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CGC: On With The Show [8RoW]

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That is a stacked card. Zeus vs Scoundrel would be a worthwhile non-DeColt main event. Plus, Alex vs Art? You've made the right hires so far.


Triple Threat for CGC World Title: Bobby Thomas vs Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt ©

Dumpster Match for CGC Tag Titles: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©

‘Winner Takes All’ Fragment Match: Gargantuan (beta, gamma, zeta) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, delta)

Mystery Stipulation Match: Nate Johnson vs Christian Price

Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel

Art Reed vs Alex DeColt

Vin Tanner & Soldiers of Fortune vs Ford Gumble & Rapscallions

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Triple Threat for CGC World Title: Bobby Thomas vs Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt ©

Dumpster Match for CGC Tag Titles: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©

‘Winner Takes All’ Fragment Match: Gargantuan (beta, gamma, zeta) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, delta)

Mystery Stipulation Match: Nate Johnson vs Christian Price

Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel

Art Reed vs Alex DeColt

Vin Tanner & Soldiers of Fortune vs Ford Gumble & Rapscallions

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Triple Threat for CGC World Title: Bobby Thomas vs Edd Stone vs Jack DeColt ©

- I just love the thought of a Stone as the champion of CGC. It is one of those old territory days... dream run. Something that no one could have envisioned before Edd debuted. Plus the potential storyline of increasingly Embittered Bobby Thomas should be a fun read.


Dumpster Match for CGC Tag Titles: The Elite vs Dirty White Boys ©

- Seems to me a perfect sort of match for the drunken thuggery style of the DWB.


‘Winner Takes All’ Fragment Match: Gargantuan (beta, gamma, zeta) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, delta)

- Gargatuan continues to look the most dangerous so we'll let the Bastard DeColt take the win over the BeachBoy Barbarian.


Mystery Stipulation Match: Nate Johnson vs Christian Price

- Price with the home field advantage as he knows what the Mystery Match will be. I'm excited to see what the simple minded superstar comes up.


Almighty Zeus vs Scoundrel

- I don't think this is finish, I see it as a double DQ or countout as both men eschew a win to inflict more ungodly damage.


Art Reed vs Alex DeColt

- A more interesting outcome would be Reed winning, but I suspect Alex is too over to do the job to Art yet. I could see the Brotherhood interfering (at least Benny), Alex wins but is left laying.


Vin Tanner & Soldiers of Fortune vs Ford Gumble & Rapscallions

- Chucky n' Drake pick up a win! Invisible High Fives all around!




Self you might have struggled during this phase, but I've loved it. Lots of compelling storylines; Brotherhood after the belt, Scoundrel is Not Poison but has Faith, Shards of the Canadian title, DWB and Elite do not like one another, Christian Price Elite Booker, plus the undercard stuff with Ford and the Rapscallions.

This is one the best built-to PPVs in ages be it a dynasty or reality.

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Once again, just putting in to say that I'm loving this whole thing. The plotlines are all going great guns, the PPV card is stacked, the whole thing is awesome.


I'm interested to see if there are any big turns coming up. Edd Stone is possibly in line for a Face turn, and while I'm not as down on him as most people, Sean Deeley keeps getting flagged up by the fans as possibly in line to turn Heel.


In fact, Edd Stone vs. Sean Deeley would be a fascinating feud. Wrestling is Sean's life, and he gives it everything. He cares about nothing else. Edd has incredible natural talent, but even when he's showing the kind of discipline we see here, he's still not about to surrender his ability to have a good time. Deeley's character actually fits better in the Brotherhood than Edd's does - which could be the spark for a feud.

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Hmmm.....I just realize that the one guy who seemed most likely to be the central focus character coming out of last month's PPV is nowhere to be seen on this current PPV card.


I'm talking about the winner of the LMS, Trent Shaffer.


Interesting that he's decided to retreat back into the shadows at a time like this. I might have to go over my predictions once more.....


I think, of all the matches already scheduled, the one he's most likely to have an effect on is the Price/Johnson match, since he was last taken out by Price. I wouldn't be surprise if he costs Christian the match.


Of course, if Jack does end up retaining, then he would be another obvious target for the LMS winner....


Now my biggest interest in the PPV is to see what Trent might do. I can't believe he's been brought back to win the LMS only to go right back on vacation immediately, so there has to be something planned for him.

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Friday Week 3 October

Kelowna Stadium, British Columbia

30,000 in attendance - SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich “Can Jack DeColt defend his CGC World Title against two members of the Brotherhood of St.01 at the same time? We’ll find out tonight in one of the most stacked cards in CGC history!”






Davis Ditterich “Since arriving in CGC, Art Reed has proven to be the brains behind the Brotherhood team. How will he match up against the Thinking Man’s DeColt?”


Alex lets Reed make the first move before unleashing pinpoint counterpunches. Reed wisely attacks the shoulder in retaliation. assaulting the old injury with artistic holds and a barrage stomps, but struggles to put DeColt away. Reed’s tiring, and Alex knows it. Finding an opening, he unleashes more precision strikes, targeting pressure points for maximum stopping power. Powerslam! Snap Driving El- No! Reed moves and Alex lands hard on the injured shoulder. SUPER KICK! 1... 2... Kick out. Reed calls for a moonsault, but can’t hop up to the top rope as easily as he used to. The delay allows Alex the chance to stop him, and hit the Tower Collapse Superplex! DeColt Driver (Straightjacket Drop)! 1... 2... 3!










Backstage crew are hard at work, as WESLEY PRIEST preaches to anyone who will listen, Iota Fragment of the Canadian Title in hand.



