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SWF In 2013

Guest KingOfKings

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When I run Popularity promotions (more often CGC than SWF) my philosophy is that Main Eventers are special. Very rarely will you see more than a few of them wrestling on free TV. My main champion never wrestles on free TV. I save that for PPV's. Angles are of course a different story. You want to feature those top guys heavily in angles, hyping up the money bouts.


I also go by the idea that I want a kick ass main event... a pretty good semi-main... and the rest can be garbage. Absolute garbage. Squash matches and lower-midcard tags. Stuff that builds people up for the future. As long as my main event hits home (and one long, strong, angle) I'm safe. Undercard grades don't really matter.


For PPV's I go with 7 matches. When I bump it up to 8 (including pre-show) I tend to find my main event gets the 'burnt out crowd' penalty. 7 does the trick.

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I also go by the idea that I want a kick ass main event... a pretty good semi-main... and the rest can be garbage. Absolute garbage. Squash matches and lower-midcard tags. Stuff that builds people up for the future. As long as my main event hits home (and one long, strong, angle) I'm safe. Undercard grades don't really matter.


This is basically what I do. Main Event tags matches, ME vs Squeeky/Sexy/Lobster and use the other 3 matches to build up my tag teams and midcarders since I lower the TV ration to 50/50. Bruce in angles is the best thing in the world.

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I tend to hold the same perspective towards main eventers in entertainment companies, but I usually just feature a single main eventer, of course in the main event. Though it applies only to the guys I am actually pushing as the main stars, not just their popularity. Christian Faith for instance wrestles a hell of a lot when working programs with guys lower on the card to train their skills though Remo doesn't wrestle nearly as much as Faith.


Though by being in a 3 way war in SWF there is incentive for me to have main eventers wrestling slightly more often but rarely against each other and never in singles

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<p>Old school wrestling. I love it! </p><p> </p><p>

Even the WWF used to have the champ wrestle on TV once in a while lol. Once or twice a year (usually during sweeps month). Hogan pretty much never wrestled on free TV (except SNME).</p><p> </p><p>

Without a good main event you can't get the good grades. But you can get by sometimes with a great jobber to the stars (like Dark Angel) vs a top guy who can perform in the ring. Get a B, main angles get an A and you have a good show.</p><p> </p><p>

I do squash matches and such, tags with top stars but I put a few world title matches and other such big matches on free TV. Not too often but I do it. So its a cross between classic 80s / early 90s style TV and modern shows.</p><p> </p><p>

BTW: I do have the repeat booking penalty turned off. I think its a good idea but a bit too restrictive. I would prefer 6 times in a year. Have a series of matches then take a long break. I doubt I've violated it more than a handful of times if that. Some of those violations are probably in squash matches as just be chance I match the same jobber vs the same star.</p>

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Angry Gilmore def. James Prudence

Hero Squad and All-Americans def. Marc DuBois, Everest, and The Pain Alliance

Bumfholes def. Biggins Brothers

Paul Huntingdon def. Robbie Retro

Valiant def. Enforcer Roberts

Christian Faith and Steve Frehley draw w/Vengeance and Remo


Started a new game, first card for Supreme TV..How do you guys keep yourself interested in booking SWF? Because after only a few months I split away from the game and start a new one.

And another question, on squash matches do I go under 5 minutes for them and use the domination note?

Also another edit..when you start games with SWF do you usually sign more PPV deals to cover PPV's outside of the US?

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Angry Gilmore def. James Prudence

Hero Squad and All-Americans def. Marc DuBois, Everest, and The Pain Alliance

Bumfholes def. Biggins Brothers

Paul Huntingdon def. Robbie Retro

Valiant def. Enforcer Roberts

Christian Faith and Steve Frehley draw w/Vengeance and Remo


Started a new game, first card for Supreme TV..How do you guys keep yourself interested in booking SWF? Because after only a few months I split away from the game and start a new one.

