mainland. AAA and BSC go to war. AAA furious about the bad rap BSC is giving them. BSC responds by having their stripper roster drop their pants and have AA AS UC KS written across their butt cheeks :D


In Canada, either CWWF opens up, providing more competition on the women's scene or 4C takes a que from ZEN and goes Integrated (come on...how awesome would that be :D). NOTBPW gets raided by TCW, and CGC avoids the worst of the US fights and emerges as #1 in Canada. They go National, NOTBPW falls to Regional, being held together solely by Dan Stone Jr. and Duane Stone (who comes home when his father's promotion starts to fail). Jeremy retires and takes over. Edd Stone rocks it out in SWF (having been stolen and because he's a jerkwad and SWF is where those kinds of people go).




I just can't see Mexico staying in stasis for another game. Something has to happen. I'm really banking that Champagne Lover leads SOTBPW to the top and a fourth promotion enters the scene, perhaps MHW and because it's not bound by various contracts signs many big names from the other promotions and rises up, turning the Mexican Trinity into a knife fight because now there definitely isn't enough talent for 4 promotions.



In the UK, ROF folds. The writing is on the wall. But perhaps the key players move to MOSC and propels that up to provide serious competition for 21CW.


Europe, as many have said EWA overtakes UER, VWA holds in stasis.


Austrailia, RAW takes the lead (thanks to their TV deal). APW struggles but thanks to judicious raiding of talent from ZEN and DIW, it stays afloat. ZEN explodes and then implodes. It burns through it's cash fast to get up to Regional level like a rising comet and then stalls due to raids by the now Cult RAW.


Japan: I like GCG finally getting on the right track and overtaking PGHW, which continues to stall due to injury. BHOTWG treads water, the dojos stay as dojos. WLW stays where it is (it's a great position to be in, Regional with a talented roster, makes it lots of fun to play).


As I said, 5SSW slides further and further, loosening it's stranglehold on joshi scene and letting a rival spring up and gain a foothold on the women's scene.

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To merge two ideas together:


Jeremy Stone (or any of them really) takes over NOTBPW. And they (rather than USPW) are the ones to buy out TCW. It catapults them beyond SWF, making the renamed NAPW (or similar) the biggest promotion in the game but the merge goes badly backstage as people vie to retain their various positions, resulting in a lot of in-fighting between the various levels of workers, and either Cornell leaves as part of the buy out or Sean McFly leaves for some reason, because any promotion starting with those two is just beyond godly.

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SWF signs Ant Man and The Awesomeness (Huey Cannonball/Jefferson Stardust) to their ranks and after a stint in development all 3 come up to provide fresh life to a reopened Shooting Star Division and to add depth to the tag league.


Makutsi I can see being released after being in development for so long, going to somewhere like USPW and becoming a National Champion.

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-SWF gets a second show and somehow brings in a brand split. Brings up a number of wrestlers from development and does a mass recruitment drive that weakens a number of smaller promotions. Signs someone Major to help head up the new "brand"


This is never, ever, ever going to happen. The only reason a promotion creates a brand split is when it has no direct competition, and so has to create the illusion of competition in-house. With three major promotions on the continent nipping at SWF's heels, there's no way an Eisen would allow a brand split.

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