Hear me, all who rejoice at the arrival of the Scoundrel. Hear me,

all you who doubt the God of Gods. Tonight, the Almighty Zeus will

remove a snake from the garden of CGC, and you will soon come to

know that-




SEAN DEELEY bursts in from out of nowhere, pouncing on Wesley with a brutal takedown, and hurling him into a wall with an animalistic suplex! The Iota Fragment clatters to the ground. Deeley reaches for it, and…




WARREN TECHNIQUE hits him with a chair! Nesciente! Following MISSY MASTERSON’s instructions, Warren picks up the Fragment, and the pair flee.









Davis Ditterich “Christian explained the rules to me earlier. Metal poles have been attached to the four ringposts, and the top of which are masks. Climb the poles. Get the masks. Use the ‘powers‘ that come with them.”


The bell rings and Nate has no idea what’s going on. Price immediately starts climbing a pole! Nate figures out he should probably stop him, but eats big uppercut. Price gets the first mask!




Ringside attendants arm SPIDER-PRICE with special Web-Shooters that he uses to spray his opponent with silly string. Nate flails about, taking wild swings to stop the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Price, thoroughly embarrassing himself before taking the masked menace down. He stomps on the Web-Shooters to break them, and climbs a pole.




Ringside attendants arm NATE THORSON with a huge inflatable hammer, which he uses to wail on the Webcrawler for about 5 seconds, before deciding it’s stupid. Thorson gets serious with leg drops and chinlocks, until Spider-Price displays the proportional strength of a spider, breaks free, and unleashes thunderous european uppercuts. Great power! Great responsibility! Nate’s reeling! Price goes for the hammer, but isn’t worthy enough to lift it. Double clothesline! Nate and Christian struggle to climb the final two poles…




Ringside attendants arm PRICEPOOL with two inflatable swords, and WONDER-JOHNSON with a golden rope. Nate unsuccessfully tries to lasso the merc with a mouth, who wails on him with his toy swords. Johnson cowers in the corner, and Pricepool continues the assault, unaware that Wonder-Johnson is using the lasso to tie his legs together. Price staggers back, off-balance! Natural Order (Leg Lariat)! Realising the tiara is made of a hard piece of metal, Nate puts it on his leg. Top Rope Legdrop! 1... 2... 3!










FORD GUMBLE lazily strums on a guitar, as a puzzled DRAKE watches a monitor. CHUCKY approaches, munching on a carrot.



Eh... What’s up, Drake?



I’m confused. If Price has booking power over “The Elite” why don’t they

just change their name? You know, not be “The Elite” any more.



Well, ah reckon it’s more about the spirit of the Wish than the letter of

it. Ain’t no way to weasel out of it.



So renaming his team “The Best” would be a waste of time?






And Christian Price can’t call himself “The Elite” and give himself a billion

title shots and mud wrestling matches with that actress he likes?






One more question. Unrelated. Your name is Ford Gumble, right? Ever...

um... think about changing that?



I went by Steve for a while.








MISSY MASTERSON and WARREN TECHNIQUE flee through the backstage area, IOTA FRAGMENT in hand.



That’s was perfect, Warren. Perfectus. Now all we have to do is get the

hell out of here before-





Hold on a second. If you want to leave with that Fragment, you’re going

to have to go through-




SEAN DEELEY pounces on Seeker, slamming him into a wall, before turning his attentions on Warren, who charges to attack. The two technicians engage in a very untechnical brawl over the fragment, before Sean slams Warren through a table! Missy hits the Shooter from behind, but it’s not very effective. He glares at her, and she flees. Sean reaches for the Fragment... and so does Thrill Seeker.


Suddenly, a canister of TEAR GAS lands beside them. What now?




Destiny, Fate & Vin Tanner






Drake, Chucky & Ford Gumble


Davis Ditterich “Ford only made his debut a month ago, but he’s already made some enemies. Good thing is, he’s found some allies. Bad thing is, they’re the Rapscallions.”


It’s all Rapscallion shenanigans early, until the Soldiers use every trick in the book to isolate Chucky. Eye-gouging. Fish-hooking. Good ol’ fashioned punching. A Spinning Wheel Kick turns the tide, and Chucky tags out to Gumble, who lays into Vin with rootin’ tootin’ jabs and the fastest kick in the west. The Soldiers blindside him, but he comes Drake! He goes bananas with atomic drops and throws an INVISIBLE GRENADE at Fate, before turning his back and covering his ears. Fate ignores the imaginary explosive, advances on the oblivious Rapscallion, and- Ford lays him the Cattle Drive (Headlock Driver)! He places the grenade onto Fate and- BOOM! Ford drops a Fistful of Dynamite right as Chucky crushes Fate with a Flying Senton! 1... 2... 3.










SEAN DEELEY regains consciousness to find himself handcuffed inside a small jail cell, inside Kelowna Stadium. STUART KENT handcuffs an unconscious THRILL SEEKER beside him, as GORDON MANN watches on, Iota Fragment of the CGC Canadian Title in hand.



You’re in a lot of trouble. Mr. Deeley, Mr Seeker. Public assault. Disturbing

the peace. We can probably get you for that car you slammed into too. I’m

afraid we’re going to have to lock up for a while, and of course, confiscate

the Fragment you two were fighting over.



It’s a shame George DeColt Arena doesn’t have a jail like this. Handy way

of dealing with you undesirables. Maybe that’s what we’ll do with the fancy

locker room once we collect all of the fragments. Finally get this madhouse

under control.


With both men safely handcuffed inside, Mann starts to lock the cell door when- CRACK! Sean Deeley BREAKS HIS OWN THUMB in order to slip out of the handcuffs, and kicks the metal door open, right into Kent‘s face, knocking him out. Mann flees with the Fragment, and Deeley gives chase.






http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentBeta.jpghttp://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentGamma.jpghttp://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentZeta.jpg VS http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentAlpha.jpghttp://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentDelta.jpg




Davis Ditterich “Ordinarily, combatants would only be able to put one title, or in this case fragment, on the line each, but Donte and Gargantuan agreed that everything’s on the line in this one.”


