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The Minor Questions Thread

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There is no upper limit. Their blocks are based on the fighter's worth. If you are using the negotiation feature correctly, following the advice given in the help file, you should be able to sign most people - all the owner is doing is stopping you from taking the "easy" way out and offering way more than the person is actually worth.


This isn't a reply to you Adam more a post relating negotiations I found in my early playing days. Delegating works very well, I just save before I go into talks with someone I'm worried about being a problem but still haven't had to reload due to missing someone. The 95% of the people I use this for it's worked everytime which is a huge help in streamlining the game.


Addicitve as always, seriously Adam you're the new Sid Meier.

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How does the 'Fantasy Booking' option affect the game?


It says it nullifies preparation time, but fighters still need 2 months to recuperate. I guess it doesn't annul that? :(

It removes "preparation time", meaning that you can ask a fighter to fight 3 minutes before an event and he will still say yes.

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There is no upper limit. Their blocks are based on the fighter's worth. If you are using the negotiation feature correctly, following the advice given in the help file, you should be able to sign most people - all the owner is doing is stopping you from taking the "easy" way out and offering way more than the person is actually worth.


I'm still having trouble with this. Playing ALPHA-1, I tried signing Chuck Dooley, Heikichi Shimizu, Hyun-Shik Lim, and Tomoji Takaoka; some popular Japanese fighters, and had no success with any of them.


Sure, I could have signed a few to an associate's contract, but that's too risky for these kinds of fighters. Most of these fighters wanted between $10k-20k and every one was blocked by the CEO at $5k.


This happens when resigning my top fighters as well; all of the sudden they are asking for $20k and my CEO always blocks me at $5k and I lose my fighter. I don't mind this happening sometimes when I fail at negotiations, but as it is now the restrictions seem impossible/unreasonable.


For now, I'm going to turn off the CEO restrictions until this is either fixed or I understand what it is I'm doing wrong.

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I'm still having trouble with this. Playing ALPHA-1, I tried signing Chuck Dooley, Heikichi Shimizu, Hyun-Shik Lim, and Tomoji Takaoka; some popular Japanese fighters, and had no success with any of them.


Sure, I could have signed a few to an associate's contract, but that's too risky for these kinds of fighters. Most of these fighters wanted between $10k-20k and every one was blocked by the CEO at $5k.


This happens when resigning my top fighters as well; all of the sudden they are asking for $20k and my CEO always blocks me at $5k and I lose my fighter. I don't mind this happening sometimes when I fail at negotiations, but as it is now the restrictions seem impossible/unreasonable.


For now, I'm going to turn off the CEO restrictions until this is either fixed or I understand what it is I'm doing wrong.


Someone should report this for the next temporary patch since everyone seems to have trouble with this bug. Not me though, I'm XCC and won't sign 5K dudes anyway :)

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Someone should report this for the next temporary patch since everyone seems to have trouble with this bug. Not me though, I'm XCC and won't sign 5K dudes anyway :)


Ha, as SIGMA I have signed Li-Kong Ho & Raul Hughes on much more than 5k. I think they are around 60k a fight each. So not everyone has the problem, you just need a cool boss like mine :cool: (whoever the default SIGMA CEO is).


The good thing is the AI seemingly has the same rules applied, as I have managed to steal many fighters from GAMMA without them putting up a fight if the deal is worth more than 5k. God I love Lance Decker and his 5k rule.

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I can't get around Lance Decker at all. People like Stanley, Foster, Chambers, I have no hope to re-sign. I get it on people from Japan who arn't known in America, but why can't I offer more then 5k for someone who is High Level National in America?


I don't WANT to turn it off but at this point, I'll have to if I want any hope of staying competitive.


I had to turn it off as well. I was looking forward to the additional challenge of having to deal with your CEO but it's ridiculous that I have the #1 promotion in the world but I'm still not allowed to pay more than 5k to re-sign my star fighters.

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Ha, as SIGMA I have signed Li-Kong Ho & Raul Hughes on much more than 5k. I think they are around 60k a fight each. So not everyone has the problem, you just need a cool boss like mine :cool: (whoever the default SIGMA CEO is).


The good thing is the AI seemingly has the same rules applied, as I have managed to steal many fighters from GAMMA without them putting up a fight if the deal is worth more than 5k. God I love Lance Decker and his 5k rule.


Ignore me...I totally forgot I turned bypass CEO on. :o

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Any relationship generated in your game? I haven't seen one. Will the relationship message pop up in the news section?


Also, do you think the physical toll taken by a fighter is too small? Some fighters have had ten fights but their physical conditions are still 100%. They haven't changed at all.

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Any relationship generated in your game? I haven't seen one. Will the relationship message pop up in the news section?


Also, do you think the physical toll taken by a fighter is too small? Some fighters have had ten fights but their physical conditions are still 100%. They haven't changed at all.


No, the physical conditions are right, fighters will take the time to recover after fights. Most fighters wont accept another fight until they are fully recupperated.


Just a question, since I cant find anything about it in the help file. What is the "Quality" on TV shows? Is it production quality, so cost more but increases commercial rating?

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Just a question, since I cant find anything about it in the help file. What is the "Quality" on TV shows? Is it production quality, so cost more but increases commercial rating?


It's the level of the show. A low quality show will only need a relatively poor main event, a high quality show will need a proper "big match" on top.

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Televisao 2 won't give me a TV deal, even though I fulfill the (0 regional popularity) requirement. Is it because I only have popularity in South America and not South America and Central America?


Just checking did you change the station in the editor? Because the requirement is 90 Regional for me.


It cant be because you only have pop in 1 required area, as I got a deal on Euro Cable Sports 4 with pop in Europe alone (not UK or Russia).

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Just checking did you change the station in the editor? Because the requirement is 90 Regional for me.


It cant be because you only have pop in 1 required area, as I got a deal on Euro Cable Sports 4 with pop in Europe alone (not UK or Russia).


Says 90 in the editor but 0 in-game and I've edited neither so I'm not sure what's going on.


Actually it says 0 for every single station in the editor. Bug?

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This seems like a really dumb question but I have used the search feature in this thread and the other related topics, looked in the help file, and the developers journal has been taken down so I can't look there and have asked the question in another thread that no one answered but...


what effect does not making weight in non-title fights have? Any? Are fighters stronger/slower/get tired easier or harder? Or is it simply there for realistic purposes?

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Sticking with weight classes. I just had a fighter miss weight by 10lbs, then come fight day, he'd dropped 9lbs so he was only on 1lb over the limit. Is that right? Obviously it's possible, but it seems strange that if a fighter has been fined some of their purse for being over, they'd then sacrifice the weight advantage they financially paid for.
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I'm playing as SIGMA and I hit High Level Regional in November 1998. When I was mid level regional I was making anywhere between $14,000 and $19,000 per show in sponsorship. After I hit High Level, it's down to $8000-ish per show. I'm using the Steady setting for sponsorship (and have been all game) and it says at my size I should be making around $13,000 per show.


Any insight as to the decline?

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