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CGC: On With The Show [8RoW]

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Thumbs Up (up to 3):


1) Christian Price - if his Mom's representing him, is she going to appear onscreen? :D


2) Gargantuan - I'm just a sucker for big men in battle royals....also to cancel out some of the thumb-down he's been getting)


3) Benny Benson - Okay, his antics this week totally won me over (I'll probably regret this if Edd ends up doing something more awesome than him next week, much like how Benny somehow managed to trump Art's efforts last week)


Thumbs down (up to 3):


1) Sean Deeley - Not only is he boring, he's also mean to everyone trying to help him! Is this guy even supposed to be a face? If yes, he's the closest to getting "Cena-heat" from me (Although I actually like John Cena). I'm not sure why I'm supposed to cheer for this supposed babyface who's in fact a dick. I wish I can use all my 3 votes on him, since I don't really hate any of the other guys in this match.


2) Ozzie Golden - He's just the victim of being the only guy who's not given anything interesting to do recently.


3) Fate - see No. 2. Although I don't think he really needs my vote, since he's probably already less popular than everyone else by default. This guy started the LMS last year!


... and the card for next week’s show.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt If a guy's going through a 4-match gauntlet, there's no way he's losing before he reaches the 4th match. Textbook wrestling logic.

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson Like Trent, the returning guy gets a momentum boost on his first match back (even though he hasn't really been gone that long)

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley 1st he's mean to Grayson, now to Skip, WHY THE HELL IS THIS LOSER DEELEY EVEN A FACE? I hope ninja Trent kicks his ass. Oh, and Skip doesn't look like a idiot. YOU do!

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker Ozzie Is the only one who's pretty much done nothing recently, so he's probably eating the loss.

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Benny Benson, Ozzie Golden & Akima Umaga

Thumbs down (up to 3): Dan DaLay, Wesley Priest & Gargantuan


Thumbs Up dudes (other than maniacally insane and brilliant Benny Benson) are people who don't really have a character or anything to go on. I've always been a fan of "nobodies" coming in later on in a rumble and making a name for themselves.


Thumbs down dudes bore me other than Wesley, who I see being in it until his god comes in and willingly eliminating himself from the running.


... and the card for next week’s show.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Christian Price, Thrill Seeker, Donte Dunn

Thumbs down (up to 3): Bobby Thomas, Art Reed, Benny Benson


... and the card for next week’s show.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

Ain't a Stone alive that can beat a DeColt. (Besides Steve but he doesn't count)

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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Akima Umaga, Almighty Zeus, Art Reed, Benny Benson, Christian Price, Chucky, Dan DaLay, Donte Dunn, Drake, Edd Stone, Eddie Chandler, Fate, Gargantuan, Gordon Mann, Grease Hogg, Lead Belly, Nate Johnson, Ozzie Golden, Sean Deeley, Skip Beau, Stevie Grayson, Stuart Kent, Thrill Seeker, Trent Shaffer, Warren Technique, Wesley Priest


Thumbs Up (up to 3): Trent Shaffer, Wesley Priest and Donte Dunn

Thumbs down (up to 3): Thrill Seeker, Fate and Art Reed


... and the card for next week’s show.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt - via DQ when Ricky returns and attacks him before laying waste to Jack

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Christian Price (my personal hero), Trent Shaffer (my favourite sexy brooding antihero ninja) , Gargantuan (cos I love the big man)

Thumbs down (up to 3): Ozzie Golden, Fate, Warren Priest (booooo! :p )


... and the card for next week’s show.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Sean Deeley, Sean Deeley, Sean Deeley...




Okay, I'm a Deeley mark. No surprise there. He needs work on the mic, which kills him in CGC, but honestly you've given him a great character anyway.


Other than Deeley, throw my votes behind Art Reed and Skip Beau, variously out of respect and out of a desire to soundtrack their (hopefully) big moment in the match. You may decide which is whichh.


Thumbs down (up to 3):


Ozzie Golden, because he sucked for me in MAW

Dan DaLay, because no matter what happens to him in the match he'll continue to occupy the same niche he's held since time immemorial as Elite's monster

Grease Hogg, a tactical vote because I want him to start as early as he can to have as much chance of lasting longer than Lead Belly (assuming that longer is just a matter of time rather than eliminations, last eliminated or whatever). I always seem to favour the 'lesser' member of any team, strangely...


... and the card for next week’s show.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt Not to win the title, but I could see Marie getting her man DQ'd to save him.

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson I may prefer Hogg, but Belly should own this match. While I expect Johnson to dethrone DeColt, he's in the ring with two monsters who'll likely finish the match, and DaLay can't knock out Belly.

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley Although I expect Deeley to have some answers for ninjutsu, it's no secret who you enjoy writing for more out of these two

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker Missy needs more disappointment

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Thumbs Up (up to 3): Wesley Priest, Edd Stone, Sean Deeley

Thumbs down (up to 3): Lead Belly, Dan DaLay, Greasse Hogg


... and the card for next week’s show.


CGC World Title Match: Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt

LMS Preview Rumble: Benny Benson vs Dan DaLay vs Lead Belly vs Donte Dunn vs Nate Johnson

Trent Shaffer vs Sean Deeley

Warren Technique & Ozzie Golden vs Stevie Grayson & Thrill Seeker

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Sunday Week 2 September 2014

George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

9,000 in attendance SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich “CGC mathematicians are hard at work calculating the Entry Order for this year’s Last Man Standing Rumble. The Combatants are all on the edge of their seats, wondering just what you think of them, but Edd Stone will have other things on his mind. Tonight he has a chance of a lifetime. A CGC World Title match against a severely weakened Jack DeColt. My guest tonight is Christian Price, who made the shocking decision last week to use the first of his Three Wishes to get Nate Johnson his job back, but why?”

Christian Price “It just seemed kind of unfair. I mean, Nate’s right. Samael Bach only got banished for 6 months. Why was he fired permanently? Plus, I dunno, I liked his masks, and didn’t like him attacking me all the time. Seemed like the right thing to do.”








ART REED and BOBBY THOMAS are in heated argument.



It’s not your turn, Bobby. We decided the order already. You wanted

to be last. You wanted to fight Jack at ‘Last Man Standing’.



Screw ‘Last Man Standing’. Jack’s weak now. I can beat him right here.

Tonight. All of the disrespect? That nightmare of a communal locker

room? I can put an end to it. I can be Champion. You think Edd can

do that? You think Edd deserves that? Whats he doing, anyway?



Following the plan. There’s a reason we’re doing it this way, Bobby.

You do your part. Edd will do his.









In the dead of night, EDD STONE sneaks through the bushes, as quietly as he can manage while still implementing various rolls and flips. He arrives unseen underneath a window, which he starts throwing pebbles at.




Sleepy eyed and dressed in an adorable lion onesie, a pissed off MARIE DECOLT opens the window, glaring at the young Stone, who raises his iPhone over his head. The sounds of dance music can just about be heard from the tiny speakers.



Hey, Marie. I know we don’t know each other too well. In fact I’m pretty

sure I’ve never heard you speak, but there’s this club downtown-




Roaring with rage, JACK DECOLT limps towards Edd and slams him against a wall.