Donte rocks the genetically engineered fighting machine with forearms, but gets over-confident and decapitated by an unreal clothesline. Gargantuan beats down his smaller foe, repeatedly lawn darting him into the turnbuckles and frequently going for covers, looking for as quick a victory as possible. His impatience backfires and as his chokeslam is countered. Airplane Spin! 4 rotations! He wobbles the genetically engineered fighting machine with lariats, but gets decapitated by a second unreal clothesline! In his fury, Gargantuan rips off a turnbuckle pad and tries lawn darting Donte into the exposed metal, but Donte squrims free and rams Gargantuan head first into it! Sunny Daze (Twisting Face Crusher)! 1... 2... 3!




Davis Ditterich “Gargantuan tried to take a shortcut, and it backfired! Huge win for Donte, who’s just two Fragments away from reforging the CGC Canadian Title!”












Kelowna Stadium security are not equipped to deal with the full scale war that has erupted over the Iota Fragment. WARREN TECHNIQUE puts VIN TANNER’s head through a car window with perfect Technique. CHUCKY is kicking DESTINY while he’s down. MISSY MASTERSON is on FATE’s back, raking at his eyes. DRAKE threatens everyone with an invisible hand grenade. A car is on fire. FORD GUMBLE is using it to heat a can of beans.


SEAN DEELEY pounces on GORDON MANN with a brutal takedown, but Mann twists his broken thumb, and scrambles away moments before the Shooter is dog-piled on. Mann mounts his Police Horse, and rides away into the night.







Eddie Chandler & Dan DaLay




Lead Belly & Grease Hogg


Davis Ditterich “Last Sunday, Chandler and DaLay threw Hogg into a dumpster, and that made the DWB mad.”


It’s a chaotic brawl from the get-go, heavy hands and eye rakes doing battle with drunken thuggery, both inside and outside of the ring. The DWB get the upper hand and begin dragging their opponents up the ramp towards the dumpster, but Chandler is able to weasel free in the nick of time and slam the lid down on Hogg’s head. He’s hurt bad. Enraged, Lead bounces the Elite about with Belly Butts, but is soon overwhelmed by the numbers advantage. DaLay takes great pleasure in bullying the larger man, while Chandler rakes the back, eyes, and inner thighs. As they struggle to lift Belly into the dumpster, Hogg has time to recover. He attacks with hammer blow and socket wrenches, and with a massive show of strength, tosses DaLay into the dumpster! Chandler tries to blindside him, but Belly intercepts, lifts him high overhead, and drops him on top of his partner. They close the lid!




Victorious. the DWB push the dumpster down the ramp. It quickly picks up speed and crashes into the ring. The Elite tumble out, covered in garbage and utterly humiliated.






Davis Ditterich “Last time these two fought one-on-one, Scoundrel tricked the Almighty Zeus by pretending to be his cousin, Joey Poison. Can Scoundrel get the win without the tricks?”


Emboldened by his victory on Sunday, Zeus delights in overpowering his “puny” opponent. Scoundrel responds by bending the rules with closed fists, beard pulling, and ‘accidentally‘ stepping on the Almighty’s neck. Referee Ray Johnson admonishes him, allowing the God of Gods to switch gears with a Twisting Spinebuster.


Almighty Zeus smites his mortal foe with cruel strikes and displays of Godly strength, as Wesley Priest incessantly praises him on the outside. He locks in the Olympian Clutch (Camel Clutch). Scoundrel fights and struggles and... bites Zeus’s fingers to escape the hold. He attacks with Haymakers! Back Suplex! Swinging Neckbreaker! Zeus is rattled, but still too strong for Crashing On (Kneeling Jawbreaker). He grabs the ‘puny mortal’ around the throat and slowly powers him backwards towards the turnbuckle, swatting away attempts to go for the eyes. Scoundrel’s stuck in the turnbuckle, and Zeus summons a- Scoundrel yanks Zeus towards him- BOOM! The lightning strikes both of them! Both are down! The referee starts the count.


“1.... 2..... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9...”


Miraculously, both Zeus and Scoundrel manage to beat the count, before trying to knock each other out with big punches. Zeus busts Scoundrel wide open with a headbutt, and Scoundrel flees outside. The God of Gods roars with laughter, as Wesley approaches the Englishman, taunting him for his “coward’s blood”. Scoundrel decks him! Enraged, Zeus chases him around the ring, and as Scoundrel leads him back inside- Crashing On (Kneeling Jawbreaker)! Ripcord Lariat! Antidote Web (Complex Cradle)! 1... 2... 3!










Black trunks. Black boots. Black heart. BOBBY THOMAS is heading to the ring... when ART REED suddenly slams him against the wall.



Listen here, Bobby! I’ve had your back for 13 years, and it’s time you

stopped acting like you’re in charge. Edd earned this title shot. Not

you. So you’d better not screw it up for him like you did the last time,

because if you do I won’t hesitate to kick your teeth down your throat

and throw you out of the Brotherhood.









Davis Ditterich “The Brotherhood of St.01 have proven to be an effective team, but can Edd and Bobby work together when only one of them can win the CGC World Title?”


Seems like they can. Jack is quickly overwhelmed by the Brotherhood duo, who work him over with a perfectly harmonious barrage of stomps. Jack fights valiantly, but every time he gets the upper-hand on one, he’s blindsided by the other. Although Bobby seems a little slower to come to the rescue than Edd. If it’s a tactic, it backfires. Jack finds enough space to take Edd on a Wild Ride (Whiplash Slam) and get Thomas all alone, although he’s more interested in saving his title with a quick roll-up before Edd returns and- SUPER KICK! Edd damn near knocks Jack’s head off. 1... 2... Bobby breaks it up. Edd seems genuinely perplexed at this, and the resulting argument allows Jack to go berserk with right hands and shoulder tackles! Edd’s SUPER KICK accidentally takes out Bobby, and he’s mounted in the corner and Punched! In! The! Face! Jack goes for another Wild Ride but Edd flips out of it and- SUPER KICK! St.01 Ankle Stretch! Jack screams in pain, desperately fighting towards the ropes.