And another question, on squash matches do I go under 5 minutes for them and use the domination note?

Also another edit..when you start games with SWF do you usually sign more PPV deals to cover PPV's outside of the US?


I used to run into this problem with every TEW version up until this one. For me, the problem really was because I never had any goals or plans for the workers on the roster. For me, when I'm already running the top company in the world I need challenges like this. So this time around I set goals for each game. In one SWF save I wanted to have Valiant vs. Paul Huntingdon ME Supreme Challenge in 3 years. So I put Val as the head of a stable with Robbie Retro & The Awesomeness, and Huntingdon become the leader of the Chase Agency with a Brandon James turn & feud which helped all involved. Also, I realized that whats-her-name starts the game as an Authority Figure and ran a long series of angles with that as she built a stable.


I even have a simple SWF save going because one of the Next Big Things at the start of the game was Robbie Retro, so in that game I'm trying to see if I can get him to the very top.


Doesn't always keep me fully engrossed, but even if I take breaks I know where I'm going with that save and it's easier for me to get back into it.

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Angry Gilmore def. James Prudence

Hero Squad and All-Americans def. Marc DuBois, Everest, and The Pain Alliance

Bumfholes def. Biggins Brothers

Paul Huntingdon def. Robbie Retro

Valiant def. Enforcer Roberts

Christian Faith and Steve Frehley draw w/Vengeance and Remo


Started a new game, first card for Supreme TV..How do you guys keep yourself interested in booking SWF? Because after only a few months I split away from the game and start a new one.

And another question, on squash matches do I go under 5 minutes for them and use the domination note?

Also another edit..when you start games with SWF do you usually sign more PPV deals to cover PPV's outside of the US?



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Angry Gilmore def. James Prudence

Hero Squad and All-Americans def. Marc DuBois, Everest, and The Pain Alliance

Bumfholes def. Biggins Brothers

Paul Huntingdon def. Robbie Retro

Valiant def. Enforcer Roberts

Christian Faith and Steve Frehley draw w/Vengeance and Remo


Started a new game, first card for Supreme TV..How do you guys keep yourself interested in booking SWF? Because after only a few months I split away from the game and start a new one.

And another question, on squash matches do I go under 5 minutes for them and use the domination note?

Also another edit..when you start games with SWF do you usually sign more PPV deals to cover PPV's outside of the US?

1) First couple of months I found were tough to get started and used other people's diaries as inspiration to get it going. I signed a bunch of new talent and it took off from there.

2) I keep my "dominate" matches to two minutes.

3) Yes, I signed as many PPV deals as I could.

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1) First couple of months I found were tough to get started and used other people's diaries as inspiration to get it going. I signed a bunch of new talent and it took off from there.

2) I keep my "dominate" matches to two minutes.

3) Yes, I signed as many PPV deals as I could.


Now that's the kind of help I was looking for. Thanks a ton Gord.

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Started a new game, first card for Supreme TV..How do you guys keep yourself interested in booking SWF? Because after only a few months I split away from the game and start a new one.

And another question, on squash matches do I go under 5 minutes for them and use the domination note?

Also another edit..when you start games with SWF do you usually sign more PPV deals to cover PPV's outside of the US?


Like people said before, it's tough because the company is pretty aimless with your main goal being to stay on top. However, with a seemingly infinite amount of cash in the bank, you are pretty much free to do what you want with the company. You have the power to sign pretty much anyone whose contract comes up (especially if you make yourself the owner, Richard Eisen). There is a plethora of talent working in smaller promotions waiting to be called up. You also have a handful of guys in development with lot of potential. I usually see nearly the entire roster improve significantly in in-ring ability within the first year or so. So once you get the backstage situation squared away, you can start getting some much better match ratings.


When it comes to beating TCW and USPW, I've never had problems signing away the best of their talent until each company is nearly devoid of anyone able carry a match.