Hi, Jack. How’s the knee? And ribs?



What exactly was your plan here, Edd? Hit on my wife? Make me mad?

Or did you actually think Marie was going to leave with you.



You’ve got it wrong, dude. I’m not here for Marie. I’m here for you.






Davis Ditterich “Faith has been helping Deeley find that special something to connect him to the crowd and take him to the next level. Has he found it?”


Faith tries to get her client to smile or interact with the crowd, but he only has eyes for one thing; Trent’s arm. He wrenches it at unholy angles, until Trent throws a smoke bomb to escape. Heart Burn (Lungblower)! Trent practices the ancient ninjutsu art of trying to cave in his opponent’s chest with sharp elbow strikes, but when he goes up top for Heart Burn (Double Stomp) Deeley pounces with a big superplex! Brutal takedowns! Animalistic suplexes! As is to prove a point, Deeley throws him over the top rope, but Trent uses Skin The Cat (Lvl 3) to hold on and get back in. Deeley pounces, but goes flying from a ONE-INCH PUNCH! Heart Burn! 1... 2... 3.




In celebration, Trent throws the Shooter over the top rope and out to the floor, at the feet of a disappointed Faith. Trent throws another smoke bomb, and disappears into the night.


Christian Price “Trent may be the worst person I’ve ever met, but he sure learned some cool new skills from those ancient Japanese monks.”









It’s a nightclub jam packed with drunken youths dancing to loud music, and EDD STONE is having the time of his life. He even found some glowsticks. JACK DECOLT watches him from the bar, taking pictures with some fans, before angrily storming over to the young party animal.



Why did you bring me here, Edd?



To have fun, man. To cut loose. You’ve been playing loyal husband

and honourable champion for so long that you’ve forgotten who you

are. You’re the Wild Man, man. You were my idol growing up. Whenever

Jez or Junior would tell me to go to bed early or eat my vegetables I’d

think about you. Drinking. Scoring. Punching out photographers. Making

the headlines while still kicking ass in the ring. You were the bad boy of

Canadian wrestling, man, and now what are you?



A grown up.



You’ve been neutered! I don’t wanna blame Marie, because she’s like

the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, but the old Jack DeColt could have

had any girl in this place, regardless of whether she had a boyfriend

or used a fake ID to get in here. That’s who you are. That’s the guy

I want to party with!



Really, Edd? You want to party with that guy? Fine. You want the

Wild Man? You’ve got him.


Jack steals a couple of drinks from a nearby meathead, and downs them. Edd. Is. Psyched!!!








NATE JOHNSON arrives in the arena, a skip in his step and a smile on his face. Various staff members scowl at him, but Nate doesn’t care. He’s unmasked. He’s free. JENNY PLAYMATE approaches, microphone in hand.



Nate Johnson, I’d say “welcome back” but that implies you actually

left during your banishment. Last week Christian Price made the

surprising decision to use a Wish to get you your job back. How

do you feel?





Let me answer that on behalf of my client. The banishment of Nate

Johnson has been one of the greatest injustices in the history of CGC.

For over a year he was forced to hide under a mask in order to do the

thing he loves most; performing for his corporate sponsors. How does

he feel? He feels vindicated... But also deeply ashamed that management

needed to be forced into this decision by the Wish of that ungrateful

halfwit Christian Price.



Hold on, I’m your client again? I’m back in The Elite? I thought you

said I “wasn’t worth the trouble” any more.



I said nothing of the sort. We need you, Nate. The Last Man Standing

Rumble is almost here, and with no DeColts participating, it’s wide

open for an Elite victory. We need to show the rest of the field what

we’re capable of. Dan DaLay is about to compete in the final preview

match. You need to help him win. Tonight more than ever.











Davis Ditterich “The Elite want him back on their side, but does it look like Nate Johnson’s having second thoughts to anyone else?”


Donte and Benson attack each other as soon as the bell rings, but in all of the chaos they can’t keep it one-on-one for long. DaLay bullies everyone smaller than him around the ring. Donte Dunn rocks those within reach with forearms. Lead Belly unleashes drunken thuggery. Cackling like a maniac, Benson assaults with barrages of stomps. Donte and Benson find themselves back at each other’s throats. Only having eyes for each other, they don’t notice Johnson sneaking up behind them and tipping them over the top (Donte Dunn has been eliminated) (Benny Benson has been eliminated).


Johnson and DaLay beat down Lead Belly two on one, with DaLay bullying his supposed partner around and berating him every time the Dirty White Boy fights back. He even uses Nate as a human shield at one point. The arguing allows Lead to bounce them around with Belly Butts. He catches the Natural Order (Leg Lariat), hoists Nate up for the RPM Bomb (Spinning Crucifix Toss) and- BACKFIST! The Dirty White Boy’s out cold. DaLay bullies Johnson into helping him get the elimination (Lead Belly has been eliminated) and then callously tosses out the unsuspecting Nate immediately afterwards. (Nate Johnson has been eliminated).




Rather than celebrate, DaLay shoves his way past Johnson to confront Christian Price on commentary.


Christian Price “What? I don’t know what you want me to-”




EDDIE CHANDLER blitzes in from the crowd, attacking Price from behind. The Elite swarm two-on-one, before holding their victim for Nate Johnson... who hesitates.



What are you doing, you fool? Hit him!



Hold on. Guys, do we really need to do this?


Chandler slaps Johnson. Johnson punches him back! Johnson tackles the Fabulous One to the ground as Price turns the tables on DaLay. The Elite quickly flee.


Davis Ditterich “Oh my word! Did Nate Johnson just turn on The Elite?”









EDD STONE is sitting at a poker table, surrounded by the sleaziest group of thugs and ruffians Western Canada has ever seen. There’s CRAZY FRANK. CRAZIER FRANCO. TAOKA “BIG TUNA” KAZUO. EL HIJO DEL STABBO. Edd is too scared to move.


Conversely, JACK DECOLT is having the time of his life. Feet up. Cigar. A girl on his lap. Kicking the massive thug sitting beside him, for no other reason than his own amusement. Out of cash, he takes off his wedding ring and puts it in the pot. Beyond terrified, Edd makes a call on his iPhone.


EDD STONE (on phone)

Hey, Bobby. I know you said I shouldn’t call you any more, but I think

I’m in some trouble here. Can you… um… Can you come pick me up?

Jack has gone… like… I don’t know. I think I’ve made a mistake. I

might die tonight. Please save me. I lo-


Jack snatches Edd’s iPhone and puts it in the pot.



I call.


One by one, the thugs and ruffians display their cards. Jack wins. Full House. The Wild Man is thrilled. He opponents are not. Utterly furious, El Hijo Del Stabbo pulls a knife.



What are you gonna do with that, huh?


Jack punches him in the face! All hell breaks loose. Edd hides under the table.




/w Missy Masterson





Davis Ditterich “Warren Technique and Thrill Seeker have been at odds ever since Seeker turned down Missy’s... ahem.... ‘services’.”