Davis Ditterich “This could be it. New Champion. Jack’s about to tap-”


Bobby nails Edd with a SUPER KICK, and locks his own St.01 Ankle Stretch in on Jack. The Wild Man’s in big trouble. Her desperately holds on until Edd regains consciousness, but the young Stone doesn’t know whether or not to break the hold. With one last furious effort, Jack kicks Bobby into his teammate, and puts both in the Iron Claw! Stuck in the crushing grip, Edd and Bobby are fading... fading... fading... DOUBLE SUPER KICK! Jack is out cold, and Bobby immediately tries to Super Kick Edd again, but it’s caught. Edd hesitates. Enziguri! Specialist Touch (Single Arm DDT)! 1... 2... Edd barely kicks out, and Bobby can’t believe it. He goes for the same move off the top rope, but Jack stops him. Wild Ride! 1... 2... Edd tries breaking it up with a Shooting Star, but Jack moves and Bobby gets squashed. Jack tosses Edd out. 1... 2... 3!




Jack can barely stand as HOTSTUFF MARIE hands him his CGC World Title. Suddenly




TRENT SHAFFER appears out of nowhere, leaping off the top rope and caving in Jack’s chest with Heart Burn (Double Foot Stomp)! Marie tries to run, but the Ninjutsu expert catches her. He makes sure Jack’s watching as he sends her flying with a ONE INCH PUNCH! Jack is furious, but is too injured to attack. Security flood in to restrain Trent, but he throws a SMOKE BOMB and disappears into the night.



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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="70%" align="left" valign="top">ART REED VS ALEX DECOLT

Iota Attack 1


Rapscallion Question Time

Iota Attack 2


Iota Attack 3


Iota Attack 4



Reed lays down the law


Trent attacks</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">B-













</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">
















PPV Buy Rate: 0.73 (up from 0.48, best ever)




As if you didn’t already hate them enough, NOTBPW have poached Christian Price. This is a bummer. There’s no other way to put it. At least they took Joey Poison after his main event run. Christian was a character slowly but surely building up to that title reign ever since day one... and now he’s gone. In hindsight, my mistake was the Ultimate Showdown Series. That was when I put the real rocket under him and made him a DeColt-level main event juggernaut, and that’s what got NOTBPW excited. If I’d paid more attention to contract lengths, I would have relaxed his push. Maybe given the USS win to someone else. Kept him as a lovable upper-midcarder until I locked him down for the long term.


I'd say Christian Price has been one of my bigger successes as a writer. Somehow I stumbled upon a winning formula. The soul of a nerdy fat kid inside the body of a muscular powerhouse. Over time, I drifted away from the "anti-DeColt uncomfortable in the limelight" Jennifer Lawrence-esque idea. The "nerd stuff" took over. The low IQ took over. I wonder how his intelligence would have factored into things in the future. Would he need to overcome that weakness to ultimately get to the top? Or would it remain his achilles heel for villains to prey on, ala Jack's anger issues? He was certainly one of the trio that I saw headlining CGC for the next 5-10 years.


Once again, NOTBPW have taken a really popular member of my roster, who doesn't quite have the in-ring skills to match their upper-card. He was certainly delivering in my main events (DeColt Rating 586, enough to get Alex a mathematics erection) but there are weaknesses in his game that I wasn't seeing improvement on, that may be more important in NOTBPW.



In less upsetting news, Vin Tanner and Destiny have been released from their contracts. I had been keeping them around, as they were on Written deals and are still pretty good (DeColt Ratings: 471 and 450 respectively, but falling due to Time Decline). However, my roster is bloated, and I’m fairly sure at this point that I’m never gonna do anything with them. I have plenty of guys who are 'pretty good'. Tanner will be brought into FCK immediately to help train rookies. Destiny will probably do a 3-month run there eventually.




I'm sad now, but I guess I've only got 2-3 days before the next show. Here's the announced card.


Fragment Match: Gordon Mann (iota) vs Sean Deeley

Fragment Match: Nate Johnson (epsilon) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, zeta)

At Reed & ????? vs Alex DeColt & ?????


Any thoughts on Christian Price? Is it a bummer? Or should I be mad at him for taking the big money offer from the soulless machine?

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Christian Price was the best Face ever. I am deeply saddened by his loss.


Still... let's look on the bright side. There's a lot of guys other than him around. And who knows, you may be able to pull him back one day.


Scoundrel going over Zeus felt like a major upset. Scoundrel's a new face, while Zeus has been around for ages, as both hero and villain. He was CGC Champion, after all. Is Scoundrel up for a run at the top? Who knows?

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Fragment Match: Gordon Mann (iota) vs Sean Deeley

Fragment Match: Nate Johnson (epsilon) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, zeta)

At Reed & ????? vs Alex DeColt & ?????


NOTBPW stealing Christian Price just makes me hate them even more :(. No one could ever be mad at him though (It's The Smile :D)

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Not gonna lie, I was REALLY hoping for an Edd Stone win and a Maple Leaf CGC logo. Or an all black one with plain CGC letters. Something very Brotherhood of St. 01.


I'm really curious to see who is going to step up in Price's absence as the #3 Face behind Jack & Alex. Scoundrel is a good candidate, but he doesn't seem like the right guy in my mind. One or both of the DWB could step up especially with their feud with The Elite, which is probably pulling them up into the high midcard in terms of overness. Sean Deeley doesn't have the entertainment skills in my eyes to be as high as the open spot, though he could fill it for a time. Ford Gumble, roughly the same. The Rapscallions are awesome (especially alongside Ford) but not popular enough yet.