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Angry Gilmore def. James Prudence

Hero Squad and All-Americans def. Marc DuBois, Everest, and The Pain Alliance

Bumfholes def. Biggins Brothers

Paul Huntingdon def. Robbie Retro

Valiant def. Enforcer Roberts

Christian Faith and Steve Frehley draw w/Vengeance and Remo


Started a new game, first card for Supreme TV..How do you guys keep yourself interested in booking SWF? Because after only a few months I split away from the game and start a new one.

And another question, on squash matches do I go under 5 minutes for them and use the domination note?

Also another edit..when you start games with SWF do you usually sign more PPV deals to cover PPV's outside of the US?


1) Planning on long term.




My first step is who do you want as World Champion at every Supreme Challenge. How many month or years your default champion will be helding the title? Who's gonna defeating him? That's my first step. Then I'll try to think the other titles and the people involved.


Don't hire too many wrestlers, just the ones you think they could be relevant for you or give you a challenge. In C-Verse history only a few names jumped ship from one big to another, Jack Bruce from TCW to SWF or Enygma from SWF to USPW, making them their headliners or cornerstones. I never hire Nicky Champion or Rocky Golden because it's too easy for me; I prefer to build Gilmore, Remo or Spade as my Next Big Icons after Bruce.


2) Go that way, but only if you have a worthy wrestler. Vengeance and Marat Khoklov for now, Primus Allen and Schyte for the future.


3) Sign more deals as you can. You need to be relevant outside US. Aside Canada, I would go for British Isles or Europe. No national or cult promotions, aside 21CW. It would take a long time to have a national battle.


P.S. For your games take inspiration from everything. I created a storyline based on John Greed challenging Valiant solving a long quest, inspired by the twelve labours of Hercules. It took more than 1 year game wise but the conclusion was worthy. Both main eventers, involved in the semifinal of Supreme Challenge held in 2015, an A* match.

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I'm planning on starting my second SWF game as I messed up in my previous game. I jobbed out my whole midcard making it hard to build stars. Also, most of my midcard turned out to be heels who had low face ratings.


For storylines, I was able to keep up a decent main event storyline but my midcard was directionless (I'm starting to understand why WWE's midcard is horrible. Could anyone give me some direction for my new SWF 2014 game?


Also, what is the best way to build stars. The stars I want to build never seem to gain popularity.

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building stars


You can't push everyone at once. You can't. A 50-50 feud is stagnation.


Make use of angles. They count to wins-losses, you can (and should) write your own and tailor them to your roster. Storylines are the best tool to build anyone. A hot storyline adds to the grade of every segment that is part of it. So good segments make for a hot storyline that makes for better segments that build pop faster.


You want to get guys out of storylines when appropriate. The loser shouldn't take too much of a hit (most of the time) while you want the winner to get the most success before ending the story.


Use your main card to build the mid card. Have your more popular workers in segments with your lower card. If you have a higher card guy with nothing to do, let him tag with the lower guy you are pushing. It doesn't need to be a run with the titles, just come up with a reason to have them featured together. In some instances you can lose up the card a little (lower guy losing to higher guy gaining pop), but don't make it your main strategy. First, recent fortunes can catch up to you. Second, it can kill momentum, which makes it harder to make overness gains.


If it is an option, you can bring in outside guys with higher popularity and job them out to your push guy. I used an open challenge to bring in PPA guys for one or two shows. It's not the best idea, but hey, it works in a pinch.


If you haven't I really recommend you browse through some diaries. There's tons of information and ideas there, some creative and some mechanical. Plenty of examples you can learn from.


Another idea, if you haven't, is to try a smaller company, where you run fewer shows. You can try out some of these ideas in a more forgiving environment and see what works and then transfer those ideas to the bigger promotions.


Hope all this helps. Let us know how your next play through goes.