Seeker bounces off of the ropes at impossible angles, staying two steps ahead of his opponents until Missy trips him. Warren dismantles him with perfectus technique, while Ozzie tries to rearrange his features with shrieking fury. A straight punch to the face sends Ozzie scurrying for safety. Getting the tag, Stevie ducks, dips, dives, dodges, and lays Golden out with a Tornado DDT! Warren blindsides him. Seeker springboards in to take out The Praedator... but Warren ducks! Seeker takes out Stevie! Iactus (Exploder)! 1... 2... 3!




Davis Ditterich “Warren just pinned the Canadian Champion! Big upset!”








ART REED opens up a broom cupboard, where he finds a terrified EDD STONE. Sunglasses broken, hair ridiculous, mop in hand ready to defend himself.



I take it the plan went well?



Went well? How was this a good thing? Jack DeColt is a lunatic! I

almost died! Twice! He just kept fighting and drinking and making

me fight and making me drink and threatening me until I kept drinking...

Man, maybe this is what Mom was warning me about all those years.

Never again, dude, I woke up with the worst hangover in my life.



I’m sure you did, but as bad as you felt, I guarantee it was twice as

bad for him. You’re young. You bounce back quickly. Jack won’t.

This was the plan, Edd, and you pulled it off perfectly.







/w Art Reed EDD STONE VS JACK DECOLT /w Hotstuff Marie


Davis Ditterich “I think Art Reed was right. Edd Stone has fully recovered after their night on the town, but Jack looks terrible.... a Marie doesn’t look too pleased with her husband’s antics either.”


Edd’s terror turns to glee, and he immediately wrestles rings around the worse-for-wear DeColt, attacking the damaged leg and ribs to take control. Rather than follow up on those, Art instructs him to assault the neck with his surprisingly disciplined barrage of stomps and series of holds. Every time Jack tries to go berserk, a shot to the ribs or leg takes him back down. Every time Jack tries to overpower his diminutive opponent to the ground, Edd’s ‘Stone instinct’ kicks in and he turns the tables.


Davis Ditterich “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jack dominated like this... and by Edd Stone of all people. The war of attrition may be working.”


Well in control, Edd can’t resist disobeying Art’s instructions and doing a few flips. He pays for it. Jack dodges a moonsault and goes berserk with right hands and shoulder tackles! Barely holding himself together, he mounts Edd in the corner and Punches! Him! In! The! Face! He goes for the Wild Ride (Whiplash Slam) but Edd flips out of it! St.01 Hold (Crossface)! Jack screams in pain, every part of him broken, desperately inching for the ropes. He makes it and- SUPER KICK! 1... 2... Jack kicks out, but Edd’s loading up another one...




Bobby Thomas hits the ring and lays out Jack with a SUPER KICK!




Davis Ditterich “What? I think Edd may have had that match in the bag.”


Bobby continues to beat down Jack. Edd’s confused and Art looks furious, but they jump into action when Security try to save the CGC World Champion.




DONTE DUNN runs into the ring, laying Art out with a huge Lariat and picking Thomas up for an Airplane-




SUPER KICK from BENNY BENSON! Donte goes down and the Brotherhood swarm. QUADRUPLE SUPER KICKS lay out Jack and Donte.


Davis Ditterich “I still think Edd could have become champion tonight, but it’ll be Bobby Thomas who gets the shot this Friday at ‘Battle Beyond’.









In five days time, Jack DeColt and Bobby Thomas will fight over the

CGC World Title, but everyone knows she belongs with me. We’re

soul-mates, and I’m going to prove it in the Last Man Standing Rumble.

In the mountains of Japan, ancient monks taught me all the skills I

need to win. Master Kikkawa taught me how to develop superhuman

stamina, Master Kudo taught me how to fade into the shadows to

avoid my foes, and Master Kunomasu taught me the One Inch Punch.

Even in a ring crammed with 29 rival combatants, I can deliver a

blow that could send any man flying over the top rope.





Ooh la la la, Trent Shaffer, I am a sucker for ze love stories, but I am

sad to say zat you will not be winning ze Last Man Standing Rumble.

Ze ninja tricks, zey a cute, no? But ze key to ze Rumble is teamwork,

and you have no friends. Not like ze Dan DaLay and moi. We are best

of friends! And with ze Decolts out of ze picture, we are ze team to beat.





Want to know the key to winning this year’s Rumble? You’re looking

at her. Look at what I’ve done for Warren. He’s gone from a hopeless

loser, to winning his Preview match, to earning himself a Canadian

title shot by pinning Stevie earlier. If I can do that for him, imagine

what I can do for you.






You are, how you say, ‘Not my type’.



My heart belongs to another.



Fine! I don’t need you! Any of you! Warren’s going to win the Last Man

Standing Rumble! He’s going to eliminate all of you, and crush my enem-





You are all fools, squabbling over that which you will never achieve.

Without the false idols, the DeColts, for these puny mortals to worship,

their praise shall fall upon the God of Gods. Their votes shall guarantee

my entry in the closing moments of the Last Man Standing Rumble,

and then there will be no force in this land that can stop me.




Davis Ditterich “Is that... Oh my word it’s Poison!”


To the shock and horror of the men assembled in the ring, POISON comes down the ramp and into the ring, staring at them with cold dead eyes. He looks even bigger than before. Wesley Priest steps between the monster and his God and- is thrown out of the ring! Trent throws a smoke bomb to cover his escape. Warren Technique attacks, giving Missy time to flee, but is taken apart by right hands and hurled out alongside Priest.


Suddenly, DaLay scoops Poison up and The Elite set up for Elegant Demise (Spike Belly to Belly Piledriver)... Poison slips free. Ripcord Lariat to DaLay! Eddie Chandler flees!


Having watched the scene with detached mirth, Almighty Zeus grabs Poison around the throat, smiling as he forces the monster backwards, closer and closer to the turnbuck- POISON MIST! Zeus is blind! Poison throws him out of the ring (Priest sacrificing himself to cushion the God’s fall) and stands alone in the ring, staring at his vanquished foes with cold, dead eyes.



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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="75%" align="left" valign="top">Brotherhood Argue

Flashback: Say Anything


Flashback: Disco Fever

Playmate interviews Johnson & Garcia


Elite attack Price

Flackback: Poker? I Hardly Know Her!


Reed collects Edd


Quadruple Super Kick

Last Man Standing Rumble Argument</td><td width="25%" align="left" valign="top">C-















Maple Leaf Sports Rating: 1.77 (up from 1.64)

TV Puerto Rico Rating: 0.05 (same as last week)




I always wanted Edd Stone to be part of this project. From the very beginning, I kept an eye on his TCW contract, and when the time was right, I swooped in. However, while I knew I wanted him, it took me a long time to figure out what to do with him. When I first wrote Edd in a C-verse efed, he was a young kid getting away from his family for the first time (set around TEW’08?). In my last diary, he was a young man returning to his family, with all the conflict that comes with that. Here... I didn’t have a clue, other than wanting him to bounce off of the DeColts.


It comes back to family, and Edd being part of a new kind of family to battle the DeColts, while sticking it to the Stones as he always has to. The Brotherhood weren’t the first idea. I toyed with the cliche “second generation” stable (there was a Gauge available for a time) but it felt too smarky. A “young Canadian frat house” idea would have utilized a lot of my development talents (Drake was high on the list) but would have taken a lot of work to build as a threat. Given how little luck I’ve had building guys from E-level pop, into sufficient midcarders, a stable of F-’s would have been trouble.