I think the best candidates are a face turned Art Reed, Akima Umaga, or a returning Stevie Grayson or Ricky DeColt. It's really hard to see someone who really fits just right in that role.

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I was absolutely going to go on a "WHY DO YOU HATE CHRISTIAN PRICE SELF YOU MANIAC?" rant. Luckily, I read the post below the show. Price was obviously a fan favorite and it sucks to lose him. Money talks, though. (Was it the money or the prestige?)


Fragment Match: Gordon Mann (iota) vs Sean Deeley

Fragment Match: Nate Johnson (epsilon) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, zeta)

Art Reed & ????? vs Alex DeColt & ?????

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Godammit. NOTBPW! Why do you have to steal the best character from CGC? Why can't you steal Sean Deeley instead? He's exactly the kind of technical robots you supposedly like!


I'm thinking whomever that's booking NOTBPW realizes that they're never going to create new stars themselves with their inferior product, so has to resort to stealing the star-power from their superior rival to sustain themselves before the Stone machines run out of battery. No matter, they're only delaying the inevitable demise of being crushed by CGC when you finally catch up with them!


Was that Christian's last show? It's bad enough that we'll be losing the awesome character itself, but what I hate just as much is the fact that there's still too many things unresolved with the character, such as what his third Wish was going to be. Will that remain unanswered? At least Poison had his storyline more or less out of the way when he left.


On a side note, the image of Ford Gumble calmly cooking a can of beans over a burning car while everyone else around him is fighting chaotically for the title fragments is plain awesome.


Fragment Match: Gordon Mann (iota) vs Sean Deeley

Fragment Match: Nate Johnson (epsilon) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, zeta) Nate Is this winner take all again?

At Reed & ????? vs Alex DeColt & ?????

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Fragment Match: Gordon Mann (iota) vs Sean Deeley

Fragment Match: Nate Johnson (epsilon) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, zeta)

At Reed & ????? vs Alex DeColt & ?????


Any thoughts on Christian Price? Is it a bummer? Or should I be mad at him for taking the big money offer from the soulless machine?


As someone who really likes playing as NOTBPW I absolutely HATE playing against them because like you said they are completely soulless. The AI is able to get really good ratings in matches and as a human player you book the exact same thing they do and it wont be as good.


I wouldn't be mad at Christian Price because in reality (taking the fact that this is a game completely out of the equation) if this were real life and if he has a family he would take more money in order to put food on the table. However we are in a world where this is a game so you know what screw it Be MAD at him because he's a TRAITOR.


If this goes long enough I hope you are able to get him back but I wont hold my breath or expect it to happen considering that even if you can get him back you wont be able to do so for at least three years in game.

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Fragment Match: Gordon Mann (iota) vs Sean Deeley


Fragment Match: Nate Johnson (epsilon) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, zeta)


Art Reed & ????? vs Alex DeColt & ?????


Losing Christian Price is undoubtedly a big loss, more on the writer side considering how much time and energy you have put him into his persona. Maybe you can blame Price for not having a long term vision, when in the future he will be one of your top players. Maybe his dumbness is real.


On the other hand is a blessing in disguise for others, especially for these two. Nate Johnson and Sean Deeley.


Johnson is the legitimate destroyer of Price's world of wackiness, the savior and the only person now who gets it done for Elite. Deeley instead proves a point that being nerdy don't work. Only a hard working, dedicated and focused wrestling machine brings better results than playing the dumb all smiling superhero.


There's a third option available, if you're able to lock him in a written contract...

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Fragment Match: Gordon Mann (iota) vs Sean Deeley

- Anyone but Deeley. Anyone but Deeley.


Fragment Match: Nate Johnson (epsilon) vs Donte Dunn (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, zeta)

- This seems to be Dunn-Dunn-Duuuuuunn! As Donte will unite the shards only for... someone to interrupt his celebration.


At Reed & ????? vs Alex DeColt & ?????

- I never bet against ???, but two ???? I'll go with Reed over DeColt for having the better question marks!




And no wonder NotBPW are the most loathed of all promotions, serious FCK U Stones, you ginormous jerkwads! Personally, I hope you reacquire Price and he can still have a wish left. It is impossible not to despise the Stones.

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George DeColt Arena, British Columbia

Sunday Week 3 October 2014

9,000 in attendance - SELL OUT


Davis Ditterich “Moments before we went off the air at ‘Apocalypse’, Trent Shaffer attacked CGC World Champion Jack DeColt, and his wife Marie. Two guesses how Jack’s going to react to that. Also at ‘Apocalypse’, Donte Dunn defeated Gargantuan and now has 5 of the 7 Fragments of the CGC Canadian Title. Tonight he goes for a sixth, as he takes on Elite member Nate Johnson in our main event.”








Under the watchful gaze of the golden statue of George DeColt, EDD STONE and BENNY BENSON are desperately trying to keep BOBBY THOMAS and ART REED from tearing each other’s throats out.



You selfish prick! Edd earned that title shot! He would be champion

if it wasn’t for you!



You’re blaming me? Your tactics were stupid!



Dudes. Relax. We can try again. We can-




Looking resplendent in their matching, sponsorship-covered tracksuits, The Elite approach.



Ooh la la la. Zis is ze problem when you bring your friends to work, no?

Zey do not stay your friends for long.



My investors and I have been watching your little group for quite some

time. We like what we see, and would like to offer you a once in a lifetime

opportunity. A chance to join forces with The Elite. Of course, it won't

be a 50/50 partnership. We're an internationally renowned brand, and

your most marketable feature is Edd's last name.



Why would we want to join The Elite when Christian Price has booking

power over you?



Haven't you heard? Christian Price has left. Fled with his tail between

his legs after I kicked his ass at 'Apocalypse'. Besides, it's not something

you need to worry about, Art. You're broken. You're washed up. You're

not worth the paperwork. We're really more interested in Edd and Benny…

and maybe we'll let Bobby put the suit back on and give him some "Just

Business" freelance work when the DeColts need a warm body to beat up.