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I can’t say I find running the SWF “boring” to run, even from the start. But everyone is going to be a bit different. The SWF certainly poses fewer challengers compared to most other promotions. Money will never be an issue, they have plenty of talent, with lots of overness. You can sign almost anyone who comes free. A couple of solid shows move you up to International. Once you get a handle on how to book them, you can consistently solid grades. After a few month, its quite common to get the popularity of your midcard and higher wrestlers up, which makes really good grades much easier.


To me, the SWF is about two things – character and storylines. I think those are the two ways to best connect to running the promotion.


Character is huge. I think that’s what makes the game come alive more than anything else. Its what you fall in love with certain workers, where you end up hiring them wherever you go. Workers in the C-verse are truly more outlines of characters. There is a lot of blank space to fill in as you choose. That is a great thing about the C-verse. But it can also be a negative, because you end up with outlines of characters and that’s it.


Now, it’s not necessary to fill in the characters for every wrestling in your promotion. Or any, to be fair. But it can really help you connect. There are ac couple of easy ways to do this. One is to look at real world workers and make comparisons. Which is not to say that you will necessary book Jack Bruce exactly as if he’s Chris Jericho, but more a variation on Jericho (or whomever). Another method is to read some diaries and steal the characterizations. There are some fantastic SWF projects out there, including but not limited to JamesCasey, Eisen-Verse (now ended), and 3rdStringPG. Lots of past projects (including my own Generation Supreme). And don’t hesitate to read non-SWF projects – the likes of PhantomStranger’s HGC/DAVE, NoNeck’s TCW, Self's CGC, several good USPW, and even non-Cverse like TigerKinney. You can also make the effort to fill in characters from scratch but it’s a lot more work.


As for storyline... the options are endless. There's already been a couple of fun ones mention that are going to be lengthy arcs. Wrestling history has tons of stories that can be adapted. So do films, TV shows, literature, comics, graphic novels, real politics, and so on. Find one or two such story arcs that you would love to see and make them the center of your game. That can help you connect in a way that keeps things going for a long, long time.

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People are alway. always trying to fit more matches on their shows. The only problem with more matches is that it does two horrible things.


1) Some one has to win which means some one has to lose. Balancing win loss records is super hard when you have your lower card guys losing every week. Sooner or later your going to hit a point where your lower card guys will have hit the to many current losses and can't gain any more overness until you start giving them a ton of wins, which means some one else ha to lose.


2) Losers always lose momentum but winners don't always gain. Who ever loses the match will lose momentum regardless of match grade You can mitigate the loss with the keep strong note but that will tank your match grade. Winners only gain momentum if they are beating some one who has more momentum than them. So if you've got a guy with 70 momentum beat a guy with 50 momentum the guy wth 50 momentum is going to lose some but the guy with 70 momentum is not going to gain any And if it a crappy match he might lose 1 or 2 points as well.


The more matches you run the more chances you have of these things to happen and sooner or later the guys on your lower card are gonna stop gaining overness and have crap momentum.


Two things I do to help this:


1) Less matches and more angles. SWF is a 70% match rating promotion which means you can have as little as 60% matches. If you leave leave Supreme TV as a 90 minute show that 54 minutes of matches and 36 minutes of angles. So I usually only have three matches on a show.


And the good thing about angles is everyone gains overness and everyone gains momentum. Remo and Frehley fighting backstage but they need to be broken up by six other dudes, rated all on nothing becasue it doesn't matter who they are their inconsequential to the fight. 90 something rated angle you might see a 1 or 2 point overness boost for the six others but more importantly Ive seen a 3 point momentum boost. You've just had 6 guys get a spot of TV, you've added to their momentum and possibly their overness and you didn't have to have anyone lose a match. Face workers gives a rousing seech to the locker room. ME face based on entertainment 7 other guys based on nothing, look 7 guys on TV no one loses overness or momentum and I bet all 7 guys make some small gains.