Anyway, the Bobby Thomas connection sealed it. I still think the whole ‘training camp’ angle is a bit smarky, but if anything, being around guys more like his brothers highlights how Edd is different.




The card for ‘Last Man Standing’...


CGC World Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Jack DeColt ©

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs Christian Price & Nate Johnson

CGC Canadian Title: Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker vs Stevie Grayson ©

Benny Benson vs Donte Dunn


... and the 30--man Last Man Standing Rumble. Here’s some questions.

Who will win?

Who do you want to win?

Who will be the Final Four?

Who will eliminate the most men?

Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match?

Who will last longest?

Who will be eliminated quickest?


There’s also still time to get your votes in for Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down to impact the entry order. I think Thursday will be the cut off point where I need to lock it down.

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Star of the show was El Hijo Del Stabbo. Some second generation guys have it, some don't. After his performance tonight, he proved he has it. That Edd Stone guy was pretty good too.


CGC World Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Jack DeColt ©

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs Christian Price & Nate Johnson

CGC Canadian Title: Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker vs Stevie Grayson ©

Benny Benson vs Donte Dunn


... and the 30--man Last Man Standing Rumble. Here’s some questions.

Who will win? Almighty Zeus

Who do you want to win? Edd Stone (to get the rematch he deserves!)

Who will be the Final Four? Zeus, Price, Edd, Trent the Ninja

Who will eliminate the most men? Gargantuan (he won't, but he should if he comes in early)

Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match? No.

Who will last longest? Lead Belly

Who will be eliminated quickest? Gordon Mann

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Just as I half-anticipated, Edd Stone trumped Benson's efforts last week! I'd like to replace Benny with Edd in my 3 "Thumbs-up" picks! (Although I'd say Jack DeColt himself was the true MVP of the Week....but he's not in the LMS this year)


CGC World Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Jack DeColt ©

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs Christian Price & Nate Johnson

CGC Canadian Title: Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker vs Stevie Grayson ©

Benny Benson vs Donte Dunn


... and the 30--man Last Man Standing Rumble. Here’s some questions.

Who will win? Almighty Zeus

Who do you want to win? Almighty Zeus (Although he's not actually my favourite guy in the match, it just doesn't feel right for him to not accomplish something that he's named as one of the Labours. Besides, I felt he never quite got the run he deserved as champion.)

Who will be the Final Four? Almighty Zeus, Christian Price, Eddie Chandler, Trent Shaffer

Who will eliminate the most men? Christian Price

Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match? No

Who will last longest? Sean Deeley or Art Reed (always so close but never quit winning the big one)

Who will be eliminated quickest? Warren Technique, just for Missy's reaction

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CGC World Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Jack DeColt ©

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs Christian Price & Nate Johnson

CGC Canadian Title: Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker vs Stevie Grayson ©

Benny Benson vs Donte Dunn


... and the 30--man Last Man Standing Rumble. Here’s some questions.

Who will win? Almighty Zeus

Who do you want to win? Zeus

Who will be the Final Four? Zeus, Poison, Christian Price, Trent Shaffer

Who will eliminate the most men? Poison

Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match? No

Who will last longest? Christian Price

Who will be eliminated quickest? One of the Rapscallions

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CGC World Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Jack DeColt ©

Jack will hold on until at least LMS


Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs Christian Price & Nate Johnson

Shenanigans obvs. Nate cant just come back as a superstar hardcase


CGC Canadian Title: Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker vs Stevie Grayson ©

Benny Benson vs Donte Dunn

The Brotherhood need a belt. Benny needs a purpose


... and the 30--man Last Man Standing Rumble. Here’s some questions.

Who will win? Eddie Chandler. Ze Elite need ze new lease of life non?

Who do you want to win? Gargantuan. More genetic DeColt fun pls

Who will be the Final Four? Chandler, Price, Poison, Shaffer

Who will eliminate the most men? Shaffer with his 1" punch

Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match? Nope.

Who will last longest? Poison

Who will be eliminated quickest? Skip Beau


There’s also still time to get your votes in for Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down


Gargantuan, Trent Shaffer, Eddie Chandler



Shooter Sean Deeley, Almighty Zeus, Skip Beau


I don't get the Skin the Cat (lvl 3) thing :(

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CGC World Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Jack DeColt ©

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs Christian Price & Nate Johnson

CGC Canadian Title: Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker vs Stevie Grayson ©

Benny Benson vs Donte Dunn


... and the 30--man Last Man Standing Rumble. Here’s some questions.

Who will win?- Almighty Zeus

Who do you want to win?- Poison

Who will be the Final Four?- Zeus, Poison, Edd Stone, & Christian Price

Who will eliminate the most men?- Zeus

Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match?- No

Who will last longest?- Poison

Who will be eliminated quickest?- Skip Beau

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CGC World Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Jack DeColt ©


Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs Christian Price & Nate Johnson


CGC Canadian Title: Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker vs Stevie Grayson ©


Benny Benson vs Donte Dunn


... and the 30--man Last Man Standing Rumble. Here’s some questions.


Who will win? Poison


Who do you want to win? Edd Stone


Who will be the Final Four? Almighty Zeus, Christian Price, Edd Stone, Poison


Who will eliminate the most men? Poison


Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match? Yes, Poison


Who will last longest? Dan DaLay


Who will be eliminated quickest? Chucky


Speaking of MVP, I think we have a three way tie. Aside Jack DeColt and Edd Stone, the other one is Poison.

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CGC World Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Jack DeColt ©


Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs Christian Price & Nate Johnson


CGC Canadian Title: Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker vs Stevie Grayson ©


Benny Benson vs Donte Dunn


... and the 30--man Last Man Standing Rumble. Here’s some questions.

Who will win? Poison

Who do you want to win? Edd Stone

Who will be the Final Four? Poison, Edd Stone, Almighty Zeus, Christian Price

Who will eliminate the most men? Almighty Zeus

Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match? No

Who will last longest? Eddie Chandler

Who will be eliminated quickest? Skip Beau

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I don't get the Skin the Cat (lvl 3) thing :(


As Rickymex suggested, it's a reference to WreSpi. When introducing new characters (or reintroducing old ones) I'll often look at that game for ideas about moves and fighting styles, and Trent has the "Skin the Cat (lvl 3)" attribute that jumped out at me. Thought I'd reference that.


Started the first draft of the Rumble match yesterday. Only got to No.15. Why on earth did I decide to do a 30-man Rumble? This could be a long one.

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Awesome to see the surprise return of Poison given I figured he would be stuck in NOTBPW for the rest of the diary.


CGC World Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Jack DeColt ©

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs Christian Price & Nate Johnson

CGC Canadian Title: Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker vs Stevie Grayson ©

Benny Benson vs Donte Dunn


... and the 30--man Last Man Standing Rumble. Here’s some questions.

Who will win? Trent Schafer. Zeus & Poison have some unfinished business, so I think we'll see them eliminate each other from the battle. Most of the rest of the serious contenders seem to be in feuds with the exception of Schafer and Deeley; and while I think a Deeley turn is coming I don't see it happening so soon.