You think you’re in any position to look down on us? Any of you? Sure,

The Elite used to be a big deal, but now you’re old news. The DeColt

Family’s go-to whipping boys. The Dirty White Boy’s punching bags.



You're looking at 11 combined World Title reigns. How many of those have

your Brotherhood had?



The deal's on the table gentlemen. Think about it.







/w Stuart Kent GORDON MANN VS SEAN DEELEY /w Faith


Davis Ditterich “Sean Deeley spent last Friday night trying to get his hands on the Iota Fragment, but fate conspired against him. Gordon Mann left ‘Apocalypse’ with the gold. Deeley left with a broken thumb.”


Hungry for the Fragment, Deeley pounces with brutal takedowns and animalistic suplexes, but is distracted by having to knock Kent off the apron. Mann attacks the thumb and enforces the law with some police brutality. Deeley suddenly latches onto the arm, wrenching it at unholy angles and looking for the Seated Stretch Arm Bar, as Mann twists and turns and desperately tries to dislodge him. Stuart Kent grabs Faith, threatening her as he demands Deeley release the hold.




SCOUNDREL runs down to ringside, rescuing Faith by attacking Kent. Referee Ray Johnson is distracted by the brawl, allowing Gordon Mann to twist the thumb to escape the hold, and punch Deeley in the face with a pair of handcuffs! Knockout! 1... 2... 3.










The Communal Locker Room is as packed as ever, a fact that worries DONTE DUNN and his five Fragments of the Canadian Title. Everyone else seems to have their own things going on, however. SKIP BEAU is putting together a Playlist on his mp3 player. FORD GUMBLE finds a snake in his boot. MISSY MASTERSON is trying to ‘motivate’ WARREN TECHNIQUE and OZZIE GOLDEN, while SCOUNDREL steals her purse. There’s... There’s no money in there. Just a bunch of voodoo dolls.




Scoundrel abandons the purse as FAITH storms over to him.



Leave me alone, you jerk! I don’t want anything to do with you or your

stupid cousin!



Nice show of gratitude, love. I just saved you. Did the same thing last

week too. You’re welcome.



Last week was YOUR FAULT! Zeus never would have taken me if it

wasn’t for you!




SEAN DEELEY pounces from out of nowhere and slams Scoundrel against a wall.



that’s twice you’ve cost me that fragment. get in my business again

and i will end you.


Scoundrel grabs Deeley’s broken thumb, twisting it and sending the Shooter to his knees.



Maybe if you looked after your girl, I wouldn’t have to.








JENNY PLAYMATE interviews the Dirty White Boys; LEAD BELLY and GREASE HOGG.



Since winning the titles back in May, the Dirty White Boys have dominated

the tag team ranks, and as a result, we’re completely out of challengers.

Lucky for us, the DWB have pitched an idea. A Random Partners Tag

Team Tournament. 32 men. 16 teams. The extra twist? In the 2nd Round

we hit the ‘random’ button again, so your partner in Round 1 could be

an opponent in Round 2.



It seems needlessly complicated, but we were pretty drunk when we

came up with it.



It’s gonna take a miracle to find a team that can challenge us. Might

as well try out as many combinations as possible.



Not only will the final two combatants win a shot at the tag team titles,

but moments before Christian Price left CGC, he used his Third

Wish add another prize; his booking power over The Elite.




ADRIAN GARCIA sprints over, out of breath and frantic.



Whoa whoa... Did I just hear... What did... No! NO! That’s not fair-

NO! Unless...


Adrian Garcia hurries away.



So if you’re wondering why we’ve put ourselves in the tournament, it’s

because we want to win that.



And I want to prove that your ‘victory’ over me in the Last Man Standing

Rumble was a fluke, by doing better than you in this.







/w Missy Masterson

Ozzie Golden & Warren Technique




Ford Gumble & Skip Beau


Davis Ditterich “Ford Gumble has the momentum, but Golden & Technique have a little experience teaming together. They could have the advantage here.”


Skip feels The Flow. Level 1! Skip shimmies and shakes and strikes out with jabs. Level 2! Can’t touch him! Skip’s smooth moves evade attacks with ease. Level 3! He swivels his hips, bouncing Ozzie with butt smashes. Before he can reach Level 4 he’s distracted by Missy and hit with the Iactus (Exploder). Warren & Ozzie work well together, until Warren notices the way Missy looks at the vain narcissus, and gets jealous, refusing to tag his partner in. Skip takes advantage with a big boot and tags out! Ford lights Technique up with rootin’ tootin’ jabs, before foiling Golden’s ambush with the Fastest Kick In The West. Bronco Buster! Fistful of Dynamite! Golden eventually manages to hold him steady for Technique to get a clean shot, but Skip saves the day with a Full Nelson Butt Bomb! Cattle Drive (Headlock Driver) 1... 2... 3!










CHUCKY looks nervous, pacing back and forth while DRAKE is trying on hats. I don’t know why.



Just go talk to him. I know he’s Alex DeColt, but he’s going to be your

tag partner.



I know, I’m going to… you know, later. I’m sure he’s busy.



Just do it. You know how many times I’ve called my partner since the

random drawing? 37. He hasn’t picked up yet, but I’ve left some great

voicemails. We’re gonna be best of friends I just know it.





Chucky, right? Come on. We’ve got work to do. Tell me, how much do

you know about Quantum Mechanics?


Totally starstruck, Chucky allows himself to be led away by Alex DeColt.











Fists taped up and utterly furious, CGC World Champion JACK DECOLT storms through the parking lot towards the arena, as JENNY PLAYMATE hurries after him for an interview.



Jack, last Friday night, just moments after you successfully defended

your CGC World Title against the Brotherhood, your wife Marie was

attacked by Trent Shaffer. I almost dread to ask, but what are you

going to do if you get your hands on Trent tonight?