Oh here's another one I like to do when I've got a group I want to get over, vignettes before they debut in the ring. Run an angle with each person based on what their good at. Make sure all the workers are unaligned in a storyline because you're trying to get them over without other workers. And make sure the angle you run is set to minor success. Run these vignettes every show for two or three months than have them make their in ring debut with a big win and end the story. They'll all be good or great in the storyline so when you end it they'll get a big momentum boost and then you an move them on to their first real feud.


2) A rotating list of jobbers, which depends on how may people you are comfortable with handling on your roster. 2 to 4 tag teams that only work for three month periods. Have them lose in a decent match to upper midcarders or main eventers so they'll hae a high starting momentum and then they job for three months to all your lower card teams so they can suck of this momentum, thus giving your lower card guys momentum, overness (both of which they pass on up to the Midcard, who passes it up and so on) and a better win loss record so they never get bad fortunes. I usually wait till I get a B-Show to use these guy but it works really well.

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One tip I always find to get me into a game (particularly relevant with SWF) is to pick a feud from real life, that you don't think was properly handled, and use improving on that as a main feature of your game.


Here's a couple of ideas:


Chris Jericho wins the title from Triple H only to be stripped of it. His follow up title reign bombs. What if his first reign had stood - could you make him an A* wrestler he never became?


Muhammad Hassan - great gimmick and storyline which ended because the WWE writers got lazy and made him into the stereotype he was fighting against. Could you book a SWF wrestler with that gimmick and delver the champion the WWE were trying to build?


Reviving ECW / DAVE - could you do what Vince failed to do and bring back DAVE as a second show and make it successful?



Many more examples to pick from - trick is finding the star in the SWF to put in the spot and building the show around that. Then you find the other stories falls into place

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How many dark matches should I usually run?


I usually use my whole pre-show for getting working young guys with veterans, building tag team experience, and occasionally testing certain matches for high ratings. Some people use the whole post-show too, but I find that overkill.


Also, I recently revived DAVE and it's going great. I highly recommend giving it a shot.

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People are alway. always trying to fit more matches on their shows. The only problem with more matches is that it does two horrible things.


1) Some one has to win which means some one has to lose. Balancing win loss records is super hard when you have your lower card guys losing every week. Sooner or later your going to hit a point where your lower card guys will have hit the to many current losses and can't gain any more overness until you start giving them a ton of wins, which means some one else ha to lose.


2) Losers always lose momentum but winners don't always gain. Who ever loses the match will lose momentum regardless of match grade You can mitigate the loss with the keep strong note but that will tank your match grade. Winners only gain momentum if they are beating some one who has more momentum than them. So if you've got a guy with 70 momentum beat a guy with 50 momentum the guy wth 50 momentum is going to lose some but the guy with 70 momentum is not going to gain any And if it a crappy match he might lose 1 or 2 points as well.


I like this. There are limitations to the approach - you do want guys to develop as in-ring workers, particulary the younger ones, and you want to build tag team experience. But there is real value in taking this approach as it pertains to popularity building.

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I like this. There are limitations to the approach - you do want guys to develop as in-ring workers, particulary the younger ones, and you want to build tag team experience. But there is real value in taking this approach as it pertains to popularity building.


Main Event draws also help. You want to have a great first last match but you don't want any of your main event guys to take a loss, losing popularity and momentum, and you also don't want use to many one one ones on TV becasue you'll have used that math too many times after awhile. So I use lots of multiman tag main event draws.

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Main Event draws also help. You want to have a great first last match but you don't want any of your main event guys to take a loss, losing popularity and momentum, and you also don't want use to many one one ones on TV becasue you'll have used that math too many times after awhile. So I use lots of multiman tag main event draws.


I have done well with the 2v2 and 3v3 tags in the main event on TV. Even did okay with it on PPV. Haven't done the draws yet. That doesn't hurt the grade much? I also remember reading a while back about workers being unhappy with a draw, yet willing to take a loss. That no longer happens?

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