Who do you want to win? Trent Schafer

Who will be the Final Four? Poison, Almighty Zeus, Sean Deeley, and Trent Schafer

Who will eliminate the most men? Poison

Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match? No

Who will last longest? Sean Deeley gets a fairly early entry but makes it til the end before being eliminated; giving him a reason to be upset at the fans for not voting for him.

Who will be eliminated quickest? Fate

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CGC World Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Jack DeColt ©

- I think I just want Bobby to win this, I don't think he will, but I'm going with heart over head (and Jack's fists.) I mean, at least Bobby has a chance with the Brotherhood in the corners.


Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs Christian Price & Nate Johnson

- When Christian's big entrance sees him dressed in Jim Force facepaint, everyone should know how this ends.


CGC Canadian Title: Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker vs Stevie Grayson ©

- Keep bucking the trend, breaking the curse and living the dream Stevie.


Benny Benson vs Donte Dunn

- Let Donte get his revenge and a record number of airplane spin revolutions, Benny laughing the whole time.


... and the 30--man Last Man Standing Rumble. Here’s some questions.

Who will win? Eddie Chandler

Who do you want to win? I'm not going to ask this, instead what I want to see is a Trent Shaffer/Skip Beau dance off. Lvl 3 Skin the Cat against Beau dancing levels.

Who will be the Final Four? Chandler, DaLay, Price and Wesley Priest.

Who will eliminate the most men? Gargantuan - enters early and tosses the midcard muppets around, and out.

Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match? Not this year.

Who will last longest? Chucky

Who will be eliminated quickest? Drake - who fumbles with his invisible hand grenade and self eliminates himself.

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As Rickymex suggested, it's a reference to WreSpi. When introducing new characters (or reintroducing old ones) I'll often look at that game for ideas about moves and fighting styles, and Trent has the "Skin the Cat (lvl 3)" attribute that jumped out at me. Thought I'd reference that.


Started the first draft of the Rumble match yesterday. Only got to No.15. Why on earth did I decide to do a 30-man Rumble? This could be a long one.


Cheers self!

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Who will win? Edd Stone. To be honest, this is a total guess, and I don't think I'm right, but I'd stick a fiver on that.


Who do you want to win? Sean Deeley. Maybe winning the LMS Rumble will give him the groove he's been looking for.


Who will be the Final Four? Edd Stone, Trent Shaffer, Eddie Chandler, Almighty Zeus


Who will eliminate the most men? Almighty Zeus, with his Godlike Power!


Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match? No.


Who will last longest? Sean Deeley. He's good, he's not got anyone going after him as such, and he's moving slowly towards a push.


Who will be eliminated quickest? I dunno... Ozzie Golden, let's say.

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CGC World Title Match: Bobby Thomas vs Jack DeColt © The DeColts' trouble continues

Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler vs Christian Price & Nate Johnson Johnson's confusion costs him against Elite

CGC Canadian Title: Warren Technique vs Thrill Seeker vs Stevie Grayson © Grayson retains simply because I'm not convinced either of the challengers is ready for a title

Benny Benson vs Donte Dunn One bright spot for Team DeColt


... and the 30--man Last Man Standing Rumble. Here’s some questions.

Who will win? Trent Shaffer

Who do you want to win? Sean Deeley but I know it'll never happen

Who will be the Final Four? Shaffer, Poison, Price, Chandler

Who will eliminate the most men? Poison

Will anyone beat Jack DeColt & Almighty Zeus's record of 5 eliminations in one match? No

Who will last longest? Art Reed

Who will be eliminated quickest? Priest, saving Zeus


And as I'm about to dig into my own 30 man match... I feel your pain :rolleyes:

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Drummondville Arena, Quebec

Friday Week 3 September 2013

29,565 in attendance


Davis Ditterich “For the first time ever, 30 men will enter the Last Man Standing Rumble, but who will leave victorious? I’ve invited 2-time Rumble winner Alex DeColt to join me to voice his opinions.”

Alex DeColt “If you’d asked me last week, I’d have put my money on Almighty Zeus. A former World Champion, back and looking better than ever... but then Poison returned and blew everyone out of the water. I don’t know how it’s possible for him to be here, but he’s a force to be reckoned with. However, it would be foolish to ignore the value of teamwork. Having someone watch your back can be invaluable. The Tag Team Champions; The Dirty White Boys will be in there. Three members of the Brotherhood will be in there. I hate to say it, but The Elite could be in with a great chance. Eddie Chandler and Dan DaLay both won their Preview matches. If they get lucky in the voting and enter close together, this could be their year.”








Flashlight in hand, FAITH tiptoes through the pitch black bowels of the arena basement, searching for something... or someone.



Hello? Are you down here? Come on, if you’re here, say something.

It’s super dark and spooky and... Oh, there you are!




It’s SEAN DEELEY, warming up with a quick 100 pushups. He doesn’t look happy to have been found.



Come on. I’ve got loads of ideas for how you can get the crowd on your

side tonight. You actually didn’t do as bad as I expected in the voting.

You might be-



shouldn’t you be looking for your ex? i’m sure he’d love to hear your ideas.



Who? Joey? Joey Poison is a coward who traded me in for a magic

potion. I don’t know why he’s back, and I don’t care. Now hurry up.

I set up a meet & greet with some kids.




As a deeply annoyed Sean Deeley allows himself to be dragged away, POISON steps out of the shadows, watching them leave with cold, dead eyes.






Davis Ditterich “Benson attacked Donte and left him a bloody mess a few weeks ago, all in the name of enraging the CGC World Champion, Jack DeColt. Donte wants revenge.”


Donte overpowers his smaller foe, but Benson rakes the eyes and kicks the leg out of his leg. Cackling like a mad man, Benson assaults the Barbadian Barbarian with a barrage of stomps, before taking him on a Big Adventure! Leap (boo) Atomic Drop (boo) Trip (boo) Strut (Ooooooh) Fist Drop (BOO)! Benson tries to finish the job with a Frog Splash, but Donte springs up and catches him! Airplane Spin! 15 rotations… wait, second wind! Another 8 rotations! LARIAAAAT! 1... 2... Benson kicks out, but Donte crushes him with a Corner Avalanche, and gives him a taste of his own medicine with a barrage of stomps. He goes for Sunny Daze (Twisting Face Crusher) but Benson rolls him up with a handful of tights! 1... 2... 3!










BOBBY THOMAS heads towards the arena, happy as a clam, to find ART REED waiting.



Are you kidding me? When we put this plan together, you said the goal

was to make ‘one of us’ World Champion. You said it didn’t matter which.

Edd Stone had Jack DeColt beat last week. Before you interfered he

was one kick away from achieving everything we wanted.



Was he? Or was Jack going to duck that kick, hit the Wild Ride, and

send all the little DeColt fans home happy once again? You don’t know

DeColts like I do, Art. Jack was playing possum. Edd was walking into

a trap. So yeah, I interfered, To do damage! To deal another crippling

blow! To make sure that Jack steps into that ring tonight weaker than

ever before. Now I can beat him! Now we can beat him!









Ladies and Gentlemen, CGC mathematicians have been hard at work

using your votes to determine the entry order to this year’s Last Man

Standing Rumble. However, there are still votes to come in. This year,

CGC officials are allowing the winners of the five preview matches to

make their voices heard. They can push three combatants ‘up’ the list,

and three combatants ‘down’.