It’s not a question of “if”. It’s a question of when. Trent should know by

now that when you hurt my Marie, you live to regret it. I’m going to hunt

him down, rip out his throat, and string him up for the world to see. He’s

gonna pay, and that’s a DeColt Guarantee!


Jack kicks through the door into the arena, and his search begins!







Almighty Zeus & Art Reed




Alex DeColt & Chucky


Davis Ditterich “Chucky has certainly lucked out in drawing such an experienced partner for the first round, but he and Alex could be in for trouble against these two.”


Chucky gleefully follows Alex’s instructions, but is maybe a little too starstruck and gets surprised by Zeus’ Twisting Spinebuster! Art is uncharacteristically quiet, not giving any tactical advice as the God of Gods smites the Rapscallion. Alex, on the other hand, is full of advice for Chucky, who follows it to the letter to slip from Art’s clutches and make the tag! Alex unleashes precision counter-punches. Powerslam! Snap Driving Elbow! Zeus grabs him around the throat and forces him backward towards the turnbuckle. Alex can’t break free. So he pulls the pin on an INVISIBLE HAND GRENADE instead. KABOOM! Chucky slams into both of them. All three struggle to their feet and Art goes for a SUPER KICK. Alex ducks! Zeus gets hit! DeColt Driver to Art! 1... 2... 3!




Davis Ditterich “Reed and Zeus seemed like the stronger team, but Alex & Chucky worked really well together, and that got them the win.”








JACK DECOLT is kicking in doors, angrily searching for signs of Trent, when he sees a NINJA skulking around. Realizing he’s been spotted, the Ninja flees, gracefully ducking and weaving around startled arena staff, and vaulting over boxes. Jack’s hot on his heels. No grace. Only fury. He shoves aside anyone and anything that gets in his way. The Ninja slips into a doorway and Jack follows... only to find the room dark and empty. What the? Suddenly the door slams and locks behind the Wild Man. He’s trapped!



Same old Jack DeColt. How long has it been since I last hit your wife?

Nearly two years? Thought you’d have learned something by now.



You forget how all that ended, Trent?



No. I haven’t, but I’m not the same Trent Shaffer that I was back then.

I found myself. Picked up some new skills. Ever since I won the Last

Man Standing Rumble, I have been watching. Patiently waiting for the

time to strike. Not gonna lie, I was hoping that the Brotherhood would

do the hard work for me, and that I'd only need to beat Edd Stone or

Bobby Thomas to be with my beloved... but I guess she always did

play hard to get.



You want the title? I’ll fight you right now for what you did to Marie.

Show yourself, you coward!


FOUR NINJAS emerge from the darkness, surrounding Jack, who lashes out like a wild animal, punching one in the face and getting immediately swarmed upon. The Wild Man gets plenty of shots in, including tossing one ninja into a wall, but gets beaten down and restrained.




TRENT SHAFFER steps from the shadows. Jack can’t break free,



The Brotherhood had the right idea. Poke at your flaws. Expose your

weaknesses... but they’re not monsters. They’re sportsmen. No matter

how much they want to be Champion there’s a line they just won’t cross.

We both know I crossed that line a long time ago. I’m not just going to

snoop around your locker room or beat up your student or give you a

hangover. I’m going for the jugular, Jack. I’m going for Marie. You have

my beloved around your waist so I’m going to rob you of yours.





http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentEpsilon.jpg vs http://i345.photobucket.com/albums/p366/celdom/CGCminor/FragmentBeta.jpg




Davis Ditterich “Donte only needs two more Fragments to complete the CGC Canadian Title. Can take that number down to one?”


Donte can’t wait for this one to get started. He rocks the Elite member with forearms, but in his haste he tries the airplane spin too early, and it’s countered into a Double Underhook Powerbomb. Just. That. Easy. Immensely proud of himself, Nate is all smiles as he wears the Barbadian Barbarian down with leg drops and chinlocks. Whenever the going gets tough, Nate gets going, hiding behind his manager and scoring a cheap shot. Donte refuses to stay down for the count, however, and Nate gets frustrated and decapitated by a LARIAT! Fighting to his feet, Donte crushes him with a corner avalanche, and gives the Elite member a taste of his own medicine with a double underhook power bomb. 1... 2... Johnson kicks out.




GARGANTUAN storms down the ramp, batting aside Security personnel that try to stop him. Donte’s ready to fight the genetically engineered fighting machine… and gets rolled up by Johnson! 1... 2... 3!




Gargantuan climbs into the ring, and Nate Johnson immediately snatches his new fragment and flees with Garcia. Enraged, he picks up Donte for the Ultimate Back- No! Donte fights free and knocks him down with a huge Lariat, and leaves through the crowd with his remaining four Fragments.


Nate Johnson watches all of this from the top of the ramp, a huge smile on his face as he clutches his two Fragments of the-




BOBBY THOMAS appears from out of nowhere, knocks Nate out with a SUPER KICK, and picks up the Beta and Epsilon Fragments for himself.


Davis Ditterich “I guess Bobby just gave his answer to The Elite offer! Nate wins the match, but it’s the other Ex-Specialist going home with the Fragments.”








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<table width="60%"><tr><td width="70%" align="left" valign="top">Elite & Brotherhood confrontation


Faith confronts Scoundrel

Playmate & DWB explain the tournament


Chucky meets his partner

Playmate interviews Jack


Jack finds Trent Shaffer


Gargantuan & Bobby Thomas attack</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">










</td><td width="15%" align="left" valign="top">C+













Maple Leaf Sports Rating 1.71

TV Puerto Rico Rating 0.08




So it’s an overly complicated ‘random partners’ tag team tournament. Surprise surprise, it’s been a headache to book, but at least the weird pairings are fun to write. If you’re wondering, the teams and opponents are randomly generated (http://www.random.org) but I have had to move some pieces around, just so it could logistically work with the other stories I have going on. I’d say it’s 90% random. Alex DeColt, Chucky, Ford Gumble and Skip Beau have advanced to the next round, but who will they be teaming with in Round 2?