Ugh. You’re such a know-it-all. Like you’d know any of that if didn’t

have it written down in front of you.



I see Warren hasn’t had the good sense to ditch you yet.



I’m the best thing to ever happen to Warren! If it wasn’t for me, he

wouldn’t have a Canadian Title shot, and he certainly wouldn’t have

these votes. That’s why I get to make them for him. I vote up Warren

Technique, my GBFF Eddie Chandler, and the prettiest man in CGC,

Ozzie Golden.


I vote down Christian Price for being a terrible boyfriend, Thrill Seeker

for refusing to let me save his pitiful career, and that Samoan savage

Akima Umaga for screwing me out of the job that was rightfully mine.


Missy rudely shoves past Jenny and walks away. Warren lingers a moment, just long enough to blankly stare at the interviewer’s chest, and hand her a note. Upon which is written...



“Non venenum”... What the-?









Davis Ditterich “Warren pinned Stevie last Sunday, but as it was because of a miscommunication between the Canadian Champ and Thrill Seeker, CGC officials have made this a 3-way.”


Warren flees, but Stevie and Seeker wipe him out with dives before going at it themselves. Stevie dodges, ducks, dips, dives, and dodges, but Seeker’s one step ahead of him, bouncing off of the ropes at impossible angles. Fame Seeker! 1... 2... Warren breaks it up, hurls Seeker outside and, following Missy’s orders, takes Stevie apart with perfect technique. Seeker returns to turn Warren inside out with ranas and head-scissors, but he misses the Daredevil Drop (Springboard Senton) and gets locked in a Guillotine Choke. Seeker fights to his feet and- Stevie hits Shades of Grayson (Moonsault Press) on both of them! 1... 2... 3!









By winning the Last Man Standing Rumble, I get one step closer to

getting that which I deserve. The CGC World Title is my soul-mate.

She belongs with me. Every moment she is with another man is like

a dagger in my heart. So I vote down two people who have dared to

touch my beloved, Stevie Grayson and Poison, and the man who

betrayed me so many months ago, Christian Price.


My time with the ninjutsu has taught me many things. New techniques.

New abilities. New outlooks. So I won’t only vote up myself, Trent Shaffer.

I will also give help to those who can’t help themselves. The weakest

and most feeble combatants I can think of. Chucky, and my old friend

Stuart Kent. It’s not like they can stop me from winning the match.




/w Adrian Garcia

Eddie Chandler & Dan DaLay





Davis Ditterich “Nate Johnson has finally been allowed to return to CGC (you know, unmasked) thanks to one of Christian Price’s Wishes. Maybe that act of kindness has changed him. He refused to help DaLay last week.”


Chandler takes Nate down, but finds his former team-mate to be his equal on the mat, not least because he doesn’t freak out in the needlessly-suggestive holds. At a stalemate, both tag out, and DaLay and Price go to war, the Giant Amongst Giant’s heavy hands overmatched by thunderous european uppercuts. Simple. Effective. Unstoppable. Chandler tries a sneak attack, but Price has some uppercuts for him too. Adrian Garcia’s distraction allows DaLay to hit a big boot and start bullying the USS winner around the ring, while Chandler adds insult to injury by practically humping him into the mat. Johnson cheerleads on the apron, allowing Price to summon the strength to battle back. Stud Stopper (Twisting Snap Powerslam) to Chandler! He reaches for the tag...


... and Johnson steps down off of the apron.


Davis Ditterich “What the WHAT? Why isn’t Johnson tagging in?”


Christian looks on baffled as Nate Johnson hugs Adrian Garcia. The Elite swarm all over Price. Backcracker! BACKFIST! Elegant Demise (Spike Belly to Belly Piledriver)! 1. 2. 3.




With the biggest smile on his face, Nate Johnson removes his plain singlet, to reveal one covered in corporate sponsorship logos, and joins his Elite team mates in kicking the hell out of Christian Price. Natural Order (Leg Lariat)! Adrian Garcia finds a microphone.



Come on now, Chris. You didn’t really think Nate Johnson would turn

against The Elite, did you? Sure, he’s grateful that you used one of

your Wishes to get him his job back, but all of that fighting last week?

An elaborate ruse. And why? Because I want everyone to know one

simple fact; that Christian Price is an idiot. The kind of idiot that would

accept a tag team match involving the three most loyal Elite members

there have ever been. On the night of the Last Man Standing Rumble,

no less. Companies shouldn’t pay an idiot to advertise their products.

Corporate Sponsors shouldn’t wine and dine an idiot. Fans shouldn’t

cheer for, and buy the merchandise of, an idiot.


The Elite are not idiots. The Elite are savvy, business-minded athletes

of a modern era. And The Elite are no done yet. For us, the Last

Man Standing rumble beckons.







Hear me now, all those who tremble at the sight of this Bronzed God,

this God of the Future, this God of Gods. Hear me now, all who quake

in fear of facing Him in the Last Man Standing Rumble, for some of you

need not be so afraid. His victory in the preview match has given him

power, and those who bow down and praise Him shall be raised

by His voice.



The Almighty Zeus is magnanimous. He need not bless himself. The

honor shall go to the puny mortal Chucky whose sacrifice helped give

me this power, Fate, who was a loyal Soldier in last year’s Rumble,

and my priest, Wesley, for his unwavering service to my magnificence.



I thank you, my Lord, and will continue to serve your glory. Yet while

He can be a merciful God. He also has the power to punish those

who defy him.



The Almighty Zeus chooses Akima Brave for daring to oppose me,

the puny mortal Stevie for being a parasite on my back for so many

years, and Poison. I know not how or why you have returned to this

land, coward, but tonight it shall be your undoing.







/w Art Reed BOBBY THOMAS VS JACK DECOLT /w Hotstuff Marie


Davis Ditterich “Jack has battled through the other members of the Brotherhood, but it’s taken its toll. He’s the walking wounded. Can he survive against Bobby Thomas tonight?”


Bobby Thomas is like a kid in a candy store, unable to decide which injury to exploit first. Not waiting to find out, Jack explodes out of the blocks with shoulder tackles! He starts applying End of Days (Bow & Arrow Dragon Sleeper) but he’s so banged up Bobby can easily escape. SUPER KICK! Bobby makes his decision, assaulting the neck with a methodical barrage of stomps, and showing off his House of Stone training by twisting and stretching Jack in a thousand different ways, each more excruciating than the last.


Jack tries to battle back. He mounts Bobby in the corner and Punches! Him! In- Bobby escapes with a shot to the gut. He tries the Wild Ride (Whiplash Slam) but Bobby attacks the neck. He goes berserk with right hands, but takes a dropkick to the knee. St.01 Ankle Stretch! It’s locked in! Jack screams in pain and desperately crawls, inch-by-inch to the ropes... only to immediately be put in the Stone Hold (Crossface)! Bobby wrenches with all his might, but Jack still makes it to the ropes. Growing frustrated, Thomas tries a superplex, but it’s countered into a Wild Ride off the second!


Jack’s barely able to stand, but Bobby’s panicking, trying to throw hands with the Wild Man. Big mistake. He’s mounted in the corner and Punched! In! The! Face! Jack tries End of Days once more, but Bobby escapes again. SUPER KI- No! Jack catches it! Spins him! Roll up! 1... 2... 3!




Bobby Thomas can’t believe it. Out of nowhere. He watches as referee Francis Long presents Jack with the CGC World Title, and is utterly devastated.







Non non non. You have not seen ze last of ze Elite for tonight. We still

have ze Last Man Standing Rumble to dominate, and we still have to

make our votes for eet. Who oh who deserves to go up I wonder? But

of course! It is ze Dan DaLay, ze Eddie Chandler, and ze ever loyal

Nate Johnson!



Vote up. Dan DaLay. Eddie Chandler. Nate Johnson.



But who shall we make go down for us? Zis is more tricky, no?

Especially with no DeColts to choose from. Instead I shall choose

three men who have foolishly turned zeir backs on ze Elite. Ze Zeus

Maxmillion. Ze Sean Deeley, and ze Christian Price. If ze halfwit even

makes it to ze Rumble, of course.



Vote down. Christian Price. Lead Belly. Grease Hogg. They’re not

tougher than me.



Ze Last Man Standing Rumble is about to begin, and it will be







Davis Ditterich “Here we go folk. First time in CGC history. 30-man Rumble. Let’s see who came off the worst in your voting.”





The Gendarme enforces the law with some police brutality, while Malone fights back with a flurry of dropkicks. Neither man can eliminate the other before the 90 seconds is up and...




Drake goes bananas with atomic drops and nipple twisters. He tries to trick Mann into eliminating himself by throwing his Mountie hat over the top rope, and telling him to ‘fetch’, but it doesn’t work.




Missy Masterson distracts Drake & Malone with her ‘assets’, allowing Warren Technique to blindside them and form an makeshift alliance with Mann. They quickly toss out Malone (Morgan Malone eliminated after 4min03) and go to work on the Rapscallion.




Drake manages to throw an INVISIBLE HAND GRENADE and duck and cover moments before his partner Chucky hits the ring and- BOOM! He crushes Mann and Technique with a cannonball! Rapscallion shenanigans ensue. Legdrop/Senton to Mann! Spike Stalling Atomic Drop to Technique!


06: FATE


Known rookie-hater FATE charges the Rapscallions... who sidestep and send him over the top rope (Fate eliminated after 0min04)). To Missy’s horror, Drake & Chucky go after Warren and start hoisting him out, but Mann makes the save and the makeshift alliance beat the rookies down.




Akima Umaga brutalizes Mann and Technique with headbutts. The Rapscallions are thrilled, until he uses that hard Samoan head on them too. In it to win it, he tries tossing Drake over the top, but Chucky’s quick to make the save.




Newcomer Ford Gumble moseys on down to the ring. Mann tries to jump him, but gets leveled by the Fastest Kick In The West and eliminated (Gordom Mann eliminated after 9min18). Gumble lights up Technique with some rootin’ tootin’ jabs, and drops a Fistful of Dynamite, while the Rapscallions turn the tables on Akima and start levering him out.




Cool, calm and collected, Art Reed assesses the situation and puts a plan into action. He rescues Warren by assaulting Ford with a barrage of stomps, and sneaks up behind Akima and the Rapscallions. Only seeing a opportunity to tip out two, he chooses the freshest (Chucky eliminated after 6min24) (Akima Umaga eliminated after 3min24). In response, Drake goes beyond bananas, taking it to Reed with rights and lefts... until Technique returns the earlier favor, rescuing Reed with the Iactus (Exploder)!




Tanner eagerly joins the new alliance between Reed and Technique. Together they overwhelm and eliminate Drake (Drake eliminated after 11min03) and go to work on Gumble. Barrage of stomps. Perfect Technique. Good ol’ fashioned punching.




Three-on-one becomes four-on-one as Ozzie Golden joins the beatdown, but there ain’t no quit in Gumble. Hoping to conserve her client’s energy, Missy calls Warren off. Reed argues with her, wanting Warren to follow his instructions. Ford sees a chance to strike, sending Ozzie fleeing with punch to face... but can’t eliminate Vin before Reed and Technique swarm. The Cowboy holds on for dear life.




Here comes the cavalry! Thrill Seeker immediately wipes out Reed & Golden with a big crossbody off the top, before bouncing off of the ropes at impossible angles and turning Technique inside out with ranas and head scissors and taking him out. (Warren Technique eliminated after 12min44) Tables turned, Ford tosses Tanner (Vin Tanner eliminated after 3min52) but eats a SUPER KICK! Reed turns around into the Fame Seeker! Golden and Seeker wipe each other out with clotheslines!




Skip feels The Flow. Level 1! Skip shimmies and shakes and strikes out with jabs. Level 2! Can’t touch him! Skip’s smooth moves evade attacks with ease. Level 3! He swivels his hips, bouncing Reed with butt smashes. Level 4! He finds himself a dance partner, pulling Golden in close, ballroom dancing him into turnbuckles and hitting a big Full Nelson Butt Bomb!




The Flow is about to hit the mythical and legendary Level 5, when Dan DaLay attacks Skip from behind. He focuses on bullying the dance machine, while Reed tries to muscle out Seeker, and Ford lights up Golden with more jabs.




Previous hostilities are ignored as everyone targets the dead-eyed monster. Poison takes them apart with right hands and goes on a spree (Ozzie Golden eliminated after 6min38) (Ford Gumble eliminated after 11min08) DaLay scoops him up for DaLay Down (Belly to Belly Piledriver) but Poison breaks free. Ripcord Lariat! Art Reed staggers the monster with strikes to the weak spot on the right collarbone, but his Super Kick is caught, he’s spun around, and a Ripcord Lariat takes him out (Art Reed eliminated after 10min03).




Stuart Kent charges Poison, but he’s thrown into the corner and stomped over and over and over and over and over and- BACKFIST! DaLay knocks him out. Whoa. For serious. Poison’s out cold. DaLay doesn’t even capitalize. He’s as shocked as anyone.




Lead Belly squares up to the Giant Amongst Giants and the two exchange heavy hands. Neither man attempts to block or parry. It’s all about who’s the toughest. DaLay starts to be overwhelmed by Lead’s drunken thuggery, so goes for the eyes. Meanwhile, Skip has Seeker on the ropes. Kent, wanting to steer clear on the seemingly unconscious Poison, first helps the dance machine, then tries to betray him.




As DaLay & Lead Belly continue their brutal brawl, Sean Deeley pounces on Kent & Seeker with brutal takedowns and animalistic suplexes. Skip offers to be the Shooter’s dance partner, but Sean’s all business, tossing the far-too-trusting rookie (Skip Beau eliminated after 8min14) Seeing the motionless form of Poison, Deeley rushes to heave him over the top rope, but- POISON MIST! Deeley is blind and the monster comes back to life.




Poison goes for revenge of DaLay, taking him apart with right hands. Lead Belly turns his attentions to Seeker, easily lifting the smaller man, but struggling keep hold of the slippery devil. Kent desperately tries to prey on the blinded Deeley. Wesley Priest watches all of this, in no hurry to join in, microphone in hand.