This show was something of a relief for Ford Gumble. His matches have all been E+’s until tonight.


Still... let's look on the bright side. There's a lot of guys other than him around.


I'm really curious to see who is going to step up in Price's absence as the #3 Face behind Jack & Alex. Scoundrel is a good candidate, but he doesn't seem like the right guy in my mind. One or both of the DWB could step up especially with their feud with The Elite, which is probably pulling them up into the high midcard in terms of overness. Sean Deeley doesn't have the entertainment skills in my eyes to be as high as the open spot, though he could fill it for a time. Ford Gumble, roughly the same. The Rapscallions are awesome (especially alongside Ford) but not popular enough yet.


I’ve always had a lot of characters clamouring for screen time, particularly babyfaces stuck in the shadow of the DeColts. Price had a certain winning combination, however, that’ll be hard to completely replicate. Comedy and legitimacy and relate-ability all in one package. A lot of my lower end babyfaces are either really young or really small.


I was absolutely going to go on a "WHY DO YOU HATE CHRISTIAN PRICE SELF YOU MANIAC?" rant. Luckily, I read the post below the show. Price was obviously a fan favorite and it sucks to lose him. Money talks, though. (Was it the money or the prestige?)


NOTBPW are more prestigious, but this was money. There was a bidding war. They had deeper pockets. They were willing to offer perks that I wasn’t. I made them pay, though. Was willing to give a lot to keep Christian.


I'm thinking whomever that's booking NOTBPW realizes that they're never going to create new stars themselves with their inferior product, so has to resort to stealing the star-power from their superior rival to sustain themselves before the Stone machines run out of battery. No matter, they're only delaying the inevitable demise of being crushed by CGC when you finally catch up with them!


There seems to be a line at which NOTBPW becomes interested. Like a High B popularity in Canada. They don’t seem interested in my workrate guys (even fairly popular ones) but I gotta be careful about who I make into megastars, and keep an eye on contracts.


If this goes long enough I hope you are able to get him back but I wont hold my breath or expect it to happen considering that even if you can get him back you wont be able to do so for at least three years in game.


I’d like to see him back. With Joey I could see his story continuing without him (Even before Scoundrel became available, I still had Samael Bach, Almighty Zeus and Ricky DeColt flying the ‘magic potion’ flag) but with Christian... Yeah. I’d like to see him back in some capacity some day.


How is Poison doing over at NOTBPW though? Is he getting a push in the wake of entire roster time decline?


EDIT: Sadly, most of their roster is still in their prime. Only 4 notable veterans have seen better days. One is RK Hayes, who they never lean too heavily upon anyway. Another only hit Decline a couple of months ago, and has had three A-rated matches since.


Poison hasn't been used too much, considering NOTBPW have 2 TV shows. He only had 5 matches in the entire May-July period, compared to fellow main eventer Duane Stone, who had 18. Things are looking up now. He's getting progressively busier, and even beat Duane at 'OCtober Obliteration' a couple of weeks ago.




Next week, get ready for the spookiest night of the CGC Calendar. It’s the 2014 Halloween Special of Title Bout Wrestling!


Masked Madness Match: Murderous Mummy vs Red Devil vs Sexy Dracula vs Trouser Snake vs Wacky Wolfman

Random Partners Tournament: Sean Deeley & ????? vs Wesley Priest & ?????

Random Partners Tournament: Bobby Thomas & ????? vs Lead Belly & ?????



What new storyline tickles your fancy most? The Random Partner Tag Team Tournament? The Elite’s offer to the Brotherhood? Or Jack vs Trent 2; Die Angrier.

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What new storyline tickles your fancy most? The Random Partner Tag Team Tournament? The Elite’s offer to the Brotherhood? Or Jack vs Trent 2; Die Angrier.


I love random tag teams and tournaments so combining them is greatness. Always a great way to see new interactions as well.


I'm going to assume sean deeley is Drake Young's partner. He has to be.

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Masked Madness Match: Murderous Mummy vs Red Devil vs Sexy Dracula vs Trouser Snake vs Wacky Wolfman

Random Partners Tournament: Sean Deeley & ????? vs Wesley Priest & ?????

Random Partners Tournament: Bobby Thomas & ????? vs Lead Belly & ?????


I actually think it's Jack vs Trent that I'm interested in. I'm enjoying it much more than the first time around I think just because by now they seem like much more developed characters with history. That's the thing at this stage with this diary, I feel like you could pair almost any two people together and bring out an interesting feud. The other surprise for me is enjoying The DWB's segments.


Shame about Price but I don't think I ever truly bought into him, perhaps that time was about to come so that's a shame but I'm perfectly happy for plenty of people to take his place.

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Masked Madness Match: Murderous Mummy vs Red Devil vs Sexy Dracula vs Trouser Snake vs Wacky Wolfman

Random Partners Tournament: Sean Deeley & ????? vs Wesley Priest & ?????

Random Partners Tournament: Bobby Thomas & ????? vs Lead Belly & ?????



What new storyline tickles your fancy most? The Random Partner Tag Team Tournament? The Elite’s offer to the Brotherhood? Or Jack vs Trent 2; Die Angrier.

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Masked Madness Match: Murderous Mummy vs Red Devil vs Sexy Dracula vs Trouser Snake vs Wacky Wolfman


Random Partners Tournament: Sean Deeley & ????? vs Wesley Priest & ?????


Random Partners Tournament: Bobby Thomas & ????? vs Lead Belly & ?????



What new storyline tickles your fancy most? The Random Partner Tag Team Tournament? The Elite’s offer to the Brotherhood? Or Jack vs Trent 2; Die Angrier.

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