Waste not your prayers on these misguided fools, CGC, for they know not

that they have no chance of winning this match. Soon the God of Gods

shall be among us, and with your love he can be victorious. With your

love he can make CGC a better place...




Grease Hogg grabs Wesley by the scruff of the neck and throws him into the ring, before joining forces with Lead Belly to dominate with drunken thuggery. DaLay is overwhelmed (Dan DaLay eliminated after 9min43) and Lead presses Kent overhead and throws him on top of the Giant Amongst Giants (Stuart Kent eliminated after 7min02).




Seeing that it’s in their best interests to separate the tag team champions, Seeker & Deeley attack Grease Hogg while Gargantuan squares off with Lead Belly. The two behemoths shake the foundations of the ring as they clash into each other. Poison surprisingly decides to aid in the effort to lift out Hogg, but Wesley Priest ruins it by sneaking up and dumping Seeker (Thrill Seeker eliminated after 14min50).




Gargantuan gets the upper hand on Lead Belly, and Nate Johnson joins the fight to keep Grease Hogg from aiding his partner. Again, Priest ruins it by trying to betray Poison, and gets taken apart by right hands for his troubles. Hogg breaks free and attacks Gargantuan with hammer blows and socket wrenches, but Johnson and Deeley ambush him before any DWB reunion can occur (Grease Hogg eliminated after 3min57).




Lead is out for revenge on Johnson & Deeley with Belly Butts, as Donte gives Priest an Airplane Spin! 8 rotations! Poison’s next! 6 rotations! Displaying awesome strength, Gargantuan’s next. 3 rotations! Lariats wobble the genetically engineered fighting machine, but Priest attacks Donte from behind before he can finish the job.




Zeus goes straight for Poison, who matches him punch for punch, until Priest hurries to his god’s side to make it two-on-one. Speaking of two-on-one, former Elite partners Johnson & Deeley turn the tables on Lead Belly. Donte fights out of Gargantuan’s Chokeslam attempt.




Benson hits the ring and Donte’s immediately rocking him with forearms. Seeing that their alliance lacks the power to eliminate Lead Belly, Johnson turns on Deeley and buddies up to Gargantuan.


Davis Ditterich “Hold the phone, guys. By my watch, Poison’s been in 16 minutes. He’s going to need to drink another vial of potion to maintain his monstrous strength.”


Poison doesn’t drink, but instead explodes out of the corner, surprising Zeus with a big back suplex and almost eliminating Priest before the God of Gods is back on him.





The ring is full to bursting, so Edd Stone just springboards in and lands on top of a big pile, before helping his Brotherhood team-mate turn the tables on Donte. Deeley pounces on Johnson with takedowns, while Lead Belly fancies himself a piece of the God of Gods.




Stevie races to the ring as fast as he can. Ducking, dipping, diving, dodging, and laying out Johnson with a Tornado DDT! Suddenly realising he’s still wearing his CGC Canadian Title, he takes it off and- Belly Butt! Lariat! DOUBLE SUPER KICK! BOOM! The combined forces of feet and fists and bellies and lightning all hitting Stevie at once causes a shockwave that knocks the lights out in the entire building.


Davis Ditterich “Holy smokes. It’s pitch black here, folks. We’ll try to get the power back on as soon as... Oh, there we go.”


The lights come back on. Stevie Grayson has vanished. (Stevie eliminated after 1min00) His CGC Canadian Title has been SHATTERED INTO PIECES. Everyone is down in the ring, with the exception of Zeus, and even he has been brought to his knees by the shockwave. Nevertheless, the God of Gods gets to his feet and tosses out some puny unconscious mortals ((Lead Belly eliminated after 16min10) (Donte Dunn eliminated after 7min22)




Price limps to the ring and assaults Zeus with thunderous european uppercuts. Wesley jumps to his God’s aid, but gets launched out (Wesley Priest eliminated after 13min59). Nate Johnson attacks the USS winner from behind, continuing the beating from earlier in the night. Meanwhile, the other combatants recover from the shockwave.




Sean Deeley immediately pounces for Trent, driving him into the corner and- ONE-INCH-PUNCH! Deeley goes flying and Gargantuan finishes him off (Sean Deeley eliminated after 16min55). In no mood for teamwork, the genetically engineered fighting machine hurls Trent over the top, but he uses Skin The Cat (lvl3) to save himself. Meanwhile, Zeus smites Edd with a Twisting Spinebuster, and Johnson gets overconfident, allowing Price to batter him with uppercuts.




Eddie Chandler immediately saves his Elite team-mate, and together they savagely assault Christian Price. Almighty Zeus smites Poison with cruel strikes and powerful slams, before grabbing him around the throat and forcing him backwards, tipping him over the top ro- Poison winks at him. What the? Zeus is confused, and Poison breaks free and levels him with a Kneeling Jawbreaker, before tossing him out (Almighty Zeus eliminated after 10min00)).


Davis Ditterich “What in the world? That’s a new one from Poison.”


Poison even looks like he’s smiling. That is, until Trent appears from out of the shadows and throws him out. (Poison eliminated after 23min35) Meanwhile, Benson & Stone swarm all over Gargantuan, making up for their lack of size with sheer peskiness. Seeing an opportunity to get rid of the largest man in the match, Chandler and Johnson join forces with the Brotherhood to eliminate the genetically engineered fighting machine (Gargantuan eliminated after 15min26). Barely able to stand, Price unleashes thunderous european uppercuts on The Elite and- DOUBLE SUPER KICK! Benson & Stone return the favor and help The Elite toss out Price (Christian Price eliminated after 5min48).





The Elite and The Brotherhood celebrate their impeccable teamwork... until they realize they’re the only ones left in the ring. Both teams immediately turn on and try to out-cheat the other, going for the hair and eyes. Johnson suddenly tosses Edd onto the apron and smashes him off... but the young Stone miraculously manages to grab onto the guardrail and prevent his feet from touching the floor. The Elite don’t notice, instead focussing on beating down Benson. Edd carefully climbs and scurries back onto the apron. Chandler charges, but runs into a kick! Johnson charges, and gets low bridged! (Nate Johnson eliminated after 16min51) Seeing Chandler woozy, Edd springboards in with a missile dropkick, but the Master of Mind-Games was playing possum. He moves! Edd wipes out Benson, and Chandler finishes the job (Benny Benson eliminated after 12min34) The two Edds do battle, brawling back and forth and against the ropes.




Trent emerges from the shadows, sliding back into the ring and dumping both of them over the top (Eddie Chandler eliminated after 5min44). He celebrates, unaware that this time it’s Edd who’s Skinning The Cat to get back inside. SUPER KICK! Edd desperately tries to lift him up and over the top rope, but Trent throws a SMOKE BOMB! When the smoke clears... Lungblower! Trent throws Edd out (Edd Stone eliminated after 12min57).




Davis Ditterich “We have our answer! Trent Shaffer has won the 2014 Last Man Standing Rumble.”

Alex DeColt “Clearly the Ninjutsu training paid off, but for every answer, there are so many questions. What was going on with Poison? WHAT HAPPENED TO STEVIE GRAYSON? For that matter, what happened to those fragments of his shattered Canadian Title?